So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 40: choice


Li Xianyu saw clearly the face of the woman in front of him. She had a cold and arrogant temperament, sharp eyes, skin that could withstand frost and snow, and she was tall and bright.

"Sister?" He opened his mouth to shout, but the sound came out.

The woman stretched out her hand towards him expressionlessly. Just when her hand was about to touch Li Xianyu, she suddenly retracted her hand in shock as if she had touched a red-hot iron.

The national emblem hanging on Li Xianyu's chest exudes scorching heat. The higher the temperature of the national emblem, the more ferocious the resentful spirit is. With such a heat, Li Xianyu's consciousness seems to have escaped some control. His body trembles, and his dilated pupils return to focus. , eyes clear.

At the same time, her eyes were hot, and her spiritual eyes were activated. The appearance of the sister in front of her changed. Her face quickly turned pale, like a dead pork, her watery eyes turned into cataracts, and her lips turned purple. Dressed in red, with a ferocious face.

In one breath, his Shui Ling sister turned into a fierce ghost in red.

Li Xianyu: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Li Xianyu was startled and staggered back. In his mind, he had just had a dream, dreaming that his sister came to him. Only then did I realize that it was not a dream, but a resentful spirit seducing my soul.

But why would a resentful spirit appear in the apartment, and why did it come to seduce him

Because I'm handsome

Confused in his heart, Li Xianyu kept walking, turned around and ran away. After running a few steps, something caught my ankle again.

Familiar taste, familiar recipe!

Li Xianyu's face turned pale and he turned around. The person grabbing his bare feet was a child. He squatted on the ground and held his feet with both hands. When Li Xianyu turned around, the child also raised his head, pale and pale. On the small face, there are two black holes in the eye sockets, and the eyeballs seem to have been plucked out by life.

"I caught you." The child grinned, his teeth white.

Li Xianyu: (#?Д?)

His scalp was numb, and he was about to call Sanwu for help when a big blood-red hand suddenly stretched out from the corridor on the 19th floor and covered it up.

As if a giant's hand grabbed Li Xianyu's waist and pulled him out of the corridor on the 18th floor, Li Xianyu flew up like a cloud and mist. In his sight, the lights in the distance flickered and flashed. When he landed, he found that he had already Standing on the top floor of the apartment.

The night sky is vast and distant, and as far as the eye can see, there are endless lights.

A few meters behind him, an old man and a young man were standing. The young man was holding a small bronze cauldron in his hand and looking at him with burning eyes. The old man's left eye had a scar that destroyed his eye. The remaining right eye was narrowed and staring at Li Xianyu.

The big hand disintegrated into hundreds of vengeful spirits with different forms of death, falling behind the young man, obviously under his control. A pair of cataracts looked at Li Xianyu with awe.

Li Xianyu, who was standing on the edge of the rooftop, said tremblingly: "Who are you?"

He was afraid of heights. He stood on the edge of the rooftop with his heart pounding, but he didn't dare to take a step inside.

Shen Mengzi didn't answer, looked at him carefully for a moment, and said disdainfully: "This generation of Li family heirs are really worthless trash without any foundation."

The one-eyed old man said: "After Li Wuxiang's death, the unparalleled fighting spirit was sealed in the Black Water Spirit Pearl. This boy has been supervised and protected by the Taoist and Buddhist Association since he was a child, and has never been in contact with the blood world. A few days ago, the family arranged a hidden stake in Shanghai There is news that the unparalleled fighting spirit has reappeared in the world. It is because the Li family is unlucky and happens to coincide with the opening of the Palace of the Gods. Otherwise, after more than ten or twenty years, the blood world will probably have another troublesome rising star."

Chen Meng opened his right hand, and as his energy flowed, he sucked Li Xianyu into his palm, pinched his neck, and said: "So for us, now is the best opportunity. As long as we have him in our hands, The unparalleled fighting spirit is under our control."

"Are you here for the things that my damn old man brought out from the Palace of the Gods, or for the address of the Palace of the Gods?" Li Xianyu asked cautiously.

Shen Meng saw fear in the young man's eyes, like a young elk being knocked down by a tiger, timid but cautious.

He is indeed a useless ordinary person.

Shen Meng raised the corner of his mouth: "How about something, what about an address?"

Li Xianyu had a weak expression on his face: "My damn dad passed away early. I don't know anything, and I got nothing. But my grandma is different. She has a good family, and I asked her questions at night. She did, but she just wouldn’t tell me.”

The thought in his mind was racing. Whether this dog can survive depends on whether he can lead them downstairs. As long as Sanwu reacts, his life can be saved.

As soon as his grandma finished saying, "How many pairs of eyes are staring at you," the next moment someone forcibly captured him.

Such a familiar sense of déjà vu was not the same as the Qingqing rape incident last time.

Grandma’s flag is so accurate.

Shen Meng sneered and said: "Since you don't know anything, what's the use of you? You might as well feed my resentful spirit."

Li Xianyu cursed in his heart, "It's useless, why are you catching me?"

There was a coordinated expression of fear on his face, and a pleading look in his eyes.

Showing weakness to the enemy is the basic skill to save one's life. Usually people who dance too much don't survive three episodes, especially those who don't have the strength to dance.

In just ten seconds of conversation, by paralyzing the other party with a cowardly performance, Li Xianyu got out some useful information. The young man who was so arrogant that he didn't even bother to declare his family background came to the Palace of the Gods. Regardless of the location of the Pantheon Palace or the things that the dead ghost father brought out back then, at least he had some kind of "desire".

As long as it wasn't a vendetta, he would be safe for the time being.

The other party either wants to torture him for useful information, or capture him to contain and threaten grandma. There is no third possibility.

Li Xianyu was actively thinking about countermeasures in his mind. He would first lure them downstairs to find his grandma. If that didn't work, he would have to think of other ways to at least try not to be voted down or something.

But he really underestimated the viciousness of the arrogant young man. Shen Meng smiled and said: "You are still valuable, I can't kill you for the time being, but your father went on a killing spree back then, and many of the talents of our Shen family were lost in his hands. For reasons and reasons, I should charge some interest. Anyway, as long as I keep you alive, the captive without legs will not escape from my hands."

Li Xianyu's heart sank.

The one-eyed old man looked on coldly. He accompanied Shen Meng out this time because he had the family's permission to protect the fledgling Third Master. Third Master's mission this time was apparently to capture the heirs of the Li family and coerce the Wushuang Fighting Spirit, but in fact it was to test the reaction of Baoze and all parties.

However, the third master did not know the true thoughts of the elders. He always felt that his mission was to bring the heirs of the Li family back.

Chen Meng changed the subject and joked: "Third Master, I am very compassionate and give you a chance. Kneel down and give me nine rings, and I won't hurt you. Uncle Yuan, take a video with your phone for me. I'm fine." Go back and show off.”

The one-eyed old man smiled: "The third master's reputation will definitely skyrocket."

Li Xianyu's mouth twitched: "Boss, can you try another way?"

Chen Meng threw Li Xianyu to the ground, stepped out with his left foot, and laughed: "Okay, lick the top of my shoe clean."

Li Xianyu's expression changed. Just as the young man in front of him said, the other party only spared his life and did not say not to hurt him. This limit was too wide. Cutting a human stick could also save his life.

He wanted to make some excuses, flatter him or something, but when he met the young man's eyes and saw the cruelty and murderous intent, Li Xianyu knew that no words could save him.

Cold sweat began to break out on his forehead. He was essentially an ordinary person and had never experienced such an experience.

Shen Meng seemed to enjoy the pleasure of intimidation and did not rush. He waited for Li Xianyu's decision with a sneer on his face.

Even if I were a eunuch who didn't write books and went out to beg for a living, I wouldn't ask you for a recommendation vote!

The recommendation votes are great.

(End of chapter)