Soaring of Galaxia

Chapter 93: trap


"Okay, three days later, it will still be this place.WWw.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.Com. You take the No. 6 jade token and wait for me here. When the time comes, I will definitely bring the No. 32 jade token you need to exchange with you. . The premise is that your intelligence must be reliable."

"You...act alone?" No. 19 asked in surprise.

"Since you are good at intelligence, let's have a clear division of labor. You go collect intelligence and find out the whereabouts of the jade cards, and I will be responsible for getting the cards. Remember, if your intelligence is distorted, our cooperation will terminate."

Although No. 19 was warned by Qin Wushuang, he didn't take it seriously. Instead, he was secretly happy. At least that's what the other party said, and they have already recognized the cooperation.

As long as his intelligence is strong, the basis for cooperation will definitely become stronger and stronger. Speaking of intelligence work, it is precisely his strongest suit.

He nodded immediately and said: "Okay, see you there in three days!"

Qin Wushuang smiled faintly: "See you there or see you there. I hope you and I will be on the qualifying list of King Chimu by then, hahaha..."

After saying that, he strode away.

"Where are you going, brother?" No. 19 clearly realized from Qin Wushuang's conversation that the person in front of him was definitely not the rough and arrogant person he had shown in front of everyone before.

On the contrary, the more we talk to this person, the more mysterious and profound he becomes. As deep as the stars above. Let him feel that this person is extraordinary.

"Go and meet No. 25. Although that person is vague, I feel that he should have some good things there. Anyway, you have no clue when you are wandering around. It is better to have a goal and a direction than running around like a headless fly. .”

Qin Wushuang left a string of echoes in the distance, and his figure had gone down the slope and disappeared.

No. 19 was stunned for a moment, then woke up and thought: "It seems that the collaborator I found is extraordinary. Fortunately, my interests and needs do not overlap with his. Otherwise, things would be bad..."

Qin Wushuang traveled about fifteen miles west based on the location provided on the 25th, and indeed saw a mountain stream slowly flowing down.

There is a canyon on the opposite side of the mountain stream that goes through the two mountains, which looks quite deep and mysterious.

Qin Wushuang stopped at the stream and was not in a hurry to cross the stream. As the saying goes, don't enter the forest and don't cross the water. This can be said to be common sense for warriors.

Although the other party is just a martial arts boy, it is always right to be cautious. Because there are always too many unknown things in this world. It is true to be strong and confident, but you must prevent any capsizing in the gutter from happening.

Standing next to the stream, observing for a moment. Seeing the gurgling water, the stream is so clear that you can see the bottom. No one can reach his knees at most, so there should be no mystery to be gained under the water.

As for poisoning, the success rate of poisoning with running water is almost negligible. But it cannot be completely eliminated. Qin Wushuang reached into his arms and took out a silver needle. After testing it for a moment, the silver needle did not change color.

Only then was it confirmed that there was absolutely nothing wrong with this stream.

He didn't show off his strength at the moment, but walked over in a down-to-earth manner. He knew that Number 25 must have been hiding in a corner to observe him. Now is not the time to reveal your strength.

Sure enough, after wading through the stream, a figure emerged from the mountain col on the opposite side of the canyon. It was none other than No. 25. The width of this small canyon is only a dozen meters. With any martial boy's strength, he is sure to jump over.

"Hey, I knew you would come." No. 25 greeted with a smile.

Qin Wushuang stopped and felt the surrounding environment with a warrior's intuition. He had a hunch that this person must have some plans for him to meet here.

"Stop talking nonsense, where is your jade token?" Qin Wushuang cursed rudely.

"Hehe, to be honest with you, you want my jade plaque No. 6, but I don't actually have it." The voice of No. 25 sounded from the opposite side.

"No?" Qin Wushuang frowned slightly.

"Well, I was there just now and said that I had the jade plaque No. 6, but I actually deliberately confused them. Please forgive me. In fact, what I have is the jade plaque No. 45 that corresponds to you!"

Qin Wushuang did not answer in a hurry, nor did he get angry. Since the No. 6 jade plaque is in the hands of Tong Yao's younger brother, this person definitely doesn't have it.

Why would he admit it now? Have you noticed that I am suspicious of him

No matter what he did, it would be an unexpected surprise if he got the jade plate No. 45.

"Grandma, let me see how long you are going to lie! Without the jade token, the young master will not accompany me. You can play alone and take your time." Qin Wushuang played hard to get, turned around and left.

"Brother, don't worry." No. 25 shouted hurriedly, "If you want to see it, I can show it to you. But you have to tell me first what is the number of your jade medal. If it doesn't suit me, I won't Change."

When Qin Wushuang arrived here, there were no ears or eyes around him, so he naturally didn't worry about exposing anything. He took out the jade plaque No. 26 and placed it leisurely in his palm.

"Did you see it? Do you know the word? Twenty-sixth! The one corresponding to you is worth twenty points." Qin Wushuang did not take it back, but spread it out in his hand for him to observe.

No. 25 stared at it for a long time, secretly swallowed the saliva in his throat, and murmured: "It is indeed No. 26, okay, you wait here."

After a while, No. 25 came out from the col. He held a jade plaque in his hand and spread it in his palm. He said, "Look clearly, jade plaque No. 45. That's right, right?"

This jade sign cannot be faked. Qin Wushuang nodded: "Okay, how about we shout 'one two three' and throw it to each other?"

If the other party is not up to something, that would be great. He also doesn't want to cause trouble. However, his intuition found that this No. 25 was definitely not a good man and a woman of faith, and there might be more to it.

Sure enough, No. 25 shook his head: "No, if we throw it at each other, no one can guarantee that they will actually throw it after calling out the count. If one party throws it and the other party doesn't, it will be in trouble."

"What should you do?" Qin Wushuang sneered in his heart. If there hadn't been a canyon more than ten meters wide on both sides, he would have been rude.

Even so, he was secretly building momentum and preparing to launch a surprise attack.

"In this way, we each put the jade tokens in a safe place. Then I will get yours and you will get the ones I put. How about that?"

The more the other party behaves like this, the more it proves that the other party has evil intentions. Qin Wushuang felt deeply that this man was deep in the city and separated by a ravine, so it was inconvenient for him to act rashly, so he followed the current and said: "Okay, you let him go first."

No. 25 nodded and said, "I go first."

After saying that, he walked fifty meters to the right, stopped, squatted down, and gently put down the jade plaque. He stood up again and said to Qin Wushuang from afar: "Put the jade plaque where it is and let's go in staggered directions. How about that?"

Qin Wushuang watched his every move intently. At first, every step was natural, but the last movement of squatting made Qin Wushuang secretly suspicious.

I'm just placing a jade plaque, do I need to squat down to put it down

Looking up again and looking at the terrain in that area, I saw a jungle on the hillside.

Qin Wushuang secretly had some thoughts, but did not expose them. He laughed loudly and said: "You are really careful. Look carefully. The jade plaque No. 26 is placed here."

He also learned to squat down and put down the jade plaque No. 26. He immediately picked it up and found two more pebbles in his hand, clasping them lightly between his fingers.

"Okay, now, let's go step by step. I'll go back to the original place, and you walk this way. Only when you get near the jade sign can you leap over the canyon."

No. 25 said, walking back to the original path.

Halfway through, Qin Wushuang suddenly smiled strangely, and kicked his feet continuously. Several piles of soil were kicked by Qin Wushuang, puff, puff, puff! Fly towards the location of the jade tablet.

This clod of soil was the size of a castanopsis. It landed on the jade tablet and made a "bang" sound. In an instant, the entire area five or six meters around the jade tablet was sunk in, and a large pit suddenly appeared.

No. 25 had been paying attention to Qin Wushuang, and when he saw him suddenly acting violently, he knew something was wrong. Seeing how powerful Qin Wushuang's kick was, he turned around and ran away.


The pebbles Qin Wushuang held in his hands shot out into the air. With a harsh sound of breaking through the air, Chichi shot and hit No. 25 directly in the back of the head!


The blood hole burst open, and blood spurted out. No. 25 fell to the ground and suddenly died.

Qin Wushuang was not careless and jumped over in a hurry. Instead, he picked up clods of soil on the ground and kept shooting them around the pit. Sure enough, wherever the stone hit, in the jungle opposite, countless bamboo spears and arrows flew out, like locusts.

Suddenly, the surrounding area of the pit was filled with bamboo spears and arrows.

Qin Wushuang secretly broke into a cold sweat. If you don't pay attention, these many traps and traps are really enough to drink a pot.

Unexpectedly, this No. 25 is actually a master of mechanisms. Judging from the appearance alone, a master like Qin Wushuang could not see any trace of a trap.

If it hadn't been for the last moment on the 25th that aroused Qin Wushuang's suspicion and rushed over, the consequences would have been disastrous...

"Where's the jade plaque?" Qin Wushuang turned around, but was more concerned about the jade plaque No. 45.


I recommend "The Peak of Fighting Martial Arts", a new book by an old author.

In Canglan Continent, mysterious beasts are raging, sects are numerous, and strong men are like clouds. What kind of bloody storm will a young man who never bows his head and a mysterious bead set off

[bookid=QuANbEn-XiAoShUoname="The Peak of Fighting Martial Arts"]