So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 259: 259. Comfort female netizens


The network here is obviously several times faster than Songjiang's own community. It seems that this hotel may use 100M or even Gigabit optical fiber. But it is reasonable to think about it. People who stay here usually have laptops, and they will check some information online, so it is also necessary for the hotel to provide fast Internet access.

Opened qo.

"Yang Ming, you ran away to Hong Kong without saying a word. It's a gift! Don't forget it!"

Yang Ming smiled and shook his head. Of course he had to buy gifts, not only from Zhang Bin, but also from his parents. Xie Yongqiang should also bring him one. After all, he asked for leave with him, and Tian Donghua's. , Uncle Chen should also bring one. As for Xia Xue... forget it, this violent girl sees that she doesn't have a good face, so giving her things is in vain. Shen Lin, that girl, can be considered his friend. Bring her something, and Hou Zhancheng's mother. Don't forget this. Of course, Chen Mengyan's gift is indispensable.

Who else? My friends, Li Dagang and Xu Peng, have not been in contact for a long time, and I don’t know where they are now. She should prepare a gift for her brother Yang Xiaobo. As for her cousin... forget it, her share is not missing. Speaking of cousin, shouldn't Sun Jie also prepare a gift? I already gave her xxoo, so I should prepare a gift!

Is that probably all? Suddenly, a long-lost name flashed in Yang Ming's mind! Zhao Ying! I haven't heard from her for a long time. How is Sister Ying, who really cares about me, doing now? The last time she saw him was on Songjiang's commercial street, she was with King Kong. Could it be that Zhao Ying and King Kong... Yang Ming became angry just thinking about it. What the hell is King Kong! With his appearance, he is not worthy of Zhao Ying!

To say that Yang Ming has no feelings for Zhao Ying is nonsense. That evening. At that moment, Yang Ming was really tempted. He could also feel that Zhao Ying felt the same about him.

What is Zhao Ying worried about? Teachers and students love? Or Chen Mengyan? Thinking of these, Yang Ming's head started to buzz. But Yang Ming also made up his mind. After returning to Songjiang, I must visit Zhao Ying. No matter what, I don't want to have any regrets. Some things can be said clearly, and it is best to say them clearly in person, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable holding them in your heart!

I also read the messages from other people and found that there was a savage female teacher. As expected, this guy was obedient and actually changed his name to "Savage Female Student". Yang Ming couldn't help but smile.

The wild female student told Yang Ming that she had become a student and might not have much time to surf the Internet in the future. Because I have to live on campus, my desktop computer at home cannot be taken to school for the time being.

The rest is just some group messages and spam. Yang Ming looked at it for a few times and then turned it off. Only then do you have time to see who your friends are online.

I was surprised to find "I'm a Big Star" online! Yang Ming hasn't seen her for a long time!

When I Am A Celebrity saw Yang Ming online, he was probably very excited and immediately gave Yang Ming a crying expression.

"What's wrong?" Yang Ming sent back a message.

"There is no true love in this world. I did something stupid today!" I'm a Superstar said.

"Silly thing? What's wrong?" Yang Ming asked patiently. After all, I'm a Big Star is the only one he has a close relationship with online. Netizens who are relatively familiar with each other. And they are pure netizens. Two people will talk to each other about the worries and troubles in life. But we will never meet in reality. This is true friends on the Internet.

Although Yang Ming is also very familiar with the netizen named "Savage Female Student", their relationship is not as close as that of "I'm a Big Star".

"I lost something very precious to me..." said I'm a Superstar.

"Is it gone? Then buy another one just like it!" Yang Ming couldn't help but smile. Girls are so sentimental. A small thing can make you feel depressed for a long time!

"But you can't buy it!" I'm a Superstar said.

"..." Yang Ming was speechless. It's useless if I can't make you sad! But he comforted him: "Then there's nothing we can do, but now that the matter is over, don't think about it so much."

"But I still want to!" I'm a Big Star said.

Yang Ming was dizzy for a while, my God, but who made her his netizen friend? He had no choice but to continue: "Celebrity, you have to believe that everything in this world has God's will.

Maybe I will get something like this again! Everything is arranged by fate, so don’t be too persistent..."

"You mean... some things can be lost and recovered in the future?" I'm a Superstar asked.

Yang Ming really didn't know what to say. He made it up by himself. She really took it seriously. He wanted to say "yes". If she didn't get it again in the future, she would blame herself!

"Speak, truth, what are you doing?" I'm a Superstar asked again anxiously.

"Yes." Yang Ming shook his head and calmed down the girl's mood first. Let’s talk about the future later. Anyway, the future is long. Three days and five days are called “later”, and ten or twenty years are also called “later”.

"Thank you, sincerely. I feel much better. I'm not as sad as before. Instead, I'm full of hope!" I Am A Star came over with a smile.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment! Yang Ming wanted to pass this sentence off, but he didn't want to make I'm a Superstar sad again, so he had to treat it as a white lie.

"You're welcome, we are friends!" Yang Ming also smiled.

"By the way, truth be told, are you a boy?" I'm a Big Star asked.

"Nonsense! Your question is very unsatisfactory." Yang Ming passed with an angry expression.

"Haha, I just made sure!" I'm a Big Star said.

"Now that we're sure, what's the matter?" Yang Ming knew that I was a big star and wouldn't look for trouble, so she must have had a purpose in asking.

"You said that if you boys fall in love with a girl and you can't see her, how long will you like her? Will you always like her?" I'm a Superstar asked.

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Yang Ming said bluntly. In fact, he really didn't understand the whole mess about me being a big star.

"Well... I mean, there was a boy and a girl. They both liked each other. One day, for some reason, the girl had to leave the boy. You said that the boy would always like the girl. Will you forget her?" I'm a Superstar explained.

Looking at the question "I'm a big star", Yang Ming suddenly felt a little dazed. He thought of Su Ya, his first love. Have you ever forgotten her? Yang Ming shook his head mockingly. Although there was no news from Su Ya after she left, he still had a special feeling for her... The photos inside the bookshelf tell it all.

"It's hard to say, people are different." Yang Ming replied with a sigh.

"Then tell me about you. If it were you, would you always like that girl?" I'm a Superstar asked.

"Yes." Yang Ming hesitated for a moment, then slowly typed two words and replied.

"Thank you, sincerely. It's such a pleasure chatting with you!" I'm a Celebrity said.

You are happy, I am not. Yang Ming shook his head and thought of Su Ya twice a day. This was not a good sign. Yang Ming has always been very rational when it comes to impossible things. Although he still misses Su Ya, Su Ya has disappeared for many years, so what is the use of thinking about her? Yang Ming now even regrets that he impulsively took the photo of the rose ring today!

Are you really sick? You bought it for 400,000 U.S. dollars and miss people when you see it? Yang Ming shook his head and decided not to think about it anymore.

"Haha, are you feeling better now?" Yang Ming asked.

"Yeah, I'm much better." I'm a big star was obviously very happy.

Yang Ming was about to have a conversation when the intercom phone in the room rang. Yang Ming quickly went over and answered the phone: "Hello, hello."

"Yang Ming, I'm Xiao Qing, can I go out now?" Xiao Qing's voice came over.

"Oh? Sister Xiao Qing, okay, wait for me for five minutes, I'll clean up, let's meet at the elevator!" Yang Ming said.

"Okay." Xiao Qing responded.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Ming said to I'm a Big Star: "I have something to go out for now. Let's talk next time!"

"Okay, then you go and do your work." I'm a Superstar replied.

After Yang Ming turned off his qo and did all this, Yang Ming turned off the lights in the room, turned around and went out.