Something’s Not Right

Chapter 26


Emperor Jingren was slightly stunned, but he felt that it should be like this. Although he was very angry last night, he was calm in his heart. He was angry because Yan Xu was so bold, but he was calm because he knew that nothing could happen in the palace.

It was not uncommon for a competent emperor to fall asleep on his desk when he was tired. At this time, the most he could do was to put a piece of clothing on him. The action of putting on the clothing was both considerate and a way to wake the emperor up. When the emperor was awakened by this action, he could either stay in the imperial study to handle government affairs or go to bed to sleep. At the same time, he could feel a little grateful to the person who put on the clothing. This was the way for the palace servants to survive.

How could a guard dare to lift the emperor up and hold him in his arms when he was asleep? This is simply a blasphemy against the emperor's body and a great disrespect. Unless the emperor is seriously ill and in an emergency, this right can be exercised. Otherwise, it is a violation of the emperor's authority.

Even if Yan Xu tried to evade the eunuchs who served Emperor Jingren by saying that the emperor was not feeling well and ordered him to help him back to the bedroom, it would not work. Because once the emperor was not feeling well, the first thing he should do was to call the imperial physician, not to ask the guards to move him. Yan Xu's move itself would arouse suspicion, not to mention that he went into the emperor's bedroom and never came out. How could he succeed? Did he really think that the guards in the palace were so poor that any random incense could make the emperor fall? You must be kidding.

Of course, knowing that there was nothing wrong with him was one thing, and being angry was another, and these two emotions did not interfere with each other. Moreover, after dreaming all night, Emperor Jingren was not clear-headed for a while after waking up, so it was understandable that he mistook the person next to him for Yan Xu.

After calming down, he realized that the person lying next to him could not be Yan Xu. He felt clean and nothing happened, except for a slight headache, which was caused by a dream he had all night.

Looking at the familiar face and unfamiliar body of the Queen, Emperor Jingren was silent for a while and then gritted his teeth and said, "Put on your clothes. Do you want to be discovered?"

The Queen had woken up when Emperor Jingren slapped him. He stood up and put on his undergarment to cover his strong chest.

Emperor Jingren looked at the white inner garment, which was exactly what he had worn every time he and the empress slept in the same bed in the past few months. He really didn't understand why he didn't realize that the empress was a man when it was so obvious.

After the empress put on her clothes, she looked at Emperor Jingren with concern as usual, and said with a bit of heartache: "Your Majesty must not have slept well last night, your eyes are blue and black."

He raised his hand and touched Emperor Jingren's eyes gently.

“…Where is Yan Xu?” Emperor Jingren decided to bypass the issue of the queen’s identity and deal with the daring traitor first!

"He has been taken to the prison of the Pacification Bureau by Commander Jing. Your Majesty, don't worry. Commander Jing is very capable. Yan Xu cannot die even if he wants to." When the queen mentioned Yan Xu, her expression turned cold, with a hint of ruthlessness in her eyes.

"How did you sleep here?" Emperor Jingren asked with a frown.

"Eunuch Lian noticed that something was wrong with Yan Xu, so he called the guards. I heard the news and rushed over, and accidentally cut off Yan Xu's dirty hand. Your Majesty was in a deep sleep, and the imperial physician said that Your Majesty was just poisoned by the incense and would be fine after enough sleep. I was worried that Your Majesty would have a nightmare in the middle of the night, so I stayed to take care of Your Majesty." The queen's attitude was the same as before, without any change, and she was still extremely concerned about Emperor Jingren.

Then why don’t you wear clothes when you sleep? Didn’t you dress quite properly before

Emperor Jingren looked at the empress's concerned expression and silently swallowed the words. In fact, the answer is very simple, and both of them know it in their hearts. Before, the empress naturally dressed properly to hide her gender, and did not let him touch her when she slept. I guess the empress never slept well when they shared the same bed. Now that her identity has been exposed, the empress simply does not hide it in front of him, and does whatever is comfortable for her.

This realization made Emperor Jingren unhappy but also a little happy. He didn't understand why he felt this way.

"Today's morning court..." Emperor Jingren looked at the sky and knew that the morning court was over.

"The news of Yan Xu's assassination attempt on Your Majesty has spread. The court officials know that Your Majesty was attacked, and they will not attend the morning court in the past few days." The queen replied.

Emperor Jingren stared at the queen for a while, and finally swallowed what he wanted to say, and only said: "Change my clothes."

So the two of them stood up, dressed neatly, and then called servants to help them wash up. The emperor and empress were still as loving as before.

Emperor Jingren hated Yan Xu in his heart, but he also remained calm. He had some doubts about what Yan Xu said last night, and there were some things he needed to ask Yan Xu.

In his memory, Yan Xu was always well-behaved and not a reckless person. Although Emperor Jingren knew that his current memory was not accurate at all, it could still be used as a reference. He always felt that Yan Xu's personality had changed so much that he was like two different people, which puzzled Emperor Jingren.

After feeling less tired, Emperor Jingren secretly went to the prison of the Zhenfu Division. Generally, the emperor would not go to such a place. The emperor only wanted the result. As for how the Jinyiwei tortured the prisoners, it had nothing to do with the emperor. However, this time, the doubts in Emperor Jingren's heart could not be explained by the simple report of the Jinyiwei. He wanted to interrogate Yan Xu in person.

"If your majesty is going, can I go with you?" The queen saw what Emperor Jingren was thinking and volunteered, "I can wear men's clothes."

The mention of men's clothing touched the unspeakable pain in Emperor Jingren's heart. He looked at the queen who did not change her expression, and felt a slight pain in his heart, but he was reluctant to do anything to the queen. At this time, the female phoenix robe draped on the queen looked particularly dazzling. Emperor Jingren sighed lightly and nodded slightly.

After all, he couldn't bear to leave the queen.

There was one more guard in the team going to the Zhenfusi prison. This person was wearing ordinary guard attire, but his aura was not even comparable to that of the chief of the palace guards. This person followed closely behind Emperor Jingren to protect him, but Emperor Jingren never looked back at him.

This trip to the Zhenfusi prison was low-key. Emperor Jingren rode in a dusty sedan chair and quietly entered the prison under the greeting of Jingxixian and others.

As soon as he entered the prison, he saw a woman dressed in men's clothes with a pale face cleaning the prison. Basically, it is very easy to see that a woman is dressed as a man, and it is almost obvious at a glance. The same is true for men dressed as women. This is also what Emperor Jingren was puzzled about. Why did he always treat the queen as a woman and not see her tall figure and agile posture at all? The queen was obviously wearing tight clothes and dancing with a spear in front of him every day. The bulge on her chest was clearly strong chest muscles, but he turned a blind eye to it. It was really strange.

The woman in men's clothing was not a female spy specially trained by the Jinyiwei, but Su Huailing who was ordered to learn the law. Since returning from the hunting ground, there have been many more prisoners who need to be tortured in the Zhenfusi prison. The Zhenfusi prison, which was already covered with cobwebs, has been managed by Jing Xixian and has been completely renovated. It has been transformed from an abandoned building to a Zhenfusi prison that is now cold and strict as soon as you enter the door. It seems that Jing Xixian has not been idle at all these days.

Su Huailing's face was not in a good state. After receiving education in the Pacification Office for a period of time, she seemed to have understood a lot of things. When she saw Emperor Jingren, she no longer tried to rush over to hug his thighs, but knelt down obediently, not daring to look directly at the emperor's face.

Emperor Jingren was very satisfied with this, but now was not the time to talk about Su Huailing, so he didn't even look at her and went straight to the prison.

The queen, dressed in a guard's uniform, glanced at Su Huailing, then looked at the little emperor walking in front of her and smiled slightly.

As a prisoner, Yan Xu no longer had the majestic appearance of the former commander of the imperial guards. In order to welcome the arrival of Emperor Jingren, the Jinyiwei specially groomed him to make him look neater. Except for the hand cut off by the Queen, there were no special scars.

"Did he say anything?" asked Emperor Jingren.

Jing Xixian replied: "He has not said a word since he entered the Jinyiwei prison. We have used some torture, but we can't get a word out of him."

Jing Xixian had some respect for this. No matter what deceiving things Yan Xu did, his persistence was worthy of admiration. As the leader of the Jinyiwei, he naturally knew how terrible the methods of the Zhenfu Division were. Jing Xixian believed that he could not survive these punishments, but Yan Xu was able to grit his teeth and hold on without even a murmur. He was a real man.

Emperor Jingren frowned and ordered someone to lift up Yan Xu's head. He saw that the man's eyes were clear and his mind was fine. That was enough.

Emperor Jingren asked, "I only have two questions. First, what does 'out' mean? Second, I know that burning incense can lead to dreams, but how can you be sure that the person I dream of is definitely you?"

The queen's eyes were originally on Yan Xu, but after hearing these two questions, she suddenly looked at Emperor Jingren. She saw the little emperor sitting upright on the chair, expressionless, unable to tell whether he was happy or angry.

The usually calm empress was like this, so Yan Xu was naturally even more shocked. He did not hide his surprise, and his face was full of fear that the secret would be exposed. For Emperor Jingren, this was enough.

However, the punishment that should be tried still had to be tried. Emperor Jingren waved his hand and said coldly: "Don't worry about me, torture me."

Although he said that he didn't need to worry about himself, the Jinyiwei still had to consider the little emperor's mood. The following punishments had no visual impact, at most needle pricks and whippings, which were not too cruel, but Yan Xu still said nothing, not a word.

Su Huailing, who was watching from the side, covered her mouth. She had been vomiting every day since she came to the Pacification Office. She had only adapted to it in the past two days. Although she felt a little uncomfortable, she would not lose her composure in front of the emperor. Su Huailing was used to hearing screams and pleas for mercy these days. When she saw Yan Xu today, she couldn't help but feel a little respect for him.

However, Su Huailing's admiration was a puzzlement to Emperor Jingren. It would have been fine if Yan Xuruo had just kept silent, but why didn't he even change his expression? The whipping needle pricked him like a tickle... No, he didn't feel anything.

Emperor Jingren waved his hand, and the Jinyiwei who were torturing him stopped. Jingxi Xian came to Emperor Jingren's side, and the emperor asked, "Who is the Jinyiwei who can endure the most pain here?"

A Jinyiwei came forward and knelt before Emperor Jingren. Emperor Jingren said, "Take one of the needles from earlier and prick him gently."