So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 7: The death of a school girl


This dual-use commercial and residential area has a variety of shops, forming a small living system. You can stay in the community for a month without going out, and you don't have to worry about shortages of supplies. There are even mobile phone and computer stores here. If you feel dizzy while masturbating at home, there is a general hospital in the next street.

Li Xianyu went downstairs and walked more than two hundred meters to the pharmacy.

At this time, the phone rang, and the caller was: Yang Guangtai!

College roommate.

"Li Xianyu, are you skipping class or asking for leave? Why didn't you come to school?" Yang Guangtai said.

"If you feel unwell, rest at home." Li Xianyu said.

"Is it serious? I still want to eat chicken with you."

"It's nothing serious. You should be able to come to class tomorrow."

"That's good," Yang Guangtai said, "We are the only two singles in the dormitory, and no one plays games with me."

Li Xianyu lived on campus in the first semester, and now he basically lives at home. He occasionally sits in a row to play blackmail or eat chicken. When he is late, he will rest in the dormitory.

Li Xianyu: "... Is it honorable to be single? You talk about it every day. Besides, I am not a single, I am a single aristocrat, different from you singles who practice the five dragons and pillars."

No one has a girlfriend, but there is a difference between being single.

We are different.

Li Xianyu's heart felt heavy when he thought about the kidney failure passed down from his ancestors.

When I arrived at the pharmacy, I hung up the phone and walked in. A middle-aged man in a white coat stood behind the counter and asked, "What do you want to buy?"


Li Xianyu suddenly realized that he had forgotten the name of the medicine.

what do you say that is

"I can't remember the full name of the medicine." Li Xianyu scratched his head.

"It's okay, you just need to say the two words in the medicine," the middle-aged man smiled confidently: "I have been selling medicine for more than ten years. Even if you only remember one word, I can guess it."

Li Xianyu said: "I only remember the last two words."

The middle-aged uncle nodded: "You tell me."

Li Xianyu muttered: "Capsule..."

Middle-aged uncle: "......"

The uncle's face turned dark, what a damn capsule, you're not here to buy medicine, you're here to cause trouble.

Li Xianyu smiled dryly and said, "I'll call and ask my friend."

Fortunately, he gave the eliminated Kidney Six to his grandma.

After making the call, Li Xianyu said: "Two boxes of "Shenbao" capsules."

After saying that, he found that the uncle was stunned for a moment, and then looked at him with strange eyes. Li Xianyu suddenly remembered that this medicine can cure kidney deficiency...

Middle-aged uncle: (¬_¬)

Li Xianyu: ( ̄ω ̄;)

After paying for the medicine, Li Xianyu felt furious and rushed out of the pharmacy in shame. It was so embarrassing. I will ask my grandma to buy it for me in the future.

... ...

After returning home, he took two pills and lay on the sofa to recuperate. He could only lie down. His waist hurt when he stood, so he could only feel comfortable lying down. Grandma was keen on playing computer games recently, and Li Xianyu taught her step by step. At the same time, he recharged Lao Ma with some money and bought a cheap skin for Grandma.

The ancestral kidney failure has become Li Xianyu's heart disease. He thinks about it day by day and dreams about it at night.

He woke up in despair and sadness, half of his pillow wet with tears.

My waist is still empty. Is it throbbing? The miracle medicine introduced by my grandma did not have an immediate effect.

Li Xianyu put a capsule in his pocket and went out with his schoolbag on his back. He was going to school.

Grandma chose to stay at home because Li Xianyu helped her download a lot of online games last night. Although the game of chicken was born, a certain penguin still ruled the online games. Therefore, most of the downloaded games are games developed by Penguin.

Grandma found it very interesting and quickly fell in love with online games. Last night, she played games and watched movies alone in the living room all night long. Her energy was so high that she couldn't control it.

Although it had only been two days since she woke up from the seal, her experiences in the past few days were very interesting. This era was very interesting, much more interesting than the eras such as the late Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China, and the early founding of the People's Republic of China that she experienced.

People in this era no longer have to worry about filling their stomachs, nor do they have to be afraid of foreign guns and guns. The potato chips and spicy strips are so delicious, and there is also yogurt. The sweet and sour taste is something she has never forgotten.

Equally rich is the entertainment life. The TV is so big and there are all kinds of movies. You must know that the biggest entertainment for her and her ex-great-grandson at night was to watch the news broadcast on the black and white TV and occasionally go to the ballroom to dance ballroom. As for going to the cinema, there are even fewer, mainly because her ex-great-grandson is not very good at making money and there is not enough for her to spend.

My grandma was the daughter of a wealthy family. Even after she had been dead for so many years, she spent money lavishly. She had so little money that she couldn't do anything. Back then, she ate Li Xianyu's father until he cried just for snacks.

And how can something like a computer be so interesting? You can play games, watch videos, and chat with people.

When Li Xianyu left, grandma was playing a game called "Dungeon and Fighter". She learned things quickly and could easily pick up the game. She was playing the account that Li Xianyu had abandoned for many years. Now she can enter PK. The field competes with others.

Grandma Grandma's hand speed can defeat almost all opponents, but Li Xianyu's account has not been played for several years, and her level and equipment cannot keep up with the times. Grandma Grandma's hand speed is powerless, and she loses one game after another. field.

He slammed his angry hand on the table.

Switch to the web page, and use crappy two-finger Zen input: Why can’t my sword spirit beat others!

She uses Wubi, which Li Xianyu's father taught him back then.

When she didn't get a satisfactory answer, the smart grandma changed her words: How to become stronger in the game!

The search results came out... ..

Mahua Teng: Saonian, do you want to become stronger? Come and top up your money.

Top up money

Grandma had a flash of inspiration and remembered that Li Wuxiang had left a huge sum of 200,000 yuan.

That money was not actually for her son, it was her alimony.

... ...

Li Xianyu is a student of the University of Finance and Economics, Department of Finance. Shanghai is the national financial center. Top students who graduated from the Department of Finance of the University of Finance and Economics can basically find a decent job after graduation as long as you don't hang around and wait to die in college.

There is a professional class in the morning, and the teacher is Professor Qin, the famous professor of the school, who is known as: Spicy Old Carrot!

He always gives surprise tests, and the results are linked to the final exam. Anyone who skips class will most likely fail the exam at the end of the semester.

But the reason why he is famous is because he has a good son, a fast shooter who is known to everyone. Although he has disappeared from the world for many years, there is still a legend about him in the world.

Li Xianyu is still very interested in professional courses. To be admitted to the University of Finance and Economics, even though he has the advantage of being a local, his own quality must also be excellent. But I'm not in a good state today and I can't listen to the class.

This is what happens when a man suffers from excessive sperm loss. He sees double images of everything he sees, is mentally exhausted, and cannot concentrate.

Someone stabbed me twice in the waist. It was Yang Guangtai, my roommate next to me. He shrank his neck and whispered: "You didn't come to class yesterday, and you missed a good show."

"What a show."

"You don't know yet? Haven't you seen the class WeChat group?"

"If you have something to say, just say it, and if you have something to say, hold it back."

"Zhang Mingyu is dead."

"What? Zhang Mingyu is dead?!"

The news came so unexpectedly that he subconsciously exclaimed, startling Professor Qin who was demonstrating Russian on the podium.

The students around him looked at him sideways, and Professor Qin was even more furious. "The classroom is a place for learning, not a place for gossip. Leave any topics to talk about after class."

Li Xianyu shrank his head.

Resisting his curiosity and not daring to ask any more questions, he waited until the end of the class and grabbed Yang Guangtai's arm, shocked and gossiping: "What's going on? He's dead?!"

Guys, please vote for me. I specifically updated this point, accepting my knees for recommendations.

(End of chapter)