Something’s Not Right

Chapter 45


When his father and brothers died, Xiao Jinshu had already lost hope in the court and even the emperor. What supported him to stay in Mobei and defend the city was the blood and souls of his relatives. His father and brothers shed their blood on this land, and so did his blood.

When Xiao Jinshu received the letter from the eagle that Emperor Jingren was going to lead the army in person, he didn't believe it. When his father was in the court to receive the reward, he had the honor to meet the late emperor. The wise emperor he admired turned into a gloomy face on the dragon throne. Xiao Jinshu was born with wisdom and saw through the late emperor's fear of the Xiao family at a glance, and he was even more opposed to his father marrying his sister to that place of wolves and tigers. However, the emperor's order was hard to disobey, and his sister still married. Although she was the queen, she had no children for many years. Did Emperor Jingren really respect his sister? Xiao Jinshu was very skeptical.

Could the former emperor, who was full of gloom and vigilance, have cultivated such an emperor who was willing to live and die with the people living in the border areas

Xiao Jinshu didn't believe it at all.

But he still posted the letter with the imperial seal on the city wall. He didn't care whether Emperor Jingren came or not, he just wanted the people in the border town to see the news. As long as there was hope, there would be people alive. He needed time, a little more time, to send more children and women out, the farther the better, at least to the nearby city, at least to hold the children's lives.

Fortunately, Hu Yanxi was injured in the assassination, which gave them some time to breathe. The Mu tribe attacked the city once a day, but they were not serious about it, just to scare them. Xiao Jinshu knew that the Mu tribe treated them like a cat that caught a mouse, teasing the mouse from time to time, listening to its screams, and letting it run continuously, so that the cat could have fun.

Xiao Jinshu did not feel humiliated. Instead, he hoped that the Mu tribe could play for a while longer and give him more time to let his people leave.

By the time Huyan Xi's injuries are almost healed, the cat will be tired of playing with him, and then the city will be broken.

But Xiao Jinshu never expected that the reinforcements would arrive so quickly!

The vanguard team, a thousand light cavalry, arrived in less than ten days from the time the messenger left Mobei!

The vanguard told Xiao Jinshu that the army set out at the same time as them, and His Majesty was following behind with the baggage and rushing to Mobei, and would arrive soon. The people of Mobei were asked to hold on.

The bright yellow imperial edict and the well-equipped cavalry gave hope to this tired city. The people stood up one after another, holding hoes and sickles and climbing up the city wall. Even women and children did not leave. They boiled water and oil in the rear, and the men in their families carried them to the city wall and poured the steaming water on the heads of the nomadic soldiers climbing the wall.

The defense of Mobei City caused the Mu tribe to lose many good fighters. The siege actions that looked like teasing mice disappeared, and everyone in Mobei City had a chance to breathe. However, Xiao Jinshu knew that this was the calm before the storm. They were waiting, waiting for Hu Yanxi's injury to heal, and then reorganizing the army and conquering Mobei in one go!

Sure enough, eleven days after the arrival of the vanguard, the siege of the city with all the forces of the herdsmen began. This time, Hu Yanxi stood outside the city wall on horseback, looking energetic and not injured at all.

With Hu Yanxi, the way of attacking the city changed immediately. They first fired rockets to kill the soldiers guarding the city wall, and then ordered people to build ladders. Xiao Jinshu knew that he could only hold on now, so he sent people to the city wall to defend the city, but in return he received a second wave of arrows. Hu Yanxi had a team of archers, and their arrows would not hurt their own soldiers, but would only hit the soldiers on the city wall.

Fortunately, their days were not wasted. Xiao Jinshu urgently summoned the carpenters and blacksmiths in the city to make catapults. The soldiers hid not far from the top of the city and threw stones without worrying about being hit by arrows. Moreover, the stones only hit the ladders, which could be knocked down in a few hits.

After resisting another wave of enemy attacks, the soldiers and civilians of Mobei all breathed a sigh of relief, except Xiao Jinshu who still frowned.

The reason he frowned was because Hu Yanxi had not made a move yet. Hu Yanxi's martial arts skills were beyond everyone's imagination. The fourth brother had the highest martial arts attainment in the family, but after the fourth brother fought with Hu Yanxi, he could not last more than ten moves in front of him. Hu Yanxi's martial arts skills were too high. Once he made a move, Mobei City would be like paper, and all weapons would be meaningless in front of him.

This is why my father and brother are determined to kill Hu Yanxi. Even if they can't kill him, they must injure him severely. As long as Hu Yanxi is not in the siege team, there is still hope.

Huyan Xi looks like nothing happened now, but he never makes a move. Is it because he is too disdainful to do so, or is it because his injury has not healed yet, and is he standing in front of the formation just to boost morale

Xiao Jinshu was not sure. All he could do now was to lead the Mobei army and civilians to resist the attacks of the herdsmen again and again.

The vanguard sent by the court told him from the moment they arrived that this team was under the full command of Xiao Jinshu and would not disobey him in the slightest. This team worked very well, they really did what they said, completely obeying Xiao Jinshu's command, even if Xiao Jinshu told them to die, they would not frown at all.

With a team like this... can he look forward to the army sent by the imperial court

But once Hu Yanxi really takes action, no matter how many people come, it will be useless. He has seen Hu Yanxi's martial arts, and it is really like what the ancient poem says, "Kill one person every ten steps, and leave no trace in a thousand miles." Hu Yanxi alone, thousands of troops can't stop him. No matter how many people come, under Hu Yanxi's martial arts, the morale of the army will be dispersed, and then...

The emperor leads the army in person!

Xiao Jinshu clenched his fists tightly, determined to protect Emperor Jingren even at the risk of his life!

The siege lasted until evening. The sun sets early in Mobei, and the sky is now red, so the nomadic tribe stopped the siege.

They seemed to have survived another day. Xiao Jinshu breathed a sigh of relief, but heard Hu Yanxi's voice coming from outside the city wall.

His voice was not loud, but it was able to pass through the city wall and reach the ears of so many people, which shows how profound his internal strength is.

"Military Advisor Xiao, just as you expected, I have not taken action because I have not recovered from my serious injury. Before I went into battle today, I was worried about the arrival of your large army. I attacked the city as soon as I could get up, lest the large army arrive and I lose this golden opportunity. Several generals of the Xiao family fought desperately to seriously injure me. I admire them. I wanted to leave a disabled person for the Xiao family to carry on the family line, but it's a pity that it's impossible now."

Hu Yanxi's words were extremely rude. The soldiers around Xiao Jinshu were so angry that their eyes turned red and they wanted to rush out to fight him.

Xiao Jinshu's expression was very calm. His voice could not be heard far away, so he wrote a large cloth strip in the language of the nomadic people and ordered people to hang it on the city wall. On the cloth strip was written - Monkey is called King.

Hu Yanxi just called himself the King, and he was the one who gave the title to himself. After unifying the northern grasslands, Hu Yanxi proclaimed himself the King of the Northern Sai, claiming that he would fight all the way to the imperial city and change the dynasty. He insulted Xiao Jinshu with the lives of the Xiao family, and Xiao Jinshu mocked him as a monkey. Anyway, they were just talking nonsense, and Hu Yanxi would definitely not be able to win the argument with Xiao Jinshu.

Looking at the handwriting on the note, Hu Yanxi kept smiling. He said loudly, "Military Advisor Xiao, I didn't want to be so heartless, but it's a pity that you are so stubborn."

After saying that, he waved his hand lightly, and four pastoral soldiers came out, each holding a tall pole. There was a human head tied to each pole. They were the Zhenbei Marquis's clan!

Everyone in Mobei City had red eyes. A few impulsive soldiers were about to climb down the city wall to fight them, but were stopped by Xiao Jinshu.

"Stop!" Xiao Jinshu's eyes were bloodshot, and he was extremely angry. His voice was hoarse, but he still said, "They just want to provoke us to open the city gates and fight them, so that they can take the opportunity to attack. Hu Yanxi's injuries have not healed yet, so we can only use this method. We must not be provoked, we must endure it, endure until the reinforcements arrive, and use Hu Yanxi's head to sacrifice to tens of thousands of soldiers in Mobei!"

Everybody stopped and a few excited soldiers secretly wiped their tears. That was their old marquis, their three generals, the generals who were obviously sons of nobles but who ate and lived with them!

However, is it all they can do to endure when their general is insulted like this

Suddenly, a voice like Hu Yanxi's was heard by everyone. The voice was low and suppressed, and there was anger that could not be hidden in the voice: "Hu Yanxi, you want to use this method to force my third brother to open the city gate, but you are totally wrong. My third brother has been writing the word "endurance" the most since he was a child. All the brushes in the house have been worn out by him. However, my third brother can endure, but I can't!"

The last word "De" sounded like a loud shout, exploding in the ears of the herdsmen. The soldiers whose physical fitness was not so good had blood coming out of their ears at that time, apparently their eardrums were ruptured by the sound.

"Who is it?" Xiao Jinshu looked towards the city while sitting in a wheelchair.

I saw two people on horseback galloping towards the crowd with a trail of dust, and in a few breaths they arrived in front of Xiao Jinshu. One of the two was wearing a yellow robe and golden armor, with a solemn and majestic face, and the other was tall and murderous, and looked 40% to 50% similar to Xiao Jinshu!

The tall man in black armor grabbed the man in gold armor by the waist and jumped off the horse. He placed the man in gold armor on a chair and nodded to Xiao Jinshu, saying, "Protect His Majesty. I will go and retrieve the bodies of my father and brother."

After saying that, he flew out in a flash.

What, Your Majesty

Xiao Jinshu's gaze had originally been following the man in black armor, but upon hearing what he said, he immediately turned to look at the man in golden armor. He saw that underneath the golden armor was a bright yellow battle robe embroidered with a five-clawed golden dragon. Apart from the man in the Golden Palace, who else in the world would dare to wear it like this!

"Your Majesty?" Xiao Jinshu, whose legs were amputated, did not need to kneel down. He stammered while bowing, "Your Majesty, where are the troops?"

He had no time to worry about etiquette at this point, so he asked anxiously.

Emperor Jingren stood up from his chair and said calmly, "The army is behind us and will arrive in about half an hour. Mr. Xiao Aiqing has led the army and people of Mobei to defend the city for more than 20 days. He has made great contributions. You can take a rest now."

"Thank you, Your Majesty..." No, what are you thanking me for! The army is still behind and the emperor has come here alone, so how can they rest? They can't rest at all, so they have to fight even harder!

"Don't worry," Emperor Jingren raised his lips slightly, "General Dingbei alone is enough to intimidate the enemy. Let's go up to the tower and take a look."

No, it's dangerous on the city wall. There will be stray arrows. If Your Majesty is injured, who will be responsible? No one can bear it!

But Xiao Jinshu could not stop Emperor Jingren at all. The little emperor was very agile. He jumped onto the city wall in a few jumps and stood on the top looking down. His golden armor was so dazzling that it simply said "I am the emperor, come and arrest me".

Xiao Jinshu quickly ordered his men to carry him up, thinking that if an arrow was shot at him, he could use his body to block it for a while.

As soon as he climbed onto the city wall, he was frightened by the dense rain of arrows outside. Sure enough, the Archery Team took action, but not at Emperor Jingren, but at the man in black armor.

The man in black armor held a long sword and rushed into the enemy camp alone. Wherever he passed, all the arrows were cut off and no one could get close to him. He was about to kill his way into the enemy camp.

Seeing that the arrows were not working, several generals of the herdsman tribe rushed forward with their soldiers, but were chopped down by the man in black armor with his sword like cutting melons and vegetables. No one was left alive wherever he passed.

He is simply a god of death!

"Your Majesty, who is this person and why is he so brave?" Xiao Jinshu asked in surprise.

“Xiao Jinyi,” seeing Xiao Jinshu’s face was about to crack, Emperor Jingren showed a gentle smile, “My… General Dingbei.”