So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 58: It's over, Long Aotian has made great progress in cultivation


The eyes suddenly opened up, the sun was shining brightly, and the sounds of shouting and selling could be heard in my ears.

Li Xianyu looked around. He was standing on a long street paved with bluestone slabs. There are rows of houses on both sides, with fluttering cloth, a steady flow of people, and speeding carriages. It looks like a prosperous capital city of a prosperous dynasty.

The colorful building on the right has red lights hanging high, and the big sisters in gorgeous dresses are sitting on the backs of beauties, smiling happily and waving to passers-by, as if to say: Come on, be happy, you have a lot of time anyway. .. ..

Thunder Fighter and Sanwu were standing not far from him, and further away was King Kong squatting on the roadside vomiting. If he hadn't seen them, Li Xianyu would have thought he had traveled through time.

"Wow, this is the virtual world? It's so exciting." Li Xianyu looked around in surprise. Everything here had a real touch. The hard stone slabs under his feet, the noisy comments of passers-by, and even the warmth of the sun were as real as they were real. No different.

He was used to cities with reinforced concrete, and after breathing in the air where MP2.5 was always over the standard, he suddenly came to an ancient city full of history. He felt that his body and mind had been sublimated.

Li Xianyu glanced at the brothel elder sister who looked very pretty and trembled slightly. Even the NPC acted so realistically.

"King Kong, are you okay? Why are you vomiting like this?" Li Xianyu saw that King Kong's face turned pale from vomiting and he looked like he was about to vomit bile, so he stepped forward to express his condolences with concern.

"Ignore him. Just now Sanwu helped him escape from the illusion and resisted." Thunder Warrior Ji said.

I see!

It's really embarrassing for you to have physical contact with such a disgusting creature like a woman. Li Xianyu expressed deep sympathy: "It's a virtual world anyway, why don't you kill yourself."

Thunder Warrior Ji immediately shook her head: "No, if you die in the virtual world, you won't be able to wake up, and you will be like those guys. Ignore him, just take it easy."

She looked at the surrounding buildings carefully and frowned for a moment: "We are in Wuji City, the capital of the Wuji Dynasty. The street below is called Suzaku Street, and it is the starting point of all stories."

"This is a fantasy world, and the Wuji Continent is one of the versions. There are also the immortal world and the divine world. The cultivation level of this world is "the sky and the earth are black and yellow, and the universe is primitive." At present, the heaven level is the pinnacle of the earthly world. Only those hidden Only the most powerful sects in the world can achieve such a state. The protagonist of the script was born in this city and is the good-for-nothing young master of the Ye family, one of the four major families in Wuji City. Later, because of Long Aotian's obsession, the Ye family changed his name to Long Home, the good-for-nothing young master turned into Long Aotian."

Li Xianyu commented: "The old-fashioned setting, whether it is the world background or the level of cultivation."

King Kong held on and said: "Since ancient times, true love cannot be retained, only routines can win people's hearts. The big boss said it. Zhan Ji, the timing of our coming here is not good."

Thunder Warrior Ji said: "No matter what, we just need to take the girl killer out."

Li Xianyu interrupted: "Where is the girl killer?"

Including Sanwu, the three people pointed to the brothel across the street.

... ...

"Since the time point and address of our appearance are here, the killer bitch is definitely in the brothel." Standing in front of the lavish door of the brothel, Thunder Warrior Ji glanced at the lively living room full of guests, and strode in. Three nothings followed.

Li Xianyu was about to follow, but found the Vajra in place, motionless: "Hey, why don't you go in?"

King Kong looked unhappy, shook his head and said, "I'm still feeling sick now, so I won't go in. After you find the girl killer, come out and meet up."

Just now in the darkness, the voice said: Do you want to have a girlfriend

Do you want to have seven girlfriends

Do you want to say goodbye to the life of watching movies

Do you want to read all the beauties in the world

Every word struck a vital chord in his soul. Fortunately, Sanwu appeared in time to pull him out of the darkness.

Although Sanwu saved him from Long Aotian's spiritual resonance, the physical contact with the woman caused King Kong's mentality to explode, and he has not recovered yet.

In his eyes, women are just big pig's hooves.

The more beautiful the woman, the more disgusting she is.


Feeling like vomiting again.

I have to admit that Baoze Group's virtual reality technology is too high-tech. The noise of women and guests, the smell of wine, gouache, rouge, etc. are just the same as real ones. But if you look closely, you will find that although these NPCs are no different from real people, they are still game characters. For example, the singer dancing on the raised stage in the living room only has a few movements, while the uncle in brocade clothes next to him hugs the beautiful woman and smiles. It makes pig noises like a barbell, and the sound plays in a loop... The people here are actually computer programs, and they follow the set procedures.

They walked around the brothel for a while, but the madam didn't come forward to entertain them enthusiastically.

Finally, the legendary "Girl Killer" was found in the Tianzihao wing. When he opened the door of the wing, he could hear the sound of women laughing and playing. The girls were dancing. A young man in fine clothes with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes was surrounded in the center. He covered his head with one hand. He pressed his forehead with one hand, raised his buttocks and kept twisting it, like a seaweed, seaweed, dancing in the waves...

The style of painting that stands out, Girl Killer is right.

Seeing the three of them, the girl killer was startled, with a strange expression on her face, a mix of shock and helplessness, but no surprise, "Zhan Ji, Sanwu, you are indeed here."

Thunder Warrior stood at the door with her hands on her hips and sneered: "Look at your lingering tone. If it weren't for the Dharma King's commission, I wouldn't have bothered to come. Change back to how you were before."

The girl killer returned to his original appearance and waved: "Come in and talk, and that Li Xianyu, you are here too, everyone, sit down and talk, sit down and talk."

When everyone was seated, the girl killer lightly slapped the dancer next to her on the buttocks and said: "Beauty, please pour the wine for the guests. Don't be stupid and dance quickly. Oops, NCP's IQ is still not enough, that group of Do programmers work for a living, and they still complain about working overtime all day long? Isn't overtime the norm? If programmers don't work overtime, why would they want to sacrifice themselves to God?"

Li Xianyu looked at this Tianzi elegant room. The floor was covered with white wool blankets, curtains, screens, vases and ink paintings, and there was a pot of Clivia bathing in the sun by the window. The furnishings were elegant and exquisite, and it was an authentic ancient style.

"Okay, okay, do you really think you are a drunken young man? Be careful not to be assimilated by Long Aotian." Thunder Warrior Ji simply said: "Go back to reality, Sanwu, let's do it."

"We can't leave." The girl killer drank a glass and sighed: "You can't get out."

Thunder Warrior Ji was shocked: "What do you mean?"

The girl killer said: "After I came in this time, I found that the power of the phantom formation has become more powerful and unbreakable. Even a mentally awakened person like me cannot break the formation and escape. Sanwu's innocent heart is certainly It’s rare, but don’t even think about going out.”

Thunder Warrior Ji's face turned pale: "How could this happen?"

The girl killer looked helpless: "I knew the company would send someone, but I couldn't remind myself that it was not easy to stay conscious. If my guess is correct, Long Aotian's cultivation has made breakthrough progress. Under his leadership, the power of the phantom formation has grown exponentially."

Thunder Warrior Ji said something dirty: "This guy can also make great progress in cultivation?!"

The other vampires trapped in the virtual world are living on glucose, and they are all as weak as skin and bones. Dudulong Aotian's cultivation has greatly increased.

"I didn't expect it, I was caught off guard." The girl killer said: "You are the same as Jiu Yi, how beautiful are you."

Li Xianyu listened in confusion, but he could still hear clearly what the current situation was, and said worriedly: "Then what should we do? How about letting Sanwu try... How can she get us out of here? Awakening in the virtual world.”

Girl Killer: "She'll wake you up with urine."

Li Xianyu: "......"

(End of chapter)