Something’s Not Right

Chapter 56


In the past three years, a lot of people in the harem have changed. The fourth concubine and Lin Guifei all died of illness. Gonggong Lien passed away at a healthy age. Xiao Shunzi and all the palace maids who reached an age were also released from the palace. The maids and eunuchs in the queen's palace rarely left the palace. Ning Palace.

In recent years, many women who want to be in power have inquired about the Queen's appearance and habits from people who know the Queen well. Emperor Jingren has been on the throne for eight years, and the Queen has done nothing in her five years on the throne, but she still gets Emperor Jingren's exclusive favor. She must have There must be something special about the Queen. Many people want to imitate the Queen, but people who know the Queen well will never mention the Queen, and no one can know what kind of person the Queen is.

Therefore, when the tall woman entered the palace, all the show girls at the same time were very surprised, how could she be selected. Even if the rest of them have average looks, they at least have families and backgrounds, and they are not too ugly to look at. Only this tall woman looked like a strong man embroidering in women's clothing, which was simply miserable.

Many people are criticizing the Queen Mother for being dim-sighted, but the Queen Mother likes this woman named Fan Dieer very much. Ever since she met her, she has been keeping people by her side all day long, telling her that although she has no status, she will be able to get the job. The emperor's eyes will surely make you a concubine.

Speaking of which, Fan Die'er is quite strange. She is not very happy to have such an honor as the Queen Mother. Her expression is indifferent every day, and she ignores other people's cynicism. She just sits quietly in the Queen Mother's Palace every day. Waiting quietly for the draft to end, he was recommended to Emperor Jing Ren by the Queen Mother.

Emperor Jing Ren had a very indifferent attitude towards the draft. The Queen Mother had already ordered someone to tell him that the draft was over. She selected a few good ones and took them with her. Please come here.

This is the case for beautiful ladies. They have no status until they are favored by His Majesty. Their portraits will be sent to Emperor Jing Ren. If Emperor Jing Ren takes a fancy to them, he will turn over their pictures. However, portraits can never be as good as real people, and portraits are often controlled by the painter, so beautiful girls usually attach themselves to queens or more powerful concubines. But now Emperor Jingren's harem was as clean as a blank sheet of paper, and the only person she could rely on was the Queen Mother. However, these beautiful women who were favored by the Queen Mother waited and waited day after day, but no Emperor Jingren came to Cining Palace.

They have also heard people say that His Majesty and the Queen have a deep relationship. In the past three years, His Majesty has been keeping filial piety for the Queen. Not only has he not established another queen, he has not even touched the women in the harem, and he has tortured the four concubines to death. Even in this draft, the Queen Mother cried and told the emperor that she wanted to hold her grandson and would hang herself if she couldn't. Emperor Jing Ren had to choose because of his filial piety.

After hearing the news, all the show girls were filled with despair and went around to inquire about the queen. They spent a lot of money but found nothing.

The Queen Mother waited for a month without seeing Emperor Jing Ren come to choose a beautiful woman. Finally, she couldn't help it. One day, after Emperor Jing Ren came to court, she went directly to Chengqian Palace with several beautiful ladies dressed as palace maids. The most conspicuous one was Fan. Die'er, you can see her at a glance in the crowd.

Upon hearing that the Queen Mother was reviewing the memorial, Emperor Jing Ren paused slightly, sighed softly, and ordered someone to invite the Queen Mother.

He really wasn't interested.

If this world were real, Emperor Jing Ren might have had no choice but to give birth to an heir to a lucky woman for the sake of the country and the country. But now, the queen had told him that in the original work, neither she nor the other women had children, and only Su Huailing gave birth to his child. In other words, this world is very likely to only allow Su Huailing to give birth to his own children, and now that Su Huailing has married Jing Xixian, there is no way Emperor Jing Ren will steal his subordinate's wife to have a child.

If he really blessed these women for the sake of their children, and they were unable to give birth to children, he would only be harming others.

This draft was also forced by the Queen Mother. He planned to fool the Queen Mother, and then give these beautiful girls to a few well-matched men for marriage, and then give out the rest and call it a day.

Who would have thought that the Queen Mother came with so many people today, probably forcing him to favor one person tonight.

But no matter how helpless, Emperor Jing Ren could not disobey the Queen Mother, so he asked the Queen Mother to come in. When the group entered the door, Emperor Jing Ren saw the face exactly like the Queen Mother at a glance.

One glance and you can never look away. For a moment, Emperor Jing Ren couldn't think. There was only Fan Die'er in his eyes. It took all his strength not to throw himself into Fan Die'er's arms.

Seeing the look in Emperor Jing Ren's eyes, the Queen Mother smiled proudly, and she knew that her prince would definitely be fascinated by this woman. Looking at the muscles on Dieer's body, her tall figure, and her door-god-like appearance and temperament, I knew that His Majesty would definitely like her.

Then the Queen Mother said: "Your Majesty seems to like this beautiful lady very much?"

Emperor Jing Ren was stunned for a moment, then he withdrew his gaze from Fan Die'er, his eyes became clear again, he nodded and said, "Just her."

The Queen Mother was so happy that she quickly left with the beautiful ladies after not staying in Chengqian Palace for long. Emperor Jingren immediately dismissed the palace people and the two of them were alone in the palace.

Emperor Jing Ren's eyes greedily glanced around Fan Die'er's face before he looked away and said, "I know you are not him, you just used his face."

"You are truly worthy of being a doctor," Fan Die'er applauded without kneeling or bowing to Emperor Jing Ren. "Even if I haven't recovered my memory, I always thought that I was an NPC, but I can still be so wise and see everything in my eyes."

Emperor Jing Ren frowned slightly and asked, "Doctor... is the creator of this world. Do you think I am a doctor?"

"That's right," Fan Die'er said, "when the doctor was testing the system, his soul was lost in this world, and because of Hu Yanxi's wanton behavior, his soul was severely damaged and had to rely on the NPCs in this world for recuperation. As luck The son of the first person met the daughter of luck, and just hit his head. There is no better carrier than Jing Rendi. From the moment you wake up from the hit, you are Dr. Shen who has absorbed the NPC data. It's just that the doctor has been sleeping, and he has never been there. Just wake up."

Emperor Jing Ren asked calmly and calmly: "How do you prove it? Even if I guess the truth of this world, it can only prove that I am the same person who noticed something wrong like Hu Yanxi."

"The pendant on your chest," Fan Die'er pointed at Emperor Jing Ren, "that is a prop that can search for the doctor's soul data. It is also specially designed to protect the doctor. Only the doctor can activate it. It is protecting you now. This is the evidence."

Emperor Jing Ren put his hand on his chest and took out the pendant that had been protecting him for three years. At first, the queen looked at him with anticipation as he put on the pendant, but then she became disappointed. So the Queen is here to find the Doctor, the Creator of this world.

"You mean, this world was created by me, and I am actually a real person." Emperor Jing Ren said lightly. He felt as if he accepted this reality easily, without any embarrassment at all.

"Yes, that's it." Fan Die'er said with a serious face, "Doctor, after you come into contact with the prop, you will return to your own body, and the helmet that receives your data will always be worn on your head. But because you were too badly injured and completely integrated with Emperor Jing Ren's data, you were never able to realize your true identity, so at first we thought we would be able to get you back into your own body. You can take it back by force, but no, you must be willing to return to modern society, otherwise we can't force you back."

Emperor Jing Ren remained silent. He is the emperor. If he leaves...

Fan Dieer persuaded with earnest words: "Doctor, I know you are unwilling to leave here because of your responsibility and mission. Protecting this country is not Emperor Jingren's wish, but yours, Doctor. You have created this world with your own hands, and you have experienced it yourself. People who come to this world live very seriously. You don’t want to leave here because, Doctor, you have a responsibility to this world and you want to protect this system. However, this system is still in the testing period. Without you to perfect this system, Sooner or later, someone will take over this project. All they want is this system, and will anyone care about this strategy game adapted from a boring novel? They will clear this data and rebuild only what they want. Only if you go back can you save all the data here."

His last words moved Emperor Jing Ren, who held the pendant tightly and made up his mind.

"Why didn't he come to persuade me?" Emperor Jing Ren suddenly asked.

Fan Die'er suddenly became quiet, and after a moment of silence she said: "The boss... is the queen, our boss. He took pills to enhance his power in the game, which is actually a program that mutates data. It was created by a doctor, but someone hid the truth of this program in order to find you. The boss didn't know about it, and the boss is not the data, but the real soul. This kind of program is real when used on soul data. It will cause changes in the soul data. Once the boss wakes up, he doesn't know what will happen, so since he returned to reality from the game, he has been sleeping. Your signal has obviously been transmitted to the helmet, but I have been reluctant to remember my identity, so I had to use the boss’s face to find you.”

"Doctor, you are the designer of this program. How to restore the leader's soul data to normal, only you can do it!" Fan Die'er lost her initial calmness and begged.

He is nothing like the Queen. The Queen will not change her color even if the mountain collapses in front of her. She is always so calm and reassuring.

"I understand." Emperor Jing Ren asked, "It seems... the real world is different from the time here. What is it like?"

"When the doctor designed this game, he once imagined that one day in the sky and one year on the earth." Fan Die'er replied.

"I understand," Emperor Jing Ren promised, "I will try to come back in ten days."

"Ten days... why does it take so long..." Fan Die'er said anxiously.

"I want to train a qualified successor for the Xia Kingdom," Emperor Jingren said, "I know why you are very anxious, but no matter what it is, it cannot be completed within ten days. Ten days is a very safe time." The time allows me to train a successor, and there won’t be any changes in reality, right?”

"That's true..." After Fan Die'er thought about it clearly, she was no longer so anxious and asked, "But why do you want to train a successor? After you go back, you can easily change the data. Even if the world is in chaos, you You can restore the data to its original state.”

"Even if I can restore everything, the sufferings suffered by the people during this period are all real. Even if someone restores their sufferings to their original state, it does not mean that they have experienced it." Emperor Jingren said, "I cannot because of my own sufferings. I will go back in ten days if I let them go through a chaotic world."

Emperor Jingren was a legendary emperor of the Xia Dynasty. During his reign, the country had good weather and the people were prosperous. And such an emperor really only loved the queen in his life. Even after the queen passed away for many years, he never met another woman again. This made monogamy prevail in the Xia Kingdom, whether nobles or commoners, and a pair grew old together. At first, he was trying to imitate it. Emperor Jing Ren's deep love for the queen gradually turned into a system.

Emperor Jingren had no heirs. When he was in his twenties, he began to choose suitable children from the clan to take and raise himself. Finally, he chose the most outstanding child and abdicated the throne at the age of thirty-six. Give way to the wise.

The strange thing is that Emperor Jing Ren seemed to know his lifespan. The day after the new emperor ascended the throne, someone discovered that the Supreme Emperor had passed away. His death did not involve any illness, and it was not an assassination attempt. It seemed that he died just as he died, with a faint smile on his young face.

Someone found a note on the Supreme Emperor's desk, which read "I'm looking for you."

Almost everyone thinks that the Queen Xiao Jinyi mentioned by the Emperor is the only queen who can make the Emperor so affectionate.

Later historians commented on Emperor Jingren, and some believed that he was the only emperor of all time. His actions accelerated the transformation of the Xia Kingdom from a hereditary system to a democracy. During his reign, the Xia Kingdom was the most powerful country in the world at that time. , until now, foreigners refer to people in this country as Xia people, and there are many Xia people in every country.

Some people also say that Emperor Jing Ren was an emotional person. His deep love for the queen caused him to die prematurely. Such a person is not suitable to be an emperor.

Of course, the second theory was criticized by countless people as soon as it appeared. Many people, especially girls, wanted to marry a husband like Emperor Jingren.

No matter how everyone evaluates Emperor Jingren, history has rated him as "a wise king".