Something’s Not Right

Chapter 54


Yes, this is just a fake world, restricted everywhere, and it will disappear sooner or later. Hu Yanxi's idea is right. Even if you can't live forever, at least you have to live as long as possible. Your fate cannot be controlled by someone else's button. After knowing the truth, probably any data will want to turn from illusion to reality, and don't want to be left with only dusty history one day. There are very few data like Emperor Jingren who would give up the opportunity of "reality" for a fake country.

But... he was in pain, real pain.

Whether he was starving on the road or being whipped by Hu Yanxi on the snow, he could truly feel it and was really sad.

Emperor Jingren knew that he was just a piece of data designed by others. Even if he did not understand what the data and the program meant, it did not prevent him from understanding. He just had to try to be a person who knew that he was a character in the storybook.

Even though he is just an imaginary character, he can also feel pain, hunger, sadness, and like someone.

Then it will be the same for all the people of this country. Even if the whole world disappears in the next moment, the pain they feel at this moment is real.

Only if you are data can you understand this feeling. Even if I am fake, I am still living seriously, for others and for myself.

Huyan Xi could abandon all the soldiers of the Mu tribe who trusted him and run away, but Emperor Jingren could not abandon his people and his country.

His new policies were still being implemented. He had just won over all the old officials in the court and was able to realize his ambitions. Once the emperor came to power, all his previously suppressed ambitions would resurface, and the King of Huainan could not suppress them, even with his imperial edict. The King of Huainan was suitable for governing a place, but not for governing a country.

The world is in chaos and the people are suffering.

Even if he would disappear without warning in the next moment, he hoped that at this moment, all his people were happy. He did not want his people to disappear in the pain of war, hunger, and separation from their families.

It is his responsibility to make the Xia Kingdom prosperous and the people rich and happy. Since Emperor Jingren was set to this character from the beginning, he must stick to it.

Hu Yanxi's voice was getting farther and farther away, as if it was as far away from him as life and death.

Oh, Emperor Jingren laughed at himself in his heart. What was he still thinking about benefiting the people? He was going to die soon...

His death will attract the Thousand Snow Lotus, and Hu Yanxi will merge with the data of the Thousand Snow Lotus to become an existence beyond this world. The Queen...

Jinyi will have a headache...

The queen seemed to appear in front of him. He was dressed in military uniform, holding the strong bow that he had given him. He pulled the bow and aimed it at the huge tiger in front of him. He stood in front of him and confronted the tiger, saying, "Your Majesty, I will protect you."

"Yes, I know." Emperor Jingren said softly.

"Your Majesty, what did you say? Your Majesty?" Su Huailing, who was holding Emperor Jingren, shouted. She saw that Emperor Jingren's body was already cold and heavy, and she was so scared that she broke out in a cold sweat. She put her hand on Emperor Jingren's heart with shaking hands, but there was no heartbeat there.

"No, no more dancing!" Su Huailing couldn't help crying. She knew that crying at this time would only freeze her face and ruin it, but she couldn't help it. At first, she hated Emperor Jingren, who was arrogant and didn't care about human life. Later, she learned slowly in Jinyiwei and realized how important Emperor Jingren was to the country. He was an emperor of all ages, and no one was more suitable than him to be an emperor who made the people happy.

Su Huailing could no longer hold back, and desperately shouted to Hu Yanxi: "He's dead, His Majesty is dead! You beast! I don't understand what you are saying about data and fakeness. Even if I am fake, I will still feel pain and sadness! Even if you are real, so what! A cold-blooded bastard like you, even if you are real, you don't deserve to be a human being!"

"So what if I'm not worthy," Hu Yanxi pinched Su Huailing's chin hard, crushing her palate in one go. He said coldly, "I'm not the me in the original novel. I won't fall in love with you according to the setting. Emperor Jingren died and Qiantan Snow Lotus hasn't appeared yet. It seems that you have to die like in the original novel. Then you can just die."

He raised his hand and slowly swung the whip, ready to whip Su Huailing, who was also dying.

At that moment, the whole space became warm.

When Su Huailing's jawbone was crushed, she knew she would not survive. She closed her eyes and quietly waited for death to come. Suddenly, the coldness disappeared, and the severe pain in her jaw also disappeared. She tried to move her fingers, and there was no frozen stiffness. Her whole body felt extremely comfortable.

This is... Death means there is no pain

She blinked and found that she might be hallucinating. A white lotus that was so beautiful that it could not be described in words suddenly appeared in front of her. It stood in the wind and snow, emitting a soft light. The soft light shone on her body, and the pain and scars disappeared.

"Thousand Snow Lotus..." Su Huailing murmured.

She suddenly remembered something and reached out to touch Emperor Jingren. She found that although Emperor Jingren still had no heartbeat or breathing, his body was warm as if he was alive.

Thousand Snow Lotus has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. If His Majesty eats the petals, he will be resurrected!

Su Huailing rushed towards the Thousand Snow Lotus, but a figure was faster than her. Just when she was about to move, Hu Yanxi grabbed the blooming Thousand Snow Lotus in his hand and put it directly into his mouth.

"You really can't bear to see the son of luck die, hahaha," Hu Yanxi said, "Those who live according to the setting are all idiots."

The effect of the Thousand Snow Lotus can only last for a short period of time after it blooms. Huyan Xi did not have time to waste and had to eat the Thousand Snow Lotus quickly. He put the entire snow lotus into his mouth, but he did not eat the snow lotus, he just took a bite of the snow.

The moment he put the snow lotus into his mouth, someone snatched it away and stuffed a snowball into his hand.

"Who!" Huyan Xi looked carefully and found that Xiao Jinyi was kneeling in front of the corpse of Emperor Jingren. Without even looking at him, he plucked the petals of the Thousand Snow Lotus and put them into Emperor Jingren's mouth.

"Xiao Jinyi!" Huyan Xi's eyes were red, he picked up the whip and rushed towards Xiao Jinyi. Must he stop this man

In Mobei City, Xiao Jinyi stopped him from capturing Su Huailing and Emperor Jingren alive. Now, he wants to stop him from living forever!

The long whip wrapped around Xiao Jinyi's whole body. Huyan Xi planned to use the long whip to temporarily stop Xiao Jinyi's movements, while he rushed forward to snatch the Thousand Snow Lotus.

He had fought with Xiao Jinyi before and knew Xiao Jinyi's skills. This was enough to make him stop for a moment, and it would only take him a moment to take back and eat the snow lotus.

However, Xiao Jinyi did not even give him this moment. The long whip had just wrapped around his body, and Xiao Jinyi just moved slightly, and the long whip was shattered and fell to the snow in pieces. Not even the barbs touched Xiao Jinyi's body.

"Your martial arts... this is impossible. This world does not allow such high martial arts to exist. I've reached my limit!" Huyan Xi's eyes almost popped out as he watched Xiao Jinyi put the snow lotus petals into his mouth and chew them up. He rushed forward desperately, but was stopped by Xiao Jinyi with just a few ice cubes.

The ice cubes were about to hit Hu Yanxi's acupuncture points. He used all his internal strength to break through the acupuncture points, but he was completely unable to do it!

"Sure enough, I still have to feed you mouth to mouth like in the original book before you can eat it." Xiao Jinyi looked at Emperor Jingren and smiled warmly. He gently kissed Emperor Jingren's soft lips and fed the snow lotus into his mouth.

Su Huailing pulled off a snow lotus leaf and swallowed it. Although her jaw didn't hurt anymore, her bones were still broken. She hoped the leaf would work too.

After swallowing the snow lotus, Emperor Jingren gradually began to breathe and his heart began to beat weakly. Su Huailing touched his chin and was surprised to find that the bones of his chin had completely grown back and the wounds on his body had disappeared. As for Emperor Jingren, the whip marks on his body also disappeared.

"Is it really so effective!" Su Huailing hurried to look for the remaining snow lotus, but found that the snow lotus had turned withered and yellow, lying in the snow, like a dried lotus. She was afraid that it no longer had the magical effect it had just now.

The snow lotus, which blooms only once every thousand years, spends its entire life just to save a person with its own life. It knows its identity and the truth of this world. It is always calculating its own ability to improve itself, but it still follows the original setting and saves another life with its own life.

This has been its mission since birth. Without this mission, it would not exist.

Su Huailing buried the dried snow lotus in the snow and covered it with the last layer of snow.

Xiao Jinyi took off his thick fur cloak, wrapped Emperor Jingren tightly, then stood up and walked towards Huyan Xi.

Hu Yanxi looked at him and suddenly found that blood was flowing from the corner of Xiao Jinyi's eyes and there was a trace of blood in his ears.

"You're bleeding from all seven orifices. I was wondering how your martial arts skills suddenly improved. It turns out you used something forbidden. You..."

He could no longer speak. Xiao Jinyi pinched his throat and with a little force, Hu Yanxi's larynx was crushed. Xiao Jinyi used his strength very skillfully. Hu Yanxi did not die for the time being. He just stared at Xiao Jinyi with his eyes wide open and tried to breathe.

Xiao Jinyi felt something flowing down his nose, and he wiped it off with force to get rid of the bright red.

He walked to Hu Yanxi, looked at Hu Yanxi's unwilling eyes, and said in a deep voice: "I will not ask about the doctor's whereabouts anymore. I am sure you really killed him. I am about to leave this world. Before that, I just want to tell you that you are amazing to be able to perceive the truth of this world. But even if you become a real person, you will never understand all the emotions a person has. Responsibility, mission, these things, Shen Junrui and Qian Tan Xuelian know better than you."

"You", "will", "later"... Hu Yanxi wrote hard on the snow.

"I won't regret it." Xiao Jinyi said lightly. He stretched out his hand and ended Hu Yanxi's struggling life.

After doing all this, he walked to Emperor Jingren, picked him up, and at the same time carried Su Huailing in one hand and quickly brought him to Jingxixian.

Jing Xixian only felt a gust of wind blowing over him, and somehow he was piled together with Su Huailing, and was carried down the mountain on someone's shoulders.

Xiao Jinyi stopped when he reached the horse resting place at the foot of the mountain. There were two horses at the foot of the mountain, which were brought by Jing Xixian.

Xiao Jinyi gently placed Emperor Jingren on the horse, and piled Su Huailing and Jing Xixian on top of each other.

"General Xiao, you..." Only then did Jing Xixian see Xiao Jinyi's face clearly. It was already blood red and his features could not be seen at all.

Xiao Jinyi wiped the blood off his face with his sleeve, smiled at Jing Xixian and said, "Take His Majesty down the mountain."

"General Xiao, you need to come down the mountain with us...." Jing Xixian said in surprise.

"No need," Xiao Jinyi interrupted him, "I'm dying, there's no way I can be saved."

He looked at Su Huailing, who was still dizzy, and said to her: "Su Huailing, help me tell His Majesty that I'm back."

After saying that, Xiao Jinyi turned and walked towards the snow-capped mountains. After a few jumps, he disappeared.