Soaring of Galaxia

Chapter 115: Something big happened


The Emperors Wu who were wandering in the dense forest "didn't know that at this moment, they Yi Gang Ka Shi Fan Jing and Qin Wu Shuang completely separated a dividing line. wWw,QuanBeN-XiaoShuo,cOM

After hearing something from Lord Martial Saint, Qin Wushuang felt a sudden enlightenment, no longer had any doubts, and had a more determined goal in martial arts practice.

Qin Wushuang became even more determined towards the entire goal.

Qin Wushuang returned home like an arrow and stopped staying. He guessed that maybe at this moment, the news that he ranked first in the trial had spread to his hometown and reached his father's ears.

Thinking of this, Qin Wushuang felt a warm current in his heart.

If there was anything he cared about in this life, it would be the warm home in Donglin Town.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate at all. Hurry up and set off on your way home.

There is a famous saying in the past life, which says that if wealth does not return to its hometown, it is like walking at night in brocade clothes. Who would have known

Qin Wushuang himself had no idea of returning home in glory. But the promotion of the family to the royal family is an unexpected surprise after all. If they say they are not happy, it would be false.

He rushed quickly, and after a few days, he arrived at Chimu King City. It was already getting late at this time, and Qin Wushuang was not resting. He planned to take advantage of the night to rush on his way.

After eating some food, he was about to leave when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure standing there outside on the street. He looked at him twice, then turned and left.

Qin Wushuang was stunned, wasn't that Tong Yao

Why did she not come to say hello when she saw him, but turned around and left? The look in her eyes clearly seemed to have something to say.

Qin Wushuang was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it might be inconvenient for Tong Yao to come in and greet her, so he immediately left his meal and followed her out quickly.

After following for a while, they came to a remote alley and saw Yan Yao's figure getting into a house. Qin Wushuang followed suit.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Tong Yao waiting there with a solemn face.

"Master Qin, your eyesight is so sharp."

"Miss Tong, why did you bring me here?"

"Mr. Qin, today's Chimu Royal City is full of crises and there are many eyes and ears, so we must be on guard against it.

"The crisis is getting worse, what's going on?"

Tong Yao's face was a little solemn, and she glanced at Qin Wushuang, about to give up, but finally said: "Brother Qin was in a hurry, did you hear some news? Or did you return to the Chimu King's territory early?"

"That's easy, I'll be back early. What's the news?" Qin Wushuang had a vague premonition of something bad.

"Uh, Brother Qin, I told you to stay calm." Tong Yao looked worried.

"Miss Tong, please tell me, I can bear it."

"Brother Qin, your trial results have arrived at the territory of the Chimu King a few days ago. They have passed through the Daxi family and arrived at your Donglin Town. The person who personally delivered the letter was Da Ximing, the eldest son of the Daxi family. The Ximen clan obviously got it first. After learning the news, he took the initiative to break off the engagement with the Daxi family in advance. His intention is self-evident. But, "

"Just what?"

Ximen Clan took the initiative to break off the engagement, which was not unexpected by Qin Wushuang. It was something he and Ximen Yu had already reached an agreement with.

"When Master Da Ximing got this good news, he immediately went to Donglin Town to tell Sister Ling. Then, for some unknown reason, Master Da Xi and Sister Ling disappeared while playing on Dacang Mountain."

"What?" Qin Wushuang's heart tightened, "Both are missing?"

"Yes, both are missing. The time when it happened was probably when you were at Wusheng Mountain. It has been three or four days since it happened." Tong Yao was upset when she saw Qin Wushuang's ugly face. "Where did Miss Tong get the news?" Qin Wushuang tried hard to suppress his emotions and told himself that he must not lose control at this time. Be sure to hold still.

"We have an intelligence network in Luojiang County. The elites of your family have begun to mobilize and search everywhere. There is no latest progress yet. If I hadn't received news from the Imperial Capital that someone had witnessed you leaving the Imperial Capital, I wouldn't have been there. Waiting for you here

Qin Wushuang took a deep breath, knowing that Tong Yao did have good intentions.

"Miss Tong, no matter what the outcome of this matter is, I, Qin Wushuang, owe you another favor."

Tong Yao hurriedly waved her hands and said: "Don't say that. Last time we were not familiar with each other and we acted like a transaction. Now you have helped our Tong family so much."

I have already regarded you as a friend. Between friends, there is no need to talk about favors

Qin Wushuang nodded: "Okay, I will keep Miss Tong's words in mind. I am very anxious about this. I can't stay here, so I will leave first."

"Wait a minute. Tong Yao bit her lip lightly, seeming to be making a difficult decision in her heart.

After a moment, he firmed up his mind and said, "Mr. Qin, your sister's disappearance may not be an accident. I received a letter from Tong Yan, saying that you had fought for several elder sisters in the imperial capital. It also came from us. King Akagi led it, right?"

When Qin Wushuang heard this, his chest felt like a heavy blow.

I remembered a lot at once. Didn't those elders also say that their daughter disappeared for no reason, and they were unable to complain everywhere

Could it be that my sister's disappearance is exactly the same as those people

Only now did he understand why he had that thoughtful feeling at the beginning. It turned out that he had always had this subconscious feeling deep in his heart.

And the source of this subconscious mind may be the "devil" that my sister once mentioned!

All these years, the devil has been holding back, but has it finally come out

Mr. Ji Er said, "Perhaps, it is not a coincidence that weeping is really not a coincidence. Thank you for your visit to Fusheng. I'd better go back and check it out myself."

Tong Yao nodded: "Well, Mr. Qin, I have something to say. If you need help, please ask. I, Tong Yao, am obliged."

"Okay, as Miss Tong says, Wushuang will definitely speak up if necessary.

"Okay, then Mr. Qin, please go back quickly. Tong Yao is in the Chimu King's City, waiting at any time. However," Mr. Qin's actions in the Chimu King's City are best kept low-key. According to my information, King Chimu was very angry because his youngest son He Yuchong lost the crown of first place in the trial. It seems that I am very unhappy with you, the dark horse who has emerged from nowhere. "

Qin Wushuang didn't bother to pay attention to this issue, and said coldly: "It has nothing to do with me whether he is happy or not. If you don't mess with me, everything will stop. If you mess with me, even if he is the Chimu King, I will still deal with it to the end."

Tong Yao looked at Qin Wushuang's scornful expression and felt quite complicated. I was both impressed and a little worried.

Being an enemy of King Akagi is definitely not a sensible thing to do.


There are some things. When Tong Yao thinks of the possibility, she immediately cuts off her thoughts. She is unwilling to think in that terrible direction.

Once that happens, it will be very difficult for Qin Wushuang.

Qin Wushuang said goodbye to Tong Yao, bought a good horse, and galloped towards Donglin Town at starry night.

After driving for a day and two nights, we finally returned to the boundary of Donglin Town in the early morning of the third day.

The blind dates in Donglin Town burst into cheers when they saw Qin Wushuang returning. But then he thought of what happened at Qin's family, and he didn't dare to celebrate too much.

They all looked at Qin Wushuang with strange expressions.

Qin Wushuang couldn't care less about being polite at this time, and flew towards Qin's Manor on Pegasus.

"Master Qin is back. Now the Qin family has a backbone."

"Haha, I hope Miss Qin will have her own destiny. What a good girl. If she just disappears like this, I can only say that God has no discernment.

"It'll be fine for sure!"

Qin Wushuang turned a deaf ear. Rushed back to the manor in one breath. When Zhuang Ding, the gatekeeper, saw Qin Wushuang, he rubbed his eyes and almost couldn't believe it.

"Master, the delivery man is back!"


Qin Wushuang jumped off the horse and asked directly: "Is the master at home?"

"Yes, yes. There is also the head of the Daxi family. They are all here.

Throwing away the horse's reins, Qin Wushuang stepped in and ran straight towards the hall.

At this time, Qin Lianshan and Da Xiheng were analyzing the terrain of Da Cang Mountain and formulating a new search plan. At this time, the elites of both families have been dispatched.

Seeing Qin Wushuang return, Qin Lianshan was stunned for a moment, and Da Xiheng couldn't help but stand up.

"Father, the head of the Daxi family." Qin Wushuang asked as soon as he entered the door, "Have you found any clues?"

"There is one clue, but it is on the edge of a cliff, and there seems to be traces of a fight. And the enemy apparently left safely after the fight. We are following the route that the person left, and are investigating."

"Is there a map mark?" Qin Wushuang approached and took a look at the map, only to find that the cliff marked on the map was the same cliff he often went to after practicing.

"I'm going to take a look." Qin Wushuang was so anxious that he didn't bother to say hello and strode out.

"Wushuang, Wushuang," Qin Lianshan shouted hurriedly.

"Father. Head of the Daxi family, I will go first. You can bring a few more people and some tools, cables, etc. If necessary, I will go down the cliff to take a look.

Da Cang Mountain is for Qin Wushuang. It was a familiar road with no obstacles at all. Soon, Qin Wushuang came to the edge of the cliff.

The scene has been protected and guarded by several members of the Qinjiazhuang Xionghei Team. Seeing the young master arriving, all the team members were extremely excited. Qin Wushuang waved his hand to signal them not to be polite. He leaned down and observed his surroundings. After looking at Pian Xuan, he moved to the edge of the cliff and looked down.

"There were violent fights here, and the vegetation was broken. There was also mud sliding down." Qin Wushuang said, placing one hand on the rocks beside the cliff, and his body was already suspended on the cliff.

His hands kept moving downwards, observing the plants and trees on the wall, and sure enough, he saw a lot of curls and folds.

Qin Wushuang shook his arms. Then he jumped up.

His brows furrowed even more. It was very likely that someone had fallen off the cliff. By inference. It's most likely Da Ximing.

If the murderer is really the devil, then my sister's life will definitely not be in danger, at least for the time being. But if Da Ximing is with his sister, it's hard to say.

Thinking of this, he ordered: "You guys stay here while I go down and take a look. When the master and the head of the Daxi family come, just ask them to wait here."

After saying that, Qin Wushuang followed suit, grabbing the sudden rocks on the cliff with both hands, and kept sliding down. This cliff seemed to him like walking on flat ground.

Two seals appear in front. The next one is, chapter. Litian suffered the loss of not learning mathematics well. Haha, the content is different and does not affect everyone's reading.

The update tonight is a little later than the agreed time, haha, I'm sorry. The next update will not be more than Ugly: Blade.