Soaring of Galaxia

Chapter 35: A stepping stone to rise


At this point, Xu Sanli completely regarded Qin Wushuang as a fool. WWw.QuanBeN-XiaoShuo.COm With one against three, just Qin Lianshan and his son? It's simply an international joke.

However, in order to prevent cheating, he still said: "Master Arbiter, this duel must be fought by the direct descendants of the household registration, right? No guest elders, branches, etc. are allowed to fight, right?"

"Of course." The person in charge was unambiguous.

"In the Qin family's household registration, only Qin Lianshan and his son are considered direct descendants. Isn't it true?"

The person in charge nodded: "It's true. When the time comes, both parties will check each other's household registration to prevent counterfeiting. Whoever cheats will be disqualified."

Xu Sanli sneered: "That's good!"

In this way, even if your Qin family has the secret help of the Daxi family, you won't be afraid anymore. No matter how strong you are, it will be in vain if you are not included in the household registration system and can't get on the stage.

Besides, when it comes to fights between families, no matter how much support the third party gives, in the end, when it comes to the table, it is the children of the family who have to compete on the stage.

Seeing that both parties had agreed to the rules, the person in charge announced: "Since you two have already discussed it, it's settled. Each of you will fight as a direct descendant of your own family, and no malpractice will be allowed for personal gain. In addition, if the Qin family from the Han family goes to fight continuously, Xu On this side, each person can only appear once."

In order to reflect fairness, on the side with many versus one, each child can only play once at most. No matter which round he plays in, he must not play again, otherwise it will become a meaningless battle.

Both parties verified that everything was correct, signed the rules agreement, and stamped it with their family seals.

Then Xu Sanli said in a serious tone: "Qin Lianshan, I would like to advise you to go home quickly and prepare a thin coffin. No matter who of you, father and son, goes into battle, they will be needed!"

Qin Wushuang laughed at the side and said, "How can one mouthful be enough? At least six mouthfuls are enough to suit all the young and old of your Xu family."

The person in charge was also surprised to hear the tit-for-tat bickering between the two sides. Under normal circumstances, when this family competes for seats, they keep their murderous intentions in mind and rarely say anything verbally.

Fortunately for these two families, the war of words has already started before they start fighting.

Of course, they can only engage in a war of words first. The battle for the seats of the wealthy families is the grand finale of this year's "family debate" in Luojiang County, and of course it must be placed at the end.

The first day of the product discussion was a fight for the seats of the poor families.

The first seat to be fought for was the poor family seat vacated by the Qin family.

The three families competing for this seat are the Juncheng Gu family, the Juncheng Wen family, and the Donglin Town Niu family.

The three companies competed in a round-robin competition system.

Qin Wushuang watched the representatives of these three families come on stage with cold eyes. Although the Qin family competed for the seats of the wealthy families, these three forces had been eyeing the seats of the poor families of the Qin family since early in the morning. Now, as expected, in the end, these three families were the only ones. Fight here.

Qin Wushuang didn't have a good impression of these three forces. These forces dare to care so much about the Qin family's poor status. In the final analysis, they still underestimate the Qin family and intend to bully the Qin family.

The Gu family is the force secretly supported by Mr. Xu. There was an agreement with Xu Sanli in advance that once the position was successful, the seat of the poor family would return to the Gu family, and the Xu family would get 70% of the Qin family's original property. This is also the reason why Xu Sanli looks covetously at the Qin family.

The Wen family is the family of Zhang Maorui's wife and uncle. Although the name has been registered, with Xu Sanli coming forward, it is actually half-given up.

"Father, this fight is not interesting. I want to go back to the inn first." Qin Wushuang didn't have much interest in a battle of this level. Don't want to waste time in vain.

Qin Lianshan was actually angry when he saw it. He had to know that he was working so hard on stage to get the seat of a noble family from a poor family that originally belonged to his old Qin family. The more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he felt.

Although the Qin family's competition for a wealthy family brought him great face, being challenged for his seat in a poor family was tantamount to the most serious offense in the aristocratic circle!

Qin Xiu surprisingly did not join in the fun and agreed, "Okay, let's go back."

The battle between the wealthy families, as the highlight of the finale, is scheduled for ten days. During these ten days, they can come to watch the game if they want. If they don't want to come, they don't have to attend.

Of course, there are not many people as free and easy as Qin Wushuang. The "Family Review" held every twenty years is a life-and-death battle, and someone is bound to fall in every battle. It is absolutely exciting and a feast for the eyes. Therefore, other people generally won’t miss it if they don’t have anything particularly important to do.

Back at the inn, Qin Lianshan stared at Qin Wushuang and sighed softly.

"Wushuang, there are some things that my father has been keeping in his stomach and has not asked you. But today he really wants to find out these things, otherwise, my father will feel uneasy."

Qin Wushuang roughly knew what his father wanted to ask, and said calmly: "Father, please ask."

Qin Lianshan did not speak immediately, but still looked at his son with deep meaning. He was sixteen years old. In other people's children, he would still be a young boy, and it was the time to enjoy the fun of his youth.

But his son was able to take charge of his own business, which made him feel both relieved and guilty.

"Wushuang, your father has known that you have been diligent and hardworking since childhood. However, even if you work hard and reach the true martial arts realm, at your age, it is simply impossible. At least in the history of Luojiang County, there is no similar record. Tell father, have you had any adventures while practicing on Da Cang Mountain every day?"

Qin Xiu blinked: "An adventure? What adventure?"

Qin Wushuang smiled: "Father's guess is correct. The adventure you mentioned did happen to the child. What kind of adventure it was, even if I tell it now, my father will not believe it. The only thing that the child can guarantee is that, A child's behavior is worthy of heaven, and worthy of the ancestors of the Qin family."

"Okay!" A bright light flashed in Qin Lianshan's eyes, recalling his son's shocking changes in the past three or four years. Every step he took was his measure. At that moment, his hanging heart gradually returned to its original place, and he said seriously, "Wushuang , with your words, my father is relieved and will not ask any more questions from now on. From today on, as long as you make the decision on the Qin family's affairs, my father will support you!"

The father and son looked at each other and smiled, and the blood-blood communication was clearly evident in this smile.

Qin Xiu whispered: "Dad, our Wushuang family has really grown up!"

"Yes, my Qin family finally has a child!" Qin Lianshan sighed happily.

Qin Xiu took Qin Wushuang's hand, asked him to sit next to her, and asked seriously: "Wushuang, tell me, are you sure you can defeat the Xu family?"

Qin Lianshan also stared at Qin Wushuang. This was a question he wanted to ask but refrained from asking.

By the way, I didn't forget to add: "If we are not sure, even if our Qin family takes a step back for the time being, I believe that the ancestors of the Qin family will understand."

Qin Lianshan comforted his son in this way, obviously wanting to leave a way out for his son. Where there is life, there is hope. The wealthy Xu family is indeed a behemoth-level existence for a poor family.

Although Qin Lianshan didn't want the Qin family to lose their position as a poor family in his hands, he was still willing to bear the bad reputation for the sake of his long-term plan. As long as his son can regain all the lost dignity and glory of his family in the future, why not sacrifice a little bit of his reputation right now

Just as he swore to his ancestors in his ancestral home that year - all the disasters and disasters, he, Qin Lianshan, will bear them all; all the glory and blessings, his son Qin Wushuang will enjoy them!

Qin Lianshan has his own plans. The family competition is held every twenty years. Twenty years later, the son was only thirty-six years old, the age when he was at the peak of his powers.

Qin Wushuang knew his father's good intentions and stared at his father and sister with a determined light in his eyes.

"Father, sister, I guarantee you! This time, we must regain all the lost status and dignity of our Qin family. The wealthy Xu family is the first stepping stone for our Qin family to restore its former glory!"

Qin Wushuang revealed extremely strong confidence in his words, which infected Qin Lianshan and Qin Xiu's father and daughter.

Qin Lianshan couldn't help rubbing his palms, thinking about the Qin family's hope of restoring the glory of the wealthy family. This eager mood, just thinking about it, was enough to make his heart surge.

Although he is forty-eight years old, the blood flowing in his bones is still unyielding. This blood is closely related to the fate of the family, and will never cool down even when he is old!

Qin Xiu was choking and wiping tears, his eyes were red and he was very excited.

Qin Wushuang was also affected by inexplicable emotions in his heart. He knew too well the importance of family in this world. The reason why my father and sister are so excited is because deep down in their souls, they are tied to their family.

The rise and fall of a family determines personal honor and disgrace, and even life and death!

Even if it is to allow his family to straighten their chests and hold their heads higher, he will take back his seat in this wealthy family.

Although, the rewards of regaining the status of a wealthy family are far more than that. But deep down in Qin Wushuang's heart, what he cares about most is precisely these things, for his father to smile a little more on weekdays, for his sister to be able to marry a more respectable husband's family in the future...
