So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 101: 101. College entrance examination incident


After waiting for two days, Yang Ming still didn't call her. Chen Mengyan was very depressed! After all, you are a girl, can't you take the initiative? On TV, when a girl makes a mistake, the boy takes the initiative to apologize, so why don't you allow yourself to be a little too petty? Even if you misunderstood, you still have to call and explain!

As for Yang Ming, he didn't miss Chen Mengyan, but he felt that Chen Mengyan actually believed Wang Zhitao's words to slander him instead of believing in himself, which made Yang Ming feel very unhappy! It is so shameless for my own woman to trust others instead!

In this way, two people who have misunderstood each other are waiting for the other to call first...

There is no breakthrough on Chen Fei's side, but the current things are enough to summon Wang Zhitao to assist in the investigation!

So, on the day before the college entrance examination, poor classmate Wang Zhitao was taken to the interrogation room of the police station by Xia Xuewei's jealous young group!

It has to be said that Wang Zhitao is quite strict and refuses to admit his involvement in Yang Ming's frame-up. However, he also admitted that he had lied. These photos were not sold to him by some website editor, but were obtained from the waiter who confessed!

But lying is always not a crime? After asking all night, nothing useful came out. Wang Zhitao's father has used his social connections to put pressure on Chen Fei and the others.

Finally, at around four o'clock in the morning the next day, Wang Zhitao was released. But Wang Zhitao, who was illuminated by the big light bulb all night, had a blank mind, although he did not delay the college entrance examination. But the answer on the paper was a complete mess.

Wang Zhitao, who was originally able to go to the first-tier university, may not even be able to get into the third-tier university now!

But who can blame it

June 7th. This is a day that makes candidates all over the country excited, nervous and excited! Willingly, reluctantly, prepared, or unprepared, all will enter an important stage in life on this day - the college entrance examination!

But compared to candidates. Even more nervous are their parents. Who doesn’t want their parents to have a bright future

Yang Ming arrived at the examination room very early, just to observe the terrain, so that if his position was too messed up, he could take countermeasures in advance! Of course, this situation did not happen. Yang Ming's position was not the last, but the third from the bottom.

Yang Ming placed his bag on the edge of the podium. This was necessary because the desks were all reversed. There is no place for personal belongings. Only stationery, drinks, towels or tissues for wiping sweat are allowed on the table.

This location is still good for Yang Ming. There were many people's test papers in front of him to copy, and to the right of Yang Ming is a wall, and on the other side of the wall is the corridor. The other side of the corridor is also the examination room, which means that Yang Ming can refer to more people's answers.

The first subject is Chinese, this is for Yang Ming. It is considered a weak point, because many of the answers are inductive and summary, and there are two essays. These cannot be copied. However, other basic knowledge can be learned from others!

So as soon as the paper came out, Yang Ming began to focus on composition. The content of the composition was to write an 800-point composition based on a paragraph of text. This passage tells the story of a tourist, an eagle, and a turtle.

Yang Ming was the best at this kind of nonsense composition. After making up his own opinions, he made an inductive summary. An essay came out.

The other questions are all easy to solve. Based on the synthesis and summary written by others, I estimate that the score of this paper will not be lower.

Other subjects also operate in this way. Yang Ming estimated that there would be no problem in getting admitted to Songjiang University of Technology. But what if I pass the exam? Thinking of Chen Mengyan. Yang Ming's mood began to feel depressed again!

Forget it, just think of it as bringing glory to your parents! Yang Ming thought to himself.

In fact, although this incident affected Yang Ming's mood, it could not shake Yang Ming's results at all! Yang Ming's grades came from his superpowers and had nothing to do with his exam mood!

No matter how bad his mood is, as long as his superpowers are still there, Yang Ming can still get good grades!

What's pitiful is that Wang Zhitao wanted to harm Yang Ming, but he shot himself in the foot! On the first day of the exam, Wang Zhitao's performance could not be described as "poor". He asked him to write a Chinese essay into a fantasy novel. The title of the essay was "Rebirth as a Turtle". Not to mention, the H plot appeared in it. n times, estimated

Wang Zhitao didn't want to do this either, but his brain was so confused that he had no idea what he was writing.

When he felt a little better the next day, he thought about the damn essay he wrote on the first day and knew that he had no hope of taking the college entrance examination. His mood suddenly became very low, and he didn't even perform well in the following subjects.

… … … …

After the college entrance examination, the first thing Yang Ming did was to study how he could make money! Yang Ming's first thought was to buy instant lottery tickets, but at this time, there is no such lottery shop in Songjiang.

So I had to find another way.

After the college entrance examination, Yang Ming received a call from Zhang Bin: "Yang Ming, how was the test? Is it okay to go to Songjiang University of Technology?"

"It's okay, how about you?" Yang Ming knew that Zhang Bin's grades were not good. At his level, it would be good for him to go to junior college.

"Me, you know my level! But my dad said, as long as it's not too bad, I can find someone who can go to XX College of Songgong University?" Zhang Bin said: "We still go to school together, that's my diploma It’s not the same as yours! But it doesn’t matter, my dad has arranged a way out for me. I’ll sell jewelry with him after graduation!”

To learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, it is better to have a good father! This sentence is absolutely correct. Yang Ming was speechless. Zhang Bin's academic performance was very poor, but he was able to inherit the family business in the future.

Zhang Bin's father is in the jewelry business. Although he is not as rich as Wang Zhitao's Xiongfeng Group, he is still considered a rich man. So Zhang Bin doesn't need to worry about money at all.

"I tell you, you don't even need to go to college, you can just help your dad!" Yang Ming said with a smile.

"How can that work? I want to play for two more years! Besides, I want to study business administration in the future, and my dad agrees! After all, the management experience of the older generation will not be applicable in the future!" Zhang Bin said .

"That's right. By the way, do you have anything to do with me?" Yang Ming asked.

"How about going out for a walk? I have too much time to do at home!" Zhang Bin suggested. He had a good relationship with Yang Ming in the class. The two of them were in front of and behind each other, and they were both poor students, so they had a close relationship. After that, Yang Ming suddenly emerged, but he did not despise Zhang Bin because of it. This made Zhang Bin feel very happy and he had made a true friend.

"Okay, I happen to be fine. Where are I going?" Yang Ming asked.

"Come to my house!" Zhang Bin said.

"Damn, where is your home? I haven't been there either!" Yang Ming said.

"Huashang Community, take a taxi here. Hurry up and I'll reimburse you!" Zhang Bin knew the situation of Yang Ming's family, so he said directly.

"Okay, this is what you said, I will go around Songjiang! You have to reimburse me!" Yang Ming was not polite.

"Okay, I'm looking at my watch. If it doesn't arrive within fifteen minutes, it will be invalid!" Zhang Bin said immediately.

"No problem!" Yang Ming hung up the phone, put on his shoes and went downstairs. After leaving the community, he stopped a car and went straight to Zhang Bin's home.

After the college entrance examination, Chen Mengyan had nothing to do. She sat next to the computer and looked at the web page boredly.

"Humph, damn Yang Ming, why haven't you called me yet!" Chen Mengyan said angrily, raising her fist.

However, at noon, Chen Mengyan couldn't bear it anymore and picked up the phone and called Yang Ming! It doesn’t matter whether he is reserved or not, just give it a try!

However, after the call was connected, no one answered the phone after ringing for a long time! This Yang Ming didn't stay at home after the exam. Where did he go? Chen Mengyan hung up the phone in frustration. She originally wanted to fight again later, but Chen Mengyan couldn't muster the courage she had just now. She wanted to reach out several times, but then backed away.

At this moment, Yang Ming had just left home. As a result, the fate of the two people passed by each other again.

"Yang Ming!" As soon as Yang Ming got off the car, Zhang Bin ran over. It seemed that he had already been waiting here!

Yang Ming wanted to pay the fare, but Zhang Bin directly handed the driver a ten-yuan note. It costs 9 yuan to get here from Yang Ming's house, plus a 1 yuan fuel surcharge, which is exactly 10 yuan.

Yang Ming didn't argue with him. He knew that Zhang Bin's family was rich and didn't care about it. And what Yang Ming lacks most now is money!