Something’s Not Right

Chapter 39


"I am not worried about that kind of thing." Emperor Jingren found a comfortable position in the Queen's arms, curled up in it with a desperate look, but his expression was still serious, as if he was still sitting in the Golden Throne Room, always maintaining his imperial majesty in front of his ministers.

But the queen knew that he was relaxing, otherwise he wouldn't have stayed there so obediently.

Looking at the serious little emperor, the queen simply didn't know how to treat him. It was the first time that she felt this way, liking someone so much that she didn't know what to do. She felt happy just by looking at him, and felt happy when she saw him sleeping soundly, but she also wanted to kiss him hard, to make him confused, so that he would only have her reflection in his eyes. She wanted to snatch the little emperor away from the people of the world, but she couldn't bear to see him lonely.

This feeling of cherishing and being cautious is the first time in my life. It has never happened before and will never happen again.

"How about putting off the selection until after the New Year?" The Queen suddenly said, "These days, I want to be a simple couple with Your Majesty."

"How can a couple behave like this?" Emperor Jingren frowned. "How can you be so respectful to each other? Never mind. It's up to you."

Receiving the approval of Emperor Jingren, the Queen smiled gently.

What happened next was just as the Queen said. Before the fifteenth day, unless something earth-shattering happened, no one was allowed to bother Emperor Jingren with anything. Emperor Jingren was dominated by the Queen.

On the first day of the lunar year, he committed adultery in broad daylight. Emperor Jingren thought about the suffering of his children at the border and let him do it. However, the rigid Emperor Jingren absolutely did not want such a thing to happen again. Although he and the queen loved each other, they still had to observe etiquette. What happened in the bedroom between husband and wife at night after turning off the lights was just their own business, and no one else could say anything. But the queen preferred to do it in broad daylight, even at night she liked to have the lights on, which made Emperor Jingren very embarrassed.

Emperor Jingren was not embarrassed or shy, he was most worried that the identity of the queen would be discovered. No matter how many times the queen told him that he was a martial arts expert and nothing would happen, Emperor Jingren still felt that there was always someone better than him, and the queen could not be the best in the world.

Unfortunately, the queen is so stubborn. She thinks that before the fifteenth day is a rare holiday for the two of them, and they must enjoy it. It's a pity that Emperor Jingren can't leave the capital casually, otherwise he would take Shen Junrui out to play.

The Queen had this idea long ago, but Emperor Jingren had always disagreed. Until the seventh day, snowflakes began to fall from the sky, and the entire palace was dyed white by the snowflakes. There was only this one color between heaven and earth, the simplest color in the vastness, magnificent and beautiful.

Emperor Jingren ran to the rockery in the Imperial Garden, but was unable to see the entire palace. Although he admired it, there was also a look of loneliness in his eyes.

The queen looked at the little emperor's rare interested face, and finally did the disrespectful thing he had always wanted to do -

The queen kidnapped the emperor and took him out of the palace!

This was done silently. The Queen first ordered the imperial physician to write a pulse report for the Emperor, indicating that he had caught a cold and needed to rest. She then ordered Eunuch Lian to guard outside the Purple Palace and make sure that no one would disturb His Majesty. Then she changed into the guard's clothes, took the badge, and carried the guard, who was also sick and feeling unwell, out of the palace.

Su Huailing relied on luck, while the queen relied on power. With his status and skills, it was easy for him to leave the palace. Even if the guards recognized him as the queen, no one dared to stop him. The queen took the acupunctured Emperor Jingren and rode on the same horse, out of the palace, out of the imperial city, and all the way to the highest mountain outside the city.

After handing the horse over to the post station at the foot of the mountain, the empress carried Emperor Jingren on her back, performed Qinggong, and galloped all the way to the top of the mountain. He was extremely fast, and the speed of climbing the mountain with a person on his back was even faster than that of a horse galloping on flat ground. It didn't take long for him to reach the top of the mountain. It was only at this moment that the empress unblocked the acupuncture points for Emperor Jingren and stretched the little emperor's muscles.

Emperor Jingren, who was forcibly taken out of the palace, stared at the queen angrily. After a long while, he said, "It reached the top of the mountain so quickly. What a good horse!"

It was already very cruel for him to use such words to mock the queen.

The queen didn't care at all. She smiled and took out a fur coat from the package and put it on Emperor Jingren, saying, "If your majesty is willing to ride, I am willing to be a horse for the rest of my life."

Emperor Jingren, who had been having sex these days, inexplicably read a different meaning from the words and was so angry that his face turned red.

Before the empress took him out of the palace, she had applied to Emperor Jingren in advance. But Emperor Jingren did not agree. Although he really wanted to go out and see the snow, he knew that the emperor could not be willful, so he was very restrained.

Unfortunately, his restraint only earned the queen's insolence. This man actually bribed many people to kidnap him out of the palace. Even Eunuch Lian smiled and wished them a good trip. The doctor who prescribed the medicine for him was actually Doctor Chen. Didn't he have hostility towards the queen before? How did he become the queen's accomplice? Go back and...

"They all know that I am doing this for the good of Your Majesty," the Queen interrupted Emperor Jingren's thoughts, "Your Majesty is only 23 years old after the New Year, and is still a child."

Emperor Jingren looked at the empress in confusion and said, "At the age of thirteen or fourteen, you can marry and have children and become the pillar of the family. I am already twenty-three, and have been married for five years and ruled the country for five years. If it were someone else, their children would be four or five years old. How can I be considered a child?"

The queen sighed inwardly. She had just graduated from university at the age of 23 and was basically just a child. But Emperor Jingren shouldered the responsibility of the entire country. It was really heartbreaking.

"Your Majesty is naturally a monarch who can not only support a family, but also take care of millions of families in Xia Country. But Your Majesty, I hope you are just a child in front of me." The Queen said distressedly, "I hope Your Majesty will get angry, willful, and act like a spoiled child. I hope Your Majesty can be nicer to me and indulge myself a little."

The Queen continued, "But your Majesty never indulges himself. Like a sensible child, he clearly wants the steaming buns in front of him, looking at them eagerly, but he resists telling his parents and eats the cold buns at home. I don't want your Majesty to suppress himself like that. Your Majesty, just be a wise ruler. I will feel sorry for your Majesty and fulfill your wishes."

He held Emperor Jingren's hand and stood on the top of the mountain, letting him look down towards the imperial city.

"Your Majesty, look! This is your world, this is your imperial city." The Queen said, holding Emperor Jingren's hand.

From the top of the mountain, the entire imperial city is in full view. The heavy snow has painted the imperial city in silver. Everyone is staying at home for the winter, and the imperial city is as quiet as a picture. The thick white snow covers the farmland on the outskirts of the city. When spring comes and flowers bloom, the snow will melt into water and merge into the earth, nourishing the land. This year will be another bumper year.

Looking at the world covered in silver, Emperor Jingren felt infinite emotion in his heart. Sometimes he felt that he was so small in this world, and sometimes he felt that the beauty of this country made him willing to devote his life to it until his death.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" the queen said in his ear.

Although this felt good, so good that Emperor Jingren had forgotten the Queen's outrageous behavior, he felt that this behavior could not be tolerated, so he pretended to be indifferent and said, "It's not bad."

"Auspicious snow indicates a good harvest," the queen said with emotion, "I hope next year will be another good year."

"I hope so," Emperor Jingren said, "but we must also do a good job of disaster prevention. There is an assistant minister in the Ministry of Works who is good at water management. I will send him to build embankments in the spring. We must do a good job of flood prevention in advance and prepare for a rainy day."

This is where Emperor Jingren far surpasses other emperors. He does not wait until a disaster occurs before trying to find ways to provide relief, but instead takes precautions before it happens.

"Now that you are here, you should stop thinking about these things," the queen said, "You have thought enough. At a time like this, you should just focus on the present."

What does he have now? He has the imperial city at his feet and the queen beside him. This is everything he has.

"It's good now." Emperor Jingren showed a faint smile of joy. He was always introverted, but to be able to show such a smile was already quite joyful for him.

"Let me dance with sword for Your Majesty," said the Queen.

It had been a long time since he had called himself "your concubine" when they were alone. This title would make Emperor Jingren feel very awkward, but now it made him think of the countless times he had watched the Queen dance with swords and guns.

The sword dance is light and agile, the spear dance pierces the sky, and the knife dance stains the battlefield with blood. Different weapons, different beauty. All are breathtakingly gorgeous colors. Different from the superficial beauty embellished by clothes, the queen's beauty is full of magnificence.

Why do I think of that time? That morning, when I woke up, I didn't see the queen in bed. When I walked out, I saw the queen practicing martial arts in the martial arts arena. Her long hair was flying, and her every move was elegant and calm.

That was the moment his heart beat.

The first impression between people is mostly determined by the eyes. At that time, the queen walked into his eyes and hit his heart. He was fascinated by her figure and could not help but satisfy all his wishes, making him unable to give up the queen no matter what.

No matter how many times I watch the queen practicing martial arts, I can never get enough of it.

Amidst the snowflakes, there is the Queen's figure. In the pure white, the Queen in black armor is the color that tears through the sky and earth, imprinting her figure in the heart of Emperor Jingren, who will never be able to forget it.

It was too cold in winter, and the empress was reluctant to let Emperor Jingren stay outside for too long, so she took him down the mountain after staying for a while. The mood when going down the mountain was different from the forced mood when going up the mountain. Emperor Jingren lay on the empress's broad back peacefully, watching the snowflakes falling from the sky and the white mountains, and felt that there was no more beautiful color than this.

Such a good mood made Emperor Jingren not blame the Queen's accomplices, Eunuch Lian and Doctor Chen, after returning to the palace, nor did he blame the palace guards who let them out of the palace. This made Eunuch Lian, who was terrified and thought he was going to be eliminated, more convinced that only the Queen could succeed in the end. The Queen had promised before that once he got the bonus, she would give some to Eunuch Lian. When he thought of this, Eunuch Lian felt that everything was worth it.

The snow fell for a whole day and a night, and the weather was very good afterwards. On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, with not a single cloud in the sky.

The fifteenth is another lively day. There is no curfew in the capital city on the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth days of the first lunar month. The lantern market is open and everyone goes out to play happily.

The palace was filled with lanterns sent by officials, each of which was extremely exquisite, and the entire palace was brightly lit as if it were daytime.

Emperor Jingren