So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 86: new task


Li Xianyu woke up in the morning and received a call from Huang Yicong. The other party asked him where he had been early in the morning. Li Xianyu only said that he went out to do errands.

Huang Yicong's voice was full of weakness and exhaustion, the aftereffects of the mental shock last night, but his tone was obviously much more relaxed. Li Xianyu pretended to ask him if he heard any strange noises last night. Huang Yicong said no and slept until dawn. , except for a slight headache, nothing serious.

Li Xianyu said, I stayed up until three in the morning last night, nothing happened, and then I fell asleep. The water monkey and all that were obviously your illusion.

Huang Yicong smiled awkwardly and added, "I don't know if it's an illusion, but I feel that the dormitory is a little different when I wake up in the morning."

Li Xianyu slightly dealt with the traces of the fight in the dormitory, and threw away the bloody books, but some scratches and damage on the bed frame, tables and chairs could not be dealt with. However, ordinary people like Huang Yicong, even if they can detect these small changes, probably can't figure out the reason.

So Li Xianyu didn't explain, but instead said that he was nervous.

After washing up, he went straight to the revolving restaurant with a hungry stomach. Yesterday's battle was almost without any danger, but using two magic weapons in succession consumed his energy. In fact, he was already hungry and had stomachache before going to bed. Hunger was no match for sleepiness, so he I didn’t go to the restaurant for a late-night snack.

It was lunch time, and there were many people eating breakfast. Li Xianyu glanced around and saw a few familiar colleagues. Thunder Fighter, Girl Killer, and two unfamiliar female colleagues were sitting at the same table. , Li Bai was leaning on crutches and wearing a hospital gown, sitting with Kato Takashi. In the edge corner, King Kong was alone, far away from all his female colleagues.

He also saw Victoria and Ryder, who had gauze wrapped around his arms and chest and was already able to get out of bed and walk.

Li Xianyu carried breakfast and squeezed into the table of the girl killer and the thunder warrior.

"Men don't want to eat eggs in the morning." The girl killer took the fried eggs from Li Xianyu's plate with chopsticks, put them on Thunder Warrior Ji's plate, and looked at her breakfast with satisfaction: "It's all here, soy milk, fried dough sticks and eggs, it's a woman Exclusive breakfast.”

Li Xianyu: "..."

Thunder Warrior Ji and two female colleagues looked confused. She chopped up the poached eggs with a knife and fork, distributed them to the two female colleagues, and asked: "Is it because eggs are beautiful?"

"It's breast enlargement." Li Xianyu said with a mean mouth.

After saying that, his feet under the table were kicked hard by Thunder Warrior Ji, and he heard the sound of his calf bone breaking.

"I seemed to hear the sound of fractures." A female colleague said.

"No, you heard wrong." Thunder Warrior Ji buried her head in eating her eggs.

A fracture was nothing. His leg was broken, and there was no need for him to see an orthopedic surgeon. Li Xianyu silently set the bones for himself and repaired his leg injury.

In just a few minutes, Li Xianyu witnessed with his own eyes the terrible passiveness of the girl killer's talent. Every female colleague who came to have breakfast or left after eating had to greet the girl killer and give him a sweet smile. .

When they were in the virtual world, Thunder Warrior Ji told Li Xianyu that the girl killer's innate abilities were game BUFF-like mental abilities such as psychic suggestion and mental confusion.

After Li Xianyu finished, he concluded that this was a smart subtraction method that was equal to the dimensionality reduction attack.

The girl killer's abilities are divided into active and passive. Active is intelligent subtraction, and passive is similar to adding a charm halo to oneself.

In the virtual world, the girl killer has shown her skills a few times, but the reaction of the NPC is not enough as a reference. It is not until now that Li Xianyu believes what Thunder Warrior Ji said and is deeply envious and jealous. Bah, you scumbag.

No wonder this guy is wanted for sleeping with the boss's lover.

After finishing her meal and drinking, Thunder Warrior Ji took out her mobile phone and browsed for a while, with a bitter expression: "Hey, it's the repayment day again. Alipay, you are already a mature software. Mom can't help you forever, you You should learn to pay back the money yourself, you know?”

"Pfft..." Li Xianyu turned around and squirted a mouthful of soy milk on the ground, "Zhan Ji, are you short of money?"

Is there a time when Thunder Fighter is so naughty

"Who is not short of money?" Thunder Warrior Ji said angrily: "The monthly salary is one hundred thousand, and if there is a mission, the bonus will be tens of thousands, but it still doesn't exceed two hundred thousand. Let me buy a bag. The basic monthly expenses for imported cosmetics and clothes are more than 200,000 yuan."

What kind of life are you living, with an expense of 200,000 yuan a month... Wouldn't it be great for everyone to eat Sha (River Crab) County together

"By the way, Xianyu, your salary will be paid soon." Thunder Warrior Ji's eyes lit up: "Lend me one hundred thousand."

"My salary is only fifty thousand."

"But you have a lot of points."

"Can't afford to borrow, can't afford to borrow..."

"Stingy." Thunder Warrior Ji curled her lips.

"You ask others to borrow it, the girl killer is richer than me." Li Xianyu threw the hot potato to the prodigal beside him.

The prodigal shook his head: "Day after day, I am short of money for a long time. I am also a moonlight. Besides, a guy like Zhan Ji who is overwhelmed by credit cards, Huabei, borrowing, and online loans every month, I You will never borrow it if you live or die. On the contrary, you, you have hardly spent any money these days at the company, and you don’t seem to be a person who spends extravagantly. A salary of 50,000 yuan is a huge sum of money for a college student, so you can obviously borrow it. of."

Thunder Warrior Ji looked at him with sparkling eyes.

"I can't afford it. I can't afford it." Li Xianyu shook his head.

Although I don’t have much money to spend, my grandparents are a bottomless money-sucking cave.

Ancestor·Professional Prodigal·Grandma.

"Li Xianyu!" A voice with a foreign accent came from behind.

Li Xianyu turned around and saw Ryder walking over step by step wearing a plaster and a hospital gown. This guy looked like he still had to recuperate for ten days and a half. For confidentiality reasons, King Thunder and Lightning did not ask Li Xianyu to donate blood.

It would be quite troublesome if the true nature of Tang Monk's meat were spread. Although he has long been coveted by all parties in the blood world.

"Do you dare to fight again?" The American guy with three-dimensional facial features stared at Li Xianyu with his sea-blue eyes.

"What?" Li Xianyu gave a blank expression and asked, "Are you sure?"

"I want to fight you again at the Taoist Discussion Conference held by the Taoist and Buddhist Association." Ryder stood alone on the table and looked down at Li Xianyu.

Li Xianyu looked from a distance and saw Victoria, not far away, smiling bitterly at him, pointing at his younger brother, clasping his hands together, and quietly making a gesture of request.

Li Xianyu withdrew his gaze and looked directly into Ryder's aggressive eyes, "Okay, let's discuss the merits of the Dao Conference. Although you white people have a natural advantage, I will not lose."

Ryder left with great ambition.

A female colleague at the same table said: "Li Xianyu, are you going to agree to him now?"

Another female colleague said: "Yes, yes, Ryder made a mistake. You must be prepared next time. He is stronger than you in all aspects."

"What's the point of being stronger?" Thunder Warrior Ji turned her head and spat at them: "It sounds like you know everything about Li Xianyu. For such a weak assistant, give me a month to train Li Xianyu and beat him ten times every minute. indivual."

"We're just talking about it."

"Zhan Ji, why are you so angry? It's none of your business."

The two female colleagues whispered.

Conference on Taoism... .

Li Xianyuxin said, I am fully prepared for krypton gold and I am not timid at all.

After dinner, Li Xianyu exercised in the gym as usual. His training schedule changed almost every day. King Kong held the whip and stared at him, waiting for an opportunity to slap Li Xianyu.

After coming out of the gym, he dragged his tired body to the training room to find Thunder Warrior.

Thunder Warrior Ji has no missions recently, and beating Li Xianyu every day has become one of the few pleasures she has during her training days.

"Zhan Ji, I want to sleep for half an hour first." Li Xianyu said.

Now that the two of them were very familiar with each other, Li Xianyu went to the ground and gasped: "That bastard King Kong, he tortures me in different ways every day."

"That's how you grow."

"Well, let me sleep for half an hour. I'm a little weak..."

Thunder Warrior Ji smiled: "Would you like me to lend you my thigh?"

She slapped her tight, round thighs.

"Zhan Ji is the best." Li Xianyu crawled over and happily put his head on Thunder Zhan Ji's lap.

Thunder Warrior Ji slapped her over.


Li Xianyu's neck seems to be broken...


Their cell phones rang at the same time, and messages were sent to them.

"I have a mission. The Dharma King asked me to go to his office." Thunder Warrior Ji said.

"I received it too." Li Xianyu rubbed his neck and sat up.

(End of chapter)