Something’s Not Right

Chapter 48


When masters fight, victory or defeat often comes in a split second. Hu Yanxi's attack could only immobilize Xiao Jinyi for a few seconds, but in those few seconds, Hu Yanxi immediately fled, abandoning the herdsmen who were still there to defend him, and fled without a trace.

The herders were completely unable to react. The King of Saibei, whom they respected as a god, had actually abandoned them and left like that!

With their commander fleeing and the enemy army arriving, the herders could no longer stay here to be slaughtered, so they immediately began to withdraw. Without their commander to make proper arrangements and the rear guard to provide support, the herders' army fled in a hurry.

"You want to escape now? Dream on!" Xiao Jinshu was about to let the archers shoot arrows, but when he saw the situation below changed drastically, he immediately ordered the army to go out of the city and pursue the enemy.

What followed was a one-sided battle. The Mobei soldiers, who were driven crazy by the frustration, showed no mercy to the herdsmen. They killed anyone they could catch and chopped down anyone they could. Without the rear army to block the way, the herdsmen were simply unable to resist the well-organized Dingbei army. They were soon defeated, and not a single major general was left. Those who could escape ran desperately, and those who could not escape knelt down and begged for mercy.

In just one hour, the 100,000-strong Mu tribe army was either killed or forced to surrender, and less than a thousand people escaped.

When the Dingbei Army was cleaning up the battlefield, Xiao Jinyi was carried back.

At the last moment, in order to prevent Huyan Xi from escaping, he allowed himself to be whipped. Huyan Xi had strong internal strength and whipped Xiao Jinyi so hard that his skin was torn and there was not a single intact piece of flesh on his body. In addition, there was a dagger and a sword stuck in his body, and four ribs on his left side were cut off by the sword. He looked bloody and scary.

After he was carried back to the city, Emperor Jingren and Xiao Jinshu immediately rushed over to ask the military doctor about his injuries. Emperor Jingren brought many imperial doctors with him this time when he left the capital, so there was no shortage of medical staff.

However, when they arrived, the imperial physician was standing beside Xiao Jinyi with a worried look on his face. General Dingbei refused to let anyone take his pulse or bandage his wounds.

After the imperial physician reported this to Emperor Jingren, Xiao Jinshu immediately said, "Yes, yes! My sister...our General Xiao... Oh, I know a little bit about medicine, too. I'll take General Xiao's pulse."

His sister's body is worth a lot of money, how can she let anyone touch it? Let him treat his sister.

Just as Xiao Jinshu was about to stretch out his hand to feel the patient's pulse, he heard Xiao Jinyi say, "Third brother, I'm fine. Leave the herbs here, I'll bandage it myself."

"Nonsense!" Emperor Jingren stood in front of Xiao Jinyi with a livid face. After seeing the Queen getting hurt repeatedly throughout the day, he had reached his limit of patience.

"Then you bandage me. If you don't know how, I will teach you." Xiao Jinyi smiled at Emperor Jingren. The blood on his face had not been wiped clean yet, and his smile looked very scary.

“This…” The military doctors, soldiers, Jinyiwei, palace guards and Xiao Jinshu in the room were all shocked. They didn’t expect that General Dingbei would be so rebellious as to ask the emperor to heal his injuries

What shocked everyone even more was that Emperor Jingren was silent for a moment and then said, "General Dingbei defeated Hu Yanxi, caused the morale of the Mu tribe to collapse, and saved Mobei City from crisis. As an emperor, I naturally have to heal the wounds of this meritorious official myself. This is the only thing I can do. You all retreat, I will heal General Dingbei alone."

His reason was quite plausible, and everyone was less shocked. They all left. Only Jing Xixian, who knew the inside story, and his confidants stood guard outside the door to prevent anyone from hearing the noise inside.

Xiao Jinshu glanced at Emperor Jingren, then at his sister's unrecognizable face, and finally felt relieved. He nodded to Xiao Jinyi and left.

As soon as everyone left, Xiao Jinyi immediately grabbed Emperor Jingren's hand, kissed the back of his hand, and smiled happily.

"Let go!" Emperor Jingren was still angry. He took the cloth and basin for cleaning the wound and was about to clean Xiao Jinyi's wound.

"I'm really fine," Xiao Jinyi reluctantly raised a scarred hand, snatched the cloth from Emperor Jingren, and wiped his wounds bit by bit. "I asked them all to leave because I didn't want others to see my identity as a man. I avoided suspicion this way, and Your Majesty is so good to me, there will always be people who are suspicious. Even if the news that the Queen is General Dingbei gets out one day, Your Majesty can say that I am gifted and disguised as a man. As for the Queen leading the troops to the battle, even if someone wants to impeach me, they dare not say more. Originally, I had to lead the troops because there was no one in the court. If they dare to impeach me, it means they admit that they are incompetent. In this way, this matter can be suppressed."

"Jin Yi has thought of everything." Emperor Jingren's brows have been furrowed since he arrived in Mobei.

"Not as good as your majesty," Xiao Jinyi said, "your majesty's words just now shut up all future censors. Otherwise, many people would report me for being disrespectful to your majesty and committing insubordination."

Seeing him wipe the blood around the wound clean, revealing the hideous wound, Emperor Jingren's heart trembled. Hu Yanxi's whip had barbs, and Xiao Jinyi's skin was not only torn, but also barbs pierced into the flesh, which looked painful.

Xiao Jinyi remained calm, took the military doctor's tools, dipped them in strong liquor, and burned them with fire, then pulled out the thorns in his flesh one by one. After pulling out all of them, he applied medicine and bandaged himself. Originally, these tasks should have been done by military doctors, and how could a soldier be so cruel to himself. Emperor Jingren originally wanted to at least help Xiao Jinyi pull out the thorns, but who knew that he didn't let him do it at all.

This time, the emperor personally led the expedition, led by Xiao Jinyi alone, and his existence became ridiculous.

Of course, Emperor Jingren knew long ago that he had never led troops before, and that coming to Mobei was actually a mascot to stabilize the morale of the army and the people. Instead of making decisions, it would be better to fully trust the military officers of Mobei. All he needed to do was to advance and retreat together with the people of Mobei, and then say a few high-sounding words to make the people of Mobei shout that His Majesty was wise.

Even though he knew it earlier, he couldn't even help Xiao Jinyi heal his wounds. He could only watch him treat his wounds himself. Even with such horrific wounds, Emperor Jingren still felt upset.

After watching Xiao Jinyi treat a wound with his own eyes, Emperor Jingren took a cloth and helped Xiao Jinyi wipe another wound, then grabbed the pliers to help him remove the thorn.

Xiao Jinyi took a towel and wiped her face clean, then kissed Emperor Jingren before saying, "Fortunately, this face was not hit, otherwise, would you not want a disfigured queen like me?"

He smiled very happily, as if all the troubles that had troubled him had been swept away. Before, his face was covered in blood and Emperor Jingren could not see his expression, but now he could see it clearly.

Emperor Jingren looked at Xiao Jinyi's face carefully. Seeing that he was looking at him with tenderness and affection, he suddenly reached out and pulled out a thorn. His movement was very fast, and Xiao Jinyi didn't even frown.

"It seems that I have handled it quite well." Emperor Jingren said. For some reason, his voice was a little cold.

Xiao Jinyi also felt that Emperor Jingren was unhappy, but he just thought that he was angry because he was seriously injured, and did not think too much about it. His little emperor always took all the responsibility on himself, as if the death and injury of all people in the world were his fault. This kind of character made him feel distressed and respected Emperor Jingren very much.

Emperor Jingren had a quick learning ability and quickly mastered the technique of bandaging. He treated and bandaged most of Xiao Jinyi's wounds. Xiao Jinyi, who was wrapped in cloth strips all over his body, was finally treated presentably, with only the two knives on his ribs and acupuncture points left to be removed.

Pulling out a knife is not an easy task. The blade blocks the blood vessels and not much bleeding occurs. However, once the knife is pulled out, heavy bleeding will occur. If the bleeding cannot be stopped in time, it is easy to die from excessive blood loss.

"What should we do with so many broken ribs? Can they heal?" asked Emperor Jingren.

"Nothing," Xiao Jinyi said nonchalantly, "Hu Yanxi is very strong, and the fracture is very neat. As long as it is connected and fixed well, such a neat fracture will be easy to recover, and the bone will not grow crooked."

"How to do?"

"Pull out the knife and I'll press the acupoints to stop the bleeding. After I fix the bone, you just help me fix and wrap the splint." Xiao Jinyi said.

"Acupressure can also stop bleeding. It seems that military doctors need to learn this skill." Emperor Jingren said thoughtfully.

"Most people can't learn it," Xiao Jinyi explained. "It's actually using internal force to temporarily seal the local blood vessels and stop the blood from flowing. It can kill people if it lasts for a long time. It's just to stop the bleeding temporarily so that people can treat the wound more easily. And not everyone has internal force when practicing martial arts. Silver needles can stop bleeding, but it's not that easy to learn."

"Just temporarily?" Emperor Jingren asked, "With your inner strength, how long can you last?"

"I can seal my internal energy for as long as I want, but if any acupoint is sealed for too long, the body will not be able to bear it. A quarter of an hour at most, no more than that." Xiao Jinyi didn't know why Emperor Jingren suddenly became interested in acupuncture to stop bleeding, and explained patiently.

With his acupuncture to stop the bleeding, the wound was treated very well. Emperor Jingren watched Xiao Jinyi fix his bones, and he put his hand into the wound as if it didn't hurt. Emperor Jingren's expression was a little distorted, but Xiao Jinyi remained calm, just like the legendary Guan Gong who scraped the bone to heal the wound without changing his expression.

The dagger on the last acupuncture point was easy to deal with. It didn't hurt the bones. All he had to do was pull out the knife and bandage the wound. It was lighter than a whip injury. At that time, Hu Yanxi just wanted to stop Xiao Jinyi so that he could escape. The main purpose of this knife was to use his internal force to block Xiao Jinyi's movements. The injury was not serious.

After everything was settled, beads of sweat appeared on Emperor Jingren's forehead, but Xiao Jinyi didn't react at all. He even hugged Emperor Jingren to comfort him.

"When I ordered the arrows to be shot, I was confident that I could block them. You know my skills, I will be fine. And the arrows can stop Hu Yanxi's movements, making it easier for me to capture him alive." Xiao Jinyi said, "I still want to be your queen for the rest of my life, how could I risk my life for you?"

After saying this, she kissed Emperor Jingren's forehead with great care.

But the ice in Emperor Jingren's eyes did not melt. He stroked Xiao Jinyi's chest gently, and when he reached a spot where the whip wound was more serious, he suddenly pressed hard!

While exerting force, Emperor Jingren also kept a close eye on Xiao Jinyi's expression, and finally withdrew his hand in disappointment after pressing.

"A quarter of an hour has passed. Even if you used acupuncture to relieve the pain, the effect should have worn off." Emperor Jingren's eyes were filled with disappointment. "Xiao Jinyi, you are not afraid of pain like Yan Xu, right?"