Something’s Not Right

Chapter 63: Sad money hair


The old Zhenbei Marquis Xiao Jinshu actually just came to His Highness King Jing to ask for a word, so that his grandson would give up. Who was Chunhua? How could he really listen to Xiao Hongjian and meet a maid who was King Jing's first wife? It was neither emotionally nor rationally appropriate. And no matter how much Xiao Hongjian praised Chunhua, Xiao Jinshu would only feel angry that he compared a common roommate with Xiao Jinyi.

That year, Xiao Jinyi stood alone outside the city of Mobei and faced off against the herdsman army. He severely wounded Hu Yanxi with one sword and blocked an army of hundreds of thousands. Who can compare with such a person, who dares to compare.

Xiao Jinshu, who came to Prince Jing's Mansion with this idea in his mind, was stunned when he first saw Chunhua, the tea maid.

Chunhua wears ordinary blue clothes. This clothes is actually a bit too plain for a woman, and she looks like a man. Chunhua's headdress is also very simple. It is just a simple hairpin that ties her hair up high, which is very refreshing and elegant.

His expression was indifferent, and he was not timid at all when he saw someone like Lao Zhenbeihou. After Xiao Jinshu saw him, when Chunhua served him tea, he couldn't help but let out murderous intent. Xiao Jinshu fought on the battlefield all the year round. Even if he was just a military advisor, the murderous intent released by Xiao Jinshu was not something that ordinary maids could withstand. There used to be some dandy boys without eyes who were frightened to the point of peeing under Xiao Jinshu's murderous intent.

However, Chunhua remained calm despite Xiao Jinshu's murderous intent. He placed the tea cup steadily on the table, bowed gently to the old Zhenbei Marquis and was about to leave, but Xiao Jinshu grabbed his wrist.

What a... What a big wrist! Xiao Jinshu's palms covered with age spots caressed Chunhua's wrists. He pressed his fingers on Chunhua's veins, feeling the deep internal power hidden in the heart veins.

"...You have deep inner strength. Have you been practicing martial arts since you were a child?" Xiao Jinshu asked the first question after arriving at Prince Jing's Mansion.

Even if Xiao Jinshu is the old Zhenbei Marquis and the uncle of His Majesty, it is quite rude to say nothing in front of King Jing, who is very likely to become the future emperor, and instead pay attention to a maid. However, King Jing didn't care, and Xiao Jinshu was in no mood to care. He just wanted to take a good look at the girl in front of him.

"This slave has never practiced martial arts before entering the palace. After entering the palace, the prince gave the slave a book of internal skills and mental methods for her to practice diligently. She has been practicing for more than half a year now." Chunhua replied with a low eyebrow.

When he answered, he couldn't help but secretly glared at King Jing's vamp. He was given such an identity, but his body data was Yun Ruifeng's own. Yun Ruifeng has been practicing ancient martial arts since he was a child, and his internal strength is so deep that he can feel it when he touches his pulse and cannot hide it at all. Forget it, when Xiao Jinshu asked questions, King Jing didn't even try to help him cover it up. It was up to Chunhua to come up with her own reasons.

"Only half a year?" Xiao Jinshu's expression was no longer surprised, but horrified. This was simply impossible.

Only then did King Jing slowly speak: "The old Marquis seems to be very interested in me, this maid?"

After he spoke like this, Xiao Jinshu, an old man, couldn't hold the girl's hand anymore, so he had to let go with regret, cupped his hands to King Jing and said: "I see that this girl has excellent bones and is a good aptitude for martial arts. I couldn't help but feel the love for talent, so I felt that this girl was a good candidate for martial arts, so he asked her to practice internal strength, right?"

"That's not the case," King Jing said calmly, "I discovered that this maid seemed to have an innate Qi hidden in her body, so he randomly found a book of internal energy and mental techniques that could be found everywhere on the street and gave him practice, hoping to see if he could Can it stimulate the innate Qi in his body? As expected, his internal strength is already far beyond that of ordinary people after only a few months of training."

"You are so innate!" Xiao Jinshu's expression became even more complicated.

You know, before King Jing came to this world, he added a lot of settings to the deceased queen, such as why the queen was so good at martial arts. King Jing perfected it to mean that some people are born with innate innocence. Such people , if you just practice some mental techniques, your inner strength will be extremely high. This is due to your innate true energy. Xiao Jinyi is a person with innate innocence. How else to explain that he married into the imperial city at a young age, but his martial arts skills are far superior to those of his other brothers

Hu Yanxi naturally does the same, so is the skill of the two of them so strong that it goes beyond the scope of this world

Innate True Qi is a legendary physique that is rare to find in a thousand years, even rarer than Qian Tan Snow Lotus. Xiao Jinyi has it, and this maid who looks exactly like Xiao Jinyi also has it...

Could this be God's will

Xiao Jinshu has been on the battlefield all year round, with countless lives on his hands, and he never believes in ghosts and gods. But after seeing Chun Hua, or in other words, after seeing Chun Hua and King Jing, he believed it again.

The same two faces as Emperor Jing Ren and Xiao Jinyi were in front of him, as if after decades, the years had turned around and brought these two people in front of him again.

Xiao Jinshu suddenly remembered the reason why he came, the woman Xiao Hongjian liked, and Xiao Hongjian said that that woman was the one he had ever seen, the most similar to Queen Xiao...

This is more than just a resemblance to Xiao, this is basically the fact that Queen Xiao is still alive! And he went round and round again, still being with Emperor Jing Ren back then, as if they had been in love forever.

Xiao Jinshu looked at Chunhua and showed a relieved smile. He said: "This kid Hongjian told me that he saw a peerless woman. There is no one else in the world who is as fascinating as this woman. I just thought he was talking nonsense. But after meeting you, I realized that the truth is There really is a woman like you in the world. Come here, my child, and tell me what your name is?"

"Slave Chunhua." Chunhua suppressed the twitching in her heart and replied.

"The name Chunhua..." Xiao Jinshu's face twitched when he heard the name. He really couldn't accept that such a heroic woman would be called such a tacky name.

He originally wanted to change Chunhua's name directly, but suddenly he remembered that he was still in Prince Jing's Mansion, and Chunhua was still Prince Jing's maid, so he said to Prince Jing: "Your Highness, this girl has really good bones and is a rare general." The old minister thought Bring him to Mobei to join the army. With such skills, he should protect his family and the country, and should not be buried in this deep compound. "

King Jing, who had always been ignored by Xiao Jinshu as a wallflower, raised his eyebrows slightly. He waved to Chunhua slightly and called her to stand behind him. Then he said to Xiao Jinshu: "This is not possible. This maid is my favorite wife. , I don’t want him to be too far away from me.”

While speaking, he gently stroked Chunhua's wrist that had just been touched by the old Zhen Beihou, looking very possessive.

Xiao Jinshu was hurt by King Jing's words.

Such a woman, such a brave woman like Xiao Jinyi's reincarnation, was actually tried by King Jing to be a bed-warming maid, or just a roommate? King Jing will marry a concubine sooner or later. If he marries a noble girl, some families with big rules will dispose of all the original wives. Will Chunhua be allowed to be...

Xiao Jinshu couldn't imagine the consequences at all!

If they were just similar in appearance, Xiao Jinshu could still say that it is easy to find two people who look similar in the world. But you are so angry! The same innate innocence as Empress Xiao, a physique that was rare to encounter in the ages, and he actually encountered three of them in his lifetime!

The appearance, temperament and innate innocence made Xiao Jinshu completely sure that Chunhua was the reincarnation of his sister. For a time, all his feelings for Xiao Jinyi were focused on Chunhua. How could Xiao Jinshu watch his sister only have sex with her!

It would be better to let Chunhua marry that boy Hong Jian. In this case, Chunhua would still be a member of their Xiao family.

"Your Highness," Xiao Jinshu stood up, saluted King Jing solemnly, and said, "I have an unkind request."

Prince Jing pinched Chunhua's wrist and smiled and said: "If you still want Chunhua, then I won't accept it. In terms of seniority, I would like to call the Marquis my uncle, but even though the Marquis is the elder, it's not easy to control him." It’s about the junior room.”

What he said was reasonable, but his words and actions reeked of scum.

Xiao Jinshu's words were stuck in King Jing's throat. He looked at Chunhua, who had indifferent features and eyes. Chunhua kept looking at King Jing, as if her heart and eyes were full of King Jing. Such a look made Xiao Jinshu heartbroken.

Yes, the relationship between the emperor and the empress was so good. With her sister's deep love for the late emperor and her unforgettable feelings of willing to die to save the late emperor, how could she be willing to separate from King Jing

The scene in front of him made the time and space in Xiao Jinshu's mind confused. He let out a long sigh and could only retreat and said: "Then please ask the prince to marry Chunhua, and swear that Chunhua will be the only one in this life and will never take concubines." Continue!”

Prince Jing frowned and said: "Old Marquis, such a request is a bit unreasonable, right? I am a royal relative, but Chunhua is just a little maid, and she is a slave. The deed of sale is in my hand. I want it." Even if the king likes Chunhua in his heart, it is impossible for your majesty to agree to marry a woman of this status. "

While King Jing was talking, Xiao Jinshu had been observing Chunhua. When Chunhua heard what King Jing said, there was a hint of hurt in her eyes, and Xiao Jinshu felt aggrieved that his sister had been bullied. Now that his sister is the only brother, he must make the decision for her!

The old Marquis of Zhenbei straightened his back and said to King Jing with a firm voice: "Your Highness just needs to remember what he said today. Your Majesty, I will leave it to the old minister to intercede! Your Highness will wait to receive the imperial edict!"

After saying that, Lao Zhenbeihou left the palace with anger and a promise to Chunhua.

Chunhua: “…”

King Jing only asked the palace manager to see off the guests, while he sat safely in his seat, drinking the tea made by Chunhua, and nodded in appreciation: "Chunhua's tea-making skills have also improved a lot."

Chunhua stared at King Jing for a while and couldn't help but said: "Does the prince want to take advantage of the old Zhen Beihou?"

King Jing raised his hand and found that he could only touch Chunhua's thigh, so he said: "Squat down."

Chunhua immediately squatted down, and King Jing reached out and took off the hairpin on his head, letting the long hair fall down. King Jing stretched out his hand to pick up Yi Yi's long hair and said with a smile: "Don't you want Chunhua to marry this king in a legitimate and legitimate manner?"

"Of course Chunhua wants to, but Chunhua has a low status and doesn't dare to think about it." Chunhua followed King Jing's words.

"But I don't want to marry anyone else except Chunhua." King Jing smiled and kissed Chunhua's long hair, and said softly, "Previous life, this life, the next life, the next life, no matter how many reincarnations, this king... I will only... I will marry Jinyi."

His kiss was so gentle, and his eyes were filled with countless deep feelings. Chunhua couldn't bear it any longer, and whispered, "The prince is offended," and then hugged Prince Jing from his seat.

Chunhua hugged King Jing tightly in her arms, lowered her head and kissed King Jing's lips, saying affectionately: "I am the same. No matter how many lives, I will accompany your majesty."

After saying that, he took King Jing directly to the inner room, where he made love during the day and continued until late at night. After hearing the news, King Jing rushed Chunhua to the big kitchen to practice her cooking skills...

Ever since the arrival of Marquis Zhenbei, the news about Chunhua being ignored by King Jing spread throughout the palace. Some people make sarcastic remarks to spring flowers, and some people make trouble to spring flowers. But most of them believe that Chunhua was favored and abandoned by King Jing because of her "beauty". They know that Chunhua is not the kind of person who clings to the powerful. Even though Chunhua was played by King Jing and lost her body, she was still willing to marry Chunhua.

Chunhua: “…”

It’s obviously King Jing who lost his virginity, okay

Of course, one person cannot be liked by everyone. There are still some people in the palace who want to fly on the branches and become phoenixes. They regard Chunhua as a thorn in their side. They have attacked Chunhua many times overtly and covertly, but Chunhua has dealt with them lightly. These people's methods are too simple, either poisoning or framing. Even Chunhua doesn't bother to pay attention to such small tricks. The person who had poisoned himself was poisoned, and the planted money appeared inexplicably in his room. These people were suppressed without even having to bother King Jing.

In this way, Chunhua managed to get rid of many of the powerful enemies in the palace who had ulterior motives for the prince. Soon, Chunhua took care of the palace like an iron bucket, and there was no one with ulterior motives anymore.

As for having to cook good food before moving back to Prince Jing's room, it's not a worry at all for Chunhua. If you are not in King Jing's room during the day, then go there at night. Anyway, he has innate energy and is a martial arts prodigy. He can fly around the palace at night without being discovered by the palace guards.

Just when Chunhua and King Jing were living a secret life, Xiao Jinshu, the old Zhenbei Marquis, really went out of his way to get Emperor Ning'an to grant a marriage to King Jing.

"Old Marquis, even if you say that the two of them are perfectly matched, I cannot allow a maid to marry Jingrui. This is against the rules." Emperor Ning'an was very polite to Xiao Jinshu. At first, he privately supported Xiao Jinshu as his uncle. Later, Xiao Jinshu stopped him. After all, there are differences between kings and ministers.

"Has your Majesty ever met Queen Xiao when she was young?" Xiao Jinshu asked.

"On the Empress Dowager's birthday, I followed my biological mother to visit Empress Xiao. She was really a goddess, unmatched by anyone." Emperor Ning'an was also a little old. When he mentioned Empress Xiao, he showed a nostalgic look, a glimpse of the past. , but now it has become a memory engraved in my mind. Queen Xiao’s appearance can never be forgotten.

"I dare to ask, my Majesty, does His Majesty always regard His Royal Highness King Jing as the reincarnation of the late emperor?" Xiao Jinshu asked again.

Any other emperor would be angry if this happened, but Emperor Ning'an was raised by Emperor Jingren himself after all, so he would not be angry at this level of speculation. In addition, Xiao Jinshu was not an outsider, so he nodded and admitted, "It's true, that child... Every time I see that child's face, I feel like I'm in another world."

"Then in my heart, Chun... that woman is the reincarnation of Queen Xiao." Xiao Jinshu said, "I have followed my father on the battlefield since I was a child. Before my legs were broken, I had 800 or not 1,000 lives on my hands. Later, This is especially true when you are a military advisor. A single plan can kill thousands of people. The veteran has countless lives on his hands, but he never believes in ghosts and gods. If there were really unjust souls in the world, the veteran's life would have been taken away long ago. But the moment I saw the woman, I believed it. In this world, there is probably a soul, and there is the so-called fate of three lives and three lives. This is the case with the late Emperor and the woman, and the same is true with the king."

He spoke so solemnly that even Emperor Ning'an couldn't even say that he was ridiculous.

Looking at Xiao Jinshu's sincere eyes and thinking of King Jing's eyebrows and eyes that were exactly the same as his father's, Emperor Ning'an had to say that reincarnation might really happen in this world. Emperor Jingren was the longing of Emperor Ning'an throughout his life. Because of this longing, he never granted a marriage to King Jing. In Emperor Ning'an's heart, no one in the world could be worthy of King Jing Shen Jingrui. Perhaps only a woman like Queen Xiao could stand beside King Jing.

Emperor Ning'an came back from his deep thoughts and saw Xiao Jinshu still looking at him firmly, and finally said: "At least, let me take a look at the woman first and then make a decision."

When he said this, he was relieved. Xiao Jinshu was overjoyed and immediately promised that he would bring Chunhua to see Emperor Ning'an.

Thinking of King Jing's casual attitude towards Chun Hua, Xiao Jinshu felt that it was impossible for King Jing to bring Chun Hua to see Emperor Ning'an. This matter would still have to fall on Xiao Hongjian.

So Xiao Hongjian ran to the kitchen of Prince Jing's Mansion to look for Chunhua.

As soon as he arrived in the kitchen, he threw Chunhua into the stove with one hand. The firewood seemed a little damp and the fire in the stove was not strong. Chunhua held the shovel with one hand and pointed the other hand at the mouth of the stove. Her inner power came out of her palm, and a gust of hot wind blew into the stove, and the fire immediately started to surge.

This way, both hands are busy and there is no way to shake the spoon. However, spring flowers are spring flowers after all. His hand pointed at the stove turned into fingers, and his inner strength was released through his fingertips like a sword energy, directly knocking the big pot up from the bottom of the stove.

I saw Chunhua holding the shovel steadily with one hand, and sometimes using the wind to stimulate the fire with the other hand, and sometimes holding the spoon with her fingers, the coordination was perfect.

In the blink of an eye, a dish with full color, flavor and flavor is ready.

After the dish was ready, Chunhua vomited her inner strength, and the big pot popped up, and the dish just poured into the plate next to it. Chunhua put down the big pot and exerted a little force on her hand, and the fire in the stove was immediately extinguished.

This series of movements flowed smoothly, without any gaps. After the dishes were done, Chunhua immediately put the plates into the food box next to her, picked up the food box and planned to take the food to King Jing.

"Chun Hua!" Xiao Hongjian rushed to Chun Hua and said with admiration, "Chun Hua, your skills are so beautiful."

Chunhua looked at him indifferently and said calmly: "It's still far behind the master."

Xiao Hongjian just thought he was being modest, and approached him and said in surprise: "Chunhua, you have been in the kitchen for so long, but you don't even smell the smoke at all! I only stayed for a while, and my whole body was full of the smell of oil smoke."

Naturally, there must be no smell of oil smoke, otherwise how could King Jing let himself get close. Chunhua thought secretly in her heart.

"Chunhua Chunhua, my grandfather said that you have innate true energy in your body and you are a martial arts wizard. Chunhua, you are so amazing!" Xiao Hongjian's playboy appearance completely disappeared, and his eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Chunhua.

"It's okay." Chunhua said lightly, not feeling that there was anything admirable about it at all.

"Chunhua, my grandfather said you are a rare and good woman, and I want to meet you alone." Xiao Hongjian obviously didn't know that Xiao Jinshu was trying to marry Chunhua to King Jing, and thought that his grandfather agreed with his opinion and wanted to marry Chunhua into the Xiao family. .

Chunhua, who was walking towards King Jing, stopped and asked, "Master Hou, you want to see me alone?"

"Exactly." Xiao Hongjian looked at Chunhua's sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and couldn't help but blush a little when he thought that his grandfather agreed.

"When?" Chunhua asked.


"Okay." Chunhua nodded, "I will go with you to see the old Marquis today."

He doesn't want to spend a day in the day when he wears a double-ringed bun, practices cooking skills in the kitchen, is ridiculed for climbing a high tree, and competes with a group of women for King Jing, so he would rather hurry up and become King Jing's concubine so that he can do it. Anyone who has crazy thoughts about King Jing should be driven away.

After delivering lunch to King Jing, Chunhua took a leave of absence and said she was going out in the afternoon. As for the reason, he didn't say it, but King Jing could definitely guess it.

"So soon..." King Jing touched Chunhua's double-ringed bun with regret on his face, "When you come back, put on an apron and show it to me. I probably won't have this opportunity in the future."

Chunhua: "... If the prince wants to see it, you can wear Chunhua as many times as you like."

"That's not necessary," King Jing said, "Chunhua is the cook now, and it is her duty and pleasure to wear the clothes of a cook. When Chunhua becomes the princess, she should be dignified and steady and can no longer cook. By then, my king I also want to see Chunhua wearing her wedding dress.”

The wedding period between Emperor Jing Ren and Xiao Jinyi was just a memory imposed on the character by the system. It was vague and unreal. King Jing could not call it a perfect wedding. This life was different. He wanted to give Chunhua and himself the grandest wedding, a wedding that would be blessed by everyone in the world.

After putting on the apron, she had to put on a red wedding dress... Chunhua no longer wanted to imagine how lethal this was to human eyes. Anyway, the people here were as blind as His Highness Prince Jing.

After saying goodbye to King Jing, Chunhua went back to her room, changed into men's clothes, took a horse in the house (for King Jing's exclusive use), and followed Xiao Hongjian out.

Xiao Hongjian also came on horseback. He originally wanted to ride a horse with Chunhua, but he was a little disappointed when Chunhua took the horse by himself. But after seeing Chunhua's men's clothes, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Chunhua, you look like this... so heroic and handsome!" Xiao Hongjian was full of praise and didn't think there was anything wrong with his adjectives.

Chunhua said calmly: "I understand, let's go to the Hou Mansion as soon as possible."

After saying that, he turned on his horse, his movements were strong and neat, and he was obviously a master of riding skills.

Xiao Hongjian followed Chunhua all the way, looking at his back, he felt that there was no one as beautiful as Chunhua.

Xiao Jinshu had the same idea. Seeing Chunhua in a smart outfit, he couldn't help but think of Xiao Jinyi on the battlefield. Outside Mobei City, one man was guarding the gate and ten thousand men were not allowed to open it. Decades later, Mobei was still being praised everywhere. Gong's story.

Seeing that Chunhua was about to kneel down and salute, Xiao Jinshu quickly grabbed Chunhua's arm with both hands and said: "Jin... Chunhua doesn't need to be polite, just treat it as your own home, just feel free to do whatever you want."

Chunhua stood up and sat down on the chair next to Xiao Jinshu casually, elegantly and without any hint of embarrassment. Xiao Hongjian looked at Chunhua with admiration and wanted to sit next to him, but Xiao Jinshu kicked him out directly. The old marquis wanted to chat with Chunhua alone.

"Chunhua, I regard you as one of my own, so I asked directly, do you want to be Princess Jing?" Xiao Jinshu asked.

"Of course I did," Chunhua said, "It's a pity that my servant is of low status and not worthy of His Highness Prince Jing."

"Just think about it." Xiao Jinshu looked at him and smiled kindly, "Slave Chunhua is not worthy of King Jing, but the granddaughter of Lord Zhenguo, Princess Chunhua, isn't she worthy?"

Chunhua: “…”

Princess Chunhua...can you stop being so perfunctory

Xiao Jinshu couldn't wait for a moment. After knowing Chunhua's thoughts, he took Chunhua directly into the palace to meet the emperor. The moment Emperor Ning'an saw Chunhua, he was speechless for a long time.

"Reincarnation is really a thing in this world?" Emperor Ning'an looked at Chunhua in a daze and said, "Chunhua, come here, let me take a good look at you."

Chunhua boldly stepped forward and looked up at the successor chosen by Emperor Jingren. Emperor Ning'an had worked hard for many years and was already very old. His eyebrows look very soft, but there is a touch of firmness that never fades. He is a tolerant and determined person. If you want to be a king who loves his people like a son, you must have a heart that can embrace all rivers; if you want to be a decisive king, you must have the determination to move forward bravely. With these two qualities, the rest is just a matter of good teaching.

The child the little emperor chose back then was really good.

"Years ago, I once met Queen Xiao from afar. Although my biological mother was a princess at that time, she was ridiculed by other princesses because of her humble background. At that time, Queen Xiao just looked at her and made everyone afraid to speak again. Emperor Ning'an recalled, "At that time, Queen Xiao stepped down from the seat and took my and the princess's hands to the seats. Although the hands were a little rough, they were big and safe."

Emperor Ning'an looked down at Chunhua's hands and continued: "At that time, I was thinking that this is what the mother of a country should be like. She may not be beautiful or gentle enough, but she must have a pair of hands that can tolerate the people of the world. These hands It doesn’t have to be smooth or small, but it must be firm and powerful, giving people the power to calm people’s hearts.”

"Ever since Empress Xiao shook hands that day, I will never forget those hands." Emperor Ning'an's eyes were full of nostalgia, "Empress Xiao is the most perfect woman in my heart. That day, the old Marquis came to tell me that there was a woman When I looked like Queen Xiao, I was still a little angry. Who dared to compare me to Queen Xiao? But when I saw you today, I was convinced, hahaha!"

Amid laughter, Emperor Ning'an put his hand on Chunhua's. Chunhua's hand was big and dark, and Emperor Ning'an's delicate hand looked a little small when he placed it on it. Chunhua clenched her fist slightly, as if Emperor Ning'an's hand was protected by him.

After laughing, Emperor Ning'an let out a long sigh: "I really envy Jingrui to have a woman like you by his side for the rest of his life."

"Come here, tell me my message. The daughter of the Xiao family is well-groomed and beautiful. I will make her Princess Chunhua and give her the title of Prince Jing in marriage."