Something’s Not Right

Chapter 15


Emperor Jingren himself had participated in autumn hunting when he was a prince, so he had quite a bit of experience in hunting and had seen many skilled warriors. But the queen's hunting skills were obviously better than anything Emperor Jingren had ever seen. She carefully observed the surrounding environment and soon found a big insect.

It was a white-browed tiger with hanging eyes. It was huge, even bigger than the biggest tiger Emperor Jingren had ever seen. The big beast stared at the two of them with a fierce look in its eyes, while the queen exuded an aura that was no less powerful than that of the tiger... No, it was a murderous aura that was enough to crush the tiger!

The queen pulled the longbow. This bow was one of the weapons that Emperor Jingren had placed in the palace in advance and gave to the queen for autumn hunting. This was a strong bow found among the people. After Emperor Jingren got it, he asked someone to try it, but none of his subordinates could pull it. He thought that the queen might not be able to pull it, but such a good bow, anyone who was good at riding and shooting would like to collect it even if they couldn't pull it, so he brought it over. Who knew that the queen had chosen this bow this morning, and now she pulled the bowstring and pulled it easily!

Emperor Jingren: “…”

The queen looked solemn as she drew her bow to a full moon and aimed it at the tiger. The tiger, which had been staring at the two men with murderous intent, actually took two steps back under the queen's arrow, but it did not flee. Instead, it trembled and roared at the two men.

This tiger is so majestic, if the queen can hunt it, the first prize will definitely go to Emperor Jingren. Emperor Jingren actually doesn't care who gets the first prize, but when he thinks that the first prize was won by the queen for him, he is very happy.

After the queen looked at the tiger for a moment, she kept her hands bent and tilted the bow slightly. The arrow was no longer aimed at the tiger. She said to the tiger, "Let's go."

The tiger roared at the queen, then turned around and left silently.

Emperor Jingren: "…Why did Jinyi release it?"

The empress raised her chin, and Emperor Jingren looked in that direction. He saw that the tiger had come back with two tiger cubs in its mouth. It nodded to the empress, and then turned around and left.

"A mother is strong. Just now, when we stared at each other, it knew it was no match for me, but it refused to run away and continued to guard its two cubs behind it. I can't bear to part with such a passionate and affectionate tiger, nor can I bear to see the two future kings of the jungle die so early. Let them go." said the queen.

After listening to the Queen's explanation, Emperor Jingren's doubts disappeared, and all that remained was respect and love for the Queen: "The Queen is kind-hearted and has the mind and bearing of a mother of the country."

What I mean is that you and I are a good match, and I am very satisfied.

When the queen heard what Emperor Jingren said, she smiled at him, raised her arms, and shot the arrow on the bowstring at a big tree. The arrow hit the trunk, and the whole tree instantly split in half!

Emperor Jingren: “…”

"It is indeed a good bow!" the Queen praised. "The arrow was already on the string just now. With the power of this bow, if I had stopped just now, I am afraid that my internal organs would have been injured by the force of the bow. Your Majesty, please give me another bow!"

Emperor Jingren subconsciously said: "The sword is given to heroes..."

No, no, no, absolutely not.

He couldn't think of what to say for a moment and could only stare at the queen. He felt that after being with the queen, his vocabulary was always particularly poor.

The queen smiled slightly, and said nothing more considerately. She patted the horse's neck and walked forward slowly. Emperor Jingren followed the queen in silence. It was not that he thought the queen was bad, but he could not find any adjectives to praise the queen.

You know, no one else could even pull the bow open, but the queen pulled it all the way to the top. This...

The Queen is truly stunning!

Emperor Jingren could only praise him like this in the end.

With such a queen by his side, Emperor Jingren didn't care whether the guards behind him could keep up. Eight hundred guards might not be as good as one queen, not to mention that he only brought one hundred out for this autumn hunt. With the queen, Emperor Jingren became much bolder. Even the soldiers responsible for guarding the hunting grounds didn't dare to go to the deeper parts of the hunting grounds, but Emperor Jingren followed the queen all the way to the depths of the dense forest.

It was deep in the forest, with sunlight barely penetrating, but the two were not afraid at all. Emperor Jingren even boldly reached out his hand and held the hand of the empress who was riding on another horse.

In this secluded place, Emperor Jingren could finally put down his burden as emperor and speak his true feelings to the empress.

"I don't actually want three thousand beauties in my harem," Emperor Jingren said, "but it is customary to have a grand wedding, and it is also customary to enfeoff four concubines at the same time. If the emperor and empress have no children one year after the marriage, it is also customary to select concubines from all over the country to enter the palace. To be honest with the queen, I still don't understand why I agreed to this system after meeting Jinyi, when I clearly wanted to hold Jinyi's hand. Three thousand weak waters, I..."

"Your Majesty," the Queen said calmly in response to Emperor Jingren's confession, "Don't move, don't look back, there is a brown bear behind you."

Emperor Jingren: “…”

Without the Queen telling him, he could feel a fishy breeze coming from the back of his neck!

The queen slowly raised her hand and aimed her bow at the brown bear, which was five or six meters tall. The brown bear roared at the queen, and a fierce killing intent emanated from the queen. The brown bear roared again, but Emperor Jingren felt the pressure on his back ease.

Sure enough, he heard heavy footsteps. It was the brown bear that turned and left. The Queen's arrow that could shatter rocks was not shot.

"It is too close to Your Majesty. If I cannot kill it with one blow, I am afraid that this beast will struggle to death and hurt Your Majesty. I am confident that I can protect Your Majesty, but it would be bad if Your Majesty was splashed with the dirty blood of this beast." The Queen explained.

Emperor Jingren nodded with lingering fear, held the Queen's hand and continued: "I think it would be better for us to go to a place with more people."

"I think so too." The Queen nodded and left the depths of the jungle with Emperor Jingren.

Along the way, the two encountered many wild animals, such as wild boars and stags. If they were not hostile to them, the queen would not attack them and would just let them go. As for those who were hostile to them, the queen would mostly intimidate them and not kill them. After walking around in the forest for several times, they didn't catch any prey in the end.

However, Emperor Jingren did not think there was anything wrong with it. The queen was kind and did not kill. She always bent her bow to protect him. Although the positions seemed to be a little reversed, Emperor Jingren was still very pleased with the queen's kindness. It was just that he had missed the atmosphere just now, and it seemed a bit deliberate to say anything more. Moreover, Emperor Jingren believed that the queen had understood his feelings. Although he did not hear the queen's response, Emperor Jingren was still very satisfied.

The two of them rode along the way as if they were on an autumn outing, enjoying the beautiful scenery. The autumn was not very cold yet, and the weather was just right. Under the blue sky and white clouds, Emperor Jingren felt it was a wonderful autumn outing with his beloved without so many annoying guards around him.

But this kind of beauty was too difficult to sustain for the emperor, and soon, Emperor Jingren felt that the atmosphere around him was not right, a little tense and stagnant, without the leisurely feeling just now.

The Queen pulled Emperor Jingren off his horse and held him in her arms, protecting him tightly. She whispered in Emperor Jingren's ear, "He has murderous aura. He is not an ordinary person. He seems like a killer who has killed countless people."

"How many people are there approximately?" Emperor Jingren asked in a low voice, not caring about his current posture.

"Five, ten, twenty..." The Queen glanced around and replied, "Seventy-eight. Judging from their aura, they are all experienced warriors. One hundred imperial guards are no match for them."

It seems that they are well prepared. Even if Emperor Jingren has someone waiting for him, he will still take action. Seeing that the situation is not good, Emperor Jingren holds the Queen's hand and says: "Jinyi, you must protect yourself. They may not be trying to assassinate me, but I am afraid that there is a high possibility of capturing me alive. I will not die, but the Queen is different!"

Emperor Jingren's analysis made sense. Whether it was a usurpation of the throne or an invasion by foreign tribes, it would be better to capture the emperor alive than to kill him. But the Queen was different. She was now wearing the uniform of a guard, and she was afraid that she would be killed on the spot.

"Your Majesty," the Queen put her arms around Emperor Jingren's waist, "Don't worry, you and I will be fine. I will try my best to capture someone alive and interrogate the mastermind behind this."

Emperor Jingren: “…”

The queen's deep confidence instantly put him at ease.