So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 203: 203.Sun Jie's reaction


Yang Ming couldn't say anything about these. Although it is no longer popular in universities to select rankings of school beauties, beauties are always the focus of boys' attention. There is nothing wrong with someone posting something like this. Just like Yang Ming himself, wasn't he also a little moved by Zhang Bin's words and took a look at this post

The freshman computer courses are very boring and boring. It talks about some basic computer knowledge and system operations. It's not in-depth at all, and with some non-major courses, it's almost the same as other departments.

A month passed in a hurry. In addition to attending classes every day, Yang Ming got up at five o'clock every morning, then went to the small woods north of the school to practice strength and speed, and then went to Fang Tian to study at night. Killing skills.

After a period of adaptation, Yang Ming no longer needed to translate the location and functions of those vaginas in his mind. It's the same as conditioned reflex, making reasonable judgments directly.

During the simulated confrontation training with Fang Tian, Yang Ming was able to quickly find the position that was most beneficial to him and the most lethal to the enemy to strike.

Although he still hesitates sometimes, if his opponent is not an experienced killer like Fang Tian, Yang Ming can basically kill him with one move. But now that I think about it, when I was fighting with Ji Shuisheng, I must have accidentally hit one of his vital parts, which led to Ji Shuisheng's death.

"Okay, you have basically mastered the positions and functions of these deadly channels in the human body. The rest is up to you." Fang Tian nodded and was basically satisfied: "But next. I want to teach you. The purpose is to use the tools around you to improve the efficiency of killing.

In many cases, killing does not necessarily require physical action. Knives and sticks can also be used as murder weapons. But for killers, anything around us can be used to kill. You can't always have swords, guns and sticks with you? For example, you are not allowed to carry these items on airplanes, trains or on special occasions.

Or maybe you didn't intend to kill at all, but just did it on the spur of the moment. In this case, you have to learn to make good use of everything around you! For example, a rope or a chopstick. A mineral water bottle, a mobile phone battery or even a piece of paper can become a murder weapon! It depends on whether you can use it reasonably. "

"Can a piece of paper kill someone?" Yang Ming looked at Fang Tian in disbelief.

"Yes, even a slightly newer banknote can be used as a murder tool, as long as the power is mastered. It can also cut people's throats!" Fang Tian said lightly: "There is a general rule for identifying these things. Skills, that is, sharp, thin, and thin. As long as any one of these three characteristics is met, it can be used as a killing tool. Of course, not all killing tools must meet these three points. If they do not meet these three points, It can also become a tool for killing people. For example, a tea cup or a lamp, etc. In short, use it properly. Theoretically, anything around you can kill someone."

Yang Ming listened very carefully and attentively. Although he did not want to embark on the path of a professional killer, as his abilities were exposed. Someone will definitely come to trouble him. And these. It will be his magic weapon to protect himself.

in the following days. Yang Ming began to practice flying knives with Fang Tian. This is also what Yang Ming strongly requests, because Fang Tian feels that this technology is no longer widely used in today's society. Cold weapons like hidden weapons are never as fast as hot weapons. certainly. The kind of attitude in martial arts movies is nonsense and cannot exist in reality.

What surprised Fang Tian was that Yang Ming had hardly any training. After mastering the strength and technique of throwing, his accuracy rate reached 99%, or 100%. Because he only missed the first few times, Yang Ming made almost 100 hits after that.

Here, Yang Ming was lazy. The reason why Yang Ming can hit hundreds of targets is because Yang Ming's eyes can see infinite distances. In this way, it is equivalent to Yang Ming throwing the flying knife at the target in front of him. How can it be inaccurate? !

… … … …

Yun Guangdu was very depressed. Black Widow's Revenge suddenly announced that it would suspend all business. Although the deposit was returned and he had no loss, Yun Guangdu was very unhappy and felt that Yang Ming was the biggest obstacle in his pursuit of Sun Jie.

He asked his assistant to develop photos of Yang Ming beating people, and the images were burned into a CD. Yun Guangdu

After making a mistake, I anonymously sent it to Sun Jie's company.

Sun Jie looked at the anonymous express in her hand with great interest. Today's express delivery companies can actually deliver without filling in the sender. Sun Jie shook her head, opened the courier, and dropped a stack of photos and a CD from inside.

Sun Jie first picked up the photo, said "Hey", and looked at the man who was beating in the photo in great surprise. Why is it him? Sun Jie's heart suddenly tightened, and her mind unconsciously recalled the charming scene in the bathroom. The feeling of heartbeat made Sun Jie unforgettable.

Did you get the photo he sent to you? Sun Jie quickly turned her head and denied the idea. In her impression, Yang Ming was not such a boring person, and it seemed that Yang Ming didn't take herself seriously at all!

Sun Jie felt very defeated. Although she had no intention of continuing the relationship with him at the time, girls always have a strange psychology. They knew it was impossible, but they still wanted to be taken seriously.

Sun Jie sighed quietly, pushed aside the "bad" thoughts in her mind, and calmed down to carefully observe the scene in the photo. This was in front of a coffee shop called "Petty Bourgeoisie". The person Yang Ming beat couldn't see his face clearly from the photo, and Sun Jie was a little confused. Who sent the photo to himself? What's the purpose

Naturally, she would not think that Yang Ming was boring enough to attract her with his heroic appearance of beating people. However, besides Yang Ming, who else knew about her relationship with Yang Ming? And what exactly is this person doing

Sun Jie put the disc into the computer. It was a video disc. After the computer's optical drive recognized it, it automatically called the system's player to play it.

The content of the video is the same as the photo. It is a complete video of Yang Ming beating someone.

"Pa" Sun Jie clicked the pause button under the playback screen with the mouse, and the screen was frozen.

Sun Jie shook her head, with a smile on her lips: "Isn't this Yun Guangdu's driver?"

It turns out that Liu Xiaosheng in the picture raised his head accidentally, very briefly, and if you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't notice it at all. This detail was ignored by Yun Guangdu, but it was noticed by the attentive Sun Jie.

After thinking for a moment, Sun Jie burst into laughter and understood Yun Guangdu's intention! This guy must have found out somewhere that Yang Ming was his boyfriend. In order to discredit his image, he asked the driver Liu Xiaosheng to perform a painful trick.

"Yun Guangdu, Yun Guangdu, your driver's beating was in vain! Haha, you made me laugh so hard!" Sun Jie laughed so hard that she almost burst into tears: "Are there any such stupid people in the world?"

After laughing, Sun Jie took out the CD, put it into the CD bag and put it in the drawer. Then he picked up the stack of photos on the table, his eyes full of smiles: "You are quite stylish when you hit people! Haha, Yun Guangdu, you don't even understand what my Sun family does? , you still want to pursue me?"

At this time, the intercom phone on the table rang, and Sun Jie quickly picked it up.

"General Manager, below the company, a man who claims to be your brother wants to see you." Sun Jie's secretary said.

"My clan brother? Is it Sun Zhiwei? Let him come up." Sun Jie ordered to the phone.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door. Sun Jie put away Yang Ming's photo on the table and said, "Please come in."

"Sister, I'm here." Sun Zhiwei was respectful in front of Sun Jie. He had been afraid of this very powerful sister since he was a child, and she also taught him a lesson.

"Zhiwei, what's the matter?" Sun Jie smiled: "Why are you so coquettish? Just tell me if you have anything to do."

"Well... last time you promised to accompany me to buy a car... you were busy that time, so you didn't go. I wonder if you can do it today?" Sun Zhiwei asked carefully.

"Oh, that's it. I promised you, and I will buy it for you. What, do you have your eye on a car?" Sun Jie asked.

"I want to buy a Ferrari 599gtb:rano..." Sun Zhiwei said tremblingly.

"How much?" Sun Jie didn't know much about cars.

"More than 3.8 million, which is nearly 4 million... After all the procedures, it's about 4.5 million..." Sun Zhiwei didn't dare to look up. "What? Nearly four million?" Sun Jie took a breath of air!