Something’s Not Right

Chapter 60: universe


Yun Ruifeng was reporting to Marshal Shen, and (mainly) confessed his feelings for Dr. Shen, telling Marshal Shen that he and the doctor had made a lifelong commitment in the game and that they must be together.

Marshal Shen looked at the application submitted by Yun Ruifeng and didn't know what to say. Shen Zhiwei is his child. This child is too smart. Originally, he just wanted him to be a scholar and do research with peace of mind. Who knew that when he was helping his partner company to make games, he created a holographic game, which made the military I saw the value of this holographic game. Originally, Shen Zhiwei had already negotiated with the military. After the game company's game development was completed and the contract expired, he would re-sign an agreement with the military to serve the military.

But just when the verbal negotiation was completed, something happened that Dr. Shen's spirit was trapped in the game. At the same time, the game company and the internal beta players have signed an agreement and handed over the helmets to the first batch of players. At this time, the military made the decision to let Yun Ruifeng pretend to be a player to rescue the doctor.

In the future, Shen Zhiwei will go to the military, which is definitely much more dangerous than working as a game designer in a company. It would be good to have someone willing to protect him. Yun Ruifeng is the youngest major general in the empire. He has performed many dangerous missions, and his force value and ability are first-rate. But if he becomes Shen Zhiwei's guard captain, it will represent Yun Ruifeng's future career...

Marshal Shen sighed and asked, "Have you made your decision?"

Yun Ruifeng saluted Marshal Shen: "Yes!"

"It's all about free love now. If Zhiwei is willing, then I have no objection." Marshal Shen nodded and said, Yun Ruifeng is his direct subordinate and the person he is most optimistic about. Such a person should be his son's partner. , he is still relieved.

These are all matters for young people, let them decide for themselves.

"Thank you Marshal!"

After Yun Ruifeng reported his work, Marshal Shen chatted with him about some things in the game. After hearing that Shen Zhiwei guessed that he was an NPC in the game, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh and said: "This kid, No matter how serious he is at all times, would it be nice if his shoulders could relax?"

Yun Ruifeng nodded. When he lowered his head, a message popped up on the personal terminal on his wrist. His expression changed, and he quickly pressed a few buttons on the personal terminal, as if he was chatting with someone.

While chatting, Yun Ruifeng suddenly slapped the table and said coldly: "Marshal, I have something to go out for."

His eyes were full of coldness, and his whole person was full of momentum. Marshal Shen was stunned. Before he could nod, Yun Ruifeng had already disappeared.

Yun Ruifeng hammered his chest hard as he walked. He almost said something like "I want to see what Yan Xu dares to do" in front of Marshal Shen just now, but fortunately he reacted suddenly.

It seems that it's not just the little doctor who needs to readapt to the real world, but also himself.

When I walked to Dr. Shen's office, I saw that Shen Zhiwei was still working.

Shen Zhiwei's door was open. From the corner of his eye, he saw Yun Ruifeng standing in front of the door. He put down what he was doing and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"It's okay," Yun Ruifeng shook his head, and the hard work in his heart gradually subsided, "I just feel that this scene just now is very familiar. You seem to be always working, and you don't know how to take a break during the game."

"No," Shen Zhiwei leaned back and relaxed on the chair, "I will take a break after finishing this project. When I am an emperor, I really don't have any time to rest."

It was rare to see him so relaxed. Yun Ruifeng walked up behind him, put his hand on his shoulder, and said softly: "Shall I rub your shoulder for you? I usually fall and beat a lot in training, and I often massage my body. The technology is pretty good.”

Shen Zhi slightly raised his head and looked up at Yun Ruifeng for a while, then suddenly said: "It's accurate."

Yun Ruifeng also smiled. He knew that Shen Zhiwei said something wrong on purpose.

The palms of her hands pressed lightly on Shen Zhiwei's shoulders, and waves of numbness spread from her shoulders throughout her body. Shen Zhiwei had been working all morning and was indeed a little tired. Now that someone was massaging her, she quietly closed her eyes and enjoyed it.

The person behind him is someone he can trust completely. Whether it is in a game or in this strange reality, he can close his eyes safely in front of this person.

The palm massaging the shoulders slid from the shoulders to the waist, and a soft lips gently pressed on Shen Zhiwei's face.

Shen Zhiwei didn't open his eyes, but the man became more and more aggressive, putting his hands into his clothes and pressing his lips against Shen Zhiwei's lips.

"Your Majesty," Yun Ruifeng whispered while pressing Shen Zhiwei's lips, "I know you have reached an agreement with the military department, but you must rest when it's time to rest. After the company's project is over, we will go on a trip. Get married, no one can deny marriage leave.”

Shen Zhiwei opened his eyes. The queen's always calm eyes were full of expectation. He really rarely asked for anything.

Yun Ruifeng's face, which had not changed even in the game, reminded Shen Zhiwei of their previous quarrels, and nodded: "It's really good not to have to worry about heirs anymore. I can stay with the queen now."

Yun Ruifeng's eyes lit up, he picked him up from the chair, walked to the lounge in the office, and said: "Doctor, don't think about work, I want to confuse your majesty, so that the king will not go to court early from now on. "

After saying that, he closed the door. Five minutes before his afternoon appointment with player No. 9, the door to Dr. Shen's lounge opened.

Shen Zhiwei's expression remained unchanged, his clothes were neatly dressed, his hair was slightly damp, and there was still a blush in the corners of his eyes that did not dissipate.

Yun Ruifeng's hair was also wet. He stood behind Dr. Shen with a serious look on his face. He had already begun to perform escort work before he took up his post.

Player No. 9 was brought into Dr. Shen's office by his assistant on time and sat opposite Dr. Shen. Before he sat down, he caught sight of the tall Yun Ruifeng. He was stunned and sat down on the ground.

"Emperor, emperor, queen!" Player No. 9 stammered, pointing at Yun Ruifeng and said, "You, you, why are you here?"

Yun Ruifeng's expression remained unchanged. He was now Dr. Shen's personal bodyguard. He was not allowed to speak or make radical actions during the conversation with the player. This was what Dr. Shen ordered him with a red face when he was licking... at noon.

"Mr. Yun is one of the company's internal testers. Have you seen him in the game?" Shen Zhiwei asked calmly without changing his expression.

Player No. 9 swallowed hard, awkwardly climbed up and sat on the chair, and reluctantly said: "No, not familiar."

"That shouldn't affect our conversation," Shen Zhiwei naturally stopped Player No. 9's intention to invite Yun Ruifeng out, and said straight to the point, "You left a message in the closed beta test, I hope Block out all your feelings when you’re being tortured, right?”

"That's right!" Player No. 9's gaze was immediately diverted. He couldn't help but think of his experience in the game again, and said with a blue face, "That would be too scary!"

"We can consider your opinion. In the same way, please answer me a question as a player. In that situation... I mean when you had close contact with the target of the strategy, you used props at that time. So if no one stopped you, would you really do something about the strategy goal? Please answer my question seriously, this is very important for future game development." Dr. Shen said seriously.

"This..." Player No. 9 lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Okay, I understand." Dr. Shen nodded.

"Eh?" Player No. 9 was stunned. What on earth do you know

Dr. Shen said: "The fact that you did not answer my question directly means that you have reservations about this issue. In other words, you actually had evil thoughts about the goal of the strategy at that time, but you yourself also believed that this kind of thing was wrong. ,Yeah?"

"Uh..." Player No. 9 nodded and said, "I originally found out that I had no hope of conquering the enemy, and could not even keep my official position, so I did it because I wanted to make a profit. Originally, I didn't want anything to happen to the NPC. I just used incense. But then... that little emperor was really my favorite, and I just wanted to take advantage of him... But later when I returned to the real world, I felt that my thoughts at the time were quite scary. "

"That's right," Dr. Shen continued, "When I first designed the game prop Meng Huixiang, I had two purposes, one of which was to protect the player's moral bottom line. The holographic game is too real, and once you do it in the game If you do things that you usually don’t dare to think about or do, you may not be able to distinguish the reality of the game in the future.”

"Yes, yes." Player No. 9's expression was a little scared.

"Thank you for your cooperation," Shen Zhiwei smiled. "Your experience has provided valuable treatment for our research. We will definitely improve the game. When it is fully opened in the future, I hope you will not give up on this game."

"Of course I won't give up!" Player No. 9 said, "I have never encountered such a fun game before, but I was tortured later... It was actually quite exciting, hehe..."

Shen Zhi smiled and invited Player No. 9 out of the office.

Yun Ruifeng immediately closed the door and asked, "What on earth do you want to find this guy for?"

"Make sure he is really a person who will cross the bottom line," Shen Zhiwei said, "Now I am sure that he will not. When he returns to reality, he will be afraid of what happened before, which means he realizes My own fault. I... I just want to give myself an explanation."

Yun Ruifeng understood that when Shen Zhiwei was trying to adapt to Emperor Jing Ren's memories, he actually did not choose to give up these memories completely, but chose to absorb them completely.

He does not intend to deny his past in the game world. Even if he knows that it is illusory, he regards it as his real life.

Sometimes calling yourself "I" is not because you cannot adapt to this world, but because you don't forget the other world.

Everything he experienced there, including memories, emotions, and time, became a part of himself. He was Emperor Jing Ren and Shen Zhiwei.

"Actually, we can do this," Yun Ruifeng lowered his head and kissed Shen Zhiwei's cheek and suggested, "When we get along in private, you are still my majesty and I am still your queen. How about that?"