Soaring of Galaxia

Chapter 69: Devil training


(PS: Brothers, our recommendation vote is Wang Xiaoer’s Chinese New Year. One year is not as good as the other. wWW. Work harder, work harder, hehe!)

Qin Wushuang controls his subordinates and pays attention to the combination of kindness and power. It is impossible for your subordinates to follow you wholeheartedly if you are just powerful, show your master's reputation, and talk about fighting and killing at every turn.

Why these guards in Qinjiazhuang are so determined is because of the kindness passed down from their father Qin Lianshan.

The combination of Qin Lianshan's kindness and Qin Lianchuan's strictness created this team with supreme loyalty.

Now, the foundation is there. It depends on how Qin Wushuang transforms it.

The basic homework is very monotonous, just running laps and strength training.

In terms of running circles, Donglin Town is backed by Dacang Mountain, which can be said to be uniquely endowed with geographical advantages. When Qin Wushuang came back from Wu Tongyuan, he used Da Cang Mountain to train himself.

Nowadays, training these guards is naturally inseparable from Da Cang Mountain.

Qin Wushuang's starting point is to build an iron-blooded and capable iron army. The iron army not only has iron-like discipline, but also needs iron-like combat effectiveness.

How to get combat effectiveness - training!

Harsh training!

When the Yin hour was approaching, Qin Wushuang stood on the martial arts field with a cold expression.

The team was already in order, including Qin Lianchuan. As the captain of the guard, although his injury was not healed, he insisted on not being absent. He wants to lead by example.

"Very good, ninety-nine people. I hope that after today's training is over, there will be ninety-nine people here tomorrow at Yinshi. Our slogan is, no one can be left behind! Who is left behind, what is that?"

"It's a coward!"

Neat roar, neat rhythm.

"Okay, now, come with me. The first project is to climb Da Cang Mountain!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Wushuang gave the order and took the lead in person, setting off towards Da Cang Mountain.

Training this group of guards is very different from helping Hu Ziyan and Fang Xiaozhong.

The training plan given to Hu Ziyan was just to prepare them for the martial arts test, while the training of these guards was to train a group of iron-blooded warriors. The starting point is different, and the content and intensity are naturally very different.

The first item is to climb Da Cang Mountain. It was also a 160-mile mountainous area, and the time given to these guards was only one-third of the time Hu Ziyan and the others had.

This requires them to not only run all the time, but also to run a little slower, which may cause a timeout.

What does timeout mean? It means falling behind.

What does it mean to be left behind


These hot-blooded men can throw away their heads and spill their blood. But no one wants to wear the stinky hat of coward!

My breathing was very rapid, and my chest was so compressed that it felt like a huge weight was weighing on my chest.

Such high-intensity running consumes the most energy. When I ran over a hundred miles of mountainous terrain, my chest felt even more heavy, as if there was a knife constantly piercing my heart. It was indescribably uncomfortable.

One hundred and twenty miles…

Not only did my chest feel heavy, my legs, waist and abdomen felt like they were filled with lead.

However, there was no flinching expression seen on their faces.

Pain, twisting, struggling, but never giving up!

Qin Wushuang observed all this while running.

One hundred and sixty miles later, we finally arrived. And it's almost over the line. In other words, the time is just right, there is nothing left, but it is not late either.

"Not bad, at least it's a good start!" Qin Wushuang gave appropriate encouragement, "But it's just not bad. Because this is the first day, so the time I set for you is a little more relaxed. Tomorrow, the time will be Shorten it by 10%. Do you have confidence?"

"Yes!" came the thunderous response.

"Very good! Now, I will give you a quarter of an hour to relax your muscles, restore your physical fitness, and adjust your breathing. In a quarter of an hour, we will set off for the return journey!"

When the order was given, no one dared to question it. They all raced against time to seize this rare rest time.

The way back is mostly downhill and relatively easier. But the previous consumption cannot be fully replenished by resting for a quarter of an hour, so the return time is the same as before.

Returned to Qinjiazhuang, had breakfast, made some adjustments, and then strength training.

Strength and physical fitness are the two basic indicators of physical training.

Physical training includes endurance and extreme endurance.

The connotation of strength training is even richer. Including arm strength, waist and abdominal strength, shoulder strength, leg strength, etc.

Qin Wushuang's training method not only draws on the scientific training methods of his previous life, but also refers to the nutritional knowledge of his previous life in terms of diet, not missing any detail.

"Weightlifting and bench press are not only training the strength of the arms, but also the strength training of the waist and abdomen. From a subtle point of view, it is also the training of bones and muscle fibers. High-load weightlifting helps to thicken the muscle fibers and improve the quality of the muscles. It’s not just about strength, but also about endurance, speed, etc. Therefore, every set of your training is three-dimensional and multi-faceted.”

Qin Wushuang patiently guided him. As for what muscle fibers are, he doesn't require these people to understand, he only needs them to understand this.

"Multiple sets and strong density are the basic techniques for muscle training. Don't underestimate this monotonous repetitive training. This is the most primitive way to improve the strength of your physical body."

"The contraction of muscles is controlled by the brain. Therefore, the most important thing is that during your muscle training, you must maintain a high degree of concentration. Combine your consciousness with the muscle contraction movement. To achieve the unity of force and thought , thoughts and movements are consistent. Only in this way can the power of thoughts be combined with the physical body in the most subtle way, and your brain can control the physical body most perfectly. To put it bluntly, doing so will allow you to react faster than the enemy on the battlefield. Thoughts As soon as it comes out, the body naturally obeys the control. Sometimes, it is this tiny moment of reaction between life and death!"

The effect of devil training is amazing. After one week, the results are immediate. Qin Wushuang asked them to open the original bow again, and each of them shouted: "It's light, it's light."

"It's amazing. One week, only one week, why is this bow no longer powerful?"

"Yes, I used to think that someone who could draw a bow with a bow power of 120 kilograms would be considered a hero in Donglin Town. Now it seems that he is nothing."

This group of passionate men were filled with joy, and they all talked about it. They looked at Qin Wushuang with even more admiration.

"Everyone, this is just the beginning. If you are complacent now, the suffering of the week will be in vain." Qin Wushuang poured cold water on him at the right time.

"Don't be complacent, don't be complacent." The guards expressed their opinions cheerfully.

At this moment, Qin Xiu waved to Qin Wushuang from afar outside the martial arts arena.

"You continue to practice. You must complete twelve sets of strength training between noon."

Qin Wushuang left the mission behind and walked straight towards Qin Xiu. He came to the front and asked in a low voice: "Sister, is something wrong?"

Qin Xiu looked at Qin Wushuang with a smile, his expression full of ambiguity.

"Sister, what's going on?" Qin Wushuang was a little confused, and then he thought of something, "Could it be that there is some kind of matchmaker coming to help?"

During the days when I returned to Qinjiazhuang, the threshold of Qinjiazhuang was almost trampled by the matchmaker as Qian Buba predicted. There are as few as three or four shifts a day, and as many as a dozen times.

At first, Qin Lianshan greeted them with a smile, but in the end, Qin Lianshan, a well-educated man, was made angry by the matchmakers and simply asked Qin Xiu to be responsible for the reception.

Qin Xiu naturally had her own way of dealing with matchmakers, and she used various means to send them away.

"Wushuang, it's not the matchmaker who came today, but the girl's family who came to the door on their own initiative. They asked by name and wanted to see you."

No wonder Qin Xiu's expression was so ambiguous.

"Girl, who?"

"We have met that girl, but she is not from Luojiang County. She said she is from Chimu Martial Arts Academy."

Qin Wushuang suddenly remembered someone and nodded: "Okay, I'll go see her."

Qin Xiu smiled even more when he heard this. I thought to myself, this girl is really not simple. Wushuang has always been indifferent to those matchmakers, and seems not interested in any daughter. Is there something special about this girl

"Sister, don't think wrongly. Are you talking about the girl who was with the Yun sisters at the entrance of Yongsheng Jewelry Store that time?"

"how do you know?"

"This girl is not simple." Qin Wushuang left a sentence, quickened his pace, and walked towards the living room.