So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 87: 087.The situation has escalated [please vote]


"Hmph! If it weren't for this in class, I would kill you!" Yang Ming snorted coldly and let go of Chen Afu's collar.

As for Chen Afu, he couldn't express his sorrow. Who asked him to do such a fucked up thing!

Zhang Bin had already helped Yang Ming lift the desk and collected all the things that had fallen on the ground.

Have you become too settled since you entered high school? Yang Ming thought to himself, in the past, not to mention flipping his own table, even if he touched his things on the ground, others would have to be careful to apologize. If Yang Ming was in a bad mood, it would be inevitable to get beaten!

Originally, the matter was over like this, but for some reason, King Kong heard about it! King Kong, who has been secretly observing Yang Ming, has seized this good opportunity!

I thought you were such a good boy, hehe, you finally showed some clues! King Kong was very proud to find his brother-in-law who was the director of political education in the school.

"King Kong, come in quickly. What do you want to do with your uncle?" King Kong's uncle is Jin Xisen, the political and educational director of No. 4 Middle School.

"Uncle, two students were fighting in the math class in Class 7, Grade 3 today. Do you know about this?" King Kong asked.

"Fighting in class? How could I know about such trivial matters!" Jin Xisen said, "Look at how busy my uncle is. He has to collect so much data, so don't bother me with trivial matters!"

"Uncle, you said if students fight in class, can they be expelled?" King Kong asked.

"Why are you asking about this? How can anyone be expelled for such a trivial matter!" Jin Xisen said: "If you are expelled like this, the school is not yellow anymore!"

"Uncle, can you tell me if there is a possibility of expulsion?" King Kong asked reluctantly.

"Oops!" Jin Xisen shook his head helplessly: "You can, of course. If you can't, it's not up to our school to decide whether to expel or not! High school is not a nine-year compulsory education, so expelling students is normal!"

"Then...can you find a way to expel this student?" King Kong hesitated and said.

"Which student? Why should he be expelled?" Jin Xisen glanced at King Kong in confusion.

"That's the student who had a fight in class today!" King Kong said.

"Both of them were expelled? Why were they expelled?" Jin Xisen asked: "You are in your senior year of high school. It is normal to fight occasionally, and you will not be expelled!"

"It's either two or one of the students named Yang Ming!" King Kong replied.

"Yang Ming? Why should you fire him? Does he have any grudge against you?" Jin Xisen asked.

"Have a grudge? Your nephew, I was almost killed by him!" King Kong said angrily: "Because of this kid, I can't even catch up with Zhao Ying!"

"What's going on? Tell uncle?" Jin Xisen looked at King Kong's sad and angry expression and asked quickly. King Kong is the only male of the Jin family, so Jin Xisen also likes this nephew very much. When he heard that it was about him, he quickly asked about it.

So King Kong told Jin Xisen the reason for his enmity with Yang Ming. Hearing that his nephew had been cheated out of 50,000 yuan, Jin Xisen was furious!

"Don't worry, this uncle will help you! Aren't you just a student! How dare you play tricks on you like this. After all, my uncle is also the school's director of political education, and he is very important in the school! Let me think about what to knit for this Yang Ming. Guilty!" Originally, Jin Xisen was a very principled person, but because it was his nephew who was in trouble now, he became very irrational in his actions!

"Thank you, uncle!" King Kong quickly thanked him. I am happy, Yang Ming. Get out of here this time. If you dare to trick me like this, I will let you get into a bad university!

The second class hasn't started yet. Yang Ming and Chen Afu were called to the political and religious office. When Jin Xisen asked about what happened, no matter how Yang Ming explained that Chen Afu had knocked his table off the ground first, Jin Xisen would not let go of the fact that he hit someone first and insisted on giving Yang Ming a punishment.

Chen Afu thought it was Wang Zhitao who greeted him at school. Feeling proud, he sneered at Yang Ming and whispered while Jin Xisen lowered his head: "Huh, aren't you capable? Are you going to hit me?"

Yang Ming was not a person who was ridiculed. He was already angry when he saw Chen Afu acting like this. It doesn’t matter where this place is, don’t you want to punish me? Okay. Then I’m not afraid of a few more! He kicked Chen Afu directly in the stomach, knocking him back several steps and squatting on the ground!

"You... you kicked me!" Chen Afu frowned in pain.

Jin Xisen was stunned when he saw Yang Ming beating someone in the political and religious office. Then my heart immediately burst into joy! Originally, the reason for fighting in class was

It's far-fetched to be a student, and the principal may not agree, but beating Tongyi in the political and educational office is different! To dare to be so arrogant in front of the school leaders is simply contempt for the leaders and the school!

If this student is not expelled, it will be a shame to the school!

"Yang Ming, what's the matter with you! You're still not honest when you get here!" Jin Xisen asked sharply: "Don't you miss me anymore?"

"He forced me!" Yang Ming replied.

"He forced you? Why did he force you? He held a knife and asked you to kick him?" Jin Xisen's eyes widened: "Why didn't he force me? Why did he force you?"

"He used words to bully me!" Yang Ming scolded Jin Xisen eighteen times in his heart! You, the director of political education, have had enough to eat and have nothing to do? Do you have to deal with small things like student fights

"Using words to bully you? Then if he bullies you into killing him, will you kill him?" Jin Xisen asked back: "I have decided, you are a black sheep, I will definitely expel you! I will give it to you in a moment Report to the principal! If I don’t expel students like you, I won’t be the director!”

Fired? Yang Ming was stunned. He originally thought it was just the director of political education who was scaring him, but now it seems that this guy is serious? It's really baffling. There are so many students fighting every day. Why don't you see Director Jin to expel them

Wait, Director Jin... I remember what Zhao Ying said when she first went to Zhao Ying's office, "It's hard to talk about this. Don't ask about these things."

That's right, I thought about it at that time, there was a director named Jindi in the school, and sure enough! King Kong, King Kong, I thought you had calmed down, but I didn’t expect you to resort to such a destructive method!

"King Kong asked you to do this?" Yang Ming asked calmly after figuring out the situation.

"King Kong? What are you talking about! Don't interrupt!" Jin Xisen was stunned, but he didn't expect that the student had guessed his purpose! However, it is an undeniable fact that he beat people in the political and religious office, so I am not afraid that he will not be expelled!

"You and King Kong are related, right? Did he ask you to cause trouble for me?" Yang Ming sneered: "Whatever, you can expel me if you want? I'm afraid the principal won't approve!"

After Yang Ming said this, he ignored Jin Xisen, opened the door of the Political and Education Department and walked out! Jin Xisen and Chen Afu were left stunned!

"Yang Ming, wait! I'm going to find the principal now. If I, Jin Xisen, don't get rid of this kind of student, my surname will no longer be Jin!" Jin Xisen said angrily.

"That Director Jin... I..." Chen Afu didn't know what to do when he saw Yang Ming leaving.

"Go back! If the principal comes to see you later, you have to prove it!" Jin Xisen said suppressing his anger.

"Okay, no problem, Director Jin! Then I'm leaving!" Chen Afu left the Political and Education Office and sighed in his heart. Yang Ming is indeed a great person, but after he is fired, will he not come back to take revenge on him

Chen Afu is the kind of person who does things impulsively regardless of the consequences, but is afraid afterwards. On the way back to the classroom, Chen Afu also calmed down a lot. He was just Wang Zhitao's follower. If Yang Ming wanted to take revenge on him, it would not be easy!

What's more, if he is fired, wouldn't it be even more unscrupulous to come back and take revenge on him? Chen Afu has long heard that Yang Ming knows a lot of gangsters in society, and he won't be able to deal with them when the time comes!

Thinking of this, Chen Afu wanted to slap himself in the face. He was so impulsive, and now he offended Yang Ming!

And Yang Ming was walking back humming a little tune at the moment! Fire yourself? Hehe, if it were a month ago, this might still be possible, but now, would the principal agree to Jin Xisen's decision to expel him

Jin Xisen walked into the principal's office angrily: "Principal Li, I'm so angry today!"

"Lao Jin, what's wrong? If you have something to do, sit down and talk slowly!" Principal Li glanced at Jin Xisen and nodded. As the principal himself, some subordinates always come here to complain about their relationship with colleagues. Principal Li thought that Jin Xisen also had a conflict with some teacher.