So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 79: Yin physique? (First update)


"Tell me about it." Li Xianyu asked casually.

"It's related to my classmate." Wang Mengmeng seemed quite pleased with Li Xianyu's questioning. When everyone looked at her, the round-faced girl said: "In the middle of last month, our junior high school classmates held a class reunion, and I also I participated, it’s in this city anyway.”

"After the party, some classmates asked to go back to their alma mater for a walk. The head teacher was there at the time, so we could go in. When a group of us walked to the boiling water room, one of the classmates said that it was a pity that Zhou Xiaoxiao died back then."

"Zhou Xiaoxiao was a classmate of our class. When she was in the second grade of junior high school, she was playing hide-and-seek with some classmates. She hid in the boiling water room for a day and a night. When the school staff found her the next day, she had died suddenly."

"What the hell, aren't teachers and classmates looking for her, and neither are her parents." Zhao Yi said it was difficult to understand. A person disappeared for no reason, and teachers and classmates didn't respond? Most middle schools in Shanghai do not live on campus. Even if it happens after school, teachers and schools don’t know about it, but if a large number of people don’t go home at night, their parents will be indifferent

"Her parents have divorced a long time ago. Her father seems to be a gambler and often doesn't come home. She has no sense of existence. Anyway, two classmates forgot about her and went home by themselves." Wang Mengmeng said: "The next day She didn't come to her morning reading and didn't ask for leave. The teacher called her home and her father didn't know what was going on. Finally, the staff found her body in the boiling water room."

"That day, a classmate made a joke: I heard that after death, the soul will linger in the same place. Didn't Zhou Xiaoxiao play hide and seek with you? You didn't find her back then. Maybe she has been running a water house all these years."

"The two female classmates who were playing hide-and-seek with her were a little scared, so they bowed to the boiling water room and said: Zhou Xiaoxiao, please leave quickly and reincarnate as soon as possible. Our game is over."

Having said this, Wang Mengmeng paused, picked up the cup and took a sip of the drink.

Yang Guangtai asked: "What next?"

Wang Mengmeng lowered her voice: "Then the next week, one of the two female classmates who played hide-and-seek died in a car accident. At the end of last month, another female classmate was hit on the head by a flower pot that fell from upstairs. Now she has become Vegetative."

Wang Mengmeng said in a serious tone: "In the class group, the classmates said that Zhou Xiaoxiao wanted to take them away to play together."

Everyone looked at each other.

Li Xianyu noticed that Huang Yicong shivered violently.

Can this be orgasmic

"Qi~" After a moment of silence, Zhao Yi said: "That's it? I know more and weirder supernatural events, much more than you. Let me tell you, another girls' dormitory in our school has also started to be haunted. There was a girl who got up late at night to go to the toilet last week. Halfway through peeing, she heard the sound of bubbles coming from the toilet. She looked down and saw the face of a man. She almost frightened her to death. But when she looked again, she saw the face of a man. Gone.”

"He must be the same pervert as you." Zhang Hui glared at her boyfriend, and everyone burst into laughter.

Li Xianyu thought of Zhang Mingyu, the resentful spirit that likes to hide in the toilet in the girls' dormitory... Damn it, it couldn't be Zhang Mingyu, this guy hasn't dissipated yet

"Really, I didn't lie to you. If you don't believe me, ask Guangtai and Yicong." Zhao Yi said.

"It's true. Later the girl said that that face was Zhao Yi." Yang Guangtai joked.

Angry and angry, Zhao Yi and Yang Guangtai exchanged punches with each other.

At this time, Li Xianyu's eyes felt hot for a long time, stimulating the secretion of tear glands. He covered his eyes, grabbed a tissue on the table and wiped them. When he opened his eyes and looked again, his pupils suddenly shrank.

At some point behind Wang Mengmeng, there stood a female ghost in school uniform, with messy hair and a face as pale as dead pork.

There were no wounds on the female ghost's body, and her face was not ferocious, but her bloodshot eyeballs were round and round, as if they would jump out at any moment and stare at Wang Mengmeng.

It’s so weird.

Why do I always encounter these messy and dirty things? From joining Baoze to now, it seems that only the boss of Shaxian Hotel has been given the task by the company, and I have encountered the rest by myself.

Do I have the legendary constitution that attracts yin

Is it okay to change to another "Yin"

Something was wrong. Li Xianyu knocked on his head. According to Wang Mengmeng, Zhou Xiaoxiao died in the boiling water room while playing hide-and-seek. It was an accidental death. What kind of obsession has kept her from dissipating after so many years

Another question, what is Zhou Xiaoxiao pestering Wang Mengmeng for, and is she related to what happened back then

No, it is not yet certain that the female ghost behind Wang Mengmeng is Zhou Xiaoxiao.

"Wang Mengmeng, I want to ask you something." Li Xianyu said.

"What's the matter?" Wang Mengmeng smiled sweetly, and her voice seemed to become sweeter.

"The Zhou Xiaoxiao you're talking about has an oval face, a very upturned nose, and a scar on the corner of his eyebrow... about this high?" Li Xianyu raised his hand to gesture.


The chopsticks fell on the plate with a crisp sound. Wang Mengmeng's entire face quickly turned pale. Her big eyes were full of fear and horror as she stared blankly at Li Xianyu.

Seeing her like this, everyone looked at each other.

Zhang Hui beside her frowned and asked, "Mengmeng?"

After calling twice, there was no response. After pushing her gently, Wang Mengmeng came to her senses. Her delicate body trembled and she did not answer. She was trembling all over, as if something terrible had happened to her.

"What's going on?" Zhao Yi looked at Wang Mengmeng and then at Li Xianyu, feeling a little scared.

"What do you mean by what you just said?" Yang Guangtai swallowed: "Do you know that Zhou or something?"

Everyone present felt a chill in their hearts. Wang Mengmeng's reaction made them unable to stop thinking. Li Xianyu and Wang Mengmeng had not known each other before, so how did they learn about Zhou Xiaoxiao's appearance

The only explanation...

"Why are you looking at me?" Li Xianyu said with a confused and amused expression: "I'm just telling you nonsense, have you really been deceived by me?"

Everyone looked doubtful.

Wang Mengmeng's mouth trembled violently, as if she was still in great fear.

"I need to go to the toilet." Li Xianyu threw a cigarette into his mouth, put his hands in his pockets, and left the private room.

Coming out of the toilet, he saw Wang Mengmeng waiting outside.

Her face was still pale, her slender legs were shaking slightly, and her eyes were wandering, as if there was something around her that scared her. When she saw Li Xianyu coming out, she hurriedly stepped forward without saying anything, and just looked at him pitifully.

The two looked at each other in silence. Li Xianyu clicked and lit the lighter, flames jumped into his pupils, and he lit up the cigarette butt: "Zhou Xiaoxiao's death is not that simple, right?"

(End of chapter)