So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 215: 215. Robbery in the woods


Yang Ming and Fang Tian are now learning more than just killing techniques. Now they are basically learning how to cover up the scene after killing and how to deal with the body.

This is also a very important knowledge. Covering up the murder after killing requires not only high skills, but also very good psychological quality. What makes Yang Ming dumbfounded is that Fang Tian asked Dong Jun to get n number of dead bodies from nowhere for Yang Ming to learn how to deal with them. It is said that these are from a medical university out of town.

In addition to using corpse powder, there are many ways to dispose of corpses. Corpse powder is only used as a last resort. According to Fang Tian, corpse powder is very precious and rare. And it's not something he can prepare.

"This corpse-transforming powder is your master, that is, my master. He was kind to an elder of the Miao ethnic group back then. He was a master of Gu magic, and he gave this corpse-transforming powder to your master. Fortunately, I don't use much of this thing every time. I have only used more than half of it until my lifetime." Fang Tian said: "After I give it to you, you must use it sparingly. After you use it up, there will be no more. ”

"Miao people? Gu magic?" Yang Ming's heart trembled, and he thought of Lan Ling again. I wonder if she is okay now? She's been gone all day, why hasn't she contacted him yet? She should have arrived in Yunnan by now

Fang Tian saw that Yang Ming had a strange look on his face. Naturally, he didn't know that he was worried about Lan Ling. He thought he was wondering about the connection between the Gu technique and the corpse powder, so he explained: "Actually, this corpse powder is also A kind of Gu. Gu is a kind of bacteria or small bug cultivated by the Miao people. You can see this from the word "Gu". The so-called "Gu" is a bug. There is a vessel under the word "worm". The word "Pan" means that the bugs contained in the vessel are voodoos. This zombie powder is a kind of voodoo. It is not a chemical. Chemicals, even sulfuric acid, are not so corrosive. This is a kind of voodoo. Bacteria are usually in a dormant state. When they encounter the human body, they will wake up and grow and multiply rapidly. They will engulf the human body. When separated from the carrier of the human body, they will quickly die and vaporize, and cannot be collected and used repeatedly. This thing is actually really It is not uncommon for the Miao people to have it in their hands. It is said that during the war between the Black Miao and White Miao, this kind of corpse powder was used to quickly dispose of enemy corpses."

Yang Ming nodded and thought to himself, maybe Lan Ling's grandmother could also prepare this kind of thing.

Because of Lan Ling, Yang Ming got up a little late in the morning. Therefore, the fixed training time every day was also shortened. He did not want to give up halfway, so he decided to use the evening time to continue to strengthen himself.

Things like speed and strength are things that don't advance or retreat, at least when they first formed. Yang Ming didn't want to develop his laziness. Think of this. Yang Ming walked like a small forest to the north of the school.

The grove at night looks particularly desolate and deserted. Especially in late autumn, no one passes by here.

"Ah!" A shrill female voice cut through the silent night sky.

Yang Ming was stunned. This is in the middle of the night. Could it be A Chinese Ghost Story? But Yang Ming is not afraid of these ghosts and gods. He quickly dodged next to Uncle Yi Yi, hiding his figure. Look around calmly and vigilantly.

It's been a while. Habits developed through systematic killer training. When the situation is abnormal, you should find a position where you can cover yourself as soon as possible.

In the dark, hiding under the shadow of a big tree is the best cover. Big trees can not only effectively block external attacks, but also make their own targets less obvious.

But apparently no one noticed Yang Ming, who had determined the direction of the sound through observation. Not far away, under the moonlight, a girl in white was squatting on the ground, looking at a man in black with a knife in front of her in horror.

There was a small pocket beside the girl, and the contents were scattered on the floor. Yang Ming used his night vision to see clearly that the things scattered in the bag were straw mushrooms.

"What are you going to do?" The girl looked at the man in black in front of her in horror.

In fact, the girl's voice was not loud, but in the silent night, Yang Ming could still clearly hear every word she said. Even if he couldn't hear clearly, Yang Ming could clearly read her lips with his ability. language.

"Take out all the valuables on you, wallet, mobile phone, necklace!" The man in black raised the knife in his hand and threatened. However, the voice of the man in black is also somewhat

Yes, today is the first time he has gone out to rob. He was forced to do so.

Generally, people with robbery experience would never go to such sparsely populated woods to commit robbery, but Hou Zhencheng believed that robbery could only be done on small roads or in deep mountains and old forests. He was too seriously affected by television and novels. But luckily, as soon as I arrived in the woods today, I saw a little girl hunched over and squatting on the ground picking mushrooms, so Hou Zhencheng pressed forward with a dagger.

But he didn't expect that the little girl suddenly shouted, which shocked Hou Zhenhan. However, Hou Zhencheng immediately thought that this was a forest and no one would pass by, so he was relieved.

He was afraid that the little girl would resist. Yes, the knife was only used to scare people. He never had any intention of killing anyone. If he were not forced by life, he would not go out to rob. Therefore, although Hou Zhencheng pretended to be calm on the outside, his heart was turbulent.

- "I hope she can obediently give me the money. I really have no choice but to do it! If I hadn't been waiting for money to save my life, I wouldn't be able to do such a thing!"

It was very strange that Yang Ming actually heard the voice of the man in black! Yang Ming was certain that he never spoke. Yang Ming was a little annoyed. Why did his superpower only appear in very urgent situations every time? It makes me unable to calm down and think about how to use this ability!

"I don't have a mobile phone..." Lin Zhiyun subconsciously covered the pocket of her jeans with her hands. There was 1,200 yuan in it, which was the salary I just received from being a tutor this month.

Now, my father's leg is not fully healed yet. The money is used to buy medicine for him, but we can't let the person in front of us take it away! However, Lin Zhiyun still has little social experience. Her current actions clearly indicate that there is no silver in this place.

"What's in your pants pocket? Take it out and show me!" The man in black obviously noticed Lin Zhiyun's movements and asked.

"No... nothing..." Lin Zhiyun stammered.

"Nothing? Huh! Do you do it yourself or wait for me to do it?" The man in black obviously didn't believe it.

"I...I can't give you that money!" Lin Zhiyun said stubbornly.

"No? Why not? Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" The man in black took a step closer, and the bright knife glowed with a miserable white light in the moonlight.

"I... can't give you this money... please... let me go..." Lin Zhiyun's face showed a hint of helplessness.

"Do you want money or your life?" The man in black was a little angry when he saw that the little girl in front of him was so dishonest. He saw a robbery in a movie. When the robber used a knife, the person who was robbed was so frightened that he took out his money. What was going on with this thing in front of him

"I..." Lin Zhiyun gritted her teeth and said, "My money is for my father to buy medicine... I can't give it to you..."

"Buying medicine?" The man in black was stunned for a moment, but then he said angrily: "You're talking nonsense! You look so white, tender and pretty, and you look like a child from a rich family. You won't even lie!"

Lin Zhiyun was dumbfounded after hearing this. Does being beautiful mean that your family has money? What kind of logic is this! But he still had to explain: "This... brother, my money is really used to buy medicine for my father... I didn't lie to you!"

- "Didn't you lie to me? How can such a coincidence happen in the world? I came out to grab money just to treat my mother! What's better for you, are you buying medicine for your father?"

Now that things have happened, Yang Ming also understands why the man in black wanted to rob. It turns out there is a reason! But, why does that girl look so familiar? Where have you seen it

Yang Ming's eyesight is much better than that of the man in black. It's so dark at night that the man in black can't see clearly what Lin Zhiyun is wearing. If it were during the day, he could tell at a glance that she was wearing cheap street goods, and her clothes were not good. It turned a little white after washing! Can such a person be a rich person

But Yang Ming can see clearly that what this girl said may be the truth. They are two poor people!

Yang Ming shook his head. Originally, he was planning to use violent means to subdue or kill the man in black. But now, he had to change his mind.

Yang Ming sighed, raised his legs and walked towards the man in black and the girl. As he walked, he said loudly: "How much do you want?"