So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 179: 179. Instructor Xie Yongqiang


Yang Ming nodded, knowing that Zhang Weihan was telling the truth, especially in a famous and key university like Songjiang University of Technology. The professors there were very good. For example, Li Weishan, whom he knew, if he wanted to make money, he could make it no matter what. Who would care? What about a little profit? And you still risk making mistakes!

It's just that he doesn't agree with Zhang Weihan's approach. He is obviously using money to seduce poor students who have little social experience! But this is beyond Yang Ming's control. Since those students were able to accept bribes from Zhang Weihan, it proves that their willpower is not so firm.

After that, Zhang Weihan briefly told Yang Ming a few people who should not be offended in Songjiang University of Technology, and surprisingly there was Liu Zhaojun who he met at noon today.

These people are basically members of some Taekwondo club or Karate club. Most of them are the special moves of the top students. They rely on their ability to fight, and they are a bit domineering on campus. But after all, the school's supervision is still very strict. As long as you don't provoke them, they generally won't take the initiative to trouble you. There are also some children from rich families. Although such people cannot be beaten, there are people who are willing to work for them, so these people cannot be provoked casually. Zhang Weihan said.

Yang Ming is not afraid of those physically gifted students. It's just fighting, that's his strength. What bothers Yang Ming the most now is the second type, people like Wang Zhitao who rely on their family's power to cause trouble. This kind of people are connected to society, and they use the tricks of society to deal with people, so Yang Ming treats those people The names of several wealthy and powerful people in their families were secretly remembered. At least don't take the initiative to provoke them before solving Wang Zhitao's matter.

Following Zhang Weihan to the door of the School of Computer Science, I unexpectedly met a familiar person. And the eyes of Zhang Weihan next to Yang Ming almost bulged out! There is such a beauty among the freshmen in this class!

"Yang Ming. What a coincidence?" Zhou Jiajia and Wang Xue walked together and greeted Yang Ming with a smile.

Yang Ming frowned, could it be that this **ni was also from Jiyuan? Brothel, hehe. It really matches her! Thinking of this, Yang Ming also said with a smile: "Hello, Ji Nu!"

"Huh? Prostitute?" Zhou Jiajia's expression changed instantly. Even if the two people had conflicts before, it was not so harmful? Calling someone a whore in front of someone? Wait, is that person named "Obin" on QQ really him? Did he say that about himself after watching that video? No, that person definitely can’t be Yang Ming

"Ha, please don't misunderstand this classmate!" Zhang Weihan glared at Yang Ming. Are you the one who talks like that? He couldn't help but shook his head. This boy was still too young and didn't know how to pick up girls.

"The thing is like this, our School of Computer Science has always been called the School of Engineering. The boys in the School of Engineering are called Ji Nan, and the girls are called Ji Nv. And he and I are both Ji Nan!" Zhang Weihan was not worried. He was chatting with a beautiful girl from the beginning, and Yang Ming's words of "girl planning" helped him.

"Huh? Is there another way to say this?" Zhou Jiajia looked at the faint evil smile in Yang Ming's eyes and knew that she had misunderstood. However, it seems that he is still the same as before. He loves to make fun of others. But why is he only so kind to Su Ya

"Yes, you will get used to it when you call me an old student." Zhang Weihan patted his chest and said, "This is my business card. If you have any difficulties, please call me."

While Zhang Weihan was picking up girls, he also didn't forget to expand his business. Are you a beautiful woman? When you find me, you can give me a suitable discount or simply don’t pay for it. It depends on the performance of the beauty. Zhang Weihan once helped several beauties solve exam problems for free, and the price they paid was to go to bed with him.

Of course, those women were all prostitutes who were ridden by thousands of people, and they cut off contact with Zhang Weihan afterwards. However, this one-night stand-like feeling also made Zhang Weihan very happy.

If you can use this to develop a girlfriend, it would be even more perfect.

Wang Xue took the business card from Zhou Jiajia, and the four of them walked into the building of the School of Computer Science together. What Yang Ming didn't expect was that Zhou Jiajia was in the same class as Yang Ming!

Yang Ming is in class 08 and 2, while Zhou Jiajia is in class 081. To create a learning atmosphere for students, university classes are divided according to the order of college entrance examination scores. In other words, Zhou Jiajia's scores are actually higher than Yang Ming! This surprised Yang Ming more or less!

I really didn’t realize that this ** girl is quite powerful. It turned out that she and Su Ya were defeated, and she was so good in the college entrance examination! But Yang Ming is just that

Think about it, what Zhou Jiajia is doing now has nothing to do with him. Yang Ming has matured a lot now, and it is impossible for him to do the kind of ambitious thing he did in the past like looking for someone to beat Zhou Jiajia up. Although Yang Ming often claimed that he "punched Nanshan Nursing Home, kicked Beihai Kindergarten, and bullied the old, weak, sick and disabled." But that was just talk. If Yang Ming was really asked to do it, Yang Ming still wouldn't bother to do it.

The counterpart classes in the university are actually just like the same class. For large classes, all ten classes in the department are taught together, while for small classes, two corresponding classes are taught together in one classroom. And both classes have the same instructor.

Therefore, it has become an inevitable fact that Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia are in the same class! Although Yang Ming was not very willing, he now believed that he did not have the ability to control the leadership of the department, so he could only pretend to turn a blind eye.

Zhang Weihan came to the department to help others make up exams. He went to find a teacher he knew well to write questions, so he said goodbye to Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia first, and agreed to keep in touch by phone in the future.

After entering the classroom, Yang Ming casually found a seat at the back and sat down, taking a general look at the entire classroom. It can be said that university campuses are places where the gap between rich and poor is relatively serious. Those students who come from mountainous areas are really poor. It can be seen from their clothes how difficult their daily lives are.

And those students who live in the city still dress beautifully no matter how poor they are. For children from working-class families like Yang Ming, parents will also buy some new clothes for their children in the new semester.

Of course, these are not what Yang Ming can care about. However, Yang Ming observed that most of the well-dressed students were surrounded by well-dressed people, and those poor students were also surrounded by poor students.

Birds of a feather flock together and people flock together since ancient times.

After about ten minutes, a man in his twenties with a crew cut came in and stood on the podium: "Okay, everyone, please be quiet!" The man knocked on the podium and said.

Freshman students are still more afraid of teachers, unlike those in their junior and senior years who basically don’t take their instructors seriously. The middle-aged man clearly looked like a teacher, so the students who were whispering below all kept their mouths shut.

"My name is Xie Yongqiang..." At this point, the man paused, and the students below burst into snickers. "Don't laugh, everyone, it's the Xie Yongqiang in Country Love. I am the instructor of your Class 1 and Class 2."

I don’t know which flatterer took the lead in applauding, but Yang Ming could only follow with a few perfunctory claps.

Xie Yongqiang made a downward gesture and said, "You don't have to welcome me. There's no point in flattering me. I'm only responsible for supervising your conduct and discipline. I have no control over your test scores."

As soon as these words came out, the leading students looked very embarrassed. Unexpectedly, there was a huge difference between college and high school, and the teacher didn't accept this trick.

"Next, I will start the roll call according to the roll call. The students who are called will stand up and answer the questions. I will briefly recognize them first." Xie Yongqiang said: "Then, everyone will have a day off tomorrow, and formal military training will begin the day after tomorrow for one month. Military training After the roll call, take the payment ticket to the logistics department to collect it. In addition, after the military training, we will start running for class cadres. If there are students who want to participate in the election, prepare a speech yourself. The positions for election include squad leader, deputy Class president, study committee member, life committee member, and sports committee member. There are not many positions and not many requirements. We run for election once every semester and choose democratically. I will not participate. Therefore, I first remind those students who want to engage in crooked ways not to come to me. !”

Xie Yongqiang's words caused a burst of laughter from the students below, but Yang Ming felt that this instructor was not bad.

Next, Xie Yongqiang began to call the names according to the roster. Except for a few classmates who did not come, Yang Ming roughly wrote down the names of the rest of the class.

There are only about thirty people in each class in the university, and there are only about sixty people in two classes, so it is not very difficult to remember. However, in two huge classes with more than sixty students, including Zhou Jiajia, there are only fourteen girls. This ratio is really quite miserable!

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