Soaring of Galaxia

Chapter 1044: What is the way of heaven?


In the primitive realm of hún chaos, Qin Wushuang has been in seclusion here for three thousand years. WwW, QunabEN, coM In the past three thousand years, Qin Wushuang has been like an ancient well without any ripples, concentrating on comprehending the supreme way of heaven. The vastness of this primitive realm of chaos greatly shocked his soul.

Suddenly, Qin Wushuang opened his eyes and showed a playful smile: "Are you here?"

Outside the primitive territory, the first group of Holy Emperor warriors to arrive had already reached the outskirts.

Qin Wushuang's figure flashed suddenly and disappeared into the chaotic realm.

"It's right here, that little boy, won't he deceive us all?"

"Yeah, this damn place is full of dangers. It's okay to fool us here."

"Hmph, if he is not here, don't blame us for being ruthless. Go back, find Tianxuan Continent, and destroy him in one fell swoop."

"Everyone, please be patient. If Qin Wushuang dares to let us come, he must have something to rely on. Don't let yourself get into trouble."

"Yeah, it's an elegant thing to say. Even if you can't get the hún Chaos Energy, you can see the Holy Emperors competing in martial arts. It would be more interesting if there was a ranking battle."

"Hmph, I'm afraid this is that little boy's trick, to make us Holy Emperors fight each other so that he can enjoy the fruits of it."

"Can't you? There are so many Holy Emperors in the world. Even if he is injured in the duel, it will not help him at all. How can we all die together in a swarm?"

When these Holy Emperors reached the primitive realm of hún chaos, they did not dare to take it lightly and circled around the outside. For a while, they did not dare to enter easily for fear of Qin Wushuang's opponents.

Suddenly, a hún chaotic energy surged in the periphery, and Qin Wushuang's figure appeared there, seemingly real and illusory: "Everyone, you are not slow to come! Do you want to come in first, or wait for the other Holy Emperors to come together, and then Come in?"

When the Holy Emperors saw Qin Wushuang, many of them had complicated expressions. A few anxious ones began to look at each other and wanted to swarm them.

Qin Wushuang smiled faintly: "Everyone, I am not laughing at you. If you have wrong ideas, I advise you not to do it. Group fight, or wheel battle, it is up to you. You may be able to swarm me and defeat me, but the energy of chaos is still there. In my hand, if I push it to the limit, this hún chaos energy will disperse, and I guarantee that all of you will be wiped out, and not a single scum will be left."

Although I have never seen the power of hún Chaos Yuan Qi, I have heard about it.

Qin Wushuang wiped out all their crooked thoughts in one fell swoop.

If you want to engage in crooked ways, stop them as soon as possible.

At this time, those Holy Emperors who lacked strength felt a little frustrated. If they relied on an honest competition to compete for this hún chaos energy, they would have no chance at all.

Qin Wushuang stopped chatting with them, and disappeared in a flash. In fact, his coming out was just a delaying measure.

Now, he has integrated the energy of hún chaos in the realm of hún chaos, and is no longer as confused and clueless as he was at the beginning.

This is a good sign. What he needs now is time. As long as time allows, he believes that he can create miracles again.

From all corners of the Daluo Universe, the Saint Emperor's powerful men continued to pour in, gathering more and more outside the primitive realm, from a few dozen at first, to hundreds to thousands, and then to tens of thousands.

Almost all the powerful Saint Emperors who are worthy of recognition in the Daluo Universe swarm out. These strong men, using all means, finally arrived!

Qin Wushuang knew that today's primitive realm was indeed lively. Leisurely appeared and said: "Everyone, I invite you here because it is an elegant thing. If you lose your temper because of this, it will not be justified on your face. I know that your thoughts are all directed at hún Chaos Yuanqi. That's right. , this thing is here with me, and only one ray is available for each calamity. Tell me, how should it be distributed, is it reasonable?"

"Of course it's a martial arts competition. Only by defeating everyone can we be justified!" This was obviously the booing from the weaker Holy Emperors.

Defeating everyone is obviously impossible.

Qin Wushuang did not refute, and said with a smile: "The hún Chaos Yuan Qi is in my hands. If you can choose the strongest one and fight with me again, if you can beat me, the hún Chaos Yuan Qi will belong to him. If you can't defeat me, the hún Chaos Yuan Qi will belong to him." It’s still mine.”

"What if there's a draw?"

"How can there be a draw if we continue to fight to the death?" Qin Wushuang said solemnly.

These tens of thousands of Holy Emperors all looked at each other in confusion. Only the strongest can duel with him? This condition seems a bit harsh.

But the thing is in someone else's hands, and if they should be snatched, it seems that they have the ultimate trump card. At worst, they will break up and die together.

So many powerful Saint Emperors were buried with them, so they were not at a loss.

"Qin Wushuang, do you dare to make an oath of heaven? Otherwise, we people will fight to the death, but in the end, we will take advantage of you?"

These people did not object to Qin Wushuang's proposal, but they were worried that Qin Wushuang would change his mind.

Qin Wushuang said calmly: "If we want to make an oath of heaven, everyone must make it. Once the oath is made, it is obviously not possible if it is only for me. Only when everyone has restraints can there be rules."

"This is natural. But it is too harsh for so many of us to choose the first place. We, the people, select seven people, together with you, a total of eight, and finally fight in pairs to decide the first place, then we will get that Hún Chaos resentment, how about it?"

Qin Wushuang looked at the tens of thousands of Saint Emperors around him and knew that it would not be easy to decide the seven strongest ones. He smiled and said: "Then how do you plan to decide the seven strongest ones?"

"The Galaxy War, the Millennium War. Only in this way can the strong ones between the Holy Emperors be decided. Anyway, in order to seize the hún Chaos energy, I believe you don't mind staying here for tens of thousands of years, right?"

"Hehe, I'm afraid that if you want to determine the seven strongest ones, it won't take a hundred thousand years for them to come out." Qin Wushuang sneered.

"That's our business, you don't need to worry about it."

"Okay, then you make your own decision, and then come and talk to me after the top seven are decided." After Qin Wushuang finished speaking, he left and returned to the original realm.

All of these tens of thousands of people are powerful Saint Emperors, and no one can defeat anyone who has never fought. Except for a few who are self-aware, everyone has the urge to try.

After all, the attraction of hún Chaos Yuan Qi is too great. The competition to win seven places is not completely hopeless.

If you're lucky...

There are tens of thousands of powerful Saint Emperors, and it is indeed not that difficult to determine the top seven. Just deciding on the plan took hundreds of years, arguing and arguing, and finally a charter was finalized.

When the time came for the fight to begin, the two sides were at a stalemate in terms of strength. Once the fight started, it would take decades or hundreds of years to determine the winner.

Another three thousand years have passed, and among these tens of thousands of Holy Emperors, only the top five thousand have been determined. Once you reach the top five thousand, things will become much easier to figure out.

One group after another, and finally when they reached the last six hundred, five thousand years had passed.

The closer you get to the end, the stronger you will naturally become.

These powerful Saint Emperors now know what it means to be unable to dismount from a tiger. They were fighting life and death here, but Qin Wushuang was at ease inside, comprehending the supreme way.

But what can be done

Now, even if they don't want to fight, they don't have the nerve to quit. If you withdraw at this time, you will definitely be considered as timid and retreating.

The years passed by without even realizing it, and another eight thousand years passed by.

Suddenly on this day, everyone felt that auspicious clouds suddenly appeared outside the primitive realm, and various visions suddenly appeared one after another, causing everyone present to feel palpitating.

At the entrance to the primitive realm, a deep gap suddenly appeared, like a large door slowly opening.

All the Holy Emperors stared at this vision intently.

This gap keeps getting bigger, like a big gap in the universe.

With a crash, the gap burst open, revealing a huge crater. A huge abyss entrance appeared in front of everyone.

Is the primitive state completely unlocked

Seeing this surprising scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

"No, did Qin Wushuang escape?" someone shouted.

"This kid is naughty, he might have really escaped!" Someone started shouting, and a second person would definitely respond. The continuous shouting made the scene a mess.

Those Holy Emperors who failed in the competition but did not leave took the opportunity to start making noises and crowded in one after another.

For a moment, order was completely out of control.

Tens of thousands of Holy Emperors all turned into streams of light and rushed towards the huge pit.

A huge sky boat lay in front of everyone.

"That's Chiyang Tianzhou!" Anyone with sharp eyes recognized it.

"Yes, good eyesight. This is the Red Sun Sky Boat." In the void, a voice that seemed to come from ancient times resounded in everyone's ears like a loud bell.

"Qin Wushuang!"

The crowd was completely stunned, and everyone looked at Tianzhou in surprise.

"If you don't compete outside, what are you doing here?"

"Qin Wushuang, stop pretending to be a ghost. If you know what's going on, show up quickly and release the hún chaos energy. If we want to fight decisively, we can't let you hide here alone to comprehend the hún chaos energy. This is unfair!"

"Yes, it's completely unfair. You're here to understand the Great Dao, and we're fighting life and death outside. How is this fair?"

Qin Wushuang smiled faintly: "Fair? Everyone, the way of heaven is clear and never favors losses. What you call fairness is just your sīyù, not the true fairness of heaven."

"Hmph, sīyù, yes, we have sīyù. Don't you? Without you, why would you occupy the hún chaos energy and refuse to release it?"

"That's right, you said it nicely. If you are innocent, just hand over that thing."

Qin Wushuang couldn't help but laugh: "Bring it out, why? This hún Chaos Yuan Qi, is it someone else's creature of yours?"

"But what do you get?"

Qin Wushuang's series of questions pointed directly at everyone's true feelings: "You should give me a reason to do so."

"Then you gave a reason not to surrender, so why do you have him?"

Qin Wushuang smiled proudly: "Why should I? Because I already have him, this is the way of heaven. You don't have him, this is also the way of heaven. Everyone's opportunities are different. You didn't have good luck before, and you will have no good luck in the future!"

At this point, Qin Wushuang's figure suddenly appeared in countless incarnations like a storm, constantly appearing in the primitive realm.