Something’s Not Right

Chapter 6


Yan Xu was on duty today. After receiving the summons, he quickly rushed to the imperial study. He was led in by Eunuch Lian, and saw Emperor Jingren angrily throwing the results of the Jinyiwei's previous investigation in his face.

"More than a dozen palace guards couldn't stop a powerless palace maid. If this woman had strong martial arts skills, it would be fine. Unfortunately, the Jinyiwei confirmed twice that this palace maid had no martial arts skills at all. So my palace guards couldn't even stop a palace maid. How can you be the commander of the imperial guards?"

Emperor Jingren was furious. This matter had been weird from the beginning, and now thinking about it made him even more scared. A palace maid could rush to the emperor so easily. Were the palace guards made of paper? If all the imperial guards were like those dozen people, could it be said that the palace that he had always thought was heavily guarded was actually a street or alley in the capital city that could be seen everywhere by others, and they could come and go as they pleased

Emperor Jingren couldn't just let it go, but no matter how he investigated the palace maids and the dozen guards, he couldn't find any clues. If he attributed it to coincidence, and such a coincidence happened again, would his country be in danger

Yan Xu knelt on his knees and looked at the contents of the report with a wry smile. He put his head on the ground and replied, "Your Majesty, this matter... is indeed such a coincidence."

It should have been like this at the time. Su Huailing rushed over, and just as the first guard was about to stop her, she slipped and fell, rolling past the first guard's feet. The second guard rushed over to stop Su Huailing, but unexpectedly kicked Su Huailing while she was rolling. The force of this kick was quite clever, not only did it not hurt Su Huailing, but it helped her, and she rolled past more than a dozen guards and seven or eight eunuchs all the way to the feet of Emperor Jingren.

Su Huailing was actually injured from rolling around like this, but she climbed up tenaciously with her tenacity and tried hard to kneel in front of Emperor Jingren. However, because her movements were difficult, it looked like she was about to pounce on Emperor Jingren. The imperial guards behind her couldn't catch up, and a guard who was good at hidden weapons immediately threw the stone in his hand at Su Huailing's back. Su Huailing was going to kneel down, but after being hit by the stone, she couldn't help but pounce forward.

The guard used his inner strength in a hurry, and Su Huailing was pushed by the stone and fell on Emperor Jingren. The impact of the stone knocked Emperor Jingren down heavily.

What was even more coincidental was that Emperor Jingren was standing on the steps, and when he fell down, his head hit the hard edge, and the place that hit was exactly the most vulnerable part of the head, so that even with the protection of everyone, he was still seriously injured.

On the other hand, Su Huailing fell, but not too hard. She was kicked, but she rolled over, and the kicking force was almost gone. The hidden weapon should have injured her internal organs, but she bumped into Emperor Jingren, and the fall of Emperor Jingren dissolved most of the internal force on the stone. After Emperor Jingren fell, the road surface under him cracked, and you can imagine how much internal force was attached to the stone. But none of this internal force hit Su Huailing, part of it was removed by Emperor Jingren, and most of the rest was borne by the ground.

In the end, Emperor Jingren suffered a severe head injury and fell into a coma, while Su Huailing only had a few scratches on his body from rolling around, and there was no scar at all.

Emperor Jingren: “…”

He simply didn't believe this incredible survey result!

But Yan Xu knelt on the ground and guaranteed with his own head that this was the truth of the matter.

"I think that Su Huailing... might be a person with extremely good innate luck, which is why she is in such a situation. Even the eunuch she wanted to plead for mercy is now imprisoned for being involved in the case, and has not been beaten to death..." Yan Xu explained to Emperor Jingren with difficulty.

Emperor Jingren: "... So what you mean is that Su Huailing achieved his goal despite being obstructed, which is a very good fortune; and I was in the safest place, but was injured, which is a very bad luck?"

"I dare not!" Yan Xu kowtowed vigorously and said loudly, "But I and my subordinates have been investigating for several days and nights without sleep, and no matter how hard we investigate, we can only find this result. Your Majesty, eliminate all the impossible, and the remaining one, no matter how unbelievable it is, can only be the truth!"

After hearing this, Eunuch Lian, who was serving on the side, raised his old eyelids slightly and looked at Yan Xu who was kneeling on the ground, and pulled the skin of the corner of his mouth almost imperceptibly. Eunuch Lian glanced at Emperor Jingren with his peripheral vision, and seeing that he had no reaction to this, he lowered his head with peace of mind.

Emperor Jingren did not speak, but looked coldly at Yan Xu who was kneeling on the ground. Yan Xu had lowered his head since he entered the room, and he had not seen Yan Xu's appearance or his expression until now.

Sometimes you need to tell whether a person is telling the truth by looking at his facial expression.

"Stand up." Emperor Jingren slowed down his tone, as if he accepted this statement.

Yan Xu stood up, and his tense muscles obviously relaxed a lot.

"Whether a person is lucky for a short time or lucky for a lifetime is two different things." Emperor Jingren said, "Which one do you think Su Huailing belongs to? Look up and look me in the eye."

"Probably... the latter." Yan Xu raised his head, his tone a little hesitant. From his expression, he was very sure that Su Huailing's fortune would be smooth throughout her life. His eyes were very firm, and he was sure of what he said.

"Oh?" Emperor Jingren raised his eyebrows, "Why are you so sure, my dear?"

"This..." Yan Xu thought for a moment before saying, "When the Jinyiwei investigated Su Huailing's background, they found a lot of unknown things. They found that although this woman often faced danger, she was always able to turn it into safety. Sometimes it was due to the times, and sometimes it was incredible like this time. Judging from her experience, it would be enough for an ordinary person to die a thousand times, but she is still safe and sound until now. It can only be attributed to good luck."

Seeing his square face full of confidence, Emperor Jingren couldn't help but think about the possibility of this matter.

If the truth is as Yan Xu said, then Su Huailing cannot be moved for the time being. If there is really someone in this world with such good fortune, there are too many places for an emperor to take advantage of.

Emperor Jingren was a pure emperor. He did not have too many personal thoughts, but was wholeheartedly concerned about the country. A selfish emperor might seem to be more tolerant, but this tolerance is sometimes not a good thing for the country and the people. An emperor who has no selfishness and only cares about the country is good for the people, but seems ruthless to the people in the harem.

He would ignore the most charming concubines. No matter how beautiful or talented a woman was, she would not receive any special favor from him. Just like Emperor Jingren in the harem, except for the queen, the other concubines were not worthy of his attention.

If some curious emperors had heard about Su Huailing's strange physique, some might have used cruel means to test whether Su Huailing was really so magical; some would have summoned her in person, and after finding out that Su Huailing really had no ill intentions, they would have forgiven her.

But Emperor Jingren was not one of these people. The first thing he thought of was testing, and the second was taking advantage.

"Since this palace maid has nothing to do with it and it's all just a coincidence, there's no need to keep her in the Heavenly Prison. But she didn't follow the palace rules after all, so transfer her to the cold palace along with the eunuch who...she begged for mercy, and reduce their treatment by half." Emperor Jingren said.

The cold palace is the most terrifying place in the palace.

In the palace, even the most tiring laundry department has the possibility of getting some benefits, while those in the cold palace not only have no chance of getting ahead, but their lives are also in danger at any time and anywhere.

There lived a group of concubines and palace maids who had made mistakes. Their allowances would be deducted by various departments. People there might not have hot meals for several months, and they might not have new clothes for several years. The most terrifying thing was that people often disappeared there, they might be palace maids and eunuchs, or concubines who had gone crazy. Some of these missing people were found dead in dry wells, while others never saw the light of day again.

Whether Su Huailing has good fortune can probably be best seen in the cold palace.

"Send two people to keep an eye on Su Huailing and report everything she encounters every day in great detail. But don't take any action. You don't have to worry about her even if she dies. Just watch her." Emperor Jingren gave Yan Xu an extremely cruel order.