So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 239: 239. rescue


"Are you ready with the money?" It was still the voice coming from the voice changer.

"There is still a part to go, we are trying to figure it out." Yang Li said truthfully according to Sun Jie's instructions.

"How much difference?" asked the other side.

"There's still a hundred thousand left." Yang Li replied.

"Okay, I'll give you another hour. If it's not enough before dark, you'll wait to collect the bodies!" He hung up the phone.

Brother Xiong didn't have any doubts about Yang Li's words, because he had already learned through the surveillance people before that they were indeed still short of 100,000 yuan.

Sun Jie didn't expect that things would go so smoothly, and it didn't take much effort to make the other party believe her words. Yang Li, on the other hand, was very worried: "Sister Sun Jie, why are we still short of 100,000? Can we get enough? We must get enough!"

Sun Jie smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, there will definitely be no problem!"

Yang Ming sat in the passenger seat and directed the driver to Uncle's sand and gravel field in the south of the city. Yang Ming hasn't been here for a long time. The last time he came was when he was in elementary school. Later, after his uncle got rich, he didn't treat these poor relatives so much, and Yang Ming didn't bother to bother him. Unexpectedly, when I came here again, it would be to rescue my uncle.

It should be said that the three Sun family men in the car are all people with special skills, and they are definitely not easy to convince others.

When Yang Ming first got on the bus, they just regarded Yang Ming as a friend of the eldest lady, and didn't think there was anything special about Yang Ming. However, as Yang Ming showed off his high-level methods of extracting confessions. The three of them were impressed by Yang Ming!

What kind of trick is this? It was simply unheard of and unseen before! The three people used to be leaders in various industries, but now they were recruited by Sun Hongjun to serve the Sun family. They were actually fulfilling a kind of accusation and obligation towards the Sun family, but they admired Yang Ming from the bottom of their hearts.

For example, this bearded man is a famous fighting master in a certain mercenary group in Vietnam. He is nicknamed "Hu Ren" by his companions because he is so tough. His real name is Lu Liang.

The computer guy's name is Ge Long, a computer hacker from a mercenary group in America. Although the driver, Mao Kai, was not a mercenary, he was a racing driver in an underground car market in the United States. He once maintained the first place in 64 consecutive races. But because he committed a crime, he had to run back to his country and work under the Sun family.

Although they only saw one side of Yang Ming, what these people usually admire most are those who are capable, because no one is omnipotent, and a person who can do well in one aspect is already very good!

So after Sun Jie left, the three of them naturally regarded Yang Ming as the boss and listened to his orders.

The car started to slow down when it arrived near the battlefield. These were all sand and gravel excavation sites, as Yang Ming remembered. The uncle's place is in the front and inside. But since I haven’t been here for so many years, I don’t know whether it will be moved or expanded.

"Stop." Yang Ming said to Mao Kai who was driving.

The car stopped on the side of the road. Yang Ming pretended to be looking for the direction of the battlefield and secretly used his powers. He was observing whether there were any hay sheds nearby and whether there was anyone in the hay sheds!

The search speed of Yang Ming's eyes is very fast, because he can see infinitely and far-sightedly, very quickly. Yang Ming found the location where his uncle was kidnapped!

That's a small grass shed near the third sand and gravel field in front! If you don't look carefully, no one will notice this kind of place. It seems that Brother Xiong is not a fool.

The uncle's hands and feet were tied, and a piece of white cloth was stuffed over his mouth, but judging from the rise and fall of his chest, it was obvious that there was no big problem.

In the hay shed, there were only three people responsible for guarding the uncle. One of them was a big man with a big waist and a round waist, sitting carefree. This person was probably Brother Xiong. He also looks quite like a blind bear.

Although the other two people were also sitting on the ground, they were obviously more restrained. There was also a flattering smile on his face. At first glance, there are two men. The three of them were playing a game of landlords with great interest. He didn't look at Yang Dashan at all.

Next to them was a laptop computer and an Internet phone, which was obviously how they contacted Yang Li. It seems that these people are not completely idiots. In this case, there is no need to trace anything.

However, it is indeed a bit too few to use so many people to guard one hostage! Yang Ming thought about it for a while and figured out the boundary in the middle. The south of the city was Bao Sanli's territory, and the people from Yu Xiangde couldn't come over too much with much fanfare.

That way if

Bao Sanli's men paid attention, and the kidnapping failed.

Yang Ming's commander Mao Kai parked his car near the thatched shed, and then said to the bearded man: "There are about three or four people inside. Can they be dealt with?"

Yang Ming didn't say it was as rigorous as he said, he just gave a rough number. He was afraid that the bearded man would ask him how he got the information, so he just kept it vague.

The bearded man didn't ask in detail, he just nodded and said: "I am enough alone."

"Okay, knock them out. Bring them to the car." Yang Ming said.

The bearded man grinned, obviously confident about doing this kind of thing.

The bearded man came directly to the front of the thatched shed and kicked the thatched door away without even knocking.

Although Brother Xiong has blocked it inside, how can he withstand the kick from the bearded man!

Coincidentally, the door panels and door pins of the hay shed flew up and hit one of Brother Xiong's men on the head, knocking him unconscious on the spot.

Yang Ming thought he was lucky. What if he slapped his uncle on the head? Fortunately, the uncle is far away, at the very back.

Brother Xiong and the other subordinate who survived were startled. What on earth is going on? Before they could react, a fierce man with a big beard stood in front of them.

"Who are you!" Brother Xiong is a gangster after all, and he is very calm.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my thatched shed!" Lu Lianghe asked. Of course, he couldn't tell his purpose directly. He just wanted to confuse right and wrong and make Brother Xiong think that he was not here for Yang Dashan.

Sure enough, Brother Xiong was shocked! Have feelings taken up other people's space? Originally, Brother Xiong wanted to beat up the guy in front of him, but now this matter is his own fault, and the guy in front of him seems to be quite tough, so there is no need to make matters worse. So he smiled and said: "Brother, we brothers are working here to make it convenient!"

"Convenient? But my family has to store goods in the straw shed!" Lu Liang said with some embarrassment.

"Ha, it's convenient!" Brother Xiong reached into his pocket and took out a wad of bills, counted five and handed them to Lu Liang: "We'll leave tomorrow!"

"That's it!" Lu Liang pretended to be very happy, took the banknote, put it in his hand and lowered his head, looking hesitant.

Brother Xiong didn't regard him as an enemy at all at this time, so he was very relaxed. But he didn't expect Lu Liang to suddenly come around behind him and hit him with a knife on the back of his neck.

"You..." Brother Xiong's men saw something was wrong. As soon as they shouted one word, they were knocked unconscious by Lu Liang. Lu Liang didn't need to see Brother Xiong at all, because he was very confident in his knife.

Lu Liang walked out of the hut and grinned outside. Yang Ming had actually seen him take action to deal with the people inside, but like the people in the car, he smiled slightly and got out of the car.

Yang Dashan may have been given sleeping pills or something like that, and he was sleeping at the moment. Yang Ming was not in a hurry to wake him up, but carried him to the car. Brother Xiong and the two men had their hands and feet tied and were thrown into the back of the car, along with their peaked caps.

Complete victory. Yang Ming got in the car, took out his mobile phone, edited a text message with a smiley face, and sent it to Sun Jie. I believe that with Sun Jie's intelligence, she would naturally guess the meaning.

Sure enough, Sun Jie took out her phone and took a look at it, and then she showed an angry smile. This Yang Ming was still playing this kind of game at this time. But she couldn't tell Yang Li this. Sun Jie had to pretend to be happy and said: "Yang Li, I have some good news for you. One of my men has found your father!"

"What!" Yang Li was startled, with a look of surprise in her eyes: "Sister Sun Jie, are you serious? You said your men found my father?"

"Yes, wait a minute, I'll call again and ask." Sun Jie nodded and said.

"Okay, call quickly!" Yang Li said urgently.

Sun Jie dialed Yang Ming's number, stood up, and deliberately moved to the window. She was afraid that Yang Li would hear the content of the call.

"Hello, I'm Sun Jie." Sun Jie didn't say Yang Ming's name because she was afraid that Yang Li would hear it.

"The person has been rescued and is on his way back. By the way, don't tell my parents and Yang Li that I did it. Just say that your men found it." Yang Ming ordered.