Something’s Not Right

Chapter 53


Qian Tan Xuelian will only appear and bloom in front of Emperor Jing Ren and Su Huailing. Xiao Jinyi knows this better than anyone else.

There are three most distinctive data in this world. If other data only requires the system to run for 0.00000001 seconds to be processed, the operation of these three data will waste at least 70% of the system's memory. However, the system does not have such a large operating space, so Qiantan Xuelian, the third special data, is usually in a sleeping state.

In order to understand the doctor's character, Xiao Jinyi had read the doctor's notes before coming. When describing Qiantan Xuelian, the doctor once wrote - "I want to design a data that will subvert the entire era and give it the ability to self-compute, self-upgrade and self-improve. This will be the first step in giving intelligent AI a soul."

At that time, Xiao Jinyi just felt that the doctor's idea was a bit naive. Even if he continued to calculate himself, the data would stop running if the power to the host was cut off. Giving it a soul or something was just a fantasy.

However, after getting married and falling in love with Emperor Jing Ren, Xiao Jinyi finally understood the doctor's thoughts.

He had great hope that Emperor Jing Ren had a real soul. Just like the doctor said, even if there was a chance to load Emperor Jing Ren's data onto a smart AI in the future, it would be possible for them to be together.

It was precisely because of the doctor's words that Xiao Jinyi wanted to find the doctor even more. He found the possibility of being able to accompany the little emperor in the doctor. If anyone could really give life to Emperor Jingren, it would be the doctor.

However, Hu Yanxi's words made him despair, and now, Hu Yanxi's search for Qiantan Xuelian has rekindled his hope.

Hu Yanxi is an existence beyond this world. Hu Yanxi once met a doctor. Hu Yanxi is looking for Qiantan Xuelian...

So what exactly is Hu Yanxi? Xiao Jinyi already has a clear answer in her heart.

He is a mutated data. Perhaps because of his encounter with the Doctor, he became a different existence, allowing him to understand the truth of the world and making him want to have a real life instead of existing as a data. . He has the ability of self-calculation and self-improvement. Hu Yanxi's martial arts is the most obvious example. He improved his martial arts and changed the self given to him by the system.

Then he has only one purpose in searching for Qian Tan Snow Lotus, which is to survive!

If Hu Yanxi can survive with the help of Qiantan Xuelian, then what about Emperor Jing Ren? The little emperor who realizes the truth of the world on his own must have more complicated data than Hu Yanxi. If he gets Qiantan Snow Lotus...

Hope turned into violent beatings and almost exploded in Xiao Jinyi's chest. He held the pendant with worry and expectation in his heart.

Without the pendant, finding three people in this vast sea of snow is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but if they can find Emperor Jing Ren in time, then they will have hope for the future!

Jing Xixian was still trying to find the footprints blown away by the wind and snow, but he saw Xiao Jinyi in front of him suddenly stopped and his expression became solemn.

"General Xiao?" Jing Xixian had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Commander Jing," Xiao Jinyi said, "I'll give you this pot of strong wine. If you haven't found us within three days, go down the mountain."

"Queen, are you planning to..." Jing Xixian was frightened.

Xiao Jinyi found that he still liked the title Queen more than General Xiao. He slightly raised the corners of his lips and said: "Of course I want to find your Majesty. Your Majesty will be born. I will be born. If Your Majesty is no longer around, I will also be born." There is no need to exist.”

After that, he took out a pill from somewhere, put it in his mouth and swallowed it with the snow.

He came to look for the Doctor, and naturally he had some props that no one else had. This pill is a pill that can overdraw his life force, allowing him to temporarily gain power beyond this world, but again, it comes at the cost of burning his life. This life is naturally not a life in reality, but a life in the game. After the effectiveness of the pill disappears, he will "die" in this world and return to the real society like all other closed beta players. Since he has a mission to find someone, he cannot use this pill unless absolutely necessary.

For others, going back only means that they will miss out on the bonus, and there is no other loss. People like the Fourth Concubine who are doomed to failure are just eager to go back. But for the queen, this is a big gamble.

If he wins, he will fight for a future for himself and Emperor Jing Ren. Even if he loses, he will at least give the young emperor the possibility of returning to the imperial city and continuing to shoulder his responsibility.

Even if it's an eternal farewell to him, it's still worth it.

Because the little emperor is not a person who will be bound by love. He is strong and brave. He will not be blinded by love and become a coward who can't live without love even if he gives up his responsibilities.

The effect of the medicine gradually took effect, and Xiao Jinyi felt that his whole body was full of strength, even stronger than in his heyday.

His steps moved slightly, and Jing Xixian felt a white shadow pass in front of him, and the queen disappeared before his eyes.

If Emperor Jing Ren cannot be found for a while, then shorten the time. If he can't see the little emperor in front of him, then he will run all over the mountain range, up to the poor blue and down to the underworld, and he will definitely find his little emperor!

Su Huailing was cold and hungry, and was about to freeze to death. If she hadn't cleverly hidden half of the bun before, she would have been unable to withstand the cold and died now. Hu Yanxi was a lunatic. He asked Su Huailing to help Emperor Jing Ren walk around in the snow-capped mountains without any direction or purpose. He just wanted to walk casually, but he couldn't stop, not even for a moment.

Su Huailing knew that she couldn't stop. Once she stopped, she would fall in the snow and never get up. But now, Emperor Jing Ren's breathing has become weaker and weaker, and the blood on his head has frozen into ice. He almost has to use all his strength to drag His Majesty around. His hands and feet are already bone-chilling. If this continues, even if he is Even your Majesty’s hands and feet cannot be saved. Once warm, they will rot!

As she walked, she rubbed Emperor Jing Ren's hands hard. Unexpectedly, Hu Yanxi whipped Emperor Jing Ren's body. There were terrible barbs in the whip, all of which pierced into Emperor Jing Ren's skin and flesh. His body was torn and bruised in the ice and snow. It quickly froze into ice, and the blood solidified on Emperor Jing Ren's back, which was very scary.

Along the way, Hu Yanxi had been torturing Emperor Jing Ren.

"You can't kill without a nod, why do you torture people! You madman!" Su Huailing roared, she is no longer afraid of Hu Yanxi, what's the use of being afraid, Hu Yanxi no longer intends to let them live, her own Fear can't buy any sympathy at all, it's better to scold him before dying.

But Hu Yanxi was not crazy. His expression was full of fanaticism, but his eyes when looking at Emperor Jing Ren were still cold: "How could Qiantan Xuelian show up automatically without going through all kinds of hardships and being in a place of death?"

Yes, this is the activation condition for Qian Tan Snow Lotus.

In the original work, Su Huailing was poisoned and tortured by drugs every day, causing unbearable pain. Emperor Jing Ren had no choice but to take her to find Qiantan Xuelian. Xuelian only appeared in desperate situations. If it weren't for the previous pain, even if they were killed directly, Qiantan Snow Lotus would not appear.

Emperor Jing Ren was sobered by the whip. The severe pain made him open his eyes, and his thoughts were just a little bit connected.

For this reason, Emperor Jing Ren no longer pretended to be dead, but said weakly: "Hu Yanxi, do you... want to fly to the ground and no longer be bound by this false world, or... live forever and live truly?"

What Xiao Jinyi could think of, how could Emperor Jing Ren not think of it. Hu Yanxi's actions were completely different from those of outsiders. Emperor Jing Ren always had an inexplicable feeling towards outsiders. After truly contacting Hu Yanxi, he knew that Hu Yanxi was essentially different from those outsiders. He had information that belonged to this world. And judging from Hu Yanxi's words, he, like himself, understands how false this world is.

In the same reality, Emperor Jing Ren chose to live for those false data, and Hu Yanxi chose to escape his own fate.

"You actually know?" Hu Yanxi's eyes showed a glimmer of light, "It turns out that you are just like me. Because of your contact with outsiders, you discovered how ridiculous you are. That's right, you are the son of fate, one of the foundations of the original data. It's much easier for me to guess the truth. What a pity. If I had known you were like me, I would have killed that woman and kept you."

Hu Yanxi was still lonely after all. When she met someone who was the same as herself, she couldn't help but start chatting. He didn’t care at all that Su Huailing heard him when he spoke, and he obviously regarded her as a dead person.

"You probably want to live, but you don't know how to live. My life is actually not under my control at all. As long as whatever... the super computer outside is interrupted, or whatever... the technicians decide to destroy or refresh it, I will disappear. Or... my memory is gone? Are you kidding!" Hu Yanxi said, veins popped out on her forehead, "Why should my life be controlled by others? I want to live and leave this damn place! world!"

"I met the creator of this world. His name seems to be... Doctor. He told me that if I want to live forever, I need to get Qian Tan Snow Lotus and fuse with it to truly perfect my data and transcend this world. It exists in the Internet. As long as the Internet does not disappear, I can live forever and go anywhere in the world!" Hu Yanxi said, "I don't understand what the doctor said, but I remember every word he said. I want to live. We must get Qian Tanxuelian!”

So that's it... Emperor Jing Ren lowered his eyes, and his thoughts slowly stiffened with the wind and snow. It turned out that... he could also become a real existence. If he had known it earlier, if he had known it earlier, the queen...

Before his thoughts disappeared, the corners of Emperor Jing Ren's lips suddenly raised in self-mockery.

Even if he had known it earlier, he probably would not have chosen to leave this world and live forever in a transcendental way. He cannot abandon his country or all the people here. This is his responsibility.