So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 157: 157.Sit on the sidelines


"I wonder where Mr. Yang is employed?" Guo Jian asked, raising his glass.

"Me?" Yang Ming smiled and said, "Haha, Wuye."

Yang Ming has read some online novels. Many of the protagonists in them will say that they are unemployed when others ask them what they do. Not only does this appear unpredictable, but there will also be no embarrassment once the lie is exposed. Because I am unemployed to begin with, I didn’t lie to you!

"My cousin just entered college this year. Haha, how many people are so successful in their careers?" Yang Li suddenly interjected. Yang Li felt a little angry when she saw Yang Ming acting very calmly. She wanted to bring him here to create negative effects. How could she really let him pretend to be Sun Jie's boyfriend and deceive everyone? So Yang Li couldn't help but reveal the secret.

Yang Ming frowned and thought to himself, you are too impatient. I still want to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf. In this case, I won't serve you anymore!

Sun Jie also looked at Yang Li very puzzledly. If you say this, aren't you going to betray everything

Guo Jian, on the other hand, looked happy and seemed a little surprised.

"Ah? Haha, I was just joking. I saw Mr. Yang's surname was Yang, so I casually called him cousin." Yang Li pretended to have made a mistake and quickly defended herself. In fact, the more it is drawn, the darker it gets.

Ming snorted coldly, casually unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his strong chest muscles, leaned back carelessly, lit a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth, looking like a social scoundrel: " Okay, cousin, I know you look down on people like us who are mixed in society, but Sun Jie and I also really love each other. She didn’t say anything, so you don’t have to worry about it? "

As he spoke, Yang Ming held a cigarette in one hand and put his arm around Sun Jie's shoulders with the other. Thanks to the scene of touching her thigh in the car just now, Sun Jie is now less repelled by Yang Ming's physical harassment. He didn't show any flaws and smiled charmingly at everyone. A very happy look.

Yang Li was stupid, Guo Jian was stupid, President Hua and Vice President Liao were also stupid. They are usually relatively sophisticated people, but when have they ever met a rough gangster like Yang Ming? Seeing him look like a young and Dangerous boy, everyone felt strange in their hearts.

After all, these people can be considered culturally qualified people. He was very disdainful of Yang Ming's identity. But because Sun Jie was present, it was not easy to make sarcastic remarks. The contempt in Mr. Hua's eyes was even greater.

Who is this little gangster? He thinks he is a gangster after watching Young and Dangerous for a few days, but in fact he is just trash from the bottom of society!

Originally, Guo Jian thought that Yang Ming was just temporarily arrested to make up for his crimes, but now he saw Yang Ming's ruffian face, coupled with his strong muscles. It's obvious that he is a real gangster. Even if he pretends to be a boyfriend, he still has to catch someone similar? So maybe this Yang Ming is really Sun Jie's boyfriend!

Guo Jian originally had hope, but was instantly knocked back to rock bottom. How could Yang Li know? I originally wanted to destroy things, but I didn't accomplish the destruction, but there were some signs of making the fake become real.

It turns out that Yang Ming is a little gangster, so he talks in different jargons. Although Guo Jian dare not say anything on the surface, he is angry in his heart. He is the vice president of the Xiongfeng Group, but he can't compare to a little gangster.

Looking at Yang Ming's face, Guo Jian was furious. If Mr. Hua hadn't winked at him repeatedly, he might have made sarcastic remarks.

Although Vice President Liao kept the atmosphere at the table, Guo Jian's interest was not very high, so the banquet never reached its climax.

As for Yang Ming, he didn't care about that. He ate whatever he had and filled his stomach happily. It's not his fault anyway, others can think whatever they want.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Mr. Hua stood up and gave Guo Jian a secret wink.

Guo Jian understood immediately, stood up and said, "I'll go too, let's go together."

A slight sneer flashed across the corner of Yang Ming's mouth. Their little movements had already aroused Yang Ming's vigilance, so Yang Ming always glanced in one direction casually.

In the bathroom.

"I'm so angry, Brother Hua, do you think that little gangster is really Sun Jie's boyfriend?" Guo Jian said through gritted teeth.

"It's hard to say, maybe it is, maybe it's not. But it's more likely that it's not." Mr. Hua analyzed: "What kind of identity is Sun Jie, how could she find a gangster as her boyfriend? And that person is Yang Li's cousin , which means she is three years younger than Sun Jie, do you think this is okay?"

"Well, that's right. I don't think it's possible." After listening to Mr. Hua's analysis, Guo Jian felt slightly confident: "By the way, is the plan we talked about before still going forward?"

"What, brother, are you scared?" Mr. Hua said with a smile.

"Afraid? What am I afraid of? Am I afraid of that little gangster?" Guo Jian sneered.

"Of course it's not that little gangster, I'm talking about Sun Jie's family background." Mr. Hua shook his head.

These words reached Guo Jian's heart, and he immediately fell silent. But then he became fierce again: "Isn't that what women are like? As long as you make her happy in bed, are you afraid that she won't obey you?"

"Haha, that's right." Mr. Hua said with a sinister smile: "Then I congratulate your brother on becoming the Sun family's son-in-law!"

"Hahahaha! Brother Hua, don't worry, if one day I will never forget Mr. Hua's kindness." Guo Jian is not usually such an arrogant person, but what happened today is his weakness, so he simply I didn't notice Mr. Hua's expression.

"Why are we brothers talking about this? I'm optimistic about you!" Although Mr. Hua was smiling, there was a hint of chill in his eyes.

"That medicine... won't be detected?" After laughing, Guo Jian suddenly asked worriedly.

"Of course not, the latest American technology has been investigated by the FBI.

"Oh! In this case, I'll go back first and you can enter the house later, otherwise it will arouse their suspicion." Guo Jian said happily.

Looking at Guo Jian's retreating figure, Mr. Hua sneered: "American technology? I bought it for fifty yuan at a sexual health shop on the roadside. The FBI couldn't find it. +:. A hospital can test it. Boy , you will have leverage in my hands in the future, are you still afraid that you will be disobedient?"

In the Lilac Private Room.

"Yang Ming, what's your attitude? Have you forgotten what I told you before?" Yang Li reminded in a low voice.

"Isn't it exactly what you think I am doing now?" Yang Ming sneered.

"See if I don't complain to my second uncle." Yang Li threatened.

"Okay, then I'll tell uncle that you forced me to pretend to be Sun Jie's boyfriend." Yang Ming smiled.

"You!" Yang Li was about to say something else when the door to the private room was pushed open and Guo Jian walked in with a smile.

Yang Li and Sun Jie were both surprised. This guy looked sad when he went out, but when he came back he was smiling all the time? I saw Guo Jian taking down a bottle of red wine from the wine rack behind him, and then said: "Why can't the atmosphere of today's banquet be good? Sun Jie, why don't you change it to some red wine?"

"It's best not to drink if you don't want to die." Yang Ming reminded Sun Jie lightly.

"Death? What do you mean?" Sun Jie was stunned.

Yang Ming frowned, why is this woman so poor at understanding! But Yang Ming couldn't just say what he "saw" just now? Fortunately, he was smarter and said casually: "You drove here, what are you drinking?"

Seeing Yang Ming frowning, Sun Jie's competitive mentality started to play tricks again, and she whispered: "It's okay, a glass of red wine is fine." The tone was a bit sarcastic, which meant: Are you afraid of death

Yang Ming was furious when he saw that Sun Jie was mistaking his kindness for nothing. I'm doing it for your own good. If you want to drink it, then drink it. If something happens, don't blame me for not warning you.

Guo Jian took two new goblets from the cabinet and handed one to Yang Li and the other to Sun Jie. However, Guo Jian sprinkled a drop of transparent powder on the bottom of Sun Jie's cup inadvertently. The lighting in the box was already dim, and you couldn't tell if you weren't careful. Moreover, Guo Jian filled the wine directly, so Sun Jie didn't notice anything wrong with it.

Yang Ming, on the other hand, watched all this with cold eyes. Thinking back to the last words Mr. Cai said to himself just now.

A glass of red wine really doesn't mean anything to Sun Jie. She already drinks a lot. There's no woman who hangs out in the mall who can't drink!

Guo Jian was very happy when he saw Sun Jie put the empty wine glass on the table: "That's it for today. We'll go singing later. Mr. Hua has already booked a private room. When he comes back, we'll go there - Mr. Hua came back!"