Something’s Not Right

Chapter 57


Although Dr. Shen Zhiwei is the main person in charge of the holographic project, it does not mean that he designed the entire game alone. The entire game system and the holographic helmet are all his credit, but the specific character data is really the credit of the entire team, including the background setting of the game world, the scene layout, and every vivid character that comes from the original work but is higher than the original work. The hard work of everyone on the production team.

Regarding General Yun Ruifeng's treatment plan, everyone actually had an idea before Shen Zhiwei woke up. However, the human brain is too complex and they did not dare to take action easily. They had to wait for Dr. Shen Zhiwei's approval.

Several players have experienced a certain degree of discomfort after coming out of the game world. The game world is too real. Although they have only been in for a few days, their spirits have been spent for several years. One of the game characters is a forbidden soldier. After waking up, the leader's player was still full of fear of the surroundings, showing great fear of creatures such as ants and snakes. There was also a player with the role of an old eunuch who fell in love with masturbation after waking up and continued to masturbate every day. Touch yourself, these should be the sequelae caused by the game world being too real. This is also a problem that the game production team needs to overcome next. Holographic games that are too realistic are very likely to cause mental harm. Fortunately, the game company informed the players of the risks of the game before the internal beta, and signed a voluntary agreement, and the players were able to receive a mental compensation, otherwise these players would be very pitiful.

Compared to these players, Dr. Shen Zhiwei's situation should have been worse. First he was trapped in the game world and could not come out, and then he was mentally traumatized and had to hide in the NPC body to heal. No matter how many years players stay in the game, they at least still remember their past identities and can clearly distinguish between the game world and the real world. However, Dr. Shen lost his memory of the past twenty-eight years and was completely integrated with NPC data. He stayed in the game for a full seventeen years. Before Dr. Shen woke up, members of the psychiatric treatment team had already foreseen Shen's story. Doctors are very likely to suffer from schizophrenia.

Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible for Dr. Shen to participate in General Yun Ruifeng's treatment as soon as he wakes up. It depends on whether he can separate reality and spirit.

However, surprisingly, Dr. Shen performed very well after waking up. After asking about what happened during his coma, he began to prepare for Yun Ruifeng's treatment. Moreover, he almost stayed up all night when he woke up and designed a program to repair Yun Ruifeng's damaged data in the game. He believes that the game's program will only cause damage to the game data, but will not cause substantial damage to the human spirit. Just like the situation of the previous test period players, some timid people will actually experience similar situations after watching horror movies. Therefore, Yun Ruifeng is not mentally injured, but the data is damaged, causing the game holographic helmet to be unable to recognize his The data can only be retained temporarily to avoid accidents after Yun Ruifeng wakes up.

According to this theory, Yun Ruifeng should be in a deep sleep state now. As long as the character data is repaired, the holographic helmet will release him.

Of course, Dr. Shen also proposed that when improving game design in the future, we must pay attention to the design that allows players to separate reality and games.

The seminar was held the day after Dr. Shen woke up. Based on the theory proposed by the doctor, everyone organized their speeches and improved the idea. Finally, it was compiled into a book and a complete treatment plan was compiled and handed over to the doctor for review.

After Shen Zhiwei read the treatment plan in detail, he nodded and said: "Zhunzhuo, after retreating from the court, everyone will design the program immediately. We must do our best to save the queen. If there is nothing else, retreat from the court."

Everyone: "..."

The conference room was silent. Everyone was stunned by Shen Zhiwei's words that seemed to travel through time and space. They all looked at the doctor with wide eyes.

Shen Zhiwei was silent for a while under the gaze of everyone, and then slowly said: "It was easy to say for a while. It's good that everyone understands what I mean. General Yun Ruifeng is my benefactor. I hope he can wake up soon."

Everyone: "..."

Shen Zhiwei stopped explaining this time and walked out with the information in front of everyone, looking calm.

As soon as he went out, the members of the working group immediately started talking.

"I heard that the doctor stayed up all night after waking up yesterday to study how to treat General Yun. I originally admired the doctor for his strong spirit and was not affected by the seventeen years of the game at all. Now it seems that this experience is still useful to the doctor. It’s affected…”

"But it's much better than those players who clearly know it's a game but can't tell the reality of the game after only a few years. They can also immediately and accurately propose this treatment plan. It's really amazing!"

"Yes! It's impossible not to be affected, but despite being affected, you can still recover as soon as possible and work with all your heart. You are truly worthy of being a doctor!"

"Well... am I the only one who thinks that when the doctor calls himself me, he looks particularly majestic, aristocratic, and handsome?"

"Raise your hand weakly, I think he's handsome too..."

"Me too, me too... In fact, the doctor is quite good like this. In the past, the doctor was too rigid, but now... did you see the expression on the doctor's face just now when he was obviously embarrassed but managed to stay calm? So cute!"

"Mo Mo +1, the Doctor used to be just talented, but now he is also handsome and cute. I think my views on mate selection may have changed dramatically because of the Doctor!"

Shen Zhiwei didn't know that he had gained a lot of fans unintentionally. After he walked out of the room, he wiped his face vigorously, as if this could wipe away all the embarrassment on his face. He still feels that he is Jing Emperor Ren only has the memory of a person named "Shen Zhiwei" in his mind...

But that's not right. Shen Zhiwei has an extra person named "Shen Junrui"...

Forget it, the most important thing now is not to discuss his memory problem, but to save the queen.

Fortunately, Dr. Shen's knowledge and abilities have not disappeared. He is very confident in his treatment plan and believes that Jinyi will wake up in a few days.

Suddenly feeling dizzy, Shen Zhiwei stretched out her hand to support the wall next to her and stood calmly for a while. After the dizziness disappeared, Shen Zhiwei walked towards the computer room with steady steps.

After he woke up yesterday, he didn't even give himself time to adapt, so he rushed into the computer room to study how to save the queen. He hasn't eaten a meal or had a good sleep until now. He is really tired now.

I pressed the pager on the collar of my clothes, and a voice came out from there: "Hello Dr. Shen, I'm Xiao Zhang from the logistics team. Do you need anything?"

When Shen Zhiwei heard the sound from the pager, she shook her shoulders suddenly and reacted for a while before speaking in a calm voice that could not be heard by others: "Instruct the imperial kitchen to prepare lunch."

Xiao Zhang: "... Dr. Shen, the cafeteria launched three nutritional packages abc today, which are fruit flavor, Sichuan flavor and Western flavor. Which one do you choose?"

Shen Zhiwei: "...a set meal."

"Okay, do you want to send it to the computer room, doctor?"

"Yes." Shen Zhiwei said.

After a while, someone delivered a tube of meal a to Shen Zhiwei's computer room. Shen Zhiwei, who was already hungry, saw the tube of lunch and was silent for a while before silently picking up the nutritious meal and squeezing it into his mouth to eat. …

A flavor full of fruity spices poured into his mouth, stimulating Shen Zhiwei's taste buds and making him almost spit out the unpalatable food.

Fortunately, Shen Zhiwei had always been determined. He squeezed the nutritious meal into his mouth, swallowed it with water, and then continued working in the computer room.

Dr. Shen always worked day and night. Day and night, under his leadership, the working group designed a repair program. After rigorous testing, the error rate of this program was 0.001%, which is a very high number.

Dr. Shen hardly talks these days, everything is the same as before. The only difference is that Dr. Shen used to like fruit-flavored nutritious meals, but now he specifically requests the canteen to make the nutritious meals tasteless and deliver them every day. There must be no flavors.

However, it is difficult for everyone to notice such a small difference.

After everything was ready, Shen Zhiwei had Yun Ruifeng lifted out of the nutrition cabin, took the helmet to the computer room, connected the supercomputer to the helmet, and used a program to repair the data in the helmet.

After the data was repaired, Yun Ruifeng slowly opened his eyes.

A group of people surrounded him, including members of the work team in the machine room, his subordinates, and his superiors who assigned him tasks.

Yun Ruifeng shook his head, and the image of the little emperor kept replaying in his mind. He has been unconscious in the real world, but in fact the helmet has provided him with sleep protection. Yun Ruifeng has been in a dormant state these days. For him, he was in the snowy mountains one second, and in the next second Returned to modern times due to death.

With so many people around, they should all be waiting to ask for news about Dr. Yun Ruifeng. Yun Ruifeng got up from the stretcher. After scanning the crowd, he saluted his boss and said, "Report to Marshal Shen." , Yun Ruifeng's mission failed. Dr. Shen encountered a game bug in the game and was severely traumatized by the bug, and he could never wake up. "

Shen Zhiwei's father, Marshal Shen, coughed softly, reached out and patted Yun Ruifeng's shoulder and said: "You have not failed. The doctor has successfully left the game and returned to modern society. It is the doctor who saved you that you can wake up." Yun Major General, you have completed your mission brilliantly. During the four years in the game, you have always been by the doctor's side, protecting the doctor from harm, and successfully protected the country's most powerful brain. On behalf of the country, I thank you!"

Yun Ruifeng: "..."

"D-Have I always protected the Doctor?" he asked.

"Father," Shen Zhiwei, who was ignored by Yun Ruifeng after one glance, suddenly said, "I think General Xiao... Major General Yun may not have separated reality from games, and I suggest him to undergo mental rehabilitation."

Hearing this familiar tone, Yun Ruifeng turned to look at Shen Zhiwei with a look of joy and disbelief, but only saw a thin back. Dr. Shen quickly left the computer room and went back to his room to rest.