Something’s Not Right

Chapter 27


This kind of sudden order to punish a subordinate is very unreasonable. Su Huailing looked at the Jin Yiwei who was called out, and finally couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, it's not Jin Yiwei's fault that Yan Xu refused to confess, please don't punish him! "

Originally, she was standing in the corner watching Yan Xu being tortured without any sense of presence. Then she rushed out and opened her mouth, and suddenly she came into everyone's sight.

Emperor Jingren looked at Jing Xixian coldly, and Jing Xixian said quickly: "Your Majesty, most of the Jinyi Wei education is the Criminal Code. For some rules in the palace and court, it is inevitable that there are some limitations here, but the Criminal Code she I’ve learned almost enough.”

Emperor Jing Ren nodded, agreeing with Jing Xixian's statement. Commander Jing secretly wiped his sweat and quickly winked at his subordinates. A guard in Jinyi rushed out, blocked Su Huailing's mouth, tied him up and threw him in the corner. In fact, the best way at this time is to ask Su Huailing to retreat, but this woman was personally ordered by Emperor Jing Ren to learn the rules. Emperor Jing Ren didn't ask her to leave, so no one would dare to drag Su Huailing down.

The Jin Yiwei, who was said to be the most tolerant, stepped forward, and one of them picked up a needle to prick. Emperor Jing Ren said: "Raise your head and let me take a good look at your face."

After Su Huailing shut up, no one dared to question Emperor Jing Ren's order. The Jin Yiwei raised his head, and an ordinary face came into view of Emperor Jing Ren.

His colleagues began to torture him, but they did not dare to hold back because of Emperor Jingren's orders, and every needle prick was extremely hard. This kind of acupuncture will not leave any wounds on the body, and a few stabs will not leave any sequelae, but it is very painful.

This Jin Yiwei was indeed a man. He gritted his teeth and remained silent even after being tortured several times. When Emperor Jing Ren saw beads of sweat on his forehead, he ordered them to stop and asked the Jin Yiwei, "Does it hurt?"

Jin Yiwei is an honest man. He nodded and said, "It hurts."

"But you didn't cry out in pain." Emperor Jingren said.

"Stop it," Jin Yiwei replied.

"I understand." Emperor Jing Ren nodded and turned to Jing Xixian, "Give Yan Xu the punishment. Lift his face up and let me take a good look!"

Jing Xixian took the order, put Yan Xu on the rack again, wiped Yan Xu's face well, raised his arms to face Emperor Jing Ren, and then began the torture. This time the punishment was even more severe than before. The punishment that the Jinyi guard received was a drop in the bucket compared to that of Yan Xu, but Yan Xu's expression remained unchanged and he remained silent.

"Okay," Emperor Jing Ren said, "There is no need to punish Commander Yan anymore."

Jin Yiwei stopped, but everyone had doubts in their hearts and had no idea why Emperor Jing Ren took this series of actions.

Emperor Jing Ren said to Yan Xu: "Stop pretending that you don't care about death. I understand why you have no fear. Yan Xu, you can't feel pain, right?"

"How do you know?" Yan Xu blurted out, unable to hold back any longer.

"That Jinyi guard just now is also a very perseverant person, but even if he held back his voice, his forehead was covered with sweat due to pain, and his skin continued to shrink with the needle pricks. And you?" Emperor Jingren asked. .

Although Yan Xu looked miserable, his expression did not change at all. Such a terrible punishment was imposed on him, and he didn't even frown. How could he endure the pain? It was clear that it would not hurt at all!

No one in the prison spoke, but Su Huailing’s face was filled with regret. After seeing Tianyan several times, in Su Huailing's heart, this emperor was simply synonymous with indifference. He may have been a wise king, but he was not a good man. He caused his innocent sworn brother to suffer in the cold palace, being seriously ill with no one to take care of him; he caused several innocent guards in the cold palace, palace gate and hunting ground to be dismissed from their posts; just now he wanted to use the innocent royal guards to vent his anger. But at this moment, Su Huailing discovered that Emperor Jing Ren might not be as cold as she thought. This king had more rational eyes than others.

"There is no need to use torture," Emperor Jing Ren said to Jing Xi. "I think Yan Xu can commit such a crime because he doesn't care about implicating his family, doesn't care about death, and doesn't care about being tortured. Maybe Yan Xu is the best thing in this world. I’m not afraid, I don’t have anything else to ask.”

"Your Majesty," Jing Xixian said, "if you are not afraid of pain, you may not be afraid of other things. I have an idea. The sinner Yan Xu has many wounds on his body now. Throw him into a leech pit and let leeches crawl all over him. The blood is sucked away bit by bit. Of course, I won't let him die. He will take him out to replenish his blood after a while, and then throw him in again if the leech doesn't work. People are always afraid. It’s just that I haven’t found it yet.”

"Jing Xixian!" Yan Xu no longer looked like he was about to die, and shouted in horror, "I have treated you well these years, but you are so cruel!"

"I'm just sharing your Majesty's worries." A smile appeared on Jing Xixian's somewhat cold face, "And judging from your attitude, you must be afraid."

Even if he couldn't feel the pain, Yan Xu must have a sense of touch. The leeches crawling on my body and the feeling of losing blood bit by bit was more heartbreaking than the pain.

Emperor Jing Ren glanced at Yan Xu indifferently and said: "No need, I have a feeling that even if I do this, Yan Xu still won't be able to ask anything. So far, Yan Xu's crime is unforgivable. Let’s deal with it criminally.”

According to criminal law, Yan Xu should have been executed by Ling Chi, while his family was exiled, and no descendants of his clan would be hired within three generations.

After dealing with Yan Xu's matter, Emperor Jing Ren didn't want to stay in this cold place anymore. Before leaving, he glanced at Su Huailing, who had been released, and said calmly: "What does Jing Aiqing think I should do with this girl?"

Jing Xixian was once the deputy commander of the Forbidden Army, so he naturally knew about Su Huailing's incredible fortune, so he said, "Wei Chen is confident that he can train her well."

"Oh?" Emperor Jing Ren looked at Jing Xixian.

"Sometimes good luck can be taken advantage of. I once tried to let her dress up as an old woman and sneak into the capital with knives, guns and other prohibited equipment. No one discovered it from the beginning to the end. This is not because of her skill in disguise, but because of this woman. Luck is so bad that whatever she wants to accomplish will always succeed in an incredible way. If she uses it to gather information, it will be more effective with less effort. In fact, Jin Yiwei always likes to bring her along when investigating things, even if there are no flaws at all. As long as you touch something casually, you can find flaws." Jing Xixian sighed.

"Then, as Jing Aiqing wishes, I will leave Su Huailing to your disposal. She will be a member of Jin Yiwei from now on. But before letting her go out to do things, she must be taught the rules."

"As commanded."

After leaving Zhenfusi's prison, Emperor Jingren sat in his sedan chair and pondered all the way. The queen didn't say a word today, she just guarded the little emperor silently.

After returning to the palace, the queen immediately took over the work of eunuch and maid, helped Emperor Jing Ren change his clothes, made him a cup of tea, and rubbed his temples. As before, Emperor Jing Ren was taken care of in every possible way.

Emperor Jing Ren looked at him for a while and asked: "Queen, I will only ask you once, can I trust you?"

The queen's hand that was pouring tea paused. He put down the teapot, looked directly at Emperor Jingren and said, "Of course."

"Then does the queen have any unspeakable secrets that cannot be told to me? No matter how I ask, the queen can't tell her?" Emperor Jing Ren continued to ask.

The Queen thought about it, hesitated for a while, and finally replied: "There are some things that cannot be said, but that cannot be said."

"I understand." Emperor Jing Ren didn't know what he understood. He said to the queen, "Jinyi... The name Xiao Jinyi can be either male or female. Is it your real name?"

"Since I came into this world, my concubine has only been named Xiao Jinyi." The queen replied.

"Then let me continue to call you Jinyi and sit here." Emperor Jing Ren patted the seat next to him.

Xiao Jinyi came over and sat down next to Emperor Jing Ren. In fact, Emperor Jing Ren didn't indicate for him to sit that close.

Emperor Jing Ren glanced at him and did not let him go further, so he just let him sit like this.

"I'm a little scared." Emperor Jing Ren suddenly said, "I have recently discovered that I don't know myself very well. My memory is not accurate, my impressions are not accurate, and even the people around me have another kind of Appearance. I thought that the queen would always be the queen and would not change, but who would have thought that the queen is not what I thought. "

"Your Majesty..." Xiao Jinyi held Emperor Jing Ren's hand, but didn't know what to say. He originally thought that the queen had a noble status and had many people at her disposal, making things convenient for her. It didn't matter to him whether she was a man or a woman. But now, he very much hopes that even if he is an ordinary guard, he will not hurt the little emperor so deeply.

"I believe you because the queen I see with these eyes is you. You have never pretended to be yourself in front of me. It's because I am so stupid that I didn't even notice such an obvious difference between men and women. In fact, as early as You should have discovered it from the beginning. You have never concealed your Adam's apple. Why have I always turned a blind eye?" Emperor Jing Ren raised his hand and touched the Queen's neck. His Adam's apple rolled under his fingers. He seemed to be able to feel the Queen's throat. nervous.

"The queen is a man, so it's hard and ridiculous to dress up as a woman, right?" Emperor Jing Ren asked.

"...Fortunately," the queen replied, "It doesn't matter how painful or ridiculous it is to meet His Majesty."

"I am very happy to meet the queen. I am very relieved to have the queen with you in this palace." Emperor Jing Ren showed a faint smile, as if all conflicts and problems were resolved in this smile.

Xiao Jinyi looked at her heart and wanted to lower her head to kiss that smile, but Emperor Jing Ren turned his head slightly and dodged her.

Emperor Jingren sighed: "I hope that the Queen will be my only wife and that she can enjoy these thousands of miles of mountains and rivers with me. I hope that all my beloved heirs will be born from the Queen, and that my country will be inherited by the blood of me and the Queen." However, the queen is only a man after all, and even if I try again, I can’t achieve it.”

The queen clenched her fists and stared at Emperor Jing Ren.

"Next spring, I will hold a draft to select women into the palace. I will choose a beautiful woman with a low status and no right to raise her own children to give birth to an heir and raise it under the queen's knees." Emperor Jingren said, "You are still the queen, my Get a wife."