So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 4: 004. School belle passing note


004. School beauty pass note

"Are you going to pay for my glasses?" Yang Ming was stunned, waved his hand and said: "Forget it, old man, I see you are not rich either, I'll leave first if it's okay!"

"Don't worry, I have ready-made glasses here, which are the most advanced in the world. They use carbon nanotransistors (omit a few words)..." The old man kept talking for a long time, which made Yang Ming have a headache. Finally, the old man said: "Originally, I I also planned to give it to someone destined to be destined. I saw that you were a kind child and would not do any bad things, so I gave it to you!"

After listening for a long time, Yang Ming only understood that the old man wanted to give him glasses, and he was a little confused about whether to laugh or cry. You thought I was a fool, blowing up a broken pair of glasses, and you thought it was a small advertisement in the back of a story magazine!

Yang Ming took the small glasses case handed over by the old man, opened it, and saw that it was a small contact lens-like thing like Bausch & Lomb, so he asked strangely: "Contact lenses?"

After no one answered for a long time, Yang Ming looked up and saw that the old man was gone and everything scattered on the ground was gone.

"Disappeared so quickly? Could it be that this old man is the legendary master of the world?" Yang Ming shook his head and joked to himself, and put the contact lenses in his pocket without taking it seriously.

In the afternoon, Yang Ming did not skip class for the first time, which made Chen Mengyan look at him several times in disbelief. She thought that her words in the morning had an effect and made Yang Ming change his ways, so she planned to find an opportunity to have a good talk with him again.

Yang Ming was inspired by the lesson at noon and tried to listen to the lecture. However, after listening for a long time, he still didn't understand anything. The formulas and theorems were like a sacred book to him. Even if he had the courage to listen, he would not understand. I don’t understand why!

Yang Ming began to feel a little discouraged. He had fallen behind too much in the past, and now sitting in the classroom had no effect. It seemed that he really had no hope. Thinking of this, Yang Ming couldn't help but lie down on the table in frustration. If he had known this, he might as well have played billiards.

Chen Mengyan originally saw Yang Ming listening to the class seriously, but not long after, he actually fell asleep on the table, making Chen Mengyan feel depressed for a while!

If Yang Ming knew that there was a beautiful woman in front of him secretly watching his actions, he would have pretended to finish the class, but he didn't see it. His eyesight was not good to begin with, and the broken glasses made it even harder to see the situation in front of him. .

Speaking of Chen Mengyan, this is the second girl Yang Ming has fallen in love with in his life. The first one is Su Ya. He doesn't know if his feelings for Su Ya can be regarded as love, but it is true that he is happy with Su Ya. Gradually, as he grew older, Yang Ming gained a better understanding of the relationship between boys and girls. He knew that his feelings for Chen Mengyan were absolutely admiration.

Not to mention in Class 7 of Grade 3, there are definitely not a few boys in the entire grade who like Chen Mengyan. Girls with excellent grades and outstanding looks will become the focus of boys' attention wherever they go. Some people have long commented privately that Chen Mengyan is the school beauty of the entire third grade of high school.

Yang Ming himself also knew his own weight. With his current status, he was already satisfied with being able to talk nonsense with Chen Mengyan every day, and he did not dare to have any further extravagant expectations.

While Yang Ming was thinking wildly, Li Xiaoliang, who was sitting at the table in front of him, suddenly threw a note to him. Yang Ming was stunned and took it.

Anyone who has gone to school is familiar with the trick of passing notes. If students want to tell each other something in class, they will write it on a note and fold it so that nearby classmates can help pass it around one by one. past.

Of course, boys and girls who have that kind of intention will often send notes to each other. The classmates who helped pass the notes were also very happy, and no one could guarantee that they would not cause trouble to others.

Yang Ming naturally also knew about classmates passing notes to each other. He and Su Ya used to do this often. But after entering high school, Yang Ming hardly had any contact with the classmates he moved to, and there were few who were good friends. Most of the time, he skipped class and went out with Li Dagang from Class 8, so at this time someone actually gave him Passing the note surprised Yang Ming!

At first, Yang Ming thought someone else had made a mistake. When he saw the word "Yang Ming" written on the folded note, he knew it was correct. Although there are countless people with the same name "Yang Ming" across the country, he is still the only one in Class 7 of Grade 3.

Yang Ming picked up the note and read it for a long time without thinking about who would send him the note. He simply opened it and saw the small words on it:

"Yang Ming, if you can come back to class, it shows that you are still motivated, but why don't you persevere? There is not much time left in the senior year of high school. As long as you work hard, it will be over..."

Yang Ming didn't need to read any more. He glanced directly at the person signing the last line: Chen Mengyan.

Haha, Yang Ming was overjoyed. This was the first time Chen Mengyan wrote him a note. Although she just told him to study hard, Yang Ming was still very happy.

Holding the piece of paper that still smelled like handwriting, Yang Ming put it into the pencil case as if he had found a treasure.

His originally depressed nerves began to get excited again. Yang Ming rummaged through his desk for a long time and finally found a first-grade mathematics book and started reading from the first page.

Yang Ming is actually not stupid, but he has never listened carefully to the lectures before. Now, although even the knowledge of the first year of high school is unfamiliar to him, his understanding ability is still very good. But after watching for a while, Yang Ming again My head is starting to get big.

Algebra 1, Algebra 2, plane analytic geometry, solid geometry, there are four books on mathematics alone, and there are also five subjects: Chinese, foreign languages, physics, chemistry, and biology. In total, there are more than 20 textbooks alone. Got it! Now there are only more than a hundred days before the college entrance examination is completed, which means that I must eliminate them at the speed of one book in five days!

There is no limit to learning, and there is only one shore when you turn around! Yang Ming can read online novels a day without any problem, but these are study books. It takes five days to not only remember and understand them, but even to finish them.

"Put away all the books on the table, we will take a test this class!" Teacher Zhao Ying, who teaches mathematics, came in and said to the students below.