Soaring of Galaxia

Chapter 92: Basis of cooperation


"Follow me!" Qin Wushuang left three words and walked forward first. Www!QUAbEn-XIAoShUo!com

He wanted to put it to the test to see what kind of role Tong Yao's younger brother was and whether he was someone he could carry. If it's a character who can't stand up to the wall, it will be very difficult to help him qualify in this trial.

After walking for a while, when I looked back, No. 19 followed me without hesitation.

Qin Wushuang secretly agreed, and the first impression was good. Regardless of other aspects of this person, at least in terms of courage, he is still very good. While other martial arts boys were hesitant, he had already dared to make a decision. At least he is a decisive person.

We went up several slopes and came to a higher place. Qin Wushuang confirmed that this area was very safe, and with the howling mountain wind, he didn't seem to worry about being eavesdropped.

Under such a wind, it is basically impossible to eavesdrop on someone's speech from a hundred meters away, given Wu Tong's cultivation.

"What's the matter? Tell me." Qin Wushuang was not in a hurry to say anything. He had to make sure first that No. 19 was Tong Yao's younger brother. If we make a mistake, wouldn't it be a big mistake

No. 19 stood about ten meters in front of Qin Wushuang, staring into Qin Wushuang's eyes, as if making a decision.

Qin Wushuang did not try to expose him, but looked forward to him calmly.

In the end, No. 19 was defeated in the battle between eyes. He smiled bitterly and asked, "Brother, you have such sharp eyes."

"Really? I think my eyes are very calm."

"You are very calm, but your ability to remain as calm as ever under the gaze of others is an unparalleled sharpness."

Qin Wushuang laughed dumbly, but he couldn't tell that Tong Yao's younger brother actually had such a sharp tongue. It seems that the child itself is not simple.

"Then I invite you there on the 25th. Do you want to go?" No. 19 suddenly asked again.

"why are you not going?"

"Aren't you afraid that he will lie to you?"

"The trial to win the medal is originally a matter of intrigue. He lied to me, can't I lie to him?"

No. 19 looked at Qin Wushuang with some surprise, nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly asked in a confused manner: "May I ask, which field do you come from?"

"Guess what." Qin Wushuang's heart moved. Why did he ask about his experience? Did Tong Yao really tell his brother about this

"I guess you are led by King Chimu, and you should be from Nanyunzhou!"

Qin Wushuang was completely stunned. He looked at No. 19 in surprise and didn't answer. He just waited for him to continue. If Tong Yao really told her brother everything, then now is obviously the time for a showdown.

No. 19 was not surprised when he saw Qin Wushuang's expression. He smiled and asked, "Brother, do you think it's strange?"

"Not surprisingly."

"Isn't it strange?" No. 19 was rather surprised, "Then which profession do you think I am from?"

"You are also led by King Akagi."

This time it was No. 19's turn to be stunned: "How do you know?"

Seeing his expression, Qin Wushuang was moved in her heart. Did Tong Yao not tell him this? But in that case, how would he know that Qin Wushuang was from the Chimu Kingdom

"First tell me how you knew I was led by King Chimu." Qin Wushuang really didn't like this roundabout way, but there was nothing he could do about it. Tong Yao has a favor with the Qin family, and now is the time to return her favor. Since Tong Yao proposed not to let her brother know, she obviously had to keep it a secret for her.

"Accent." No. 19 suddenly said, "My family likes to collect intelligence. And I like to study various dialects and accents. Your accent clearly has a bit of Nanyunzhou's accent. I will never know this. Wrong judgment.”

"I didn't expect that, brother, you still have this ability. Tell me, if you come to me, it should be more than just agreeing with your hometown, right?" Qin Wushuang continued to say tentatively.

"I want to cooperate with you, brother!" No. 19 finally expressed his true intention.


"Not bad!" No. 19 said firmly and analyzed, "You are No. 6 and I am No. 19. There is no overlap in our interests and needs at all. This is the first basis for our cooperation; Secondly, we are both from the Akagi Kingdom, and we can cooperate for the benefit of the group as long as our personal interests are not affected; thirdly, according to my observation, your personality is that of a reliable collaborator!"

Qin Wushuang laughed. The three reasons analyzed by No. 19, at least the first two, are quite convincing.

One is number six and the other is number nineteen. The two parties are neither numbers that correspond to each other, nor numbers with the same tail number. Even if they are jade cards that correspond to each other, they are not what the other party needs.

In other words, they have no common cause to fight for! This determines that their interests and needs do not overlap, and there are conditions for cooperation between them.

In this trial, if the team performs well, there will be rewards. When personal interests do not conflict, it is natural to cooperate for the sake of the group.

Although the reasons are very sufficient, according to Qin Wushuang's character, if he were not Tongyao's younger brother, even if his reasons were ten times stronger, he would not be able to agree.

"How is it?" No. 19 saw Qin Wushuang was silent and thought he was thinking about it.

Then I added: "To show my sincerity, I can reveal to you a piece of 100% reliable information. Well, if you have heard of my family in the Akagi Kingdom, maybe you should know that the information I provided is 100% reliable." 100% reliable.”

Qin Wushuang has fully experienced the intelligence capabilities of the Tong Yao family. He didn't doubt this. But for now, No. 19 has no idea that there has been a transaction between him and Tong Yao.

Speaking of which, even if they cooperate, No. 19 may not have some small calculations in mind. Don't let Qin Wushuang change his ways to help him, but he would change his ways to plot against Qin Wushuang.

It would be very frustrating if this situation occurred.

"What information?" Qin Wushuang decided to test his words first.

"That No. 25 just said that he has your No. 6 Jade Tag. I can tell you for sure that that is false news. Maybe he has other jade tags you need, but it is definitely not the No. 6 Jade Tag!"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Wushuang's heart skipped a beat, his eyes showed deep thought, and he looked at No. 19 suspiciously, obviously wanting to know why he was so sure.

"Do you want to ask me why I am so sure?"

Qin Wushuang nodded: "Yes, why do you?"

"Because I have already obtained the No. 6 jade medal!"

The words of No. 19 almost made Qin Wushuang's jaw drop in shock.

He looked at No. 19 in disbelief: "In your hands?"

"Of course it's not in your hand, but if you can come up with a jade token that makes me tempted, I can take you to get it now. Or you can wait for me here. But the premise is that you have to have the jade I need. Card. Even a jade card with five points is fine. Because the number six card is in my hand, it is only two points."

The tone of No. 19 was obviously much more sincere than that of No. 25.

"Sorry, I don't have the jade token you need. But please keep the jade token No. 6 for me. I will definitely find the jade token you need to exchange it with you." Qin Wushuang was quite convinced.

Asking Qin Wushuang to wait here and letting him get it are completely different things, and the degree of sincerity they represent is also completely different.

Let him get it, God knows if there is a trap laid out for him to get out of? But here, waiting for work, the risk will be much smaller.

Therefore, both of them said that they had his jade card No. 6. Qin Wushuang believed in No. 19 even more. It's not because he is Tong Yao's younger brother.

No. 19 nodded: "Okay, since you said so, brother, even if someone else comes to exchange my jade plaque with me, I will give priority to you first. This is my sincerity, in order to show my cooperation. Sincerity.”

Qin Wushuang nodded: "Okay, it's a deal!"

Extend your palms and hit each other. Qin Wushuang said with emotion: "Don't worry, if the No. 6 jade token is with you, I will never exchange it with you for a jade token with less than thirty points!"

What a coincidence. Could it be that Tong Yao's younger brother really picked up my No. 6 jade medal first by some strange combination of circumstances

Qin Wushuang was thinking, but heard No. 19 say: "Okay, since we have reached cooperation, the first target is No. 32, which is the number that I correspond to. According to my intelligence investigation, No. 32 I should have already obtained the jade plaque with his number. If brother, you can help me get this jade plaque numbered 32, and your jade plaque numbered 6, I will give it to you for free!"

Free gift? Qin Wushuang secretly praised that this boy was really good, he was courageous, far-sighted, and courageous. When necessary, he would even sacrifice small profits in pursuit of big profits!

With his seventh-dan martial arts strength, he definitely had no chance of winning in a head-on confrontation. He couldn't win. But he knows how to use his own strengths and combine them with the rules to find the most suitable allies!

This has to be admired. Compared with those martial arts boys who have no strength but are unwilling to use their brains, they are indeed more than one position ahead!