So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 202: 202. School beauty post



"In a moment, you can refer to the drawing in your hand and mark all the thirty-six dead positions I told you. All you have to do is to touch these dead positions with your eyes closed." Fang Tian pointed at the dummy and said: "In many cases, the position of the vagina can only be determined by feeling. For example, if you are far away from the target, or if you are fighting at close range. But many times, time does not allow you to do so. Making judgments, so recognition becomes a feeling. Simply put, practice makes perfect, just like touch typing on a computer. Although you change a different keyboard, if you are familiar with its structure, you can Do touch typing.”

Yang Ming nodded to show that he had been taught. Without wasting any time, I immediately started marking the first position.

"As a killer, you must accurately identify these channels and understand their functions." Fang Tian continued: "There is a tongue twister that explains the function of these channels. You can remember it:

Baihui fell to the ground,

If Wei Lu does not return home,

Zhangmen was hit,

Nine out of ten people died,

The sun and the dumb door,

I will definitely meet the King of Hell,

Died suddenly at the knees.

Baihui** is located at the intersection of the midline of the head and the line connecting the tips of the two ears. The meridian belongs to the Du meridian, which is the meeting point of the three yang and the Du meridian of the hands and feet. He was hit in the head and fell unconscious. Shenting enters the fifth place. The meridian is the intersection of the Du Channel, the Governor Channel and the Foot Taiyang Bladder Meridian. After being hit, he felt dizzy and brain-swelled. The sun ** is located in a recess about an inch back between the eyebrow tip and the outer corner of the eye. Meridian: strange **, dizziness, black eyes and tinnitus after being hit. The auricle is **, located in front of the supratragal notch and in the depression when the mouth is opened. Meridian: It is the Shaoyang triple burner meridian of the hand. After being hit, I had tinnitus, dizziness and fell to the ground..."

Yang Ming couldn't help but find the ** position, and according to Fang Tian's description, he also marked the functions of each meridians on it. The entire body of the dummy is densely marked with small characters.

"Your task now is to figure out the location and function of these anatomy as soon as possible." Fang Tian said: "I will make you a wooden dummy as soon as possible. This plastic dummy is obviously not resistant to blows. I guess you can't fight it. It will break in a few strokes.”

Finished. Fang Tian turned around and went out, leaving Yang Ming alone to study these secrets.

For a moment, the sound of ping-pong-pong instruments being struck back and forth was heard in Fang Tian's small courtyard.

After Xunjun ate the dumplings, he stood up and left. He also knew that he needed to avoid it when Fang Tian taught these things. So he left Yang Ming his phone number and told him to call him at any time if he needed anything.

Not long after, Fang Tian walked in, carrying a simple wooden man on his back. Although the workmanship is very rough. However, the proportions are very precise.

"How do you remember?" Fang Tian asked as he glanced at Yang Ming who lowered his head and said nothing.

"Almost." Yang Ming nodded.

"Okay, now let me say whatever you want, and you can point out the position on this wooden man to me immediately." Fang Tian said, "Are you ready?"

"I'll try." Yang Ming took one last look at the dummy beside him, and then turned around.

"Intermediate level!" Fang Tian said.

"Four inches below the navel." Yang Ming quickly nodded.

Fang Tian nodded: "Qimen."

Yang Ming clicked again as instructed.

"It's too close. Go down a little." Fang Tian said lightly, "Six ribs are up, two ribs are below."

In this way, under Fang Tian's intensive training, Yang Ming could basically quickly find the location of each tunnel. If there is anything wrong, Fang Tian will give a warning.

"Yes, but the reaction is still a little slow." Fang Tian said: "You are not familiar with the Tao yet. After I say the name of a Tao, you will unconsciously translate it in your mind. For example, for intermediate vaginal discharge, after I finish talking, you will unconsciously remember that the vaginal passage is four inches below the navel. And this process must be omitted.

That is to say, if I just say the name of a Tao, you will immediately point out its location on the human body instead of considering its location. For example, if I say where the eyes are, you can point out its location at once, instead of thinking about it in your mind first. The eyes are located on the head, above the nose and below the forehead.

Do you understand what I mean? "

"I understand what you mean." Yang Ming knew that Fang Tian wanted him to get rid of those auxiliary memories, but this must go through a process of adaptation.


You can go back. "Fang Tian took out a bag of materials from under the bed and said: "After you go back, you can still soak your hands and feet as before. Don't interrupt your strength training every morning. While taking into account your strength, you can try to speed up your punches. Then Find a stopwatch and check it. How many punches can be thrown in one minute. Many times, the speed of the punch is also the key to victory. Especially in close combat, if your punch is faster than the opponent's, then you win.

The reason is simple. You should have watched "Saint Seiya" when you were a child? The reason why Seiya won when he fought for the first time. It's just because he punches faster than his opponent. What's the name of his unique move? By the way, it's called Pegasus Meteor Fist. Of course, it's nonsense to reach his level. I'm just giving an example. "

Yang Ming sweated violently after hearing this: Saint Seiya? Is this a movie from the 1990s

Fang Tian looked at Yang Ming's strange look, so he smiled and said, "I saw it on the TV in the detention center for nothing, haha."

Yang Ming definitely couldn't carry a dummy and wooden Zhuangzi back to school. He had no choice but to make an appointment to come to Fang Tian's place to practice every night.

… … … …

"Yang Ming, have you gone to school for bbs?" Zhang Bin said to Yang Ming angrily just after the National Day.

"The school's bbs? What's wrong?" Yang Ming remembered registering a number on it when school first started, but never went to it again.

"There is a popular post on it about a beautiful freshman school beauty!" Zhang Bin said: "I don't know which guy took the photo. He posted all the photos of the beauties in the freshman year and is doing a human flesh search to collect information on the beauties! "

"Huh?" Although Yang Ming already has two girlfriends, he is still more interested in the beauties in school. After all, what man doesn't like to look at beauties

"Did you read it?" Yang Ming asked as he opened his laptop.

"Not yet, I also heard this from a pervert from Class 1 when I was going upstairs." Zhang Bin said: "You go to the 'Hot Gossip' column on 6!"

Yang Ming followed the instructions and clicked into the "Popular Gossip" section, and then asked: "Where is it?"

"The pinned area, that - yes, that's this post... The number of clicks on it today actually reached more than 30,000??" Zhang Bin exclaimed.

Yang Ming clicked on the post. The campus network was very fast, and the pictures popped up quickly. Most of these pictures were taken with mobile phones. The pixels are not very clear and there is no detailed information. It seems like some bored pervert took the photo at random.

"Isn't this sister-in-law?" Zhang Bin pointed at the first picture and said in surprise.

The first photo is indeed that of Chen Mengyan. The photo was taken near the teaching building of the School of Economics and Management. It was obviously taken secretly. However, the angle of the candid shot was very good. Chen Mengyan was looking up at something unknown, and the whole photo had an indescribable sense of freshness.

The poster also specifically noted below: This mm is expected to become a freshman

Yang Ming shook his head. It seemed that beautiful women were noticed wherever they went. Continuing to scroll down the web page, Yang Ming actually saw Zhou Jiajia.

Is this **** also a candidate for the school beauty? But judging from appearance alone, Zhou Jiajia is not much inferior to Chen Mengyan.

"Isn't this Zhou Jiajia, the girl we saw when we had dinner together that day!" Zhou Jiajia's photo said excitedly.

Looking at him like this, it was obvious that he no longer remembered that this girl had ever had a naked conversation with him. But no wonder, there are so many netizens, who can remember it so carefully.

Yang Ming looked down again. Not all of the pictures in the post were top-notch beauties. Some were just average-looking, and they might not be photogenic. But some of the photos looked very familiar. Yang Ming also noticed that whenever something happened, firstly, the photo was not very clear, and secondly, they were from the same school, so they had probably met somewhere, so it was normal for them to look familiar.

At the end of the post, the author of the post called on everyone to conduct a human flesh search to collect information about these beauties to supplement. After looking at the replies, most of them were left by sultry guys such as "I want you to be my girlfriend" and "She's so beautiful, I like it."

"Boss, what do you think about my sister-in-law's information?" Zhang Bin said with a bad smile. "How dare you." Yang Ming glared at him and closed the post.