So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 6: Juicer


12 o'clock in the evening, Fudan Affiliated Hospital.

Li Xianyu was lying in the temporary ward, with a slumped expression on his face, a needle inserted into the back of his hand, and an infusion was being given. There were very few people in the hospital at this point, and the corridors were quiet, with nurses or patients walking by from time to time.

"how are you feeling?"

"I feel like I'm going to die." Li Xianyu's voice was still hoarse, and he coughed violently from time to time.

Grandma was sitting by the bed, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, and she couldn't figure it out: "It's impossible. The luck method is correct, the breathing rhythm is correct, your father was the one who opened the door to heaven for me back then, why did something go wrong when he came to you? "

Li Xianyu sighed quietly: "This is not your fault, it is the world's fault."

He looked at his grandmother beside him and felt warm in his heart. When he was sick, having someone by his side was the best spiritual healing. Without his grandma, he was afraid he would have to stay in the hospital alone, unable to sleep because he would have to keep an eye on the IV bottle.

After being forced to stop breathing, Li Xianyu developed dizziness, coughing, fever and other symptoms. At that time, he was almost frightened to the point of peeing, thinking that he had gone crazy. As expected, practicing qi is not that simple. Young warriors in martial arts novels who are eager for success will only go crazy. A path to becoming possessed.

Then there is the opportunity for the heroines to sacrifice themselves, the yin and yang are in harmony, the young hero is resurrected with full blood, and from now on, you and I are a couple of gods and immortals.

There is no heroine beside him, only a grandma. I had no choice but to book a taxi online and ask the driver to take me to the nearest Fudan Affiliated Hospital, where I went to the emergency room.

After checking the symptoms of the disease, the doctor insisted: "Poisoning by smog!"

"Huh?" Li Xianyu felt that his outlook on things that he had not yet regained had collapsed again, and he said hurriedly: "Doctor, I want a blood test. If possible, it's best to do a B-ultrasound. There may be a big problem with my body, such as my meridians. It’s completely broken, the Dantian is broken or something like that.”

The doctor said: "Throat discomfort, dry cough. Increased nasal secretions, dry eyeballs, and high fever. Apart from that, there are no other pains or abnormalities in the body. This is haze poisoning. I also want to ask you. Although the red color is red today It’s a smog warning, but it’s not like you’re going to be seriously poisoned. Did you take out the air purifier at home and lick it?”

Li Xianyu didn't believe it and asked for a blood test, so the doctor just let him go.

After the blood test report came out, there were no other problems.

It’s really smog poisoning.

It’s really not my grandma’s fault, it’s the world that’s wrong.

This time, the world is finally not blamed.

Li Xianyu murmured: "Grandma, you slept for twenty years. When you woke up, the world has changed greatly. Maybe we are in an era of the end of the Dharma?"

The human mouth is not an air purifier and cannot automatically filter poisonous gases in the air. When spitting out, along with the intake of spiritual power, the toxic substances in the air are also inhaled crazily, dozens of times more than usual.

How can Qi practitioners around the world be so embarrassed when they practice Qi until they are poisoned by smog

It is absolutely the end of the Dharma era.

Grandma said: "Miasma has existed since ancient times. Let's change to a feng shui treasured place tomorrow."

Li Xianyu covered his face silently: "You don't understand, the smog has spread all over the country."

My dream of cultivating immortality has just begun, but it has already died.


Grandma frowned: "Is that so? Oops, I slept for too long this time. I have never slept for so long before. When I woke up, the world was completely different."

Li Xianyu: "You didn't sleep like this before?"

Grandma: "After every great-grandchild dies, I will fall into a deep sleep, which can last for several months or several years. The great-grandchildren will give me a little energy before they die. I usually wake up on my own and go to find the descendants of the Li family. . This time I was sealed, and it was not until the beads entered your body that I was awakened by your blood."

Grandma continued: "But sometimes I can't sleep. I have to be responsible for educating the next great-grandson. I didn't sleep when your father was in charge. Your grandfather died early. I started to train your father when he was very young. He is very important to me." Very respectful."

Li Xianyu: "..."

"What are beads."

"The carrier of my fighting spirit has been fused with your body. It can only be taken out using secret methods, or you die." Grandma encouraged: "You must learn to practice Qi as soon as possible, so that you can sacrifice the spirit beads alive, and wait until you can spirit with it." When flesh merges, you can awaken your bloodline.”

"Huh?" Li Xianyu was confused for a moment. Does the blending of spirit and flesh in the will mean this

Spirit bead + physical body = fusion of spirit and flesh? ! !

Damn, Dad, your Chinese language was taught by your physical education teacher, right

... ...

At 2:30 in the morning, he took a taxi back to his residence. The high fever had subsided, and Li Xianyu fell asleep, exhausted both physically and mentally.

When he woke up the next day, he felt pain in his waist, a strange throat, and discomfort in many parts of his body. He did not go to class and called his head teacher to ask for leave.

Upon hearing his weak tone, as if his body had been hollowed out, the head teacher immediately agreed and told him to rest well and remember to see a doctor.

Throughout the morning, Li Xianyu just lay at home and rested, besides teaching his grandma how to use a mobile phone and play games.

"Hey~ Grandma, my waist hurts so much. It hurts after sitting for a while. You're going too far." Li Xianyu was lying on the sofa, with Grandma sitting next to her head, who was playing with her mobile phone.

When he woke up this morning, he had heavy bags under his eyes, looking...

She said nonchalantly: "It's enough to cultivate yourself for ten days. If you want to maintain good kidneys, just work hard to practice Qi."

"Come on, my throat is still itchy now and I'm poisoned by the smog." As he said, he coughed a few times and asked: "Does your waist not hurt when you practice qi? I understand, as long as I have spiritual power to supply you, you can There’s no need to drain my energy.”

"That's wrong." Grandma's slender fingers flicked on Li Xianyu's forehead, "Practicing Qi will help your body recover faster."

Li Xianyu had an ominous premonition in his heart: "How to say it."

Grandma glanced at him, remained silent for a while, and said slowly: "I said that Qi training and blood descendants' abilities are two systems. The basis of the contract between you and me is the power of the Li family's bloodline, which belongs to the blood descendants. System. Today, I am just like this mobile phone, which has various functions, but it has been shut down due to insufficient power, and all functions cannot be used. "

"Then how can I turn it on?"

"Waiting for you to wake up."

"Then, then your electricity..." The ominous premonition became stronger.

"Yes, it's not spiritual power, it's your essence, and the kidneys are the place where essence is stored, so of course they bear the brunt. So when you woke up today, your waist hurts and you feel mentally exhausted. Once you master the Qi training, you can greatly alleviate this problem. This is a dual physical and mental exhaustion, but the physical deficit is irreversible, because my power consumption is much faster than your speed of practicing spiritual energy. For example, I am like a computer, but the charger is not the original one. Cell phone chargers, so the great-grandchildren never make ends meet. Each of my great-grandchildren inevitably suffers from kidney failure and mental failure.”

"Ancestor... inherited kidney failure?" Li Xianyu's face turned pale.

So he died early

No wonder the dead man said in his will that he might never have any children in his life.

At this moment, he had a deeper understanding of the sentence "Grandma is a annoying little goblin".

"Grandma, you will lose me like this." Li Xianyu's mouth twitched: "It's really a blessing from God that I was born."

There were so many flaws that he didn't know how to complain. First he sympathized with his mother, then his grandma, and then he sympathized with each generation.

Grandma scratched her head and said distressedly: "Speaking of which, my Li family has only a few direct descendants. I have to bear the blame for this."

Li Xianyu cried and fainted on the sofa, "Grandma, I'm still a child. I haven't made enough friends. I don't want to suffer from kidney failure."

Grandma comforted her: "Then give up women."

Li Xianyu: "..."

Ya Zhudie, my seventy-two concubines in the Three Palaces and Sixth Courtyard.

Suddenly I understood why the biological father in the will had been crying for three days and three nights. It was difficult not to cry when such an ancestor was in the room.

In this case, why do ancestors continue to inherit from their grandparents again and again

After all, Grandma Grandma has lived for more than a hundred years, and she can easily see through Li Xianyu's thoughts, and said quietly: "When you master the supreme power, you won't take it to heart if you have a mere kidney failure."

Li Xianyu also followed suit and said faintly: "Can I return the goods? I wonder if Shunfeng has an underworld express delivery business. Or, grandma, could you please be aggrieved and sleep for another ten or eight years while I try to give birth to a son to succeed you?"

Upon hearing this, grandma rushed over, grabbed Li Xianyu's collar, and said angrily: "Don't even think about it, I don't want to be sealed. Since you woke me up, you have to be responsible for me."

Li Xianyu said: "Then there is always a way to treat kidney deficiency. Modern medical treatment is very advanced, but we can't count on it. Is there any panacea in the blood world?"

"Don't always think that ancient things are good. Times are always developing, right?" Grandma thought for a while, put her index finger on her lower lip, and made a reminiscence gesture: "I remember that your dad often took a medicine to treat kidney deficiency. The name is "..." capsule. You can go to the drugstore and have a look. It should be very effective."

Li Xianyu was overjoyed, took a few copies of Mao Zedong from the drawer, and hurried downstairs.

(End of chapter)