Something’s Not Right

Chapter 58


Since Shen Zhiwei woke up, he didn't even give himself time to adapt to this world. He has been working sleeplessly to think of ways to save Yun Ruifeng. Now that Yun Ruifeng is awake, it seems that he is not mentally damaged at all. . The following series of physical and psychological examinations were conducted by dedicated personnel, so there was no need to trouble Dr. Shen with everything. Dr. Shen, who was so tired, almost floated back to the room, threw himself on the bed and fell asleep without even taking off his clothes.

It's strange to say that he has been working every day these days, but he doesn't feel tired at all. But when Yun Ruifeng opened his eyes on the bed, he immediately felt extremely tired. A tense string in his heart broke, and all the fatigue came out. His brain could no longer force his body to work. His ability to walk back to the room was his limit. Dr. Shen would never allow himself to fall down directly in the computer room. Falling asleep on the ground was his insistence.

What Shen Zhiwei now endures is not only the fatigue of working for two days and two nights, but also the more than ten years in the game world. The amount of information is too large and the load on the brain is also considerable. Such fatigue caused Shen Zhiwei to sleep for a full 72 hours. There seemed to be times when he woke up in the middle of the night, but he was so sleepy that he didn't even remember it.

As for the fact that there is a person sitting next to the bed every time he wakes up, which is very similar to a horror movie, because the face is so familiar and the scene is so familiar, Dr. Shen did not notice it at all! Not only did he not notice, but after he fell asleep, he unconsciously leaned closer to that person. His body was surrounded by that person's breath, his hand rested on that person's strong thigh, and he fell asleep more deeply than before.

Yun Ruifeng: "..."

Well, this means that the little doctor trusts himself very much, and he still has the memory of the little emperor before.

After realizing this, Yun Ruifeng, a tough guy, almost burst into tears for a moment.

He had already given up. He thought that his illusory love would never end. He thought that he would be alone for the rest of his life and miss the little emperor for the rest of his life.

However, God gave him the greatest gift. The little emperor woke up earlier than he did and even saved himself.

The moment he learned the truth from Marshal Shen and his subordinates, Yun Ruifeng, who had never believed in gods and Buddhas, almost wanted to burn incense in all the temples in the galaxy. How many thousands of years did he have to cultivate in his previous life to have such happiness

After patiently completing the examination, when the expert said that everything was normal and the recovery was better than that of all the beta players, Yun Ruifeng frantically went to look for Shen Zhiwei, and finally found out from Marshal Shen that the doctor was resting.

He couldn't bear it anymore, so he abused his power and obtained the password to the doctor's room under the pretext of protection, and secretly walked in, even if he just saw his sleeping face.

Even if it's a completely different face.

That face was very unfamiliar and very young. The average life span of human beings is 150 years old. Many people are still in college at the age of thirty. The young doctor is already one of the top talents in the country. Compared with the thirty-eight-year-old him, he is even more... How much younger are you

The unfamiliar face made Yun Ruifeng hesitate. However, when he saw the little doctor frowning and sleeping uneasily like a little emperor, he couldn't help but reach out to smooth Shen Zhiwei's brow. Not only did his actions not wake up Shen Zhiwei, but actually made him sleep deeper. The little doctor, whose brow was smoothed, looked much more comfortable. He rubbed his cheek against Yun Ruifeng's hand, extremely well-behaved.

Yun Ruifeng was stunned. After a long time, he said in a low voice: "...I'm sorry..."

When had his little emperor ever had trouble sleeping? Shen Junrui has a clear conscience. He employs people without suspicion and uses them without suspicion. He is always open and honest. When dealing with restless ministers in the court, he has always been a conspiracy that cannot be refuted. He is upright and aboveboard and never does anything wrong. He sleeps until dawn at night and rarely feels uneasy.

On the other hand, Yun Ruifeng himself, when he didn't have an intimate relationship, felt as if grass had grown in his heart every time he slept with the little emperor in the same bed. He always couldn't sleep peacefully, and he kept turning over and over, wanting to touch the little emperor.

Why is Shen Zhiwei unable to sleep comfortably despite being so exhausted

Unless he hasn't slept well in these years.

Because he no longer had the person who made him feel at ease beside his pillow, he missed her unbearably and frowned all night long. Emperor Jing Ren knew that he needed to sleep. Without a healthy body, he would not be able to withstand the heavy political affairs every day, so even if he couldn't sleep well, he still forced himself to fall asleep.

This is a person who is demanding of himself from the inside out. He never exposes his weaknesses to others and never indulges his emotions to affect his work.

This was the case for Emperor Jing Ren in the past, and it is also the case for Dr. Shen now.

How much spirit and perseverance do you need to immediately enter the state of Dr. Shen to lead the design of a program and save a person after just seventeen years of being an emperor? Thinking of the words I heard before, "Father", "I", "General Xiao"... the young doctor had a hard time adapting.

While looking at Shen Zhiwei's sleeping face, he was thinking about the past, present and future. Gradually, the face in his memory merged with Shen Zhiwei's. They were both the same person, with the same character and the same personality. A strong, brave and responsible little doctor who also suppresses his emotions and does not act willfully. He is an extremely well-behaved little doctor.

Even though the appearance has changed, the soul remains the same, whether it is the little emperor or the little doctor, they are all his lifelong lovers.

The more he looked at Shen Zhiwei's face, the more he liked it. Yun Ruifeng couldn't help but lower his head and pecked Dr. Shen's lips. Just like in his memory, Shen Zhiwei's lips clicked after being kissed secretly, and he turned over and continued to sleep.

In the past, when the queen first fell in love with Emperor Jing Ren, she would often sneak up on him while he was sleeping. At that time, the little emperor did the same, clicking his lips, turning over and continuing to sleep.

That is an incredible amount of trust and love for oneself.

Dr. Shen's bed is large enough for two people to lie down. Yun Ruifeng, who had been in the game for many years, had just woken up and was very tired. It just so happened that the little doctor was by his side, and the two of them had to sleep together in the real world.

He stretched out his arms and held Shen Zhiwei in his arms. Sure enough, the little doctor obediently leaned his head in his arms, just like before.

It was so good that he was in his arms; it was so good that he didn't have to think about whether they had a future; it was so good that they had the present at all times.

It's great to be under the same sky as you.

Yun Ruifeng hugged Shen Zhiwei and fell into sweet sleep.

After sleeping for too long, Shen Zhiwei woke up with a little hypoglycemia. When he opened his eyes, he felt that his eyes were completely dark. He lay quietly for a while before slowly recovering.

He needs to eat something.

But when he thought about the nutritious meals cooked in the imperial dining room... kitchen, he felt a headache. Dr. Shen's memory told him that the world is like this. For convenience, speed, and nutrition, cooking has changed from manual to mechanical, and the use of human resources is more inclined to the development of the brain rather than the use of pure physical strength. Of course, high-end restaurants still have hand-cooked dishes, but you can't eat them in the cafeteria of a large company like theirs.

Of course Shen Zhiwei is rich. Just one of his patents can last him a lifetime. But in this fast-food world, everyone is busy with work and has no time to cook for themselves, which is a waste of time and energy.

Do you want to eat glutinous rice for the rest of your life? Shen Zhiwei let out a long sigh. He reached for the beeper, resigned to asking for another tube of paste from the kitchen.

Unexpectedly, when he reached out and touched it, he actually touched a lively and strong body next to him.

If it had been anyone else, they would have jumped up in fear. But Dr. Shen had such a memory. During the days when he and the Queen fell in love, even if he sometimes was bothered by the Queen and didn't want to go to Qifeng Hall to sleep, and he stayed at Zichen Hall at night, the Queen would come over and lie next to him. Shen Zhiwei was used to the feeling of having someone lying next to her every morning.

Whether in reality or in the game, Yun Ruifeng uses his own face and body, and there is no sense of violation in either the game or reality. Shen Zhiwei pushed him smoothly. When he saw the man opened his eyes in a daze, he frowned and said, "Who allowed you to sleep in my bed?"

Yun Ruifeng was still half asleep, but when he heard Shen Zhiwei say this, he laughed out loud: "Pfft! Your Majesty, I am your queen, so naturally I have to serve you when you go to bed."

Without the "poof", all the questions and answers would be the same as in the game, but with the addition of the "poof", Shen Zhiwei became a little irritated.

Unlike other people's anger, Shen Zhiwei's anger was always calm. He just climbed out of the bed, looked at Yun Ruifeng from above for a while, and then pressed the pager in front of the bed.

"Hello Dr. Shen, I'm Xiao Li at the front desk. How can I help you?"

"First, send me a nutritious meal without any flavoring additives; second, an assassin breaks into my dormitory, call the guards!"

Xiao Li: "...I'm sorry, doctor, can you repeat your second request?"

Shen Zhiwei's cheeks were slightly red. Just when he was about to say it again in the language of modern society, Yun Ruifeng said quickly: "Second, I am Major General Yun Ruifeng. I am talking to him in the doctor's room. Please give me a gift." A nutritious meal without any additives.”

Xiao Li: "Okay, Major General Yun, two nutritious meals will be delivered right away."

Yun Ruifeng turned off the pager, grabbed Shen Zhiwei's hand and said softly: "It was my fault. You have completely absorbed the game data, and now it is difficult to adapt to two memories. I know you are also working hard. , I shouldn’t laugh at you.”

Shen Zhiwei was not an unreasonable person. After hearing what Yun Ruifeng said, his face became less red and he laughed angrily, but he still maintained a cold attitude and said: "Who allowed you to enter my... my room without permission? when did you come?"

"He came after the examination. As for who is accurate... isn't it your Majesty?" Yun Ruifeng put his forehead on Emperor Jing Ren's forehead and said close to him, "I and your Majesty are husband and wife. Your Majesty once said There is no need for concubines to be restricted.”

Shen Zhiwei: "... The nutritious meal has arrived. Go get it."

Knowing that the little emperor would definitely not follow him so quickly, Yun Ruifeng felt a little disappointed, but he was still very happy. He walked to the door to get the nutritious meal. The person delivering nutritious meals was Dr. Shen’s personal assistant. The person who opened the door was Major General Yun, disheveled and with messy hair. The room was in night mode, with only a very dim light. Dr. Shen was lazily sleeping on the bed. Sitting there, he was also disheveled.

The personal assistant, who felt that he had noticed something secret, said nothing, handed the nutritious meal to Major General Yun, and left knowingly.

Yun Ruifeng was very satisfied with his attitude, walked to the bed and handed one of the nutritious meals to Shen Zhiwei.

Shen Zhiwei frowned slightly when he took the nutritious meal. His movements were so light that no one who had eaten or worked with him these days noticed it. However, Yun Ruifeng, who was used to observing Shen Zhiwei's feelings all the time, suddenly I noticed his displeasure.

"It tastes terrible." Yun Ruifeng took a sip of the nutrient solution and found that he was a little uncomfortable with the taste.

Shen Zhiwei didn't say anything, he ate silently and endured it silently.

Yun Ruifeng looked a little distressed, the little emperor was such a person. When he was in Mobei, he advanced and retreated with the soldiers and civilians. He was obviously a delicate and noble little emperor, but like the Mobei soldiers, he had to drink cold water and eat large cakes that were too hard to bite, leaving fine grains and meat to the old and weak. Women, children and those who are sick or injured eat it.

Obviously he can enjoy the best treatment in the world, but he doesn't choose anything.

"I can't stand this smell for a day," Yun Ruifeng said, "I'm going to learn how to cook, and I'll cook it for you every day from now on."

Shen Zhiwei had already finished sucking a tube of nutritious paste. When he heard what Yun Ruifeng said, he paused his hand slightly, and then said calmly: "Major General Yun is the youngest general in the country. How can he not go to the front line?"

"I submitted an application before I came to your room," Yun Ruifeng said seriously, "Dr. Shen is the country's most powerful brain, and his safety deserves an army of troops to protect him. I applied to be the captain of Dr. Shen's escort team. Protect Dr. Shen.”

Dr. Shen looked at Yun Ruifeng quietly and said: "A soldier can only protect his family and country on the battlefield and be promoted to a noble rank. Being a person's bodyguard basically cuts off all avenues for promotion."

"Now is a time of peace. There are not so many battles to fight. Even if I retreat to the second line, it will not have an impact on the war. To put it bluntly, if there is a war one day, I will still go to the battlefield. But not now." Yun Ruifeng smiled, "As for promotion, those things are not important to me. I have a new mission and belief now."

Yun Ruifeng looked at Shen Zhiwei seriously and said, "Shen Zhiwei is my faith. Being with you for the rest of my life is my greatest happiness."