Something’s Not Right

Chapter 31


Beijing is located in the north, and it is extremely cold every winter. The queen put on a thick cloak for Emperor Jing Ren. The black fur made Emperor Jing Ren's skin look whiter, and his eyes were extremely pure against the white skin.

An emperor should not have such clean eyes. Emperors are probably the most thoughtful people in the world, and their eyes are always full of thoughts. But Emperor Jing Ren was probably too determined and his mind was too clear, and he didn't have much thoughts in it. The eyes that looked at the queen were as clear as a child's, with a kind of returning to nature's beauty.

The queen paused for a moment while tying Emperor Jing Ren's pocket, and couldn't help but whisper: "Your Majesty, please close your eyes."

Emperor Jing Ren didn't hesitate much and closed his eyes in trust. The queen came over and kissed Emperor Jing Ren's thin eyelids gently, as if she wanted to imprint those beautiful eyes in her heart in this way. superior.

It was just a gentle kiss, but it made Emperor Jing Ren's heart skip a beat. It made him more intoxicated than the deep kiss before.

Probably because the kiss was so beautiful, Emperor Jing Ren was not in the mood to mention the bad things that were going on between the two of them. He handed his hand to the queen and let him lead him through the snow.

The Queen also changed her clothes, but compared to Emperor Jing Ren's heavy covering, he was looking fresher. He just added cotton lining to his outfit and walked out of the room without even wearing gloves. Although Emperor Jing Ren has not seen the queen these days, he has always paid attention to the affairs of Kunning Palace. The queen had not worn any thick clothes since the beginning of winter. Emperor Jing Ren was worried at first and sent many fur coats. Later, it was discovered that wearing such a coat was a torture for the queen. He was covered in sweat and looked uncomfortable. Emperor Jing Ren knew that the queen was not afraid of the cold and no longer forced him to wear thick clothes.

They obviously haven't met, but they are paying attention to each other in this way.

Emperor Jingren treated his palace people very generously, and although the queen was strict in managing the harem, she was also very tolerant towards those at the lowest level. It was too cold in winter, so the queen sent enough charcoal to each palace, and specifically allowed the palace residents to go back to their rooms to keep warm and rest after completing their work, without freezing outside. Therefore, there were almost no people in the Imperial Garden in winter. The palace people swept away the thick snow to leave a clean road. They piled snow in the garden and covered the land with a thick layer of snow. When next spring, the snow turns into water and nourishes the land.

However, Emperor Jing Ren did not take a clean road, but stepped on the snow on the roadside that had not been cleared. There are very few people stepping on the snow here, and since it snowed just yesterday, it is still very new and makes a nice sound when stepping on it.

Usually the behavior of specifically looking for snow to step on is the behavior of children, but now it appeared on Emperor Jing Ren. He was really stepping on the snow seriously, leaving his footprints on the snow.

The queen looked at it for a while, then let go of Emperor Jing Ren's hand, walked behind Emperor Jing Ren, followed him and stepped on Emperor Jing Ren's footprints, making them bigger. The original footprints of Emperor Jing Ren disappeared, leaving behind the queen's larger and more powerful footprints.

Emperor Jing Ren looked back at the queen, who smiled at him and said, "I will do my best to protect your majesty and clean up your majesty's footprints."

"Nonsense." Emperor Jing Ren said calmly, but did not stop the queen, but continued to walk forward, letting the queen's footprints surround his own footprints little by little.

The two of them walked to the Plum Garden one after another. This is the corner of the Imperial Garden, and a plum garden is specially opened up. In summer, it is not much to see, but in winter, it is a sight to see. The snowy red plums stand proudly in this pure white sky and earth. It is the brightest color. Emperor Jing Ren looked at this little bit of red and showed an appreciative smile.

The queen who had been following him approached, held Emperor Jing Ren's hand and said, "In order to make this plum garden more interesting, I deliberately did not let the palace people clean the snow in the plum garden. The snow is thick and it is difficult to walk, so your Majesty, please be careful. "

This was an excuse to openly hold hands, but since there was no one else around, Emperor Jing Ren followed the empress. The queen's big hands were warmer than gloves, wrapping Emperor Jing Ren's hands tightly and transmitting heat through her palms.

The two walked into the plum garden hand in hand. Occasionally, if a petal fell on Emperor Jing Ren, the queen would pick it for him. From time to time, he touched Emperor Jing Ren's exposed cheek, which was a little cold and felt very comfortable to the touch.

"My concubine, please warm up your Majesty." The queen said, putting Emperor Jingren's hands into her gloves, and placed her own hands on Emperor Jingren's cheeks, her warm hands touching the slightly cool cheeks. It was as if a ball of fiery emotion was melting the ice in Emperor Jing Ren's heart.

A gust of north wind came, and countless petals were blown off the branches. The queen kissed Emperor Jing Ren's lips amidst the snowflakes and petals flying in the sky. Emperor Jing Ren did not stop her. Instead, he threw away his gloves and hugged the queen's waist, cooperating with him to deepen the kiss.

White snow and red plum blossoms, the two people in this beautiful world have nothing else in their hearts, only the breath of each other remains.

and a burst of poetry-

"...I knew it wasn't snow because of the faint fragrance." A voice came from far away, "Bai Mei, pick some petals and bring them back. Let's make some cakes to eat."

The two people who were kissing were awakened and quickly separated. Emperor Jing Ren looked in the direction of the sound with displeasure, and saw that the former concubine Wang Zhaoyi was taking the maids to collect flower petals. The former concubine was dressed in thin white clothes, and she looked even more charming in the pure white. When she saw Emperor Jing Ren, she immediately knelt down and worshiped in the snow. Her palms were buried in the snow and turned white from the cold.

"No courtesy." Emperor Jing Ren suppressed his displeasure and said expressionlessly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Wang Zhaoyi stood up slowly with the help of the palace maid, her figure was graceful and she looked very moving.

She was not born extremely beautiful, but her skin was whiter than snow. Now in this plum garden, although she was not as beautiful as the former concubine Shu, she still had a different feeling. Wang Zhaoyi has always been known as a talented woman, and her cold aura blended with the white snow makes her look particularly cold.

"I'm disturbing your majesty's good mood," Wang Zhaoyi said, "Tonight is New Year's Eve. Seeing the snow outside the palace, I plan to come to the plum garden to pick some petals and make some snacks, so that I can worship the gods on New Year's Eve."

On an occasion like a New Year's Eve banquet for hundreds of officials, only the queen was qualified to be with Emperor Jing Ren, and no one else had the right. The concubines in the harem can only arrange the decorations in their own palace. In addition to the dinner delivered by the imperial dining room, they can also prepare some delicious snacks in the small kitchen to celebrate the New Year by themselves.

In front of the queen, even if the other concubines have rank, they have no status, unless His Majesty is willing to let them follow the queen to entertain the wife of his wife, and is willing to promote them.

It's a pity that Emperor Jingren never had this idea. In recent years, the concubines in the palace have always celebrated the New Year in his own palace.

Wang Zhaoyi's words are quite sympathetic. In addition, this plum garden just matches her reputation as a talented woman. It is really attractive to go out and wear so few clothes in the middle of winter. The queen looked at Wang Zhaoyi with a half-smile but did not expose her.

The originally harmonious world between the two of them was suddenly joined by Wang Zhaoyi and several palace maids, and Emperor Jing Ren was not in a good mood. He had always had a knot in his mind about the Queen, and he finally let go of it today. Emperor Jing Ren just wanted to enjoy the snow and plum blossoms with the Queen quietly, and did not want a third person. Unfortunately, this peaceful thought was interrupted by Wang Zhaoyi.

Faced with Wang Zhaoyi's words, Emperor Jing Ren nodded slightly and said nothing more. He originally thought of leaving Meiyuan and going directly to the Queen's Palace. But when he was about to speak, the queen seemed to have read his thoughts and said to Emperor Jingren: "Your Majesty, I just saw the colorful falling plum blossoms, and suddenly I became interested and wanted to dance with the sword."

"But there is no sword here." Emperor Jing Ren was very moved, with a look of pity on his face.

"No need for a sword, just a branch." The queen smiled, chose a branch of moderate thickness and length, stood in the plum garden, and waved her sword gently.

The plum garden does not need to be empty like last time, but there are plum trees everywhere, and you will hit the trunks if you are not careful. When the queen dances with a sword in the plum garden, what is more interesting is the body technique rather than the sword technique.

The queen and Wang Zhaoyi were both dressed in white. One looked charming in thin clothes, while the other looked tall and straight in a tight-fitting outfit.

I saw a white shadow in the plum forest shuttling between the red plums, and the branches used as long swords were vigorous, and they actually had sword energy that was not inferior to the long swords. The sword energy swept across, and snowflakes danced, as if there was another heavy snowfall, and the sky and the earth were pure white.

This time the queen did not stop the snowflakes from falling on Emperor Jing Ren. The white snow fell on the black cloak, and a little bit of frost fell. Emperor Jing Ren's hair soon turned white, and there was a lonely beauty in the heavy snow.

White snow always gives people this feeling, as if there is only one person lonely in the vast world. Emperor Jing Ren was a real loner, and he looked a little desolate among the snowflakes.

But this feeling only lasted for a moment. The queen's branches were lightly lifted, and the snowflakes were mixed with countless red plum petals. The red petals wrapped around Emperor Jing Ren, forcibly adding a touch of warmth to the pure white, and the queen's figure also Appearing next to Emperor Jing Ren, he was no longer alone.

In the intertwining of red plum blossoms and white snow, the figure of the queen dancing on the branches is like a white shadow, firmly protecting Emperor Jing Ren in her figure, preventing anyone from getting close. His vigorous figure interweaves with the snowflakes and falling plum blossoms to create a beautiful winter picture, and Emperor Jing Ren, dressed in black, is the most vivid color in this picture.

Wang Zhaoyi: “…”

When she heard that Emperor Jing Ren came to Meiyuan, she immediately gritted her teeth and changed into a thin white dress and came out. Now she was really shaking with the cold. If this kind of behavior can catch the eyes of Emperor Jing Ren, it will be worth the sacrifice. Unexpectedly, the Queen came out to dance with her sword, causing snowflakes to fly all over the sky. He poured snow on Wang Zhaoyi's neck, and now she was so cold that she could hardly speak. As for Emperor Jing Ren, he didn't look at her at all, but was flirting with the queen!

The power of the Queen's sword gradually weakened, and the snowflakes and fallen plum blossoms slowly returned to calm, lying quietly on the snow. The Queen put a little force when she finally sheathed the sword. The wind of the sword blew across Emperor Jing Ren's cheek, and all the snowflakes and petals that fell on him were wiped out. Blow away.

This sword wind is actually warm.

Seeing the queen casually throwing the branches on the ground, Emperor Jing Ren was about to praise her when he heard Wang Zhaoyi croaking and applauding, which seemed particularly abrupt in the quiet atmosphere, as if he was trying hard to attract his attention.

Emperor Jing Ren had no choice but to look at Wang Zhaoyi first, frowned and said, "Wang Zhaoyi is in a good mood, but he just needs to pay more attention to his health. Take your queen back to the palace and go to the Imperial Hospital to ask for a doctor."

Eh? Wang Zhaoyi didn't understand why Emperor Jing Ren said that, and quickly tried to tell the difference. Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his mouth, a tube of snot fell to the ground, and another tube was almost frozen into ice and hung on his nose.

Wang Zhaoyi: “…”

The queen looked down at Wang Zhaoyi from above and showed a faint smile. Then she turned to Emperor Jing Ren and said, "Your Majesty, it's freezing cold. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, we can't be greedy. Let's go back and rest."

Emperor Jing Ren glanced at Wang Zhaoyi's nose, and he was convinced. He nodded and said, "What the queen said is that you should remember to wear more clothes."

"I have the internal strength to protect myself, so I won't feel cold. Your Majesty, it's better to wear more clothes. If you fall ill, it will be a loss for the country and the country."

The two left Meiyuan talking and laughing, leaving Wang Zhaoyi with a tube of frozen snot and several palace maids dumbfounded.

"Ah sneeze" "A sneeze" "A sneeze"!

A few seconds later, the sound of sneezing resounded throughout the plum garden, but unfortunately Emperor Jing Ren, who had already walked away, could not hear it at all.