So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 237: 237. Yang Ming's method


Yang Ming naturally knew the content of Sun Jie's text message, even if he didn't use his farsightedness, he could understand it. Because he saw with his own eyes that Sun Jie's people had succeeded.

Sun Jie raised her head and glanced at Yang Ming, and found that he was also looking at her, so she nodded slightly to him and tilted her mouth towards the door.

Yang Ming nodded knowingly.

"Yang Li, the person who gave me the money is here. I'm going out for a while." Sun Jie stood up as she spoke.

"I'll go out and take a look. That kind of money should be in a big bag!" Yang Ming stood up pretending to help.

"Shall I help you take a look?" Yang Dahai saw Yang Ming getting up and wanted to help.

How could Yang Ming let him go, so he quickly said: "Dad, sit here. If the kidnapper calls again, there will be someone to take care of you."

"That's true, then be careful!" Yang Dahai nodded.

"By the way, what should I say if the kidnapper calls later?" Yang Li didn't doubt anything else. She was just worried about the kidnapper.

"Just tell him that the money is ready and ask him where to meet!" Sun Jie ordered.

"Oh, okay!" Yang Li nodded.

Yang Ming followed Sun Jie and walked quickly towards the door. While walking, Sun Jie whispered: "We succeeded."

"I know." Yang Ming nodded.

"You know?" Sun Jie asked.

"I saw you smiled when you received the text message." Yang Ming naturally couldn't say that he saw it himself.

Out the door. Sun Jie looked around, and finally locked her eyes on a blue Buick business car with a Donghai license plate: "That's my person's car."

Yang Ming had known about this for a long time, but he couldn't tell it. He and Sun Jie came to the business car together. To be on the safe side, Yang Ming looked around again and deliberately expanded the scope of his vision.

It seems that this group of kidnappers are not professional. Only the person who was arrested just now is responsible for surveillance.

After getting into the commercial vehicle, Yang Ming saw that all the back seats had been removed. Because of the high-gloss reflective film on the outside, it was impossible to see what was going on inside.

The peaked cap was being thrown there with its hands and feet tied at the moment. A bearded man in black sitting next to the door nodded to Sun Jie and said, "Miss."

"Did you ask him anything?" Sun Jie asked.

"The eldest lady has not given any orders or asked." The bearded man shook his head.

"Who asked you to come?" Yang Ming got into the car carelessly, sat on the back seat, and asked while looking at the peaked cap.

"Hmph!" The peaked cap snorted coldly and said, "Hurry up and let me go. If Brother Xiong can't contact me in a while, he will fight!"

"Who is Brother Xiong?" Yang Ming secretly cursed an idiot in his heart. This man simply brought it upon himself! IQ is very problematic!

"How do you know Brother Xiong?" The duck cap was startled and opened his mouth in surprise!

After hearing this, Yang Ming was a little dumbfounded. He was completely defeated by this guy! I really don’t know what Brother Xiong, the leader of the kidnappers, was thinking, sending such a two-pie as an investigator.

Even Sun Jie and Big Beard. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You told me yourself." Yang Ming shook his head and said.

"Myself? When?" The peaked hat obviously didn't realize that he had just spilled the beans.

"Why kidnap Yang Dashan?" Yang Ming did not continue to pester him with this question.

"You think I will tell you?" the peaked hat asked.

Yang Ming was very happy! Listening to this guy's words, it is obvious that he said "You think I will tell you?" instead of "I don't know." The difference is huge! The first one is that I know it but I don’t say it. Second, it is possible to know, but it is also very likely not to know.

Now that I know he knows, it's easier to handle. Yang Ming turned to Sun Jie and said, "Let him speak. I think your people should be able to do something?"

Sun Jie nodded. These people were all retired special forces or mercenaries. He is very good at interrogating confessions. So he ordered: "Let him speak."

"No problem." The bearded man nodded.

Yang Ming didn't want Sun Jie to see such a bloody scene, so he said, "Let's go down and wait for a while."

"What? Are you afraid of seeing too bloody scenes?" After getting out of the car, Sun Jie teased Yang Ming.

Yang Ming did not speak, but took out a cigarette from his pocket and stretched out his hand

at the front door, took out the cigarette lighter, lit a cigarette, and responded to the howling in the car.

After taking a deep breath, Yang Ming exhaled a puff of smoke. Then he smiled at Sun Jie and said, "Do you think I will be scared?"

Sun Jie had seen the video of Yang Ming beating Mr. Yun's driver Liu Xiaosheng, and knew that Yang Ming was a person with serious violent tendencies. I'm definitely not afraid of blood. She just said that as a joke.

Yang Ming leaned against the car like a ruffian, since this was a blind spot anyway. I'm not afraid that my parents will see it. As for Sun Jie, he didn't need to deliberately show anything in front of her.

Ten minutes later, the bearded man opened the car door.

"How's it going?" Sun Jie asked quickly.

"This kid is very tough. He won't say anything no matter how hard he beats him." The bearded man sighed and shook his head.

Yang Ming had long expected this outcome. Although the cap was stupid, he was very arrogant and a straight-minded person. It was not easy to make him give in.

Moreover, it is estimated that the boss named Brother Xiong is also a ruthless character. If this peaked hat reveals anything, there will be no good fruits to eat when he goes back.

"I'll go take a look." Yang Ming shook his head and got into the car.

But the bearded man obviously showed a look of disdain. He was a retired Vietnamese mercenary. There was no way he could get this guy to speak! He didn't believe what else Yang Ming could do.

I used the same beard that I used to force a confession on the battlefield almost once, including things like Chang'e flying to the moon, helicopters, and even my own unique skill of "journey with the whistle on the moon". This guy is dead. He bites it as if if I don't say anything, he will kill me to death.

But he also knew that now he was working for the Sun family, and Yang Ming was the eldest lady's friend. There were some things that he could only think about but not say out loud.

Yang Ming couldn't see the suspicion on his face, but he didn't care. He got in the car and saw the cap lying on the ground with his face covered in blood.

"I won't tell you!" When the peaked hat saw a new person coming over, he immediately glared at Yang Ming.

Oh, is this up to you? Yang Ming glanced at the peaked cap suspiciously.

As a killer, it is necessary to learn some special methods to extract confessions. In many cases, before killing a person, you have to ask something out of his mouth. Therefore, Fang Tian also taught Yang Ming many methods of extorting confessions.

These methods are different from the common methods of the special forces. Big Beard's methods are purely to destroy other people's bodies through some violent means, and many of what Yang Ming has learned is to stimulate some sexual positions to make life worse than death.

Yang Ming walked over and pressed a button on the peaked hat. Suddenly, an indescribable and unbearable feeling spread throughout Duck Cap's body, like tens of thousands of ants crawling around on his body, making Duck Cap feel like he wanted to roll back and forth!

However, his hands and feet were tied behind his back and fixed to the back door of the car, preventing him from moving. But the shrill scream made Yang Ming feel chills! This was the first time that the techniques he learned from Fang Tian were used on real people, but Yang Ming had no doubts about the credibility of these techniques.

These are all Fang Tian's unique skills. Although not many people know them, they have been proven by the kings of killers in the past!

"You... killed... me...! I... just... didn't... say..." The peaked hat was so uncomfortable that he couldn't even speak clearly, but he still had a strong backbone.

Even the bearded man watching from the side couldn't help but be stunned! Yang Ming didn't do anything, but the peaked cap actually made him scream even more miserable than when he was playing "Journey with the Whistle Moon" just now! Judging from the situation, Yang Ming's methods are much more powerful than his own!

It was only then that the bearded man truly admired Yang Ming! This is the expert! After a few gentle movements, this man couldn't bear it anymore!

But Sun Jie was very surprised. She couldn't understand why Yang Ming still had these two moments? However, the current situation is not suitable for asking.

The peaked cap's face became increasingly ugly. Yang Ming also knew that although pressing his vagina was not fatal, it would be life-threatening if it lasted too long.

It's just that this guy's mouth is a bit too tough? Say nothing

Suddenly, Yang Ming "heard" the sound of the peaked cap! But the peaked cap did not speak!