So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 32: The friendship between life and death


Also in the boys' dormitory of the University of Finance and Economics, he was frightened to the point of losing his pants by Zhang Mingyu... Yoneda Kyo. Even now, when Li Xianyu is sitting on the toilet, he has to look down and look again from time to time... He doesn't look at women as frequently and seriously as he looks at his daddy.

Ever since he opened the door to the new world, the world inside has never been friendly to him. Zhang Mingyu made him have a psychological shadow on toilets, Bixian made him have a psychological shadow on public toilets, Qingqing made him have a psychological shadow on taking supplements, Zu Grandma made him have a psychological shadow on women.

After five silent and terrifying minutes, it was midnight. Li Xianyu sat on the toilet seat, his back straight, his muscles tense, and he was vigilant about every corner in the darkness, especially under the partition.

Whether it was luck or misfortune, Bixian did not appear. Everything was calm, there were no strange movements in the toilet, and there were no suspicious shadows in the darkness.

Maybe she went out to play in the wild and won't come back tonight.

Maybe after killing people, she would have left.

Various speculations flashed through Li Xianyu's mind, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't have to have sex with Bixian face to face, which was undoubtedly a prosperous and trance-inducing thing.

"I'll wait a little longer. If it still doesn't come, don't blame me. I can write an aboveboard report on the mission report." Li Xianyu lit up the screen of his phone and started using the "Ancient Demon" chat software with great interest.

Let’s see what the big guys are talking about today.

They are all meaningless content. The bosses seem to be quite shy about their daily tasks. Occasionally they will stop talking about a few words. It may be because the company has a rule of keeping tasks confidential.

Originally, Li Xianyu wanted to use their chat content to peek into the temporarily unreachable world.

Don't look at these fierce ghosts, they are very fierce after death, but in front of the vampire boss, they are probably the existence of cats and dogs.

Both Sanwu and Grandma Grandma said that the wraiths were very low-level wild monsters, and the big ones with divine costumes were too lazy to fight them.

So, how magnificent is the world of blood descendants

Walking pile driver: "Seniors, I'm in the girls' dormitory of the University of Finance and Economics. How about I live broadcast for everyone."

The fingering is exactly like Kato Takashi: "It's despicable, but if you insist on broadcasting it live, I might as well watch it."

[Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Medical Affairs] Li Shizhen: "You are young and don't follow the right path. If you have to live broadcast, there is nothing we can do."

Vulcan: "Although I despise this kind of behavior, my hands and feet are still on you."

Li Bai: "It's a great pleasure to have friends come from far away. It would be useless if I didn't watch the live broadcast."

King Kong: "Ugh~"

Tongtong: "Abnormal."

[Archives Manager] Murphy: "Tongtong, you're still up in the middle of the night? Don't you want to go to school tomorrow?"

Tongtong: "The one who is going to school is a little boy upstairs who died in a car accident a few days ago. He came back tonight and came to my room to look for eyeballs. He stood by the bed and looked at me and asked me if I had seen it. It hit his eyeball. I kicked him out, and now he is lying on the window looking at me. His left eyeball is gone and his face is rotten, so I can’t sleep."

The little boy was lying outside the window, with a tattered face and a hollow left eye socket that was bleeding. Silently looking at the little girl in the room...

After Li Xianyu imagined this scene in his mind, he slowly shuddered.

Walking pile driver: "Seniors, I'm not going to broadcast that live. I'm hiding in the girls' dormitory to catch ghosts. Do you want to live broadcast it for you to watch?"

Li Bai: "It's boring."

The fingering is exactly like Kato Takashi: "If you don't look, get out."

[Deputy Minister of Medical Affairs] Li Shizhen: "Young people, your thinking determines your way out."

Vulcan: "I am old and have no interest in dealing with such nonsense."

Walking pile driver: "I'm a little scared. Do the seniors have any secret methods for dealing with evil spirits?"

Thunder Fighter: "It's quite troublesome to deal with resentful spirits. We usually use the power of blood to scare them away, and lack specific means to target them. Taoism and Buddhism have many secret methods. There is a disciple of the Maoshan Sect in the group. Let me call him for you. .....Hey, why is the Lord Ling Fu gone? He quit the group or changed his vest."

[Archives Department Administrator] Murphy: "He's gone a long time ago. Last month he applied to be transferred to the Xiangxi Branch, and the Human Resources Department agreed. It will probably be difficult to see him again in the future."

Lei Zhanji: "Why do you want to go to Xiangxi? I don't know how many colleagues are trying to get a job at the headquarters. [Shocked]"

Li Bai: "Zhan Ji, he was sent to Xiangxi six months ago to investigate an incident involving murderous corpses and injuries. When he came back, he wrote a report and applied for transfer to Xiangxi."

Thunder Warrior: "What's the reason?"

The fingering is very similar to Kato Takashi: "I know this. He said he gained love, but the other person is an abnormal thing and can only stay in Xiangxi."

Li Xianyu read it with great interest, and typed a question: "What are abnormal things?"

Thunder Warrior: "Everything except human beings."

Li Bai: "Ah, no wonder I asked him at the time and he said we were friends of life and death. This guy is different from other Taoist priests in Maoshan. He is very gentle to spirits. Could it be that he met a beautiful female ghost? Tsk tsk, what a blessing."

[Archives Manager] Murphy: "He did it for love."

Tongtong: "A Chinese Ghost Story, I'm so envious."

King Kong: "What's there to be envious of? Women are shit, and female ghosts are shit too. Lingfu Zhenjun has lost his mind and gave up on his great future."

Several women and a lolita in the group sent [disgusted] expressions.

Vulcan: "I suddenly feel that "the friendship between life and death" is very meaningful."

Thunder Fighter: "Well... I only reacted after the Vulcan said this."

Others echoed.

Vulcan made a series of [hearty] laughing expressions. He felt that although he was older, his mentality was still very young. The love between human beings and spiritual beings is not just a matter of life and death.

Walking Pile Driver: "Speaking of Xiang Xi, I remember that the corpse chaser was very famous. Lord Lingfu went to deal with the murderous corpses and injured people... I think there is another one with more meaning."

Vulcan: "What's the meaning?"

Walking Pile Driver: "You haven't thought about it. The person between life and death may also be a corpse."

The group suddenly became quiet.

System prompt: The walking pile driver has been banned by administrator Murphy for three hours.

Li Xianyu: "..."

Everything is a reasonable explanation and scientific analysis. Why should I be banned? !

After the silence, the big guys in the group complained one after another.

Li Bai: "Is this newcomer a devil? It's better to kick him out."

Vulcan: "Li Bai is right."

King Kong: "What the Vulcan said makes sense."

The fingering is exactly like Kato Takashi: "Kick, kick."

Thunder Warrior: "..."

[Archives Manager] Murphy: "I am more and more certain that from now on his title will be Li Shizhen's Pi."

[Deputy Minister of Medical Affairs] Li Shizhen: “Try it.”

Li Xianyu worked hard and watched the bosses making various complaints. I wonder if it was an illusion. He felt that the air around him had suddenly cooled down, and the wind was blowing coldly.

"Do you have paper?"

Suddenly, a woman's voice sounded in the silent toilet.

"I don't have any paper..." Li Xianyu replied subconsciously, and then his voice got stuck in his throat.

There was no outsider in the toilet but him. Who was the woman speaking

The pen fairy is here...

Li Xianyu's anus tightened, the kind that could easily pinch off shit. He didn't have time to turn on the flashlight, turned the phone screen over, and shone a dim light. The scene in front of him was so horrifying that Li Xianyu couldn't breathe.

In the next cubicle, under the partition, a woman's hand stretched out. The pale hand seemed to be coated with a layer of lime, and the black nails almost touched Li Xianyu's ankle.

What creeped him out the most was that there was a woman's face next to the hand. The face and the hand were misaligned, as if there was a woman next door who squatted down, took off her head and put it on the ground, and then stretched out her hand and asked you. : Do you have paper

"Do you have paper..." the woman said in a sinister voice.

The fluorescence of the mobile phone illuminated her face. Her pale skin was covered with blue-black blood vessels. Her eyes had no pupils, only the whites of her eyes.

Li Xianyu felt that all the blood vessels in his body were frozen. His brain twitched. He tremblingly took out the national emblem from his pocket and handed it to the female ghost's hand: "I don't have paper. it is for you."

The female ghost seemed to have never encountered someone actually giving her something, so she subconsciously accepted it.

In an instant, her hand felt like it had touched a red-hot iron, and green smoke was rising.

A shrill scream rang out from the toilet.

Li Xianyu took this opportunity and escaped from the cubicle like a wild dog. At the same time, he shouted into his mobile phone: "She's out, she's out, there's no help..."

As soon as he finished speaking, his right foot was suddenly grabbed by someone.

His whole body was stiff, and the blood in his body was solidified inch by inch. He turned around with a pale face. The female ghost grabbed his ankle at some point. She lay on the ground with a pool of bright red blood under her body. He raised his face covered with blue and black veins and said sternly: "If you don't have paper, give me your life..."

The flesh on her face rotted rapidly, maggots were infested, her eyeballs rolled out, and thick black blood dripped from her mouth.

Downstairs in the dormitory, Sanwu turned around blankly and looked at his grandma who was holding his shoulders.

Grandma squinted her eyes: "The soldiers still arrive at the battlefield in thirty seconds!"

Sanwu: "???"

Grandma sighed: "If we don't let him experience more dangers, how can the little brat be willing to make progress? Who on earth named him has ruined my great-grandson's fate."

Li Xianyu's shrill scream came from the phone.

Five hours of coding, two minutes of reading... Come hit me with your recommendation votes, big guys.

(End of chapter)