So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 99: 099. The heart-to-heart talk between the Chen family's father and daughter


"Old Chen, what do you think happened to Yanyan today?" Mother Chen looked at the closed door of the bathroom suspiciously and asked.

"How do I know?" Father Chen shook his head: "Weren't you fine when you went to school in the morning? Why did you become like this when you came back?"

"You ask me, Lao Chen, you are a policeman, and you still ask me?" Chen's mother complained.

"Honey, the police are not omnipotent, so the police know everything?" Father Chen said with a wry smile: "I just came home too, how do I know!"

"Then why don't you go investigate and find out what's going on?" Mother Chen complained.

"Okay, why don't you let me go and investigate?" Father Chen walked helplessly towards his daughter's room.

Entering the room, the first thing that caught Father Chen's eyes was the messy bedding. There was obviously a large wet stain on it. Chen Mengyan was so old that it was obviously impossible for her to wet the bed. It was obviously a tear stain.

Father Chen sighed. It seemed that his guess was correct. His daughter had just cried. Father Chen hesitated for a moment about his daughter's things. It was against the law to touch other people's private parts, not even his own daughter!

Father Chen didn't want his daughter to look down on him, so he finally walked out of the room. If his daughter was willing to say it, she would have said it long ago. If she didn't want to say it, she just didn't want him and Chen's mother to know.

When closing the door, Father Chen suddenly noticed a photo in the corner behind the door, and picked it up in confusion...

How come my daughter has this photo? However, Father Chen seemed to understand everything, and shook his head with a wry smile. His daughter had grown up, and she actually had to worry about love one day!

Father Chen thinks. He should fulfill his responsibilities as a father, and there is no way to make his daughter suffer like this!

When Yang Ming returned home, he didn't feel unhappy at all. I had already vented my anger, and although I was still a little depressed, I didn't show it, so Father Yang and Mother Yang didn't notice anything unusual.

After returning to the room, Yang Ming turned on the computer and logged in to QQ without thinking about Chen Mengyan's problem.

Savage Female Teacher: Are you there

How can there be true love in the world: Now, fighting the landlords? In which room

Yang Ming asked habitually.

Savage female teacher: I’m in a bad mood today. Can you chat with me for a while

How can there be true love in this world: Okay. I happened to be in a bad mood, so we tried to cheer each other up.

Savage Female Teacher: What makes you feel bad

How can there be true love in the world: just like you!

Savage Female Teacher: Like me? I am lovelorn, wouldn’t you be too

How can there be true love in this world: Well, almost.

Savage female teacher: You qo

How can there be true love in the world: Well, just write it casually. Why are you in a bad mood? Have you fallen in love again

Savage Female Teacher: I may never see that person again. So very sad.

How can there be true love in the world: What does it mean? he died

Savage female teacher: Don't curse him, you are dead!

How can there be true love in this world: So what’s going on

Sassy Female Teacher: He graduated.

How can there be true love in the world: Graduation? What's the meaning? Aren't you a teacher? Isn’t the person you like your colleague

Savage female teacher: He is my student...

How can there be true love in the world: your students? Won't? I can’t tell that you are still an old cow eating young grass.

For some reason, Yang Ming suddenly thought of Zhao Ying. Hey, I don’t know if I will see her again in the future! It seems that this savage female teacher has some sympathy with me!

Savage Female Teacher: ... I’m not very big either! What, can't you accept it? Look down on me

How can there be true love in the world: could it be! I'm just surprised that our experiences are similar!

Savage Female Teacher: What? Do you also like your students? Are you a teacher too? ?

How can there be true love in the world: Ha...

Yang Ming didn't explain, he felt a little upset. Zhao Ying or Chen Mengyan, who do I like more? From the perspective of intimacy, Chen Mengyan is closer to herself, but from the perspective of spiritual communication, Zhao Ying is even closer to herself! We have shared weal and woe several times. Let their hearts be connected together!

Chen Mengyan would doubt herself because of Wang Zhitao today, but Zhao Ying would not! For example, regarding the test results that time, Zhao Ying never suspected that she was cheating! But. Thinking of Zhao Ying's attitude towards herself that night... Is it still possible for her and herself

… … … …

Chen Mengyan finally calmed down her mood. Let’s talk about the next thing later. If Yang Ming explains to himself, will he forgive him? Chen Mengyan didn't know. perhaps

A woman can easily forgive a man's cheating. Chen Mengyan once said this. At that time, she still sneered at the author who wrote this sentence, but now, Chen Mengyan was a little shaken.

She can't stand it anymore! This is just one night! It was hard for her to imagine that if things continued like this, she would suffer from depression or something like that...

"Yanyan, do you have time? Talk to daddy for a while!" Father Chen said to his daughter who was wiping her head.

"Oh? I'm going to study..." Chen Mengyan was in a bad mood and naturally didn't want to say anything more.

"It's not too late to study. Dad is usually busy with work, and we, father and daughter, don't have time to communicate!" Father Chen said, "Don't be nervous, just treat dad as your friend, not your elder!"

Mengyan nodded. Her father had already said so, so she could no longer insist on it.

"Yanyan, the last time we had a heart-to-heart talk was when you were in the first grade of junior high school?" Father Chen found a topic to talk about.

"Well, yes?" Chen Mengyan's thoughts also returned to that time, her melancholy mood improved slightly, and she said with some embarrassment: "On the first day of junior high school, a female classmate falsely accused me of stealing her pencil sharpener. …”

"That's right, you cried in the room all night, haha, it made me and your mother feel so sad!" Father Chen said.

"Well, the pencil sharpener you bought me was the same as hers, so she suspected it was me!" Chen Mengyan nodded: "Haha, I was still too young and ignorant at that time."

"There is nothing wrong with suspicion. Your father and I often doubt others. But that is just suspicion. Do you remember what you said to that female classmate at that time?" Father Chen said with a smile.

"I told her, there is no evidence, why do you suspect it's me?" Chen Mengyan also smiled: "I've learned from you since I was a child that we must pay attention to evidence in everything!"

"Yes, I remember that she told you that she heard it from others?" Father Chen asked.

"Yes, that's what she said." Chen Mengyan said, "I told her that hearing is false and seeing is believing!"

"Yes, hearing is believing and seeing is believing! But in many cases, what you see with your own eyes may not necessarily be what it is!" Fade Chen shook his head with a smile: "For example, your pencil sharpener , she obviously saw it too, you have the same pencil sharpener here, but what she saw may not be the same?"

Yes... that's not necessarily what you see! Chen Mengyan didn't understand why her father suddenly said this to her, but her mood suddenly improved! There is a feeling of enlightenment!

"Sometimes, when we see the existence of something, we will judge it according to our own ideas, but ignore the essence of the matter." Father Chen continued.

"Dad, can you do me a favor?" Chen Mengyan gritted her teeth and made a decision. Although this decision may arouse her father's suspicion, she couldn't bear it anymore, especially after hearing what her father said, she felt even more uneasy! If you really misunderstood Yang Ming because of this matter... then...

"Help? Of course, why should I be so polite to your dad?" Chen's father knew that his daughter had figured it out: "If you need anything, just tell me!"

"Can you keep it a secret for me?" Chen Mengyan hesitated.

"You didn't even tell your mother?" Father Chen asked.

"Well, I'm afraid mom will scold me..." Chen Mengyan nodded.

"Okay, then you are not afraid that I will scold you?" Father Chen said with a smile.

"You just said it yourself, you are my friend now, not my father!" Chen Mengyan retorted.

"Okay, then I will keep it a secret for you. Now I am not your father, but your friend!" Father Chen agreed.

"Dad, please wait for me!" Chen Mengyan stood up and ran quickly back to her room. After a while, she came out with a stack of things.

"What is this?" Father Chen asked deliberately.

"Dad, I want to ask you to help me find out. Are you on a mission today? If not, ask someone to help me identify whether these photos are composites?" Chen Mengyan handed the photos in her hand to her father.