So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 52


The first day Shuhuan left, I missed him.

This is how a romance novel opens.

The first day my grandma left.

The day after grandma left.

On the third day after my grandma left, I could hardly control the overwhelming power in my body.

This is Li Xianyu's way of opening.

Three days ago, his grandma left him without any warning. She didn't even leave a letter, and she left quickly. I asked the King of Thunder and Lightning and he said that my grandmother went to take care of something.

Li Xianyu didn't ask any further questions and turned around and entered the gym. In the next three days, he simply moved into Baoze. In addition to eating, sleeping and going to the toilet, he either spent time in the gym or did fighting training with Thunder Warrior.

9:20 a.m., gym on the 29th floor of Baoze Group.

Li Xianyu was doing pull-ups, and King Kong was lying underneath him, pushing a 400-pound dumbbell. His chest and arm muscles were so strong that they could crush any bodybuilder. Li Xianyu is not bad either. Although his muscles are not as exaggerated as King Kong's, every muscle line on his body is smooth and pleasing to the eye, and he is strong and strong.




Li Xianyu lost his strength and fell from above. King Kong took the opportunity to lift the dumbbell and broke Li Xianyu's nose bone and two front teeth. Then he got up and picked up a whip from the ground: "If you can't recover within three seconds, I will whip you for half an hour."

Li Xianyu covered his face, exploding his kidneys and liver to activate his powers and repair the wounds on his face.

This was the training method he and King Kong had agreed upon. Originally, his plan was only to face-fuck him when he landed on the pull-up. After hearing this, King Thunder and Lightning added a clause, stipulating that the wound should be repaired within three seconds, otherwise he would be whipped for half an hour.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Li Xianyu felt that the King of Thunder and Lightning had been very malicious towards him recently.

Within three seconds, the bridge of the nose is repaired and the front teeth are regenerated.

King Kong threw away the whip in disappointment, "Yesterday I only did 1,900 pull-ups. I've made a lot of progress. But the biggest improvement is my superpower. Yesterday you couldn't repair the broken tooth."

"You still have the nerve to say that you whipped me for half an hour." Li Xianyu fell to the ground, gasping for air.

The power of life resuscitation gave Li Xianyu super endurance. His muscles were repaired from soreness again and again, and he made progress every moment until the power reached the bottleneck. In three days, his physical fitness improved by leaps and bounds. King Thunder and Lightning exclaimed that this was really a sword given by God.

Then he whipped Li Xianyu for two hours.

It is said that its name enhances his special abilities.

Li Xianyu has been reflecting on where he offended the Minister of Law Enforcement.

"Rest for fifteen minutes, you go find Thunder Warrior Princess." After King Kong finished speaking, he added: "Actually, it's okay to rest for a few more minutes. There is no need to work so hard. Are the top ten famous weapons you mentioned yesterday true? Can you tell me? What's the difference?"

Li Xianyu waved his hand: "I'll tell you during dinner. I want to go find Zhan Ji."

It is unimaginable that a young man from Shanghai who is used to living a petty bourgeoisie life would go out of his way to train in "hell" mode with such great effort. Perhaps it was the experience of being teased on the rooftop that night that stimulated his self-esteem. Or maybe I think my grandma is right, there are only two kinds of people in the world: Daozu and Yurou.

If you don’t want to be dominated by others, work hard to make yourself stronger.

The training room is downstairs, and the entire floor is dedicated to training rooms. Some are ordinary training rooms, and some are special training rooms, specially designed to provide actual combat venues for employees.

When Li Xianyu opened the door of the training room, in the spacious interior, on the bright elm floor, Thunder Warrior Ji sat cross-legged quietly. She was wearing a loose white martial arts uniform with black edges, and her posture was straight.

"Zhan Ji, I'm here." Li Xianyu said.

Thunder Warrior Ji opened her eyes, nodded, and closed them again.

After three consecutive days of hard fighting, the two had formed some tacit understanding. Li Xianyu sprinted over and swept his whip leg towards her head.

The next moment, Thunder Warrior Ji disappeared, and Li Xianyu, who had just put his feet back, suddenly crossed his arms on his chest, making a muffled "bang" sound, just in time to block the direct kick of a long leg. Li Xianyu staggered backwards, barely able to steady his body.

"Not bad, blocked." Thunder Warrior Ji disappeared again.

When he reappeared, he was already behind Li Xianyu. He reacted faster this time and rolled to avoid Thunder Warrior Ji's knife.

After awakening, physical fitness will be greatly improved, and ear power, eyesight, reaction speed, etc. will also be improved. After three days of "sandbag" experience, Li Xianyu could barely keep up with Thunder Warrior Ji's rhythm and was not helpless to fight back.

"Not enough, far from enough." Li Xianyu thought to himself.

As soon as the thought came to his mind, Thunder Warrior Ji knocked him into the air with a knee, causing blood and teeth to spurt out.

It's not over yet... .

Lift up with one arm and float in the air.

Consume fuel and float.

Flying shovel, floating.

Thunder Warrior Ji experimented with various floating skills that imitated game fighting on Li Xianyu, and became deeply addicted to it, so excited that she could not extricate herself. The daily training room has become her most anticipated program.

I like this kind of punching bag that is durable.

Anyone who sees this scene will feel pity, and the murderer will feel cruel after seeing it. If Li Xianyu were a dog, Thunder Warrior Ji would be killed by dog lovers in minutes.

The cruel torture lasted for half an hour. Li Xianyu fell to the ground hard and was dying. There were blood stains everywhere on the elm floor.

He himself didn't care much about it. He just made an agreement with Thunder Warrior to save his breath, because he had a premonition that if he died again, he would be completely cold and unable to resurrect. Compared with the physical pain, the psychological trauma is more terrible.

The once gentle and considerate Thunder Warrior turned out to be a violent maniac after revealing her true face. She is usually very gentle and big sister, which is exactly what Li Xianyu likes. But when she enters a fighting state, it always feels like letting herself go and tearing apart her pretense.

King Thunderbolt's original intention was to let Thunder Fighter Ji guide Li Xianyu in fighting, but it turned into one-sided abuse that could not be stopped. Thunder Fighter Girl looked forward to daily fighting training more than Li Xianyu, who was determined to become stronger, because Li Xianyu The fish cannot be killed easily.

"What's going on? Can you still hold on?" Thunder Warrior Ji gently helped him up, her beautiful eyes flashing brightly.

Li Xianyu seemed to hear his own heartbroken voice, and waved his hands tiredly: "Rest for half an hour, I will recover."

Perhaps it was a mistake, and such cruel abuse benefited Li Xianyu more than the well-behaved teachings.

Thunder Warrior Ji shook her head: "There are foreign friends coming to the company for exchanges in the afternoon. We don't have time to train. Just hold on and come back in half an hour."

You just want to satisfy your quirks.

Li Xianyu didn't spit out a word, but was kicked away by Thunder Warrior Ji.

He hit Thunder Warrior Ji's soles with his elbow, blocked the blow, landed firmly on the ground, and rushed towards her fiercely.

Half an hour later, the two came out together. Thunder Warrior Ji was radiant and energetic. Li Xianyu held on to the wall with a gloomy look on his face. He took the elevator back to his room to take a shower, change clothes, and walked to the revolving restaurant forced by hunger.

There happened to be two female clerical colleagues in the elevator. They smiled politely at Li Xianyu and started talking to themselves.

"The blood descendants of the United States are here. They are in the top-floor restaurant."

"I heard from my colleagues in the restaurant that there are so many handsome guys."

"Well, I also know a famous person. He seems to be one of the top ten outstanding young people?"

The two women were chattering.

(End of chapter)