So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 128: 128. Whose wallet is it?


"Is everything he said true?" the young subway police officer asked Yang Ming.

"Yes, it's basically true, but I didn't steal his wallet." Yang Ming said lightly.

"Then why did he insist that you stole it?" asked the young subway policeman.

"How do I know? I'm not him. Maybe he was dissatisfied with my behavior just now and wanted to frame me!" Yang Ming shook his head and said leisurely.

"No, he just stole my wallet. If you don't believe me, search him!" Huang Mao shouted.

"I'm sorry, sir, I need to check your belongings. Please cooperate!" The older subway policeman winked at the younger subway policeman, and then said to Yang Ming.

"Okay, no problem. I am also very annoyed by him. Please clear my name as soon as possible." Yang Ming said: "If his wallet is not found, please ask him to apologize to me!"

"This..." The older subway police officers were a little embarrassed. It was okay to ask them to apologize, but they couldn't force Huang Mao to apologize.

"No problem, if you didn't steal it, I would apologize!" Huang Mao said anxiously.

"Really?" Yang Ming glanced at Huang Mao.

"Really, I can just call you grandpa!" Huang Mao got excited and got carried away.

The young subway police officer frowned after hearing this, but if someone else is willing to be his grandson, what does it have to do with him. So he started to examine Yang Ming.

After taking out the wallet from Yang Ming's jacket pocket, Huang Mao pointed at the wallet in surprise and shouted: "This is my wallet, this is it! Comrade police, he is a thief. Catch him quickly!"

"What's going on?" The young subway police officer glanced at Yang Ming suspiciously and asked. The way he looked at this young man just now was that he was very calm, not at all nervous like other criminal suspects. So I almost didn’t think that he had stolen Huang Mao’s wallet, but he didn’t expect that it was found during a search

"This is my wallet. If he says it's his, it's his?" Yang Ming said in a funny tone, "Then can I just point at other people's things and say it's mine?"

"What evidence do you have to prove that this wallet is yours?" asked Huang Mao.

"My land is mine, why don't you ask him what evidence he has?" Huang Mao asked deliberately.

"I'm asking you now. The wallet is on him. If you say it's yours, of course I have to prove it!" The young subway police officer was a little unhappy.

"Oh, there are 2,348 yuan in it, and a voucher for Jiulongpo KTV!" Huang Mao said with all his treasures. This was something he had determined in advance. It was originally 2,500 yuan, but yesterday I spent 150 yuan to buy a suit of clothes. I just spent two yuan on the subway, so I had exactly 2,348 yuan left, and that voucher was given to me for free by the karaoke hall when I went to sing a few days ago.

"Tell me, what's in your wallet?" The young subway police officer was stunned. I didn’t expect that Huang Mao could really tell the amount and contents inside! He felt that Huang Mao was not lying. After all, it would be clear once he opened this kind of thing and inspected it. So he began to doubt Yang Ming, so he asked the same question to Yang Ming.

"I also have 2,348 yuan in my wallet. There is also a voucher for Jiulongpo KTV!" Yang Ming said calmly.

"You... you learned this from me!" Huang Mao was furious, pointed at Yang Ming and said, "Comrade police officer, he said this because he saw what I said. Don't believe him!"

"This..." The young subway police officer was stunned, not knowing who to believe.

The older subway policeman was more experienced. He waved his hand to the young subway policeman and said, "Open your wallet first and take a look at what's inside."

The young subway police officer nodded, opened his wallet, and counted the money and belongings inside. After a while, the counting results came out. To his surprise, there was indeed 2,348 yuan and a voucher for Jiulongpo KTV!

"What should we do?" The young subway policeman glanced at the older subway policeman with some embarrassment.

"Although you said that too. But you said it after him, so you are still highly suspicious!" the older subway police officer said to Yang Ming.

"Why should I be suspected? The wallet is mine. You asked him first, so why am I suspected?" Yang Ming deliberately frowned, looking unhappy at being wronged.

"But he was also right about what was inside." said the young subway policeman.


Did he see it when he took the money just now? By the way, I counted the money in my wallet when I bought the subway at the door. Maybe he remembered it? "Yang Ming started to make up random things. But he was not afraid. He had the capital to make up his lies.

"What?" Huang Mao was furious: "What nonsense! You liar!"

"Don't get excited!" The young subway policeman glared at Huang Mao, and then said to Yang Ming: "In this case, things will be difficult to handle. You two will go to the guard room of the subway station with us, and slowly check when you get there. !”

"Okay..." Huang Mao hesitated and nodded. Anyway, the wallet is obviously his own, so he has nothing to worry about!

"But I still have something to do!" Yang Ming said.

The young subway policeman and the older subway policeman looked at each other! There is a door! Usually real thieves don’t want to be taken back for interrogation! So they think Yang Ming is very suspicious!

"No, if you want to find out the truth of the matter, you must go back with us!" the older subway policeman said seriously.

"That's... right!" Yang Ming suddenly said as if he suddenly realized: "I can prove that the wallet is mine!"

"Huh?" The older subway police officer was stunned and asked, "How to prove it?"

"There was a ten-dollar note in my wallet with a few words written on it! That was what the vendor gave me when I was buying a drink from a street vendor. At that time, I thought because there were words on the money, I went to the hawker to exchange it for one, but he said it didn't matter, he could spend it," Yang Ming said.

"What?" The young subway policeman took out the ten-yuan banknotes. Sure enough, there was writing on one of them, so he asked, "What words were written on it? Can you tell me?"

"Ask him if he knows about this?" Yang Ming pointed at Huang Mao and said.

"Do you know?" the older subway police officer asked Huang Mao.

"I... of course I know!" Huang Mao said pretending to be smart: "But I can't say it this time. After I say it, he should learn from me!"

"Haha, how about that? How about we whisper the above contents to the two policemen?" Yang Ming said with a smile.

"This..." Huang Mao hesitated. He didn't even know that there was writing on the money, but how did Yang Ming know? Is he really trying to scare people

"Okay, let's do it!" The older subway policeman nodded, then pulled Yang Ming to the other side of the car and asked, "What do you say this time?"

"It says, **Brother, I love you! Because I felt so disgusting, I remember it more deeply." Yang Ming explained.

The older subway police officer nodded and walked back.

Huang Mao didn't even know that there were words on the money. He hesitated for a long time but couldn't explain why. He had no choice but to excuse himself and said that he couldn't remember whether there were words on the money. Who would study the words on the money when he had nothing to do? ah!

Although Huang Mao's words would have been quite reasonable under normal circumstances, now that Yang Ming had clearly spoken the words on the money, the two policemen immediately knew what was going on.

"By the way, I also know the expiration date of that KTV voucher!" Yang Ming pretended to remember something again and said, "Then it says it expires on July 16th!"

The older subway police officer took out the voucher and looked at it. He no longer had any doubts. He returned the wallet to Yang Ming and said sorry.

Yang Ming took the wallet with a smile and looked at Huang Mao with a very "sympathetic" look: "Grandson, please call me grandpa!"

At this moment, Huang Mao was completely confused. How could this be possible? Impossible? Is that wallet really not yours? Are you suffering from hallucinations? No, it’s obviously yours! But how could he know something he didn't even know

Yang Ming got off the bus, and Huang Mao was in a miserable state. He was taken to the police room of the subway station by two police officers.

Huang Mao, who had regained his composure, had no choice but to admit that he had secretly recorded the amount of money in Yang Ming's wallet because Yang Ming had taken his seat and had a grudge against him and wanted to hurt him!

It wasn't a big deal. Huang Mao had a good attitude towards admitting his mistakes. He was criticized and educated before being let go.

But Huang Mao couldn't figure it out. What happened today was a bit too weird? However, when he met Yang Ming for the second time, something even more sinister happened. Of course, this is a story for another day.