So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 201: 201. Achilles heel


Xiao Qing was helping in the kitchen before opening the door. Now that Lan Ling is here, Lan Ling also takes the initiative to help. This gave Xiao Qing an opportunity to inquire about Yang Ming's life experience.

"Ling Ling, so you and Yang Ming met in Tengchong?" Xiao Qing was very surprised to hear Lan Ling's life experience.

"Yeah, later... I followed him to Songjiang." Although Lan Ling was so bold in front of Yang Ming, he was still a little embarrassed in front of outsiders.

Xiao Qing sorted out the information she got, and now she only knows that Yang Ming was born in an ordinary worker's family. After the college entrance examination, she went to Tengchong with Zhang Bin and gambled some stones.

This was the general information, and Xiao Qing didn't think there was anything special about it.

During the meal, Liu Weishan formally introduced Xiao Qing to Yang Ming: "Yang Ming, this is my adopted daughter Xiao Qing, who also works at Songjiang University of Technology and teaches Java language. You majored in computer science and may teach Java in the future. your turn."

"Haha, Mr. Liu, actually Sister Xiao Qing and I have known each other for a long time." Yang Ming recounted what happened on the bus.

"It turns out there is such a coincidence, Qingqing, please take more care of Yang Ming in school from now on." Liu Weishan said happily.

"I know, I will." Xiao Qing nodded and replied with a smile.

After the meal, Liu Weishan called Yang Ming to the study, then took out a box from the bookcase and said to Yang Ming: "Yang Ming, your gift is too precious. I accept your kindness, but the things , you’d better take it back.”

Yang Ming took a look and saw that the piece of jade on the table was the piece of jade he had given, so he said: "Mr. Liu, I have already given it to you as a gift. This jade is of no use to me. I heard that you usually like to carve it yourself. Please accept these for your own entertainment."

"Yang Ming. You need money now. The market price of this piece of jade is at least two to three million. I am an old man, what can I do for fun?" Liu Weishan shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "You don't have to think that I helped you, you have to repay me. I am a professor, and anyone who is eager to learn can become my student. Besides, I just gave you a few random words."

"Mr. Liu. I really don't want to repay you for anything. I gave this piece of jade as a gift. I just feel that having it in your hands will make the most of it." Yang Ming smiled.

"Since you said so. That's it. When I play with jade, I just enjoy the fun of carving. After I carve it, I will give you the finished product. Then you can sell it for a better price." Liu Weishan couldn't insist, so said.

"This..." Why did Yang Ming feel like he was getting something for nothing? During this period, Yang Ming also learned about the market for Liu Weishan's works through hearing and seeing Zhang Jiefang. Many people wanted to ask Liu Weishan to sculpt but couldn't find a way! Now, Mr. Liu actually proposed such generous conditions.

"Okay. It's settled. I'm an old man, and it's useless for me to ask for this thing." Liu Weishan waved his hand and said.

During the National Day holiday, Yang Ming had been practicing strength using the methods that Fang Tian taught him. Yang Ming himself did not feel that his strength had improved significantly, but on the seventh day, when Yang Ming punched the tree trunk, he heard only There was a "click" sound, when the whole fist sank into the trunk of the tree. Yang Ming was shocked to find that the internal meridians of the tree had been completely destroyed by himself, and now the inside was as soft as a sponge!

It seems that Fang Tiandi's seriousness is very useful. Yang Ming did not wait until night, but went directly to Fang Tian during the day. He was very excited. It seemed that the weight of his fists and feet had reached a certain level. Even without measuring it, Yang Ming believed that his punch was enough to break the enemy's ribs.

"Coming?" Fang Tian was making dumplings. When he saw Yang Ming, he asked lightly.

"Here we come." Yang Ming replied, went to the sink to wash his hands, and then started to help Fang Tian make dumplings.

"It seems that you have completed the task I gave you. Otherwise, I would have made dumplings in vain." Fang Tian pinched a dumpling and placed it on the curtain beside him.

"Exactly seven days." Yang Ming smiled and said, "Break a tree."

"Okay, strength is almost enough." Fang Tian nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "As a killer, strength is secondary. The important thing is skills. Killers are different from martial arts masters, and they are different from those in Taekwondo and Karate. .Those who must have a long-lasting foundation and solid training step by step can become the best.

Hands, the emphasis is on killing people. In many cases, one blow is fatal. You must know the vital parts of the human body. Next, I will explain to you in detail some of the fatal parts and vaginas of the human body. Okay, I'll cook the dumplings first. "

"Huh?" Yang Ming felt a little uncomfortable hearing Fang Tian's 180-degree turn. In the first sentence, he was killing people, and in the next sentence, he was eating dumplings. This made Yang Ming shudder, thinking of a movie he had seen called "Human Barbecued Pork Buns".

Fang Tian boiled the water, then found a pile of torn paper for igniting the fire from under the stove. He took out a few sheets and handed them to Yang Ming: "These are the main anatomy of the human body. You should understand them first. . I haven’t gone out to buy books in the past two days, but this thing doesn’t matter, it’s just a primer. Fortunately, I didn’t burn these few books.”

Yang Ming sweated profusely. Can you just use this kind of thing to light a fire? This old man Fang is really different from ordinary people! Yang Ming took the **Tao picture and looked at it. This is no different from what Yang Ming once saw in a traditional Chinese medicine hospital.

Yang Ming's memory is pretty good. He took advantage of the time before the meal to roughly write down the main positions. As for what these tunnels are for, it's not written above, and Yang Ming doesn't care.

"There are slight differences in some vaginal passages between men and women, but they are not the main vaginal passages. It has no impact on you." Fang Tian threw the dumplings off the pot and closed the lid: "There are a total of 100 vaginal tracts on the human body. Four hundred and nine ** points, including 361 ** points on the 14 meridians and 48 extra-meridian **. Among them, 108 ** points were hit by external forces or There will be obvious symptoms after being clicked. Among the 108 **, 36 of them are called "dead**". If you are not treated in time after being clicked or hit, you will Your life is at risk. As a killer, you only need to understand these thirty-six ways. Because you are not a martial arts master, you don’t need to learn any tricks. Now, I say, you can find it on the map Come out. All you have to do now is remember where they are."

Yang Ming nodded and said, "I understand." Then he picked up a pen and got ready.

"Ajna **, located between the two eyebrows. Front of the forehead **, located one inch above the middle of the eyebrows. Sun **, needless to say this. Occipital bone **, located above the occipital tuberosity. Jueyin **, located in the brain On both sides of the back, between the base of the mastoid process and the bone. Canopy **, the midpoint of the union of the manubrium of the sternum and the body of the sternum, that is, two inches below the celestial process**... "

Yang Ming marked the drawings one by one until Fang Tian finished talking about the thirty-six steps.

"The next thing to do is to accurately understand the positions. Take this drawing back and memorize the positions of these positions in two days." Fang Tian ordered.

"No need, I have memorized it now." Yang Ming's memory is very outstanding. It only has thirty-six positions. Compared with the English words he memorized before, it is simply too easy.

"Not bad." Fang Tian nodded and said lightly with appreciation: "Eat first, the dumplings are cooked. Later Xunjun will get a dummy used for teaching in medical schools. All you have to do is to be fast on it. Find the ** way."

Fang Tian put the dumplings on two plates and said, "There are soy sauce, vinegar and chili oil over there. If you want to eat, pour it yourself."

Yang Ming nodded and mixed himself a small plate of dipping sauce.

Not to mention, Fang Tianbao's cabbage and pork dumplings tasted really good, and Yang Ming ate a plate and a half of them in one go. Fang Tian's appetite is not big, he will be full after eating a few.

Not long after finishing the meal, Dong Jun came, holding a dummy in his hand, and placed it on the ground as soon as he entered the door.

"This thing is quite heavy!" Dong Jun said while wiping his sweat.

"There are dumplings over there. If you want to eat, cook them yourself." Fang Tian pointed at the table and said to Dong Jun.

Xunjun nodded and went to do it himself.

Yang Ming looked at the dummy on the ground and was a little surprised. Can such a thing be obtained? It seems like this thing is not for sale

But then he thought of Dong Jun's profession, and Yang Ming was dumbfounded. This thing most likely came from a certain medical college!

Fang Tian greeted Yang Ming, lifted the dummy up, and leaned against the corner.