Soaring of Galaxia

Chapter 99: Demonic manifestations (contains important notices)


"Six...six yuan!" The martial boy didn't dare to blink. WwW. QUAbEn-XIAoShUo. cO

The luggage fell out and it turned out to be six yuan. But what surprised Qin Wushuang was that among the six pieces, three of them were high-scoring cards for him!

Among them, the jade plate No. 6 is listed and is worth thirty points.

The other two high scores are numbers 16 and 46. There are three remaining, but they are all two-cent jade tokens.

Qin Wushuang accepted them all without any hesitation.

Earlier, his jade card in the third trial area already had 81 points. Later, six jade tokens were taken from the cross-region trialist, one twenty cents, one five cents, and four two cents, for a total of thirty-three points.

The total points have actually reached 114 points.

And the point-delivering boy in front of him unexpectedly gave him forty-six points by such a coincidence!

Add the three together, and the total is no more, no less, exactly one hundred and sixty points! Reached cross-district qualifications again.

Qin Wushuang showed a smile on his lips and thought to himself, "What a coincidence. So, there are only thirty points of high-scoring cards left in this trial area. For thirty points, it seems that I have been here for too long. It’s a bit worth it…”

The point-giving martial boy saw Qin Wushuang asking and stopped asking. After searching his jade token, the smile on his lips was even more terrifying, thinking that Qin Wushuang would kill and silence him if he got the token.

His eyes were full of despair.

Qin Wushuang was in a good mood at this time. As soon as his hand relaxed slightly, the martial boy fell from the tree.

"You... you won't kill me?" The martial boy was a little unbelievable.

"Why should I kill you?" Qin Wushuang was in a happy mood and had no intention of killing, "I said, those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish. You are very cooperative, at least you did not lie about the jade plaque. So, I I won’t kill you.”

"Well, aren't you afraid that I will take revenge? Or destroy your trials in the entire area?" The martial boy looked very worried.

"Who said I would be tested in your entire area?" Qin Wushuang smiled leisurely, "Secondly, even if I were to be tested in the entire trial area, do you think you have the strength to destroy me?"

The martial boy was very frustrated. After much deliberation, he really had no idea. The difference in strength is too obvious.

"Okay, I took away your jade token, but I don't want to take away your hope. The trial is still very long, and your numbered jade token and corresponding jade token haven't come out yet. You still have a chance... Hahaha. "

After Qin Wushuang finished speaking, he turned around and left.

There was no need for him to stay in this trial area. He wants to cross districts again.

"You...applying to cross districts again?" The receptionist in District 12 suddenly fell into a state of petrification when he saw Qin Wushuang appearing.

Qin Wushuang coded all the jade cards, which was exactly one hundred and sixty points, no more, no less.

"What a monster..." the messenger sighed repeatedly, "By the way, didn't you just go in?"

"Luck, this time it all depends on luck." Qin Wushuang said modestly.

"Even if it's luck, that luck is perverted enough." After the test was completed, he was given a cross-district introduction card and asked Qin Wushuang to draw lots again to decide the next trial area.

The result of the lottery came out, but it was the 23rd trial area.

After all the procedures were completed, Qin Wushuang was sent to a brand new area again.

Outside the Tianwei Mountain Range, the great venerable was holding the information that had just been sent to him. His eyes could hardly turn around, and his mouth was open so much that he could almost stuff a big steamed bun into it.

"My lord, what's new?"

"There's a monster out there!" The Great Master murmured, "That little guy No. 6, martial boy No. 6 in the third trial area, has crossed the area again!"


"Are you crossing districts again?"

"Didn't I just go in?"

The purple-robed Great Lord was also in disbelief and said in disbelief: "It's hard for me to believe that even if we old guys go in to participate in the trial, it will take some time to find those jade tokens, right? But he really came from No. 12 The trial area brought out the jade token."

"Monster, monster. Your Majesty, please check the information about this martial boy. I can't help but be curious." The red-haired second lord is more impatient.

"Yes, check it out, Your Majesty." The other two Venerables were also looking forward to it.

The purple-robed Great Lord was able to keep his composure and shook his head with a smile: "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious... It's more interesting to keep the suspense going before the trial is over."

The other three sages were in great awe of the purple-robed master and smiled helplessly. Now that the Great Master has said this, it is not convenient for them to say anything else.

Just wait, as the Great Master said, the days of trial are still long.

Entering the 23rd trial area, Qin Wushuang had gradually found his way out. The first thing he did when he entered was to search for the martial arts boys No. 6 and 45 in the trial area.

As long as these two martial arts boys are solved, these two jade tokens are equivalent to five points at most to other martial arts boys, so they are of little significance.

Coupled with Qin Wushuang's series of methods, the process was also very smooth.

On the third day after entering the 23rd trial area, Qin Wushuang captured the two martial arts boys. During these three days, Qin Wushuang's work was not in vain, and he got eight jade medals.

On that day, Qin Wushuang set up a stall and started a fair exchange. And with the help of thunderous methods, three or four Wu Tong who were trying to fish in troubled waters were killed.

Of course, for Wu Tong who exchanged sincerely, he made a fair exchange. Take his two-point cards and exchange them for those that are high points for him.

Combining kindness and power, the effect is surprisingly good. The first person to stand up and eat crabs will naturally be the second to stand up and eat crabs, one after another.

Another three days passed, and Qin Wushuang successfully earned eighty points. Completed the breakthrough in the third trial area! Apply for cross-district application again.

At this time, the trial had only just ended on the eleventh day.

The words "surprise" and "surprise" can no longer describe the mood of the four great venerables on the periphery of the Tianqi Mountain Range.

You know, in these eleven days, there were only three cross-region martial arts boys in other areas.

But Qin Wushuang, in just eleven days, crossed three areas and entered the fourth trial area.

"God, if this continues, this kid won't be allowed to step into the first area until the trial is over?" The red-haired venerable sighed in admiration.

"Frankly speaking, if I were to accompany these warrior boys in the trials, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to do it any faster than him." The three sages in knotted quail clothes sighed.

"The most valuable thing is that although this boy is decisive in killing, he will never kill innocent people indiscriminately. As long as it does not hinder him from getting cards and does not covet his jade cards, he will not kill anyone. This is different from those martial arts boys who rely solely on killing. , The realm is a little higher, and at such a young age, he has the demeanor of a master."

This is the evaluation of Qin Wushuang by the Four Masters.

The purple-robed venerable nodded, his tone full of expectation: "Perhaps, our Baiyue Kingdom will really produce an unprecedented genius this time. Crossing three districts in a row, this result may be enough to win the first place in this trial. One. If it can surpass the fifth district, I believe that among all middle-grade subordinate junior high schools, this result will definitely be the best!"

On the fifteenth day of the trial, Qin Wushuang applied for cross-region for the fourth time.

Twenty days, the fifth cross-region...

Day 24, the sixth cross-region...

Day 28, the seventh cross-region...

Every time Qin Wushuang crossed zones, it deeply stimulated the nerves of the four great sages and tested their endurance limits.

Especially the red-haired second master, he has muttered "pervert" countless times in the past month.

It was indeed as he muttered. After crossing the area seven times, plus this area, one person would turn the eight trial areas into muddy water.

This achievement made the four great sages secretly happy.

Let’s not talk about the overall results of this trial. For this personal performance alone, even those high-grade subordinate countries should never have such monster results.

This simply cannot be described by the word "pervert".

They almost couldn't help but hope that it would end soon and then check the files of this evil martial boy. Satisfy the curiosity that has been suppressed for nearly a month.

Fortunately, just as they expected, the trial has entered the last day.

"My lord, I don't know which territory this martial boy No. 6 in Trial Zone No. 3 belongs to. I think the territory he is in must have a big advantage in the group points because of his monster performance."

"This is inevitable. His performance alone is almost as good as the total scores of the top five. In this trial, the total number of people who completed the cross-district is only eighteen. Apart from him, there are four martial arts boys who cross-district. Twice. Anyway, except for this monster, the overall results this time are quite impressive!"

The purple-robed Great Lord's tone was full of expectation: "Okay, the time is coming, let's pass on the order and ask the people in charge of each trial area to work hard. Prepare to count the scores. There is absolutely no room for any mistakes! Whoever makes a mistake is responsible!"

The purple-robed Great Master stood up and said leisurely: "I believe that when the Martial Saint knows that there is such a monster martial boy, he will be very happy, right? Hahaha..."

(PS: This book will be on the shelves in two hours. This is the last public chapter. Putting on the shelves means charging, which means some readers of the public version will leave. When Li Tian thought of this, he felt very uncomfortable and confused. I’m so reluctant to leave. I don’t know how many times I’ve been touched by the support from my brothers in the past month and a half. Now, because it’s on the shelves, I’m destined to see some readers leave. Heartbroken! But there’s nothing I can do about it. If the author wants to survive, going on the shelves is the only choice. . If you want this book to achieve better results, it depends on whether my dear VIP readers buy it! A VIP chapter will be updated after it is put on the shelves in the early morning, please subscribe and support if you have the conditions.)