Something’s Not Right

Chapter 44


Before leaving the palace, several people who had nothing in common gathered together, each of them was in a panic, as if the sky was falling.

"What should I do?" The unstable former concubine now Li Zhaoyi paced back and forth. "Who the hell dared to change the plot? Four important characters have died. The system must be in chaos. What if I die now?"

"Do I still need to ask who it is? It must be the genius of the Nomadic tribe, Huyan Xi!" said the former virtuous concubine and now Wang Zhaoyi. Her tone was calm, but her face was not good.

Several women gathered together and couldn't help crying. The King of Huainan felt a headache after hearing this. He stood up and said angrily: "Cry, cry, cry. You have lived well in the palace these years. The emperor and the empress are not here these days. As long as the Mu people don't attack you in the Golden Palace, you will not die. As for me, I am the temporary emperor now. Oh my God, how many assassinations did Emperor Jingren face in the original novel? What if they all happen to me now? How can I live!"

Xiao Shunzi couldn't help it and knelt on the ground crying silently: "You guys are all masters, with so many people protecting you, but what about me? I'm just a little eunuch who has fallen out of favor. Anyone can crush me to death!"

Eunuch Lian also wanted to cry, but luckily he still had a backbone. Before crying, he looked up at the queen who was sitting as steady as a mountain, and said with concern: "The queen is going to the battlefield, which is probably the most dangerous place. Queen, you... must be careful."

"I'm fine," the queen said calmly, "but you don't have to cry like this. The plot line has always followed the protagonist. This time, Emperor Jingren will lead the army in person, and I will bring Su Huailing with me. Without the two of them, as long as you live a peaceful life, nothing will happen. There are rules set by me in the harem. Before I come back, no one has the right to execute anyone in the harem. You just have to pray that I don't die in battle. As for the King of Huainan, you keep an eye on Xu Qingyang and those crooked staff members, be an honest regent and don't think about things you shouldn't think about, and nothing will happen."

“Okay, okay,” the King of Huainan nodded vigorously. “When I get back, I’ll put Xu Qingyang under house arrest in the palace… No, I’ll send him to the prison of the Pacification Department, and I’ll never let him cause any trouble. As for becoming the emperor… Whoever wants to be the emperor can be the emperor, I don’t have that idea. But you, go to Mobei and give Hu Yanxi a good beating for me. Look at what he has done!”

The queen nodded, stood up and said, "You concubines, don't worry about your possessions. Hurry up and collect some gold and silver jewelry to exchange for military supplies and donate them to Mobei. With this level of merit, even if someone wants to touch you, they will think twice. As for Eunuch Lian and Xiao Shunzi, the Prince of Huainan is the regent, you all follow him, and take care of each other if there is anything. With the Prince of Huainan watching over you, no one will dare to touch you."

After saying this, he left the secret room. The queen was in a hurry and couldn't stay here for too long.

This secret room is a space secret room prepared for them by the system. It can be used once in an emergency and will not be discovered.

The others were worried about their lives, but the queen wanted to appease these outsiders, lest they make mistakes in a panic and change the plot, making him and the little emperor vulnerable to attack from all sides. Especially the King of Huainan, who had too many restless people under him. If any of them took the opportunity to usurp the throne, then the soldiers in front of them would be in danger.

Only when the King of Huainan's own life was linked to the soldiers at the front would he become nervous and keep a close eye on those under his command who wanted to usurp the throne.

Only after he has taken good care of the rear can he go to the front line with peace of mind.

When the empress returned to Qifeng Palace, she saw Emperor Jingren sitting quietly in the palace. The teacup in his hand had grown cold. He was silent, and no one knew what he was thinking about writing.

The empress walked over and held the hand of Emperor Jingren. After a while, the tea in the cup became steaming hot again. The heat brought Emperor Jingren back to his senses and he heard the empress say confidently, "Your Majesty, don't worry. Even if Hu Yanxi is a master of war, I can kill him in front of thousands of troops. We will definitely win this battle."

Emperor Jingren said thoughtfully, "The Queen's martial arts skills are really strong. I asked Jing Xixian how strong a person's martial arts skills can be. He said that a well-trained fighter can easily deal with dozens of ordinary people, and it is not impossible for a top-notch fighter to fight hundreds of people with weapons. But the realm of being able to hurt people with flying flowers and plucked leaves is only in legends. Jing Xixian took the 78 corpses from the hunting ground that day back to have the coroner examine them. The coroner said that he had never seen anyone with such high martial arts skills. Each of these killers was a master who could fight a hundred at once, but someone could kill them with a piece of gravel. Even the legendary masters could not be so vivid."

The Queen's smile froze on her face and she looked at Emperor Jingren with a somewhat stiff expression.

"After that, I ordered Jing Xixian to investigate the skills of the Zhenbei Marquis' family. The result of Jing Xixian's investigation was that they had profound skills and could still kill back and forth among thousands of troops, but they were just average. I asked him how he compared to the master who killed the assassin in the hunting ground. Jing Xixian's answer was that the Zhenbei Marquis was not even one-tenth as good as him." Emperor Jingren blew on the teacup and drank the tea in one gulp. His throat was so hot that it hurt, but he still swallowed the tea. "Who did the queen learn martial arts from?"

"Does Your Majesty really want to know?" the Queen asked in a low voice.

"I want to know, but I don't need the Queen to answer now," Emperor Jingren said, "I believe that the Queen is a man of integrity, and I will not doubt my generals before the battle. I just want to confirm whether the Queen's skills are really the best in the world, and whether she will be fine even in front of the battle?"

The queen was silent for a long time, then shook her head and said, "To others, I am definitely the best in the world. But Hu Yanxi was an accident, I didn't know."

In addition to his own extraordinary skills, he also has martial arts skills added by the system to help him complete the task. Naturally, he can kill others in seconds with the plug-in. But if Hu Yanxi is really a doctor, then he is also beyond the system. The queen doesn't know how strong he will set for himself.

Emperor Jingren sighed deeply, "I regret this. I thought Jinyi was a master of martial arts and would be fine no matter what kind of predicament he was in. I relied too much on Jinyi's skills and forgot that I was the one who needed to protect Jinyi."

"Your Majesty," the Queen said calmly, "When two armies face off, it is not the one with the better martial arts that will win. No matter how skilled Hu Yanxi is, he is at most on par with me. It is absolutely impossible for him to be much better than me. There is no one in the world with such high skills."

The Queen is very confident about this. Even if it is the Doctor himself, the system will not give him a force level that exceeds the tolerance of this world.

After getting this answer, Emperor Jingren looked a little better. The Queen knew that he was asking this because he cared about her, so she couldn't help but feel happy. She put her arms around Emperor Jingren, kissed his face and said, "Your Majesty, we will leave tomorrow, so you should have a good rest tonight. You will be traveling a lot in the future, and I don't know when you will be able to get a good night's sleep."

He said that, just to make trouble again. However, Emperor Jingren did not resist, and let the queen carry him to the bed, take off the dragon robe, and meet him frankly.

On the second day, the army set out. Standing on the tower of the imperial city, Emperor Jingren encouraged the soldiers and at the same time stabilized the morale of the army for the new General Dingbei. After a brief oath, the army set off.

This time, the emperor personally led the army, and all the capable people in the court were mobilized, fearing that Emperor Jingren would be harmed in the slightest. Even Jing Xixian of the Jinyiwei followed the emperor with his elite troops to prevent Emperor Jingren from being ambushed on the road. The Jinyiwei were more familiar with the affairs of the martial arts world.

Since Jing Xixian was going out, he naturally took Su Huailing with him. Maybe with her luck, he could help Emperor Jingren win the battle. Although women should not be in the military camp, Su Huailing's ability to dress like a man and look exactly like a woman without others being able to tell the difference was first-rate. But just in case, Jing Xixian still asked Su Huailing to follow him at all times so that he could take care of her if something happened.

Although Jing Xixian was a ruthless person, he had always taken good care of Su Huailing since he entered the Pacification Division. He often helped her find out about her sworn brother in the palace and several friends in the folk. Su Huailing felt relieved when she learned that her sworn brother had recovered from his illness and was assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a small manager. Under Jing Xixian's subtle influence, she knew that her relatives and friends could live so well because of her work in the Jinyiwei, so she felt at ease staying in the Jinyiwei and helping to find out some news when she had nothing to do.

Su Huailing's naturally kind character made her not afraid of hardship or tiredness. Even though she knew it was dangerous to follow the army into the battlefield, when she heard that the Mobei crisis needed help, she followed without any complaints and did not say a single "no" during the bumpy journey.

Jing Xixian had seen strong women before. There were many women with high kung fu skills in the Jinyiwei, but they were different from Su Huailing. They had been trained since childhood. But Su Huailing was an ordinary girl, a little naive, and should live a delicate life. But now she walked until her feet were blistered but she gritted her teeth and endured it. She didn't say a word when her stomach hurt during her period.

You have to know that not everyone in the army rides a horse. In order to get to Mobei as quickly as possible, except for those who ride horses and cars, the rest of the soldiers trotted along with the main force. This was not just a short run, but several days of running. The elite soldiers and generals who trained every day were very tired, not to mention Su Huailing, a little girl who had no martial arts skills.

After a few days, her face became sallow and her flower-like complexion looked like a dehydrated eggplant. In addition, her period came again, and it seemed that the high-intensity running caused her bleeding, which had not stopped for seven or eight days.

When they rested in the tent at night, they rested on the floor again. Su Huailing was wrapped in the quilt and moaned softly. Jing Xixian couldn't sleep well because of her noise, so he couldn't help but transfer a little internal energy to her. Su Huailing seemed to feel a little more comfortable, closed her eyes and whispered thank you.

When they set out again the next day, before they had taken two steps, Jing Xixian knocked Su Huailing unconscious with a palm strike. He then carried the man away like a sandbag, avoiding the sight of other soldiers and following the army from a distance, only catching up with them when they set up camp at night.

Until they arrived in Mobei, Su Huailing did not suffer any more and her complexion became much better. However, she felt a little embarrassed to change clothes at night when she was in the same tent with Commander Jing, and she would blush slightly every time she looked at Jing Xixian.

Jing Xixian was quite disdainful of this. He looked Su Huailing up and down and said indifferently, "I have skinned many women like you. Why should you be embarrassed in front of me?"

Su Huailing: “…”

The army hurried all the way and finally arrived in Mobei on the 15th day.

The vanguard army galloped all the way and arrived in Mobei within three days. However, there were too few soldiers in the vanguard. At that time, Hu Yanxi's injury had healed and he led the army to attack the city. If it weren't for the expectation that His Majesty would soon bring a large group of troops to reinforce, the people in Mobei would have been demoralized long ago.

When Emperor Jingren arrived, Mobei had already run out of ammunition and food, and was on the verge of collapse.