So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 27: The wealthy man died again


At ten o'clock in the evening, Li Xianyu was dragged by his grandma to watch a horror movie. For this purpose, he went to the supermarket and bought a lot of snacks. The name was so beautiful that Li Xianyu could adapt to the scary atmosphere and become a qualified ghost hunter in the future. people. But Qin Ze felt that she was just taking the opportunity to spend money to buy snacks.

The three of them sat on the sofa, turned off the lights, and watched horror movies together. Sanwu and Grandma Grandma both changed into pajamas. Grandma Grandma had a tender face and looked like a high school student. Last time she went shopping, Li Xianyu chose girly pajamas for her, short pajamas that were as short as her thighs. A set of yellow round-neck pajamas and pajamas and pajamas, both printed with joy.

Grandma looks like a high school girl.

Sanwu was wearing conservative pajamas and pajamas, watching horror movies with an expressionless expression.

They were watching the old Thai movie "The Caller", which my grandma found out. She learned things very quickly. She could master computers, Internet TV, and smartphones in just a few days. She also learned to use a beauty camera. Yes, if you like to take selfies, you must remove your tear stains.

Li Xianyu has seen her selfies of beauty photos. To be honest, her grandmother with the tear mole looks particularly lively and bright, and her appearance has only improved, but it seems that she is not satisfied with the tear mole herself.

"The baby is scared to death." Li Xianyu trembled as she nestled in her grandmother's arms.

For Asian horror films, you have to look at RB and Thailand, which are particularly scary, followed by South Korea. As for The Kingdom of China, in fact, the horror films of The Kingdom of China were the best in the world before. It’s a fact that I don’t want to brag about it.

The most rubbish ones are in Europe and the United States, where foreign devils can’t seem to figure out the difference between the supernatural and the bloody.

"It's useless. A dignified seven-foot man is so scared." Grandma pushed Li Xianyu away in disgust, and wiped the foam on her grandson with the potato chips in her hand.

"It doesn't matter that you are not a man enough, but you are so timid. Your dad is much better than him. He danced on the grave at the age of three, drifted in the hearse at the age of five, and mixed rice with the ashes at the age of ten." Comparing the gap between her predecessor and the current one, grandma immediately hated her. He was so helpless that he smeared another handful of potato chips with foam.

"Being pretty doesn't mean being a sissy," Li Xianyu defended himself, and then said, "Didn't you say that my dad didn't wake up until he was twenty?"

"The real strong man is the one with strong heart." Grandma taught me a lesson: "Even if you don't have the strength to destroy the world, you still have to have the courage to compete with the sky."

"Hey, that's not a strong man, he's Mai Shiranui's younger brother."


"act recklessly."

"Ignorance, short-sightedness, how could a commoner like you come out of our Li family?"

"Because my grandmother's blood flows in my body."


The grandfather and grandson were fighting each other with bastard punches, and snacks were flying everywhere. Sanwu sat aside obediently and watched the horror movie quietly, which was incompatible with the painting style of the two.

"Save me." Li Xianyu screamed.

Sanwu looked sideways, and saw that his grandson could not defeat his ancestor after all, and was stepped on his face by a long white leg.

Sanwu said seriously: "Will you beat him to death?"

Grandma: "I'm teaching my grandson. If the child misbehaves, it's fine. Beating him to death is too much."

Sanwu said "Oh" and continued watching TV.

Li Xianyu: "Hey, do you have any misunderstanding about the task of "protecting me"?"

After all, she was an ancestor who had lived for 150 years. Twenty-year-old salted fish couldn't defeat her at all, so she sued for peace at the huge price of pancakes and fruit and two eggs for tomorrow's breakfast.

Grandma continued to eat her snacks contentedly and watch horror movies. Li Xianyu didn't dare to watch them, so she huddled in the corner of the sofa and browsed the news in the "Blood Descendants Group".

Something seems to have happened in the group. To be precise, something has happened to one of the big bosses, the blood descendant with the title: Girl Killer.

Li Xianyu looked familiar to someone in front of him.

[Minister of Law Enforcement] King Thunderbolt: "Yao Shou, the killer guy has also fallen into the world of Long Aotian."

Thunder Warrior: "..."

The fingering is very similar to Kato Takashi: "I asked why I couldn't contact him today. This is his tenth time."

[Minister of Law Enforcement] King Thunderbolt: "The killer said that his abilities have improved greatly recently, and he wanted to try to wake up Long Aotian. The result..."

Li Bai: "I am walking with great strides, my heart is like drunk [cover my face]"

, Tongtong: "Uncle Li Bai, what do you mean?"

Li Bai: "I'm drunk too."

Tongtong: "Uncle Killer is also trapped? It's so scary. Who can save them? Wake up Uncle Long Aotian."

[Archives Manager] Murphy: "Tongtong, don't you dislike Long Aotian? He always wants to take you to see goldfish."

Tongtong: "But if he doesn't come out, the company's projects will not be able to continue, and many people will get stuck."

[Archives Manager] Murphy: "The big boss has to take the blame for this. I told him long ago that Long Aotian has an unstable mentality and just won't listen."

Li Bai: "I'll help you summon him, @海泽王."

[Archives Manager] Murphy: "I'm not afraid. The big boss is never online. Eat shit, Li Bai."

[Archives Manager] Murphy sent a picture of a naked man lying on the bed with his ferocious penis exposed. She also made Li Xianyu’s eyes into colorful titanium alloy eyes. The picture was captioned: I’m a stick. Dump you to death.

I don't know about the other people in the company's blood descendants group, but among the more active ones, there really isn't any normal person, except Thunder Warrior Ji.

Archivist Murphy is an eye-catching girl with good looks and temperament. Li Xianyu took the time to read her photo album. She is a rare beauty who is responsible for managing the company's files. At the same time, she has the power to name the company's descendants.

The above messy titles were all given by her.

Thunder Fighter: "But Hou's mental power is very strong, so he shouldn't be as sharp as the fire-breathing baby."

Vulcan: "My poor apprentice, can he be saved?"

Thunder Warrior: "Hey, the God of Fire is back? How was the mission accomplished? Have the group of believers from the Ancient God Religion been solved?"

Vulcan: "The intelligence is wrong this time. They are all just a bunch of little minions, and there are no big fish. But I got a few clues from there. This group of cultists seems to be planning something."

The fingering is exactly like Kato Takashi: "What are they planning?"

Vulcan: "On a whim, I burned them all to death. I forgot to ask."

[Minister of Law Enforcement] King Thunderbolt: "So this mission can only give you a B-level evaluation. You will never be able to change your violent and impulsive temper in this life."

Vulcan: "@李世智, I just came back and heard that the fire-breathing baby got sick again? Didn't it say that it was cured? Even you can't do anything?"

[Deputy Minister of Medical Affairs] Li Shizhen: "Our medical department has nothing to do anyway [show hands]"

Vulcan: "Long Aotian is such a scourge, it's better to burn it with fire."

[Deputy Minister of Medical Affairs] Li Shizhen: "Calm down the god of fire. To untie the bell, the person who tied it must be tied. Only Long Aotian can save your apprentice and his colleagues who are trapped in the virtual world."

Li Bai: "Yes, yes, Vulcan, don't be impulsive."

Thunder Warrior: "Vulcan, you have to control yourself [cover your face]"

Thunder King: "@火神, you should continue your business trip. You are going to burn down the headquarters. I can't save you. The big boss will hang you up and beat you. [cover face]"

Kagami is an S-class employee of the Law Enforcement Department, on the same level as Sanwu. Employees in the Law Enforcement Department are divided into five levels: S-level, senior, intermediate, junior, and trainee.

The company's hierarchy of blood descendants is based on contribution, in addition to combat power.

For people like Li Xianyu, after surviving the internship and becoming a junior employee, if they want to be promoted, they have to rely on points, and points are contribution. Otherwise, no matter how high your strength is, you will still be a junior.

Walking Pile Driver: "@李世智, senior, I'm here again, let's make an appointment."

[Deputy Minister of Medical Affairs] Li Shizhen: "It's hopeless. Say goodbye."

Walking pile driver: "Please bean sack..."

Li Shizhen is offline.

Vulcan: "Hey, a walking pile driver? Who is this."

Thunder Fighter: "He is a new employee and has no title for the time being."

Vulcan: "Oh, I thought Murphy finally lost his mind and took such a title."

Li Bai sent a picture: Vulcan, you know nothing about power.

The fingering technique looks exactly like Kato Taka posted a picture: I heard you are very advanced? I, Li Xianyu, am not convinced.

King Kong posted a picture: Eat shit, Vulcan.

[Archives Manager] Murphy sent a picture: Your brain is broken, I will teach you how to behave in minutes.

Vulcan: "???"

Thunder Warrior: "[cover face]"

Walking pile driver: "[face covering]"

[Minister of Law Enforcement] King Thunderbolt: "@ Walking Piledriver, please bring Sanwu to the company when you have time. Jiuyi is a spiritual awakener. He should not be controlled by Long Aotian so easily, but he may be trapped in the mental state." In this world, there is no way to fish people out."

Walking Piledriver: "Okay."

Li Xianyu put down his phone and suppressed his curiosity and didn't ask.

Looking at the chat messages among the bosses, it seems that Long Aotian is also a member of the company's blood descendants, but something seems to have gone wrong and a bunch of colleagues have been implicated.

virtual reality

Li Xianyu said: "Sanwu, the Dharma King asked us to take time to go to the company and said that the girl killer was trapped in the spiritual world. I won't ask what the spiritual world is. I guess you can't tell."

After watching a horror movie, Sanwu said he wanted to go back to his room to practice. Grandma yawned and said she was going to bed after eating and drinking. She hoped that her great-grandson would continue watching horror movies and strive to develop the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard.

But as soon as they left, Li Xianyu turned off the TV.

The next day, I went to school step by step, but I was shocked to hear bad news.

Zhang Ying is dead.

(End of chapter)