So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 188: 188.Crazy Mr. Yun


"Huh? I'm just willing to teach you a lesson, don't even think about asking anything from me!" Liu Xiao said angrily.

"Really?" Yang Ming grabbed Liu Xiaosheng's head, lifted him up, and then slammed him on the machine cover. The huge momentum made a dent in the machine cover, and the left side of Liu Xiaosheng's head was bleeding.

"I just don't like you. How about I find someone to teach you a lesson! Are you willing to kill me?" Liu Xiaosheng shouted.

"You don't like me? Have I ever offended you?" Yang Ming was a little confused. He didn't even know that he was the green onion. He didn't even say a word before, but he didn't like her

"Hmph, you didn't offend me! But it doesn't matter if I tell you, I am the driver of Mr. Yun's Jade Company, and I couldn't bear to see how awesome you were when you presented the gift just now!" Liu Xiaosheng scolded: "I want to kill you. You want to chop it up as you please!"

Yang Ming was a little dumbfounded after hearing this. Isn't this a typical example of the emperor not being anxious and the eunuchs being anxious? Mr. Yun didn’t say anything, but you, the driver, felt sorry for him first? The reason why Yang Ming believed Liu Xiaosheng's words was because he and Mr. Yun had no holiday at all, and when he gave the gift, he made it clear that it was sent on behalf of Zhang's Jade Company. Therefore, even if Mr. Yun is unhappy, the targets of his revenge are Zhang Jiefang and Zhang Bin. What does it have to do with him

After understanding all this, Yang Ming really lost interest in teaching this guy a lesson. He let go of his hand, kicked him to the ground, and then said: "Get out of here, I don't want to see you again in the future."

After saying that, Yang Ming returned to Zhang Bin's Pentium and said: "Drive, let's go."

After Yang Ming left, a middle-aged man sitting in a parked Mercedes-Benz not far away stopped the DV recorder in his hand and sneered: "If Sun Jie knows that you are a barbarian, you will be finished." .”

… … … …

Yang Ming is really depressed. What is this? Small fish, small shrimp, and people who have nothing to do with you are all here to cause trouble for you!

He sent Lan Ling back to the family area of Songjiang University of Technology and let her have a good rest. Then Yang Ming called Chen Mengyan.

"Yang Ming, are you done with your affairs?" Chen Mengyan answered the phone and asked.

"Yeah, I'm done here, where should we go shopping?" Yang Ming asked.

"I'm sorry, Yang Ming, my grandma came to my house today, and I want to stay with her for a while. I'll contact you after she leaves, okay?" Chen Mengyan said apologetically.

"No problem, just call me when the time comes! It just so happens that Zhang Bin and I didn't have a good meal. Find a place to have something to eat." Yang Ming said.

Anyone who has participated in such large banquets and cocktail parties will know that it is difficult to fill your stomach there. Going there is nothing more than a scene, a situation, and an exchange of feelings.

Zhang Bin also thinks in the same class, Lan Ling is a girl. They will be full after eating some fruits and snacks, but they are still growing teenagers!

Zhang Bin drove and stopped at a "Jintou Ba Nao Yi Guo Xiang" shop on the roadside. The two of them ordered a big pot, added some hotpot and started eating.

"Damn it. That Liu Xiaosheng is such a scumbag!" Zhang Bin cursed while eating.

"What's more, I've been hurt by you." Yang Ming smiled bitterly and said, "As promised, you have to treat me to this meal!"

"Who is following who among us? Is it necessary to be so detailed? I'll give it to you!" Zhang Bin said with a smile: "It's funny when I think about it. This guy actually stood up for his boss and found fault. Someone to vent your anger on!"

"Just laugh! I'm telling you. You have to be careful these days. That Liu Xiaosheng is obviously a tough guy. He might even come looking for trouble!" Yang Ming glared at Zhang Bin and said.

"Ha, I came here to cause trouble for you! Who made him suffer under your hands today!" Zhang Bin smiled nonchalantly.

"Crow's Mouth." Yang Ming didn't take it seriously. Who would have thought. Zhang Bin’s words really became a reality!

… … … …

Mr. Yun's full name is Yun Guangdu. At a banquet hosted by Mr. Hua, he met Sun Jie. He was immediately fascinated by her unique temperament and beauty and vowed not to marry Sun Jie. Later, when he learned about Sun Jie's powerful background, not only did he not back down, but he even stepped up his pursuit of this rich young woman.

It's just that Sun Jie has a very indifferent attitude towards Yunguangdu, and apart from normal business dealings, there is almost no interaction with them. The two of them can only meet in some businesses

When we met at the meeting, Sun Jie never agreed to the private invitation.

All along, Yun Guang has always thought that his conditions are pretty good. He is only in his early forties and already has hundreds of millions of assets. Looking at the entire Songjiang City, how many people can reach his level!

Therefore, Yun Guangdu is still very confident in himself. He believes that the harder it is to win a woman, the more passionate she will be once she wins! However, hearing what President Hua said today that Yang Ming turned out to be Sun Jie's girlfriend was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Yun Guangdu!

Yun Guangdu has been dreaming about himself and Sun Jie being together all the time these days, but this dream was ruthlessly shattered!

Therefore, Yun Guangdu was very angry and immediately ordered his driver Liu Xiaosheng to find some people in society to teach Yang Ming a lesson. When he received a call from Liu Xiaosheng and was told that the operation failed, Yun Guang couldn't even mention how depressed he was!

Yang Ming! How could you, a bastard, get Sun Jie's love? Yun Guangdu roared and smashed the phone on the ground, causing the body and battery to separate, and the entire phone to pieces.

Especially Yun Guang remembered what Mr. Hua said about Yang Ming and Sun Jie having sex in the KTV bathroom for half an hour, which made him even more crazy! He has already collected all the information about Yang Ming. He is just a freshman from a working-class family! He couldn't see anything about Yang Ming that could attract Sun Jie, but this was the fact!

He didn't think Mr. Hua was joking about this matter, but in fact Mr. Hua didn't lie to him. However, Yang Ming did have a relationship with Sun Jie, but they have no relationship now.

"Secretary Wang, go buy me a new mobile phone and come back." Yun Guangdu used the internal line to call his secretary.

"Mr. Yun, I bought two mobile phones last time. I also have a new one here, which I will send to you right away." Secretary Wang knew that Yun Guang had the habit of dropping phones, so he bought two mobile phones at once last time. Only.

"Okay, bring it to me right away." Yun Guangdu hung up the phone.

Five minutes later, a slim and charming female secretary walked in and placed a new Samsung Earl mobile phone on Mr. Yun's desk. Then she bent down to pick up the scrapped mobile phone and took out the SIM card inside. .

The female secretary's raised breasts made Yun Guangdu furious. He walked up without any explanation, lifted up the female secretary's skirt, and then unbuttoned his own pants.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Yun, I'll fix your phone..." the female secretary called out coquettishly.

"Hey, don't worry about the mobile phone for now. You should take care of this chicken on me first!" Yun Guangdu said.

"Ouch... ah!" the female secretary exclaimed exaggeratedly, "I can't stand it anymore... ah, Mr. Yun, hurry up and push harder!"

"You bastard!" Yun Guangdu laughed and said, "It would be great if Sun Jie was as coquettish as you!"

It took half an hour for the gasping and rough breathing in the office to subside. Yun Guangdu pulled up his pants, took the mobile phone handed to him by the female secretary, and then waved his hand to signal her to go out first.

The female secretary simply collected the pieces of her cell phone and the toilet paper stained with their bodily fluids, and then exited the office.

Yun Guangdu turned on his phone, called up a number on the sim card and dialed it.

"The King of Heaven and the Tigers of Earth." After the call was connected, the other party said something incomprehensible.

"The widow is dead." Yun Guangdu said carefully.

"Who are you looking for?" the other party asked again.

"Black Widow." Yun Guangdu said.

"Welcome to call Black Widow Revenge Company. Do you need any help?" The other party said with confidence after seeing that the codes were correct.

"I want to destroy someone." Yun Guangdu said.

"Hands are worth 150,000 yuan, legs are worth 200,000 yuan, and all limbs are worth a discount of 300,000 yuan." The other party said neatly: "This is the basic price. If you are a public figure, the price will be negotiated separately."

"If he's not a public figure, he's just a college student!" Yun Guangdu said, "I want to cripple his three legs!"

"Three legs?" The other party was stunned, and then smiled: "Haha, I understand what you mean. If the lower three legs are completely useless, the price will be 500,000."

"Okay, I agree." Yun Guangdu agreed without even thinking. Five hundred thousand is too small for him.