Something’s Not Right

Chapter 43


The Queen knew that Emperor Jingren would lead the army in person, but he had no intention of going to the battlefield. He just wanted to concentrate on being a guard to protect Emperor Jingren and take advantage of him to cultivate a relationship. Because in the original plot that the Queen was familiar with, the Marquis of Zhenbei did not die, but was seriously injured.

The original plot was that the Marquis of Zhenbei was seriously injured, and his second and third brothers led troops to raid the enemy's camp in an attempt to burn the enemy's food and grass, but they were ambushed by the enemy, one was injured and one was captured, and the fifth brother was poisoned in the account by the military supervisor who colluded with the enemy. Although he did not die, he was in a coma and had no strength to fight.

Although the situation was critical, Emperor Jingren had to lead the army in person, but the death of four people and the injury of three and the capture of one are definitely two different things. In the original plot, Emperor Jingren was afraid of Zhenbei Marquis like the previous emperor, but because all the members of Zhenbei Marquis were injured this time, he took back the military power, trusted the family of Zhenbei Marquis even more, and his relationship with the queen became very good because of appeasing the meritorious official. In the plot, Su Huailing and Emperor Jingren had a misunderstanding because of this incident, which made Su Huailing almost accept the pursuit of King Huainan.

But now all four members of the same family have died, which means that the queen has no foundation and can be deposed at any time, which is contrary to the original plot.

When everyone entered here, it was mentioned in the contract that players could change the NPC's ideas and the NPC could change the plot, which was a reasonable data change and allowed by the system. However, if the players changed the background plot themselves, it would cause data confusion and the system would be unable to calculate. Once this happened, everyone would be trapped here and unable to get out before the system resumed calculations. At this time, there was no system protection, and if they died here, they would be truly brain dead.

No one would joke about their own life, so everyone was playing their roles carefully, fearing that their mistakes would affect the plot. Because of this, although everyone knew that Su Huailing was a strong enemy, no one dared to kill him before Emperor Jingren met Su Huailing. Even Yan Xu, who was bold enough to attack Emperor Jingren, did not dare to touch a hair of Su Huailing.

But now, someone has killed the Zhenbeihou family. Such a change in the plot will inevitably make the system unable to calculate, and everyone is trapped here.

Eunuch Lian and Xiao Shunzi fainted after hearing the war report from the border. There seemed to be commotion at the Four Concubines and Concubine Lin's place. The King of Huainan didn't think clearly for a while, and when he returned home and figured it out, he would probably be scared.

At this time, the queen should have stayed in the palace to save her life, but he did the opposite and insisted on going to the battlefield.

Whether it is to protect the little emperor's kingdom or for the special mission he is responsible for.

This is the world's first holographic game. They are the first group of players to enter the game. The first person to complete the game will not only receive a large bonus, but may also be recorded in the history of the gaming industry. Everyone is here to capture Emperor Jingren, except the Queen, who is here to find someone.

The chief engineer who designed this game was also the first tester of this game. When he entered the game, a commercial spy from the enemy company cut off the power supply of the smart computer. Although the staff quickly turned on the backup power supply, after the system restarted and re-read the data, the doctor never woke up again.

Logically speaking, even if there is a power outage, the doctor should be able to get out as long as the system returns to normal, unless something happens to the doctor in these few seconds and he forgets his identity and regards himself as an NPC in this world.

The doctor's brain is the greatest wealth of the entire empire. Before entering the game, he anticipated that he might be trapped in the game. At that time, he made a game awakening prop. As long as someone activates this prop in the game and gives it to the doctor, the doctor will realize his identity and wake up.

As the executor of this mission, the Queen, together with the majority of players, enters the game under the pretext of playing games, just to find the Doctor who is lost in this extremely real world.

The so-called disorder caused by changing the plot system is completely false, and the players will not be in danger of life. All these lies are just to facilitate the search for the doctor and prevent players from changing the plot without authorization. If the player does not change the plot, once the situation conflicts with the original plot, it is very likely that it was caused by the doctor who does not know the plot.

The purpose of the test game is to confuse corporate spies. The players are just a cover-up. The real purpose is to find the doctor. The harsh contracts signed by the players are also to protect the doctor's brain waves that are lost in the game world.

The Queen initially believed that Emperor Jingren was the doctor. After all, the little emperor was too wise and smart. In addition, the Queen already had a good impression of the little emperor at that time. She hoped that Emperor Jingren was the doctor so that they could meet and fall in love in the real world. So when the plot did not change, the Queen gave the task props to the little emperor with a one in ten thousand chance.

Unfortunately, he failed, the props did not respond at all, and Emperor Jingren was just an NPC.

At that time, the Queen wanted to distance herself from Emperor Jingren, but he couldn't do it. So he accepted it. Even if he was an NPC, so what? He and he had loved each other, and that was enough.

Even if she doesn't want to leave this world, the Queen has her own mission to perform. The genius of the herdsmen who can change the plot without authorization is most likely the Doctor himself.

Whether it is to complete the mission and find the doctor, or to protect Emperor Jingren, he has to go to the battlefield.

The Queen looked at Emperor Jingren quietly in front of the mourning hall. She pleaded silently with Emperor Jingren for herself, for Emperor Jingren, and for her family members whom she had never met but died because of outsiders like them.

Emperor Jingren reached out his hand to help the empress up, but he couldn't pull her up. He had to squat down and look at the empress at eye level, and said seriously: "Whether the father and son of Zhenbei Marquis died because of lack of military supplies or betrayal by a traitor, the leader of the Mu tribe, Hu Yanxi, cannot be ignored. He is the first strong enemy since I ascended the throne and cannot be taken lightly. Do you know why the civil and military officials in the court dare not take on the responsibility of leading and supervising the army? Because they all know that this is a battle where one's life is at stake. Even so, does Jinyi want to lead the army?"

"Yes," the Queen replied firmly.

His eyes were full of determination to never turn back. From the moment he knelt down to beg Emperor Jingren, the Queen's decision could not be changed.

Emperor Jingren sighed deeply, held the Queen's hand and said, "Jinyi, I can't lose you."

"I will live." The Queen said seriously, "Since Your Majesty knows that this is a war where one may die, I cannot lose Your Majesty. I will protect Your Majesty until the last moment before I close my eyes. I beg Your Majesty to grant my wish."

He touched the ground with both hands and kowtowed deeply to Emperor Jingren for the first and last time.

Emperor Jingren was unable to help the queen up. He looked up at the four spirit tablets and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Jinyi, you must come back alive to be my queen. If you are alive, I will disband the harem and only want you. I will select some outstanding children from the clan children and give them to you to raise. I will never select a concubine in this life."

The empress suddenly raised her head from the ground, her eyes fixed on Emperor Jingren and she refused to look away. She knew what this promise meant to the traditional and upright Emperor Jingren. It meant that he would be childless for the rest of his life, that he was willing to give up all his persistence and perseverance for a man, and that he, as an emperor, was willing to give up loving someone.

He had never thought of making Emperor Jingren give up everything for him as required in the player's mission, but now he has done it.

The system will not give the player an impossible task. In the original novel, Emperor Jingren was able to give up everything for Su Huailing, which means that he is essentially an affectionate person. Although he is an NPC composed of data, the system perfectly maintains this trait of Emperor Jingren.

He really doesn't have to do anything, Emperor Jingren will hand the world over to him.

The queen hugged Emperor Jingren tightly, with such force that she almost melted the little emperor into her own bones and blood. He whispered: "I will survive. Whether it is for you or for our future, I will never die. When I think that if I die, you will go to bed with another woman and have a child, even if I die, I will crawl out to find you!"

Although the words were horrifying, Emperor Jingren still accepted them with pleasure. He hugged the queen tightly, ignoring the pain in his bones, and said, "If you dare to die, you will be violating the imperial order. I will dig you out of the grave and beat you with a hundred sticks. I will keep my word."

The queen smiled and kissed Emperor Jingren's hair.

The issue of offspring between the Queen and Emperor Jingren was finally resolved satisfactorily with the compromise of Emperor Jingren.

Although she wanted to do something with Emperor Jingren, this was a mourning hall. Emperor Jingren could not disrespect the spirits of the Zhenbei Marquis family, and after the Queen fell in love with Emperor Jingren, she could not treat the people of this world as simple NPCs and would not desecrate the dead at this time.

The two of them joined hands and kowtowed three times to the spirit tablets of the four Zhenbei Marquis, then left the room and prepared to go to the battlefield.

In order to please the empress, Emperor Jingren obtained countless weapons from the people, all of which were sent to the empress's private warehouse, and now they were all put to use.

The Queen ordered people to move all these things to the Ministry of War and put them into the military supplies for the reinforcements. Now is an extraordinary period and no one dares to touch the military supplies.

The two of them stayed up all night preparing for these things. The queen left the palace that night. When she went to court the next day, she changed into military uniform and waited outside the Golden Throne Hall.

"I have made up my mind to lead the army in person. You, my dear ministers, do not need to persuade me any further." Emperor Jingren said in the court. "As for the generals to lead the troops, you do not need to worry about it. I have already selected someone. I will send the message to Xiao Jinyi."

After receiving the imperial edict, Xiao Jinyi lowered his head and entered the palace. When the ministers heard that this man had the same name as the queen, they were dumbfounded.

"Xiao Jinyi, the sixth son of the Xiao family, is the twin brother of the Queen. He has been in poor health since childhood and stayed in the capital to recuperate. Few people know him." Emperor Jingren said, "Xiao Jinyi has been taught by his father and brother since childhood. He is familiar with the military situation in Mobei. He is also the son of the Marquis of Zhenbei, which is enough to win the hearts of the people in the northern border. I appoint you as the General of Dingbei, hold the seal of the commander, and follow me to the battle!"