So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 30: 030. A flash of inspiration


030. A flash of inspiration


"Yang Ming."


Yang Ming found it funny that after so many years, this interrogation procedure was still the same as what he saw on TV. He even asked about his gender. Is this unnecessary? But Yang Ming also knew that this was a necessary procedure for them. , and replied obediently: "Male."





"Home address?"

"The compound for the families of employees of Songjiang Bus Factory, one door on the fourth floor of Building 6." Yang Ming replied.

"What did you do last night?" Chen Fei suddenly changed the subject and asked.

last night? Yang Ming thought about it. He met two robbers, and then he taught them a lesson. Later, he met a little girl and wanted to prostitute her. However, his conscience showed that he not only refused to prostitute her, but also gave her a sum of money. , that’s all!

"What are you thinking about? I'm asking you, what did you do last night? Now tell me everything!" Chen Fei thought Yang Ming was thinking about how to make up a lie.

"Yesterday, Teacher Zhao gave me tutoring until half past eight, and then we went to the night market to eat beef noodles..."

"Pick the key points!" The policewoman glared at Yang Ming impatiently and said sternly.

Yang Ming looked at the policewoman and felt angry. Damn it, your captain hasn't said anything yet. You don't want to do it yet. You look quite sexy. I didn't expect you to be a tomboy. Look at you like this. I'm an old maid who can't find a man. She has an endocrine disorder and takes it out on me.

"Okay, keep talking." Chen Fei waved his hand to the policewoman to signal her not to speak.

"What did I say just now?" Yang Ming wanted to deliberately anger the policewoman.

"What kind of memory do you have!" the policewoman yelled.

"Yang Ming, you just mentioned eating beef noodles." Chen Fei reminded.

"Oh, by the way, let's eat beef noodles. Look at how good your captain's attitude is. You should learn more! My little comrade just has no experience." Yang Ming said to the policewoman as if he were a leader. It was as if instead of interrogating him, he was criticizing his men.

"You, you are proud now, and you will cry in a moment, and you will become a murderer, and you are still beautiful!" the policewoman said angrily.

"Okay, Xia Xue, please stop saying a few words. He is right. How can you be alone in the future like this? The most taboo thing when interrogating a criminal suspect is to get angry first. Not only will you not be able to ask questions, It will only increase their arrogance." Chen Fei said: "Also, whether he is a murderer or not, your decision does not count, nor does my decision. It depends on how the court decides."

Xia Xue was speechless after being reprimanded by Chen Fei. She had just graduated from the police academy this year and came to the criminal police team as an intern. Yang Ming was so angry that she just said a few words. She forgot everything the instructor in the police academy said. She was After Chen Fei was trained, he sobered up a lot and immediately closed his mouth.

"Classmate Yang Ming, please continue." Chen Fei shook his head. The newcomers who come every year are almost the same when they first arrive. Thinking back then, he and Xia Xue had similar tempers. However, after many years of experience, Chen Fei has become moody and angry. on the surface.

"After eating the beef noodles, we were about to go back, but we met two robbers on the Fourth Ring Street..." Yang Ming recounted the situation at that time.

"The skinny and withered man you mentioned had no signs of life after we arrived. After being sent to the hospital, the forensic doctor confirmed that he died of pulmonary hemorrhage leading to difficulty breathing." Chen Fei listened to Yang Ming's account. Then, he suddenly said.

"Ah? What? You said that person is dead?" Yang Ming was shocked, but he didn't expect that he actually killed someone!

"Yes, what you are saying now is just one side of the story. The other accomplice of that skinny man is still in a coma. We have to wait until he wakes up before making a final conclusion." Chen Fei said.

"I guess you won't be able to ask anything after he wakes up." Yang Ming sighed: "I was the first to knock him out."

"Don't worry about this. People from our technical department are already doing scene reconstruction of the case. I believe the results will be out soon. By then, we will naturally have a conclusion on whether you acted in legitimate defense or over-defense." Chen Fei said.

At this moment, another policeman opened the door and walked in. After seeing Chen Fei, he said: "Team Chen, the other suspect has woken up, but he refused to explain what happened at that time and pretended to be dumbfounded in the hospital. , he said he lost his memory!"

"What?" Chen Fei was stunned. After handling cases for so many years, it was the first time that Chen Fei heard of a prisoner using this excuse to get away with his crime.

"Captain Chen, what should we do now? There is no evidence. According to the situation at the time, these two people were at most disturbing public order... We can't convict them of any serious crime. They can only detain them for a few days at most..." the policeman said in a somewhat embarrassed tone.

Yang Ming was a little stupid. If this person lost his memory, it would be even harder for him to escape the crime!

"Has he really lost his memory?" Chen Fei suddenly asked.

"I don't know about this, but I heard from the doctor that his brain was not injured. Theoretically, he cannot lose his memory. And I think he seems to be faking it," the policeman said.

Chen Fei couldn't help but fell into deep thought. If based on the current situation, the crime this person committed was indeed not very serious, and it might not even be enough to get a sentence. Why would he pretend to be stupid

"Does he want to hide something? It's not necessary. This is not a big crime?" Chen Fei said to himself.

hide? Yang Ming suddenly had an idea. If a person loses his memory, what is the thing he is most likely to forget? Reminiscent of those online novels I once read, yes, it’s identity!

If a person loses his memory, it is likely that others will ignore his previous identity.

"Captain Chen, I think he will be detained for a few days according to the public security regulations." The policeman suggested.

"Wait!" Yang Ming suddenly shouted: "Have you investigated his identity?"

"Identity? Why investigate the identity? Didn't you hear him say that person has lost his memory? How can we investigate?" Xia Xue said dissatisfied.

"You can check the photos online!" Yang Ming said.

"You think we have nothing to do all day, do you? We need to be connected to the Internet for even the most trivial things?" Xia Xue said angrily.

"Yes, Yang Ming is right. You should immediately put the photos of these two people online so that police agencies in various places can confirm their identities." Chen Fei nodded in realization.

"Yes, Captain Chen." The policeman turned around and walked out.

Chen Fei gave Yang Ming a thumbs up: "Not bad, young man, I appreciate you very much!"

… … … …

The fishman doesn't know the specific process. This is just a novel, written based on the plot seen on TV. Don’t forget to recommend! \