So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 6: 006.Super powers appear for the first time


006. Super powers appear for the first time

Aren't you dreaming? Yang Ming thought in horror.

Yang Ming thought it was because he was dazzled. He was about to raise his hand to rub his eyes, but then he remembered that he was still wearing contact lenses and couldn't rub his eyes casually!

what 's wrong? Yang Ming stared at the clear handwriting on Zhang Bin's paper, and could clearly see even the ink dot of a clerical error! It's definitely not because I'm dazzled, my dazzled eyes can't be so clear! Yang Ming looked back at his test paper. Suddenly he almost fainted. The fonts on his test paper were so large that it was like looking through a magnifying glass.

Yang Ming was just thinking about what was going on, when suddenly the font on his paper became normal again. When I looked at Zhang Bin's paper again, I could no longer see clearly. Could it be that he was really hallucinating? Yang Ming didn't believe in daydreams. What he felt just now was really real!

Yang Ming looked hard at Zhang Bin's paper again, and another miracle happened. Yang Ming felt as if his eyes had a focusing function, and the handwriting on the paper began to become clear again...

Holy shit! Yang Ming was so excited that he almost screamed! Yang Ming, who often reads online novels, has also read novels on the Qidian Chinese website about some frustrated little people who suddenly gain superpowers and become awesome all over the world.

Could it be that the goddess of luck has come to her? Turn your eyes into telescopes? No, I didn't have this kind of power before. Why did I suddenly get it

Yang Ming thought about his experiences these past few days in a strange way. In most novels, the protagonists acquire superpowers because they were struck by lightning, hit by a car, or had bugs drilled into their anus. It seemed that he had not had any weird adventures.

By the way, glasses! Yang Ming thought of the most crucial thing! It was only after I put on the contact lenses that the old man gave me that I began to have this strange ability!

Thinking of this, Yang Ming quickly took off the contact lenses from his eyes in order to confirm his guess.

"Yang Ming, if you don't take the exam seriously, why are you busy here?" Zhao Ying walked around the classroom and returned to Yang Ming. She found that he hadn't written a word and was still doing something inexplicable. matter.

"Uh..." Yang Ming was startled again. His hand shook and he almost poked his eyes out. He said to Zhao Ying with a bitter face: "Teacher Zhao, can you please stop being so surprised?" Yes, my contact lenses were new and they were not very comfortable. I was about to take them off and put them on again, but you threatened me like this. I almost transferred to a school for the blind!"

"Phew!" Zhao Ying couldn't help laughing after hearing Yang Ming's funny remarks, and said: "Stop talking nonsense, you still have sense, finish getting your glasses and answer the paper as soon as possible! It's been twenty minutes, and you haven't written a word yet!"

"I know, Teacher Xiao Zhao." Yang Ming replied.

"Do you need me to help you?" Zhao Ying saw Yang Ming rolling his eyes stupidly, then turned around and asked.

"That's great!" For some reason, Yang Ming just liked the feeling of Zhao Ying standing in front of him, which made his heart beat faster.

Zhao Ying didn't think much about it. In her opinion, Yang Ming was just a student. Without paying attention, he held Yang Ming's head in his hands and carefully opened his eyes. Because contact lenses are relatively small, Zhao Ying had to bend down, and her towering breasts were very close to Yang Ming's face. The light fragrance on Zhao Ying's body made Yang Ming a little obsessed.

Zhao Ying helped him take off his contact lenses, and found that Yang Ming was still looking up at her... She couldn't help but blush, and said angrily: "Why are you so stunned? I have taken off my glasses!"

"Ah? Oh!" Yang Ming was enjoying it. Hearing Zhao Ying's angrily scolding, he quickly straightened his posture and said, "Thank you, Teacher Xiao Zhao!"

Zhao Ying put the contact lenses in the box and threw them to him. She glared at him, turned and left. Although Zhao Ying is already working, in the final analysis she is still an inexperienced girl. How can she bear the sight of a man staring at her breasts? It is so embarrassing! This Yang Ming, I originally thought he was a talent, but now it seems that he is hopeless!

Yang Ming knew that now was not the time for sexual intercourse, because the distraction just now had made his crotch very uncomfortable. Yang Ming changed his sitting position, and quietly reached his right hand under the table to put his little Yang Ming in a comfortable position.

This time, no matter what Yang Ming did, he could no longer read clearly the handwriting on Zhang Bin's paper. Even though his eyes were sore, the focus of his eyes did not change at all! It seems that he was right in his estimation, it was the effect of that contact lens!

Yang Ming picked up the contact lens box and looked from left to right. There was nothing special about it. It was actually a treasure! With this thing, in the future, no matter how far away the beautiful woman is from you, you can see clearly, Gaga!

oops! Yang Ming suddenly slapped his head and almost forgot about the main thing. He was taking an exam now. Looking at the time, there were only ten minutes left. Yang Ming quickly put on his contact lenses again and picked up the pen in a panic. , I copied Zhang Bin's paper. Fortunately, my eyes zoomed and focused faster. I moved my eyes from Zhang Bin's test paper to my own test paper and found the focus in an instant.

After copying all the questions, the bell rang just as the get out of class ended. Yang Ming breathed a sigh of relief. These glasses turned out to be so easy to use, and there was no uncomfortable feeling when wearing them on his eyes. Why not just keep wearing them! It’s invisible anyway, so others can’t see it!

As soon as the second class started, Yang Ming began to experiment with the function of the glasses, constantly changing the focal length, and found that he could see things very far away. As long as he wanted to see what he wanted, the glasses would position the focal length by themselves. Your own brain is like the motor and AF focuser in a digital camera, directing the lens of your glasses to zoom!

After one class, through his constant exploration and practice, Yang Ming has basically mastered the zoom method of glasses. However, because of the buildings outside the window, Yang Ming is not sure how far he can see things, but at least On the wall on the other side of the playground, there is an inconspicuous small pit, and Yang Ming can see it clearly!

This made Yang Ming very excited. It seemed that the old man had not lied to him. These glasses were really a high-tech product! Could it be that this old guy is some long-reclusive Frankenstein? He happened to meet himself when he was playing in the human world, and then gave his Ming to himself

But Yang Ming was just thinking about it. No matter how it came about, there are many unexplainable things in the world, and this one is no less important.